
Political Neutrality Quotes

There are 214 quotes

"We need to come together as a country, we need to unite as students and parents, and put the politics aside."
"Normally in these situations, when you have a natural disaster, everybody sort of comes together, no matter your political persuasion."
"Being factual is not liberal or conservative; it's being factual."
"Members have a right to political beliefs but you don't have a right to make a job-related ceremony political in nature."
"This is not about choosing a political side... please try to keep your political defenses down and just hear me out."
"I'm not Republican or Democrat, I just want freedom."
"In America, law is much more inflexible; the law is above all citizens in America and also above political parties."
"The royals have to be politically neutral; they have to be bland."
"The current path of our country is embarrassing to me. And, by the way, I need to tell you, from a political perspective, I don't sit on either side."
"Regardless of political affiliation, there is no alternative to factual information."
"The best thing we have done throughout this past 44 days is we've worked together, and we haven't raised political flags."
"The goal is to create a desirable service that is politically neutral, non-discriminatory."
"The business of America is business, and that businesses should stick to business and steer clear of politics as a general rule."
"Wall Street doesn't care about red or blue; all they care about is the green."
"Neutrality is not an option. That's not an option right now."
"Consequences do not care what you think about the situation. They do not care about your political views or how smart you are. Consequences will result from certain actions."
"God does not have a political party, but God does have values."
"I don't fit into the Orthodoxy of either political [side]. Primarily I'm focused on the facts, the evidence, and the law."
"A lot of these actors and entertainers don't always push political agendas."
"This is not a political book there's no political jokes in it it is just down the line here's why voting matters here's how we vote."
"Disney is far more important and impactful to the World by avoiding politics and than it ever will be by embracing a political agenda."
"Stop a war is not this war and nuclear war is not a left-right issue, it's a human issue, it's an existential issue."
"Packing the courts is wrong, regardless of political stance."
"We care about the truth first and foremost beyond political allegiance and party."
"Bitcoin does not care if you're a Republican or a Democrat."
"Maybe it has nothing to do with the words liberal or conservative."
"The Department of Education bears the responsibility for making sure that every child in America has the opportunity to fulfill his or her potential."
"Regardless of the political stance or not, you have to respect them for being fighters who are still defending their country."
"An officer resigning is the consummate political act, and it's our obligation to stay out of politics."
"It's not about supporting the rioters, it's not about Trump, it's not partisan, it's not violent."
"Most of my leftist friends have said this is not a left-right issue, this is a domestic abuse issue."
"Pandemics don't care about whether you're a Republican or Democrat, they don't care whether you're white or black, they don't care whether you're millennial or baby boomers."
"I think that the desire to find great characters and great stories transcends things like political ideology or things like that."
"Building a good community is not a left or right thing."
"It's not a left or right thing, it's a workers thing."
"It's not political partisanship nor stupidity but rather probably laziness."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of truth or not."
"It's not an issue of right or left, it's an issue of humanity, of basic decency."
"I really think we cannot underestimate the impact of having a military officer of his stature who clearly has not leaned politically to the left in any way say I want to know these things and that we need to know these things."
"Health care is not politics and it shouldn't be about politics."
"This could be a true independent, apolitical alternative to big tech."
"It's not red or blue, it's green." - Rupert Murdoch
"It's pretty clear that this is not a left-right issue. This is not about left and right, this is about our rights."
"ESPN has just announced they're going to stop politics... people want to watch football."
"I now understand 'keep your politics out of my games' in the way it's not to be taken literally."
"It's not about Democrat or Republican. We don't want criminals in office."
"The value of open expression is not inherently right-wing...what Substack has done is just so impressive as a business."
"...But I've never felt the need to attribute that disagreement to your being paid off or having some kind of governmental support by some other government."
"Hey, maybe today's the day that everyone just lays down their figurative sword and says I don't want to be engaged in the political battles anymore."
"Demographics and look getting older is not republican or democrat but it is math it is going to happen."
"This is not political. This is a human issue."
"Two plus two equals four, and it doesn't matter what your political opinions are."
"It really doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat."
"For four million individuals living in America, this wasn't about political intrigue or party alignment, it was about the basic human right to be free."
"And it doesn't matter where you stand on the political spectrum, let yourself have emotions."
"No matter which side you're on, you should embrace honest news."
"I'm not married to a political ideology, my goal isn't to maximally spread that."
"It shouldn't matter what side of the political spectrum you're on; you need to treat people like they are human beings and not your political pawns."
"I love America, I love democracy more than I love any particular candidate or party. I mean it's that simple."
"Politics must play no role in federal investigators' and prosecutors' actions."
"Michael Jordan had it right... he's not in the business of needing for everybody to know what he thinks about politics."
"The queen essentially serves as the mouthpiece of the government, with no opinions of her own."
"Through this transition, the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere took a neutral tag."
"I always feel like Catherine and William to be the most productive to impact the most people as they can they have they can't be seen as you know being too on one side of the aisle."
"Human compassion transcends all political labels. My goal is to elevate humanity."
"They are at their core Kingdom Independence, they do not ultimately belong to any political party, they belong to the kingdom of God."
"March 2024 brings a whirlwind of energy and transformation for the intense and mysterious Scorpio."
"Good comedy is the type of comedy that even when you don't agree with the comedian's politics, you just can't help but laugh."
"When you see courageous people I don't care what their political affiliation is it's like oh that's man that's legit when you when you see it you know you have to respect it."
"We run a business, we don't run a political organization."
"I don't care if you're left, I don't care if you're right, just don't lie to me."
"I believe in criminal justice reform, but it should be fair across political lines."
"It's not about left or right, it's about right and wrong and true."
"It's not very interesting or creatively fulfilling if you're just trying to push an agenda."
"I want to create a neutral, financially directed Ben Shapiro show, where I can cover politics and finances while remaining as neutral as possible."
"Characters and stories are about characters; stories transcend politics."
"We shouldn't care if it's the left or right or this or that we should just be looking for the truth and keep asking questions."
"I didn't focus on the issues, like there's no such thing as Republican children, or Democratic children, we all want a clean environment."
"Elon made it clear that the meme wasn't about the left or the right but Republicans and Democrats."
"This has nothing to do with left versus right, it's purely based on what's actually taking place in the world."
"So basically, it doesn’t matter if you’re left-leaning or right-leaning, the FBI is willing to ignore the Constitution to spy on you because they consider everyone to be a criminal."
"Surrounding this election who people are going to vote for and uh before i even begin the conversation i want to make sure you guys know that we're not here to tell you who to vote for or what to do."
"Prophetic witness is not reducible to particular political positions."
"Bitcoin is not a conservative or liberal thing, it's completely new."
"What matters is not a judge's political views but whether they can set aside those views and do what the law and the Constitution require."
"I think Disney should be a Centrist company... appealing to the entire political spectrum."
"Show me something from the left. I'm really not like either side, I'm just like... I do like to go with more of like the facts."
"Regardless of political affiliation," he said.
"Prosecutors are supposed to be careful in bringing cases that may look political... nobody's above the law."
"Nobody's here worshiping Trump nobody's here trying to take sides just because you know we're right."
"Your mission: not left, not right, but forward."
"I want to create an active community where I can log on and play every day, recognizing players just like it used to be on old survival servers."
"It's so clear that I'm not a political person and I have never either directly or indirectly endorsed a political candidate." - Anthony Fauci
"Red flag laws aren't designed to punish the politically loyal."
"Facts are facts; truth transcends political agenda."
"Regardless of exactly where you want to try to pinpoint me down on the left or on the right or in the middle, take the red pill means rejecting these ideological categorizations."
"I always try to resist anybody making the argument that public safety is a Republican issue or it's a Democratic issue. We should all be on the side of doing the things that reduce violent crime victimization."
"Teachers have to be able to challenge their students with new and possibly threatening ideas and they can't be expected simply to tow political line either on the extreme right or the extreme left or to try to do both at once."
"The average soldier in the U.S armed forces is trained to put their politics aside and complete the mission."
"We're not pro-Russia, we're not pro-NATO, we're not pro anything other than peace and people living."
"It's not about Trump, it's not about the Republican Party, it's not about the victory, it's about what the Lord is doing in this season."
"Vaccines aren't political. No, you should be vaccinated." - Michael Jones
"Regardless of who gets elected in office, whether it's Democrats or Republicans, the only person who will ever have your financial interests at heart is you."
"That's how you know he was good. He wasn't trying to pander to either side, he was just being him."
"It's not partisan, it's not stuck inside certain political lines."
"I'm politically homeless, I don't pick a side, I go where the truth is."
"We don't belong to the elephant or the donkey. We belong to the agenda of the Lamb."
"Whether you're on the red side or whether you're on the blue side or you're still deciding keep learning and we'll be there with you along your journey."
"The retirement Savings of Americans shouldn't be politicized."
"I never talk about politics on my YouTube channels and I never will. It's like turning the cheek, they don't want to hear the negatives."
"I don't want a Republican Jesus, I don't want a Democrat Jesus, I want Jesus."
"Our first allegiance is not to partisan politics; it's to Christ. It's not to tribalism; our allegiance is to Christ and to truth, even when that truth is unpopular, especially when that truth is unpopular."
"As a last note, try to avoid political discussion in the reddit where you can. I know it's extremely hard to right now, but remember that gaming and the systems thereof are supposed to be a relief from the worries and stresses of the world."
"Protecting the First Amendment shouldn't be partisan."
"Thank you to everyone for voting, regardless of which party you voted for."
"There's no evidence to suggest any political party is opposed to what SpaceX is doing."
"We're all in this together. It doesn't matter how you voted in the last election, you're in this situation."
"Women were more interested in a less political movie starring a beautiful and feminine heroine like Wonder Woman."
"Internet culture does not belong to the left or the right but certainly today it's almost exclusively on the right because the left hates fun."
"This moment transcends all political questions."
"It's actually not political and people need to take it seriously or die."
"This is not a regime of censorship that will Target exclusively the right."
"Public classrooms should not be a place for advancing personal agendas or political propaganda."
"The challenge from the Chinese Communist Party isn't Republican or Democrat."
"Being a Christian that's just not a republican thing that's just a spiritual thing."
"He's going for the soul, man. He's not looking at what it says on your voter registration."
"This issue is bigger than politics. This is about people, about humans."
"Let's not be the tools of a political viewpoint that wants world dominance let's just tell the truth."
"This is a non-partisan thing, right? It's small business advocacy."
"The right to free speech is not a member of any political party and does not hold any political ideology."
"My goal in this video is to show you objectively what I saw and to present facts to you without making any political statements or assertions from my own perspective."
"I wasn't supporting the government or the opposition, I was supporting Parliament."
"I'd rather save it for that moment when you walk into the room I don't want one side or the other saying look I think people know where I stand okay."
"It's amazing to experience, and it's no wonder these older Hondas are getting more valuable."
"We're going to keep our eyes on the law and we're going to follow the law and follow the Constitution and let politics do what it may."
"You're not asking political questions so of course they're not going to be aggressive because you're a liberal."
"God's work is not bound by any political figure."
"Real culture and art should be pure and free of political propaganda."
"This country cannot endure without trust and apolitical spaces."
"Nick isn't in any capacity being anti this or that he's just saying leave kids out of your political games leave them out let kids be kids."
"Political coercion of business is as distasteful from the right as it is from the left."
"It's not about left and right... it's not about Republican and Democrat here."
"We don't swear an oath to an individual or a political party; we swear an oath to defend the United States Constitution."
"Be a critical thinker, I'm an independent, I'm not owned by some stupid party."
"If the left-wingers and the right-wing scientists are all saying the same thing, then we can pretty safely say there is no political bias."
"This issue is not partisan, it's not a left-right issue."
"Every Russian is not responsible for the actions of their state any more than you are for yours."
"It's time for this idea of making this a political issue to stop. Let individuals make up their own mind."
"Space flight is supposed to be above that, no pun intended, that space flight should be not affected by political or world conflicts and that international cooperation in spaceflight should happen regardless."
"It's okay to have opinions. It's okay to support one side or the other but don't get caught up in the fallacy that there's only one component of an issue or debate to consider."
"Just put your politics to the side for a short moment."
"It is not the job of the reporters... party. It's not their job."
"Transparency and accountability are important in making sure that you're not turning the DOJ and the courts into political hack jobs."
"I'm not a supporter of these guys, but I'm in support of the truth."
"I absolutely agree and and I want to be clear about one other thing I don't care about the political ideology of any of these people."
"Fighting for due process isn't about politics, it's about justice."
"Lies have consequences. The truth does not know red or blue."
"Viruses do not respect borders, viruses do not respect politics."
"MLK was the spokesman for all of our people, regardless if he was democrat or republican."
"Jesus doesn't come riding on a donkey or an elephant, he transcends both of them."
"I do prefer it when people don't plaster their political beliefs all over their clothes or their decorations."
"I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican, I'm speaking to you today as a concerned citizen."
"People don't want to be lectured to by either side they just want entertainment dude."
"It's not about President Trump or former president Trump, it's about the American people."
"Star Trek is one of a handful of entertainment brands with the popularity scope in reach to be that shared story, but to do so its creators must choose that universality over scoring cheap predictable and partisan political points."
"Finding the truth is more important than any sort of political expediency."
"Don't think conservative or liberal, don't think Democrats or Republican, think in terms of where we are going as citizens."
"There's no left, there's no right, in the middle, we sleep."
"I think entertainment always works. It doesn't matter what side of the political divide you're on."
"I'm not emotionally invested in either side; I care about America."
"Jesus Christ did not call us to put our faith in the Democratic party or the Republican Party; he called us to put our faith in him."
"Reporters must be impartial and not show political bias."
"...I'm not a conservative, I'm not a liberal... I want to see change..."
"No political party has dominion over truth; we all make mistakes and errors."
"We have to take political vested interest out of scientific research."
"It's not about being Republican or Democrat, I do not like politics."
"Unions are not about liberalism, conservatism; it's about what's fair."
"Dr. Scheiber's talents are of so important a nature to the US that they go far to override any consideration of his political background."
"It's not Democrats, it's not Republicans; it's demographics, it's what we are."
"It's not Democrat, it's not Republican; it's demographics."
"It's not like a political video; it's just me presenting information and trying to look at both sides evenly, unbiasedly."
"UK TV news and political coverage should be balanced and neutral."
"I don't care which political party you affiliate with, as long as you're nice to people."
"If you find common ground in the middle, in the center, it doesn't matter, you're unfazed by either."
"We look to the hills for our help, not primarily a party."