
Career Motivation Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"It's not paper chasing anymore, Michael. It's purpose chasing."
"Every day, I meet people now in their 50s who said, 'Look, when I was a little kid, you inspired me to become an engineer or become a scientist and become a doctor.' And that gives me sort of a sense of satisfaction that I was in a program that helped other people form good careers."
"Some people are driven by money while others pursue careers that are about helping people."
"This is really why I went into applied math and science and engineering in the first place: to model these rich systems that change and that we interact with."
"I didn't care, it wasn't about the money, it was about the job, it was about the passion."
"It was like a rebirth to passion about this business."
"We want to hire people that aren't just looking for jobs. They're looking for a calling."
"I got into this whole medical field to really help people."
"Anyone who's going into medicine just with the intent of getting rich is a bit misinformed."
"Love what you do is the mantra for professionals."
"It's the reason why we want to do this for a living, fights like this."
"They were two professionals that stood to make a ton of money."
"You're excited about the money, excited about the fame, yeah, you're excited about the subscribers."
"I could say that I would trade that money back for the time that I lost commuting to that miserable store four hours every shift, but all that pressure motivated me to making the best career move of my life."
"Nobody becomes an astronaut to get rich but you know people gotta eat."
"I don't think of acting as an art form...you do it because you have to do it...painters paint, actors act."
"That's why you do this job, you know, for moments like that."
"It's always nerve-wracking and exciting, butterflies, and I know if that feeling ever goes away, I should quit."
"He put the lights out, he got the three count."
"I haven't needed to work for a long, long time financially, but I work because I love what I do."
"I hope my kids... get the drive to believe you can do what you want for a job."
"It's irrelevant. I love what I do, I love the passion that it brings out of me."
"Chase greatness, the money is going to come. Don't chase the money because greatness doesn't come just because of the money."
"Hustle comes first, and passion actually follows." - Speaker
"If what you're doing for a living right now is a means to the money, you fucking lost."
"I want to be the best and I don't want to just chase paychecks, it's never been my thing."
"Most teachers got into this business because they have a passion to teach."
"We all got into this because we probably enjoyed it... Balance it out with things that you're enjoying."
"Everything I've done in my career, I ran because of civil rights."
"We want to make music and be happy. That's what we want. We just want to make a living making music."
"People who get into this field, any kind of mental health professional, do it because we want to help people. And want to be there for you."
"If you don't love what you're doing, you're not actually going to be the best."
"I wanted that to never stop because I was like you know big thing this [ __ ] ain't gonna last forever so let me hit strike while the iron is hot keep going." - DJ Quik
"I think people that know me would say I'm a nice guy born to pitch. I had to be a different person if I wanted to succeed."
"Rocket scientists are supposed to do. If you don't get excited about rocket launches, why are you building Rockets?"
"This connection may also have been the driving force for her to pursue a career in animation herself."
"I didn't get in professional horse racing because it was hard but because it was said to be impossible."
"Follow your passion, be compensated for your creative talents."
"Everyone wants to do what they love for a living, but it's a critique of what that means."
"Dedication and passion are going to be what propels you through this industry."
"I think a player sometimes emotionally needs to go to a lower team and then find out, 'Do I still have the fire to be good or was it just what was keeping me down?'"
"There's no waiting just getting that car no I couldn't even hold it back man just can't wait to get to work."
"Passion is what's going to drive you. If you really love what you do, the rest of this stuff is going to follow."
"I started doing music because, like, just the feeling I get out of it, I just have a lot of passion for it."
"Mostly good things to say about public defenders around the country. They're in it for the right reasons." - Rob
"Accept change before it's visited upon you. And the second a little more nuanced. It really is. Don't be defensive. Be curious."
"Passion and drive matter more than a degree. Companies are realizing that."
"Don't do it for the money or the fame, because trust me, that stuff will make you feel very hollow at the end of the day."
"She thought that if she could be a nurse, and she could pay back some of the kindness and some of the consideration that had been given to her during her short lifetime, that maybe she would make her own mark, and I think she did."
"I don't think a day goes by where I don't get a message from somebody saying that they were inspired by our show to go into medicine."
"If you believe that you were too good for Academy, then prove it."
"Know why you want to work for Mac. If you're passionate about it, then you'll be able to see it."
"You shouldn't be in the music industry for the money."
"We do this because we love doing it, not just for the money."
"Most of the writers that I know, they write because they can't do anything else that's the only thing that makes them happy."
"Nobody wins if the artist isn't moving or active." - Akon
"You don't want to do research just for the sake of getting a PhD or making money."
"For me personally I'm successful because I literally went as hard as I could to make it happen."
"I want to be a doctor or a nurse. Why? Because they help sick people get better."
"The views and money have always come after my passion."
"This is more than a job, this is my way of making a difference in the world."
"The prosecution is all about winning and moving up to judgeship."
"All we care about: do you have passion for the technology, do you have passion for the mission?"
"I never look at Chapelle like I need this money, I didn't care."
"It wasn't just about making money or fame or recognition, although it was a real labor of love."
"If you ever in your whole painting career do a painting that you're totally satisfied with you might as well stop. Your painting career is over. You have nowhere else to go."
"Share with them why you want the job. Be clear about what excites you about it."
"This Pro contract is a game changer for me. It's a new level of motivation, a lot's at stake for me, I want to be the best fighter in the world."
"It's her pure passion for what she's doing that is essentially the heart of the entire thing."
"It's very easy to get caught up in getting promotions at a fancy job or at a fancy company, but if it's not something that you actually want, then what the fuck was this all for?"
"What I took away from that night is that these young Turks think that working in film and TV is just a fun thing that anyone can do and they can use this opportunity to put their stamp on the world."
"A lot of applying to medical school is answering the question of why do you want to be a doctor."
"Nobody else gets to decide whether I am good enough nothing can stop my drive and my work ethic."
"You don't get into you don't build a career like you did for the money necessarily."
"Keep grinding it out and just keep working and chasing your dream."
"The idea that if you work really hard, you'll make it yourself is entrepreneur culture."
"The only thing that motivates you as an athlete at that level... especially if you haven't made it is money."
"You really can't be in the training camps to see what these guys go through."
"You have to have that true passion for helping others."
"That's why I joined, I wanted to get into aviation and save lives."
"If you work hard enough, you can do anything and find a job, just as I did."
"Keep going, keep living your dream. What you love to do, there's a way to make a living out of it."
"Burning passion for what you do, there's no other way around."
"It's not just about a job or a paycheck, it's about wanting to win."
"You got to stay hungry. You got to stay working. You can't just be like, 'Oh well, I don't care what's going on with the majority of the market cap.'"
"I want to remember the thing that got me into this career path in general is I genuinely just enjoy creating and telling stories and being known for that."
"The real motivation has to be concrete: you will get a job."
"You dreamed of this; just think back to when you were just so excited to do it."
"Drive passion, dedication, and perseverance - a bit of frustration included."
"I just always wanted to be successful and I always live by 'do what you love and the money will come.'"
"I wanted to use the skills I had as an engineer and developed to do something good."
"I got to make summer proud I got to make money I want to make this career better I want to create a family."
"Mary Jackson's contributions proved to me that I too could achieve excellence in aeronautics research."
"The reason is although it's a fantastic history, clear, but the reason is that there's a high potential for the future, that's why I'm here."
"The music. If I didn't enjoy the music, I wouldn't do it."
"What's most important to me is just that I'm doing what I love, you know what I'm saying?"
"Part of the appeal of becoming a doctor is job security... There will always be more patients that need doctors than there are doctors."
"I didn't help start Navarro Media for a career, you know I did it because there's a huge gap in our public conversation about things that really matter."
"People who are new to the industry... go into it with such enthusiasm, with stars in their eyes and so many dreams."
"Do one if you don't want to be here next season."
"Superfly's iconic Splash from the top of the cage was so inspiring to the Future hardcore legend that he wanted to spend his life trying to give other people that same feeling."
"It's not about the money, it's about becoming the best programmer in the world."
"Most doctors do not get into it for the money. Most doctors have wanted to be doctors since they were little; they have a powerful drive to help people, save lives, and make a difference."
"Bioshock changed everything for me. It's the reason I got into game design myself."
"That's why I started doing stand-up, to get a monologue writing job."
"I think once that diagnosis came, that became, 'Oh, this is the reason why I became an actress.'"
"I don't even consider myself a role model for anyone, but I do try to be a good person. I try to do what's right, but I don't even want the pressure of being a role model, especially for very, very young children who are very impressionable."
"For us to have a healthy society, a lot of his peers are motivated to be game designers or YouTube personalities."
"It's not the money... I got into this to [ __ ] do something with my life."
"This is why I do what I do. It's been my passion for the last half decade."
"Despite all of the stress, all of the days that are frustrating, like this is why I do what I do."
"Success comes after hard work, but it's not really hard work if you're passionate about it."
"I want to see people fly around the globe working as a developer loving their work loving their job and doing it with passion."
"I work fueled by passion for my desire to make these hours that I work endlessly worth something, to put them towards a bigger idea, to reach my goals."
"There's a place for everybody in this industry. If you love it, if it makes you happy, there's a place in it."
"I'm just lucky that I'm passionate about this, I guess, if you want to call it luck."
"If I'm not the absolute best at what I do, I should be out the door the very next day."
"I'm using my career as momentum, my last fights, the growth, my confidence, my mindset, all of that. That's what's driving me forward."
"It's always been my love of this field, my love of this work, and my love of people that gets me out of my shell."
"That's why the ultimate thing you can do is turn your passion into a business."
"You probably single-handedly inspired me to pursue a career in computer engineering."
"People do jobs with the hope of doing something important."
"That's the real reason. His entire career has been building towards Morbius."
"Passion is for hobbies, true calling comes from having an obsession to solve a problem."
"Whatever you have a passion for, there’s a way to make a living doing it."
"A lot of people enter this business because they want to be famous actors, they don't want to be actors, they want to be famous actors."
"I'm still hungry, and I'm still going to terrorize the division until I pull put my boots up."
"I felt their passion. I felt that this is what they really, really wanted to do."
"Nobody became an entrepreneur to have an overpaid job."
"Being an OB/GYN, what really drew me to it initially was babies. You know, the babies, they're so great."
"If you're going into it for the money, you're gonna deal with some situations that no money is gonna make you happy."
"Play the long game. It won't ever matter how much money you make or how many followers you have or what product deals you make because you'll stay attached to the heart and soul of why you're doing this."
"Make sure that you're getting into this for the right reasons."
"Being the first out of my city is really really a big deal and really like one of the most important things that really fueled my whole career."
"Make sure you want to do it because you're passionate about healthcare."
"Tell me why you want to be a doctor."
"What first made you fall in love with the field of nursing? Definitely how the nurses treated me made me fall in love with it at a young age."
"I didn't get in the business to be rich and famous. I got something to say and it's funny."
"I got into the industry, because I was very curious about the way money works and how investing works."
"If you're someone who wants to feel like what you're doing counts for something, then definitely look at Deloitte."
"Maybe this will be actually the point that will help you to stay in science, stay in research, and make an academic career."
"If you love building games, that trumps everything else, and this is still a great career option for you."
"The cabin crew recruitment team wants to hire people who genuinely want to work for their airline."
"Any advice for artists trying to pursue their passions? Don't give up."
"I'm trying to make truck mechanics realize this is a very rewarding and actually can be quite an exciting job to get into."
"She inspired many students to pursue a career in education, hoping they would be the people making a difference in the world someday."
"I'm really interested in helping people and having a career where I can actively see the difference that I make in the world."
"Who was the greatest teacher you've ever had and what made you interested in becoming a teacher?"
"It's for moments like these that keep surfers motivated, also how to define your career."
"I'm going to try to believe in my music more because that's what got me here, and I need to remember that formula."