
Systemic Failure Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"What you're describing is an apocalyptic failure of the multiple layers of fail-safe that are supposed to protect us from such things."
"The existing system was in utter disrepair. It was like a match to a pile of wood with gasoline poured on top of it, and the whole thing kind of really goes viral and takes off."
"If it's a matter of great concern and I'm mindful of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who makes sure to say it every few months, if it's a matter of great concern to the highest levels of power and wealth in the country, and yet it gets worse, it means the system is out of control."
"Judson was a child who was failed by the system."
"Trump's time will come and go, but I hope we understand that what happened here can never happen again because what happened here is not a few irregularities. What happened here is the system failed."
"I was really upset about what went on on Wall Street. That brought about the financial crisis, not only destroyed the finance, almost destroyed the financial system of the United States, almost destroyed the financial system of the world."
"The system has failed us, and we need to go and fix these problems."
"The system doesn't work; it is falling apart."
"It is not about being let down; it is a collapse."
"I'm not content with just doing a good job. I want to make a difference."
"We are literally disbelieving black women to death and that is appalling."
"The more we can get onboard with this type of diversity and bias training and acknowledgement that our system is failing certain minority groups, we can all do better."
"No system will work if the entire economy is closed down."
"The system, especially for economically disadvantaged kids, is broken."
"The deal that they made was so corrupt that they had to go to a special magistrate to sign off on it. And basically what that deal did is it exonerated everyone. It exonerated the procurers, it exonerated the perpetrators."
"We don't have remedies within the system... we need to seek remedies within ourselves."
"The system cannot be fixed, it can't be fixed guys."
"Nothing even begins to touch the level of failure on behalf of the DHS system like the case of Logan Marr does."
"An amazing across-the-board failure and no one who is paying attention could possibly look at a failure of all of those things and come away with the impression that anything small could possibly put us back on track."
"The system is completely broken; it makes very little sense."
"Injustice of America's rape kit backlog - why do we need a charity to get these kits processed when it's the literal job of the police to investigate crimes?"
"I mean, the system is broken from start to finish."
"I've had to flee my country, my home because of the ongoing threats and the lack of action from law enforcement."
"A school shooting represents a failure, in fact, it's a whole series of failures."
"Unfortunately, because there seems to be so much to this case that went wrong from the autopsy to the investigation to the alleged corruption and cover-ups in the Chicago PD, I doubt that this promise was upheld by many."
"So, when this house of cards will come crashing down, I think it's really important, you know, bottom line, to protect your family outside of the system."
"I don't see how at some point the lid wouldn't have been blown off this thing."
"I do feel incredibly betrayed by a broken system."
"When the system fails us as black people, it's an incredibly disappointing day and a reminder of the tremendous work that must be done to address the ways in which racism infects every aspect of policing, the criminal justice system, and our lives."
"It's just so sad and so broken that the people who are supposed to be there to help and it's their job and they've been professionally trained and hopefully gotten educations to do so just don't do it."
"The real problem here is that the education system is failing."
"The reality is the only reason we have Donald Trump as our president...is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Both left and right agree the current system isn't working for the people's interests."
"It frustrates me to know that people think the systems that enable this sort of fascist takeover are going to save them from it."
"What we have right now is not working, too many people are dying."
"Knock him out. Go around the system is my thing. The system didn't work. The system didn't work for me. It doesn't seem to work for a lot of people."
"You can't fix a broken system that wasn't whole to start with."
"If the bureau had stepped back, not focused on the endpoint, and taken in the whole picture during construction, then maybe they would have seen a dangerous situation they were creating."
"Culturally, that's a problem. But when we see cases like this where this is someone who attempted suicide and was not treated for that and put in a mental health facility... it's very clear."
"People are tired... the system does not work for them."
"Our systems are failing us in many, many ways, and while our systems are failing, people are being left to the wayside."
"The sheer depth of the abuse at Ubisoft, how it's baked so inextricably into the company's culture."
"Parents of the victims continued to grieve, accompanied by anger and frustration that this disaster could have been easily avoided if it weren't for the greed of the company and the lack of urgency for authorities to raise the ship before this."
"Society didn't just fail them it fundamentally showed flaws in a system that needs to change."
"I'm really tired of watching the US health system's failed response to this pandemic."
"This is the only solution to a system that's collapsing all around us."
"Capitalism failed as a system to prepare for a pandemic."
"There's been a nuclear war; class citizens can't even afford the luxury of escaping. A system that does not see them worthy enough to exist."
"This was a problem from lack of planning, lack of supervision, and lack of judicial review."
"When all the obvious alternatives are ignored, it's a sign of a system in very deep trouble."
"The financial crisis was not an accident. It was caused by an out-of-control industry."
"When these burst it's going to unleash an enormous amount of anger. People will feel like they were played by the system that they had intended to upend."
"The system has failed and the American dream has died."
"Feminism serves white supremacy—it is a failed system."
"Lawlessness, homelessness, substance abuse, and criminality."
"It is my opinion that the system completely failed in this case."
"Unfortunately, I do think that Gracie is the victim of horrible, horrible abuse and a horrible system that is in place and that she truly has suffered from all of this."
"There's been a huge failure in the system... to listen to patients."
"The evil was already committed when those in power allowed that man to become impoverished in the first place."
"We have to radically reform our education system in this country because it is failing kids and students."
"The system died in 2008, and QE was putting the system on life-support until they could reset it."
"There's a saying in the city that goes nothing gets solved here in Bardstown. That's horrible, God how depressing."
"Eventually you just need one of them to collapse and then the whole system will collapse, and you'll get to see some new stuff."
"The justice system in this country sucks because there's nobody in the justice system that has a [expletive] backbone."
"Children need resources, and once our system requires that children be collateral rather than loving expressions of our joy of life, we have a system that can't last."
"Both parties are pretty much corrupt, both of the system that we're currently sitting in is failing us."
"Failure was an intrinsic part of the system."
"The worse one gets, the more destabilized the other ones get and the greater the likelihood of escalation until you just have a system-wide collapse."
"I'm tired of these people scamming, cheating, and trying to get through the system while the rest of the poor and middle-class people get nothing but the middle finger."
"What is in process here, unlike 2008, which basically was a failure at the top, this is basically a bottom up failure, where it's going to be the regional banks and the community banks that are under massive pressure."
"When you erode justice and the rule of law, the entire system starts to fall apart."
"The disaster resulted from poor management systems and inadequate regulations."
"Capitalism lies at the core of the failure of this economic system."
"Where were the police in this, and how was this just ignored for literal decades?"
"Everything it touches turns to crap and the reason is because they don't understand how the machine of economics works, and that's it."
"Rwanda is a very beautiful country, we have a complicated history but we have such a beautiful beautiful present and we have a bright future." - Edmond
"A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect."
"The fact that we continuously see the same pattern over and over again shows that we have a failed system right now."
"How does something like this happen in the first place?"
"How many calls do we have to make to CAS? Does he have to die for you guys to do something?"
"What I see in BC right now is a system that is collapsing, and it's very tough to see because there's real human consequences to this."
"His death sparked an inquest into the abuses endured by these victims of the residential schools."
"The Matrix is breaking... The Matrix is glitching."
"The problem really is... the establishment... not capable of charting a new path."
"It took hundreds and hundreds of people to report Andy Kosher's abuse over years for them to finally do something."
"What happened here can never happen again because what happened here is not a few irregularities, what happened here is the system failed."
"So if you get out of this report lawful investigation with a few irregularities the rule of law in this country is dead."
"If a school is failing, why would you wanna leave your child there? It should fail, it should be closed."
"The existing system is going to fail miserably for our kids."
"This is a prime example of the horrors of what happens when police do not properly do their job."
"Imagine a world where you call for help repeatedly, submit legitimate criminal evidence, and you are still unable to find help."
"Lauren was failed by the system on so many levels by entities and people that should be there to protect her when she felt most vulnerable."
"The lack of staff, the lack of space, the lack of equipment, the lack of foresight, and the lack of action all contributed to a breeding ground for disaster."
"Do you believe in yourself or do you believe in the system? The system is failing."
"It's impossible for an economy to recover... when trickle-up economics siphons money out of the real economy."
"When one infrastructure system fails, it can cascade into a collapse of multiple systems."
"The inability to make harmony, to create immunity, to create resilience is basically at the root of the militaristic mind losing every war against life."
"Just a very unlucky woman whose healthcare system failed her."
"We have rising epidemics of misery, loneliness, drug addiction, and suicide — obviously something isn't working."
"The courts, the sheriffs, the governments, have told you in every certain way that they think that you are nothing more than worthless trash."
"For-profit prisons just don't work properly especially for the employees that work there."
"A disturbing example of unchecked child abuse, failures in the foster care and adoption system, and a society that doesn't value children enough to intervene on their behalf."
"We have found ourselves in a system that just can't survive under the conditions that are approaching."
"The old system just isn't cutting it anymore and unfortunately the trajectory of that is that it's just going to keep on getting worse and worse."
"Our infrastructure right now is fragile, poorly designed, and actively failing."
"The system is absolutely broken and does not work — is everyone starting to understand why I became a libertarian?"
"I hate that there's this fundamental breakdown in law enforcement and in criminal investigation."
"The system is designed to fail for these people."
"The coronavirus is not the culprit here... it's a system that couldn't anticipate, plan, or prepare."
"The system is rigged, the game is up, and everybody sees it now."
"The entire system has failed Mary's family...the least they could do now is not let the people who stole her life just go about their normal lives like nothing happened."
"This isn't just one bad actor, this isn't just one mistake, this is like a systemic approach which cannot be allowed to continue."
"There really are no words to describe it other than just pure shock. It is outrageous what went on in this. It is a system gone totally mad. It is a politicized, a weaponized system with no accountability or little accountability."
"When the system starts to break down, people lose faith in it."
"We are literally seeing these schools destroyed."
"Eventually, the system just kind of... blows up in terms of the monetary system."
"It costs us nothing to allow these artists to have hope and faith in a system that has treated them poorly."
"It's incredible how lazy they are, they're just like 'who cares, put her away, just murder her, let's move on.'"
"I got no faith in the system anymore," he said. "They seem to have every angle covered."
"Just having this huge cornerstone of how all of your economy works just be like a disaster area instead..."
"How many more are slipping through the net? How many more are they getting it wrong with?"
"This is not okay. You got to look at all of the systems that failed this African-American female victim."
"When you are the richest human being on the planet and your workers are forced to pee in bottles... demonstrates what a fundamental failure our capitalist system is."
"The justice system failed Crystal and may have failed other people."
"Kids are missing out on the education they deserve and need."
"I've lost my father and Here I am about to lose my mother supposed to be the justice system that it's just completely broken."
"The system is broken, and that's one of the reasons is because it's tied to a government institution."
"This is one of the best examples of systemic oppression and failure that I've seen in a long time."
"How many times do people have to die because of a lack of health insurance before you realize how stupid the system is?"
"This entire house of cards folks is collapsing."
"Another described how she was sent to a local hospital several times for suicidal thoughts and actions, yet her detention continued despite recommendations that she be sent home."
"The system is broken if someone steals from you, and the people supposed to protect us are killing us."
"Infrastructure is being targeted and failing."
"The crowd is not wrong, the system is not working, the current corporate structure is completely broken."
"It highlights how insanely broken the criminal justice system is and how little oversight there is."
"Any system that allows this to get through is serving no useful purpose."
"Most people who have ADHD are really suffering the failure of the system to deliver a suitably enriching environment."
"When you put a modern person in an ancient institution they will be destroyed, but once an institution starts destroying people, it's time to recognize there is something fundamentally wrong with that institution and not the people it destroys."
"Somehow some way, the system needs to protect children."
"If you could be this egregious and not get prosecuted, then there is no system."
"Why didn't CPS intervene sooner? It's possible that the family's wealth and race played a role."
"So many people failed this baby, everybody did - the teachers, the social workers, the police department."
"All of that energy is wasted on a system that is rigged completely and utterly undermined and has effectively disenfranchised you already."
"Everyone left because the system failed this particular person, but when the system works perfectly, then you would never leave."
"The Soviet system couldn't last. It was doomed. It was over. No one believed in it anymore."
"How we deal with this systemic failure in our thinking will define us as a civilization and determine our survival."
"Errors in healthcare are not just individual mistakes. They often stem from systemic failures that involve multiple healthcare professionals."
"The way you've been treated by our system of justice, and I talk about our system every night here, and I want to apologize on behalf of the whole system which absolutely let you down."
"The wire explored how systems fail people."
"What we've uncovered is a fouled system whose negligence caused America the lives of hundreds of its brave men in uniform."
"The failure to adequately investigate Mr. Haynes's death was not just an isolated misstep by one police station; it was evidence of a systemic failure by New South Wales police to handle indigenous deaths the same way as non-indigenous deaths."
"The system is broken effectively."
"Many people believed he was the victim of a system that let him down."
"It's been 60 years; there is not a single government or business that would survive for as long as the aid system has survived with this type of a record."
"Our lack of planning and resilience to handle systemic failures will continue to put millions of lives in jeopardy."
"I am a walking testimony of how the criminal justice system and the gun control laws, which is steeped in racism by the way, have failed the black community."
"We're talking about 346 lives here, and we refer to it as an accident. It's not an accident; it reflects a failure, it reflects multiple failures."
"We wanted to explore what had gone wrong in 1985, understand how the system had opportunity after opportunity over the course of 18 years to set itself right, and failed to do so."
"You're not burnt out because you can't muster up enough energy; you're burnt out because the systems that are in place to keep you sustained have failed."
"We have tried one way for a long time, telling Aboriginal people what's best for them and how to improve their lives, save their lives, and that's not working. That system is broken; it's failing everybody."
"When we find out that others did know something was going on and reported it, but the agencies and authorities tasked with protecting children are the ones who failed her, the anger turns to outrage."
"If there's one doctor to 27 patients, that's just a system designed to fail."