
Educational Policy Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"We need to come together as a country, we need to unite as students and parents, and put the politics aside."
"Extremist politicians are more interested in bringing divisive culture wars into our kids' classrooms than they are in proposing solutions to actually help students and parents."
"But if they want to be pushing trans ideology, if they want teachers to be able to hide gender transition from parents, if they want students to even chant to the Aztec god of human sacrifice, again, I don't like it, but I respect that if that is the democratic will, if that is the duly passed curriculum standard, they're entitled to it."
"The design of a fair educational policy affecting early childhood, K-12, and post-secondary education both in the US and internationally is critical in order to ensure the correct development of cognitive processes and critical thinking."
"Competence... just keep people safe and make the education system work."
"The solution to these issues isn't to change math to make all answers correct."
"Education is the key, but they cannot put the system in this global system without school choice."
"If we really want to empower parents to make choices for their own kids, money must follow children."
"Why pass a statewide ban on critical race theory when it didn't even exist?"
"Every child left behind because we just let them... like we kicked them all out of school."
"Intelligent design is not science, there's no place in the science classroom."
"My view is that the parents who are coming to school boards all across the country, whether it's a red state or a blue state or red district or a blue district, they're legitimately concerned."
"As governors like Florida's Ron DeSantis politicize the culture wars ahead of academic success, New Jersey will proudly teach our kids that Black history is American history."
"I want every kid in this country who has the ability to be able to go to a public college or university tuition free."
"Schools should be the first place to open and the last place to close."
"We have always taught our son to be respectful of everyone's opinion and to be polite to others. He is entitled to properly express his faith and beliefs without being disciplined and suspended by Plainwell schools."
"My goal, my priority right now is to safely reopen as many schools as possible as quickly as possible."
"Figure out how to get schools reopened as quickly as possible."
"So fighting critical race theory this hard and being this terrified of it is in my opinion a massive waste of everyone's time."
"At this school, any disagreement with Critical Race Theory was carefully monitored and suppressed."
"No family should be forced to send their kid into a school system that doesn't align with their values."
"I would like to see much clearer duties on institutions... to protect Free Speech."
"If a government really wants to invest in early years, as they said they will do, they must invest in nurture groups because time and time again it's shown it does improve a child's self-esteem."
"Music is absolutely front and center in all worldwide modern education curriculums."
"I would like to see some level of student loan forgiveness."
"Students are being silenced, and change really needs to be implemented."
"Umbridge giving educational decrees... pushing apart the kids."
"Californians have a right to recall their governor when they have failed."
"School choice is on the California agenda and nationally."
"We have to open our schools... Germany, Norway, so many countries right now, they're open."
"Closing schools for that age group was a catastrophic error - perhaps one of the greatest policy errors of this pandemic."
"The science was always on our side about keeping schools open."
"Stop grading everything. If you have been told that you have to grade every assignment you give your students, sorry but I'm here to tell you, I'm too districts do tend to have a certain number of requirements for grades."
"More school choice, not through the federal government but locally."
"Firearms training for teachers, a step in the right direction."
"The American Academy of Pediatrics strongly advocates that all policy consideration for the coming school year should start with a goal of having students physically present in school."
"We want to prevent these emotional mental health challenges that our kids will face if they don't get back into school."
"We need to plan to open these schools with the understanding that COVID-19 is going to occur." - Dr. Redfield
"Reopening schools is going to stabilize our society. I think it's the number one most important thing we can do to stabilize our society from top to bottom."
"The biden administration is extending the pause on student loan payments until February 2022."
"As we open up America again, we need to open up America's schools."
"We are fighting for school choice because no parent should ever be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"Biden wants to ban school choice, the most important thing."
"Segregation is never beneficial or benign. It's our hope that the leadership at this high school commits to the principle of equality and ends all racial segregation immediately."
"Congratulations, you've completed the tutorial. It's up to you how to use your basic knowledge to keep survivors alive."
"You have to pull your children out of [Public Schools]... we cannot seed control of these schools to the woke."
"When you admit based on merit, there's going to be certain racial disparities, but it's whether the disparities are just."
"We are gonna cancel all student debt in America."
"The President wants schools to open and full, as emphasized by many medical experts."
"Principal Ketzer gets an A for respecting his students' rights and privacy rigidly adhering to the school's policy of not surrendering students to the police and for peacefully complying with the search once it had been authorized by Chief Eaton."
"This is what they're doing at the school board meetings."
"It's time to make public higher education free as it should be."
"Florida is genius: mandatory personal finance requirement for high school graduation."
"If critical race theory means making children in school fixate on race, I'm not for that."
"Crime is at a 50-year low in Florida we know what he's done on the education front but most importantly more people are migrating to Florida than any other state."
"Critical race theory should be voluntary, not compelled or coerced anywhere."
"Every educational institution has to have a gender sensitization workshop on the issue of sexual harassment."
"They should have us in America learn another language wait like an elementary school because they don't make you do that until high school and at that point it's like the best time to learn another language is when you're super super young."
"We're absolutely determined to keep schools open."
"Education that early is [__] really important."
"Removing pornographic and kink books from middle schools is a very, very good one."
"I am also as a parent simultaneously in favor of age-appropriate reading list for kids inside of schools."
"Our focus on girls can leave boys behind in regards to education and well-being."
"It's not just about removing this book from middle schools; they want it out of all schools."
"I'm not against Bibles in school libraries... I'm also not against comprehensive, science-based sex ed." - You don't want to have that conversation with me.
"Education freedom means parents have the power and poise to set their children up for a lifetime of success."
"Do not give one more dime to universities who have diversity equity and inclusion that is either ill-defined or does not include diversity of thought."
"All American children deserve a fair chance at education equality."
"Any school that is using Applied Scholastics is either a Scientology school or they are being duped."
"Tell Kamala she better get her funny-looking self down to Howard. Tell Kamala she needs to get her funny-looking self to the White House and tell her white supremacist zaddy Joe Biden that he promised to do something for Black students."
"We've drawn a line in the sand on gender ideology in education."
"It's time to move the conversation past the for-profits...they're definitely highly predatory."
"We should be setting our young people up to win, not cutting them off at their knees."
"An abject failure in all respects and has no place in American schools."
"K-12 substitute teachers in DC got a raise, they made 20 an hour."
"In the secular public schools of today, you're not allowed to teach religion."
"Pay attention to what's happening at your school board meeting."
"We believe in school choice because a child's zip code in America should not determine their future."
"They're getting crazier and crazier... rutgers university bans unvac students from attending virtual classes."
"Nobody has done more to embrace parental choice and education more than the State of Florida."
"We cannot force a kid to choose pronouns in the state of Florida."
"We need to get the basics right here in the state of Florida. That's why we signed the parental rights and education bill."
"I personally think that the institution can continue to hold on to its, you know, um history of being this facility that like men come to to improve themselves while also not neglecting the trans women that are currently students."
"We have to make sure that we are getting our education system right."
"At its core, Build Back Better is the most significant step Congress has taken in decades to help American families lower costs, cut taxes for working and middle-class Americans."
"Let's fund education and educators, not grifters."
"Desantis may have genuinely saved the wholesomeness and safety of a lot of kids' experiences in education, and I think that's a beautiful thing."
"We need to be lifting up our standards in this country, not dumbing down our standards."
"There is no good reason why any school in the United States is not open for in-person learning at this point."
"Only nine states require consent in their sex ed courses."
"The President's focus is on the schools reopening safely and them staying open."
"School choice is so important to the future of our party."
"Masks within the school system last year worked, our children were in school learning in person the majority of the year last year because we had masks within schools."
"Legalizing the use of race in deciding who is admitted to schools of higher learning has caused enormous conflict in our society."
"They're declaring war on moms and dads at school board meetings for a very specific reason... They need a distraction."
"The punitive impulse towards kids of color and urban schools stems from precisely the same kinds of attitudes."
"There's a major lawsuit that your listeners might be and that you should be really interested in it's the students for fair admissions versus Harvard lawsuit."
"No one should be imprisoned for truancy. No one. Especially now when the economic situation is so dire for so many parents."
"Public classrooms should not be a place for advancing personal agendas or political propaganda."
"Reopening schools loaded with unvaccinated children and no mask requirements in place is a formula for disaster."
"Senate Bill 17 prohibits colleges from using state money to provide special benefits to people on the basis of race, color, or ethnicity."
"No parents should be forced to send their child to a failing government school."
"We need to remove critical race theory from every school across America."
"You shouldn't feel forced to keep people in your life that don't appreciate you for who you are."
"School should not make classroom attendance compulsory."
"The editorial explicitly acknowledges that there are overreaches happening and that parents are justifiably concerned."
"We encourage localities and states to follow the science and reopen our schools."
"This whole thing with Michelle Darber, the Title IX directive, stinks to high heaven."
"Making sure that young people go to college without leaving school deeply in debt."
"The Secretary of Education is encouraging schools to reopen in the fall."
"Free college is an investment in the younger generation. It more than pays us back in the long run."
"So when you say the Patriotic education law is a response to Wagner Rebellion I think the lack of a steak knife in a restaurant is definitely also a response."
"I think closing schools is a total and complete mistake and I think it's hyper political."
"Please don't teach our kindergarten through third-grade kids about gender and sex... thank you."
"Requiring vaccinations for students will save lives and protect future generations."
"Throwing children out of school for not having every single drug injection that unelected bureaucrats say they must have is an injustice."
"This state has been told to parents in it time after time, we don't want your input. Parents' input isn't relevant. We don't care for it."
"It's divisive, it's counterproductive, it helps segregate, not integrate."
"Where's the legislation? Where's the movement from Republicans and Democrats to create legislation around these issues inside of school buildings?"
"We're watching the school board, we're gonna destroy all of them because you're not about to suspend me for having a period, because again, something I can't control, that's just what my body does when my uterus wants to shed, my uterus sheds."
"I’m pretty sure this isn’t what anybody meant when they said, "No child left behind.""
"Critical race theory needs to be done at a higher level, not forced into civics or social studies."
"We've got to get back to the basics of teaching math of teaching Reading Writing and American history."
"If you win on the issue of school choice, if you wake parents up to what's going on in these schools, in 20 to 40 years the leftist ideology will cease to exist."
"We didn't want another Lisa. We didn't want students turning around and suing us, did we?"
"The way to end race discrimination... is to stop discriminating on race in admissions."
"We proudly require the teaching of African-American history."
"Critical race theory is the false pretext used to create the context in order to stop the teaching of true racism in the United States."
"There's no reason why we can't have healthy food options in school."
"Safety of the student overrides anything else."
"Shutting down schools was a major policy mistake with tragic effects on children, especially the poor."
"We're not gonna be taking anymore busing, we're not going to be launching buses in other schools, we want you to build two magnets of minimum two magnet schools in every black community."
"Democrat and Republican gubernatorial candidates declare that parents shouldn't have a say in what children are taught."
"That's why today we are announcing that effective immediately we are suspending all in-school class instruction throughout the province."
"One of the dumbest policy decisions in the last 20 years: School closures."
"Experiment with experiments: Virtual Labs promote experiential learning, a recommendation of the National Education Policy."
"The policy has clear-cut guidelines that we need to develop digital sources in multiple Indian languages and use them for teaching, learning, and assessment purposes."
"Blended learning is the appropriate response for achieving the policy vision."
"Georgia now bans divisive concepts teaching them in school."
"This is where we get to the big moolah and it's free school meals for all."
"The left has found a new target... They cannot stand Betsy DeVos and they now are losing their minds over Title IX."
"The mental health impact on kids of not having schools open is very harsh."
"If the student who is given this neutral option... participate in this praying ceremony." - Jay Sekulow
"The order itself doesn't ban critical race theory, it bans 11 things that are racial scapegoating, discrimination, stereotyping, and blaming the country at an intrinsic level for being racist, sexist, white supremacist, whatever."
"If the colleges of this country are required to ignore a thing that matters, it will not just go away. It will take longer for racism to leave us, and ultimately, ignoring race just makes it matter more."
"Equity is outcomes, that's the Marxist, communist catch-all word that must be overcome in the school system."
"Significantly more investment in vocational education and training."
"Children legally entitled to education. Excellent."
"It's not framed in terms of promoting somebody's religious idea."
"The issues there really are what are the rights of a student in making policy about its own education."
"I think the uniform is a great thing in schools."
"Race-neutral alternatives... in order to enroll more students of color in order to bring in diversity."
"Reasserting affirmative action obligations to people with disabilities, protecting special education students in school discipline hearings, and expanding voting rights are all among the new administration's goals."
"Well their efforts paid off, city officials agreed yesterday to give the 16 and 17 year olds more time in the classroom."
"What's good for teachers is actually good for students as well."
"We never took prayer out of school; what we did was that we stopped teachers from forcing students of different faiths from having to pray to the teacher's God."