
Peer Support Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"It's just really comforting to do one-on-ones with people that have the same role as you who understand what you're going through."
"That's empowerment by your peers and saying that you're good at what you do."
"I'm not one of those insecure brothers that's scared of his greatness thinking that it's going to Sully mine no irons sharpens iron we Elevate one another."
"There's nothing more liberating than being able to talk freely about the things that you feel and your belief system with your peers."
"Amelia calls to him before doing a spin for him to get an overall look of the fit the other girls stop what they are doing and clap in admiration behind Rey."
"You are such a fantastic, special girl, and this is your chance of a lifetime. If your friends really care about you, they'll be happy for you."
"Just do it. Yeah, Jimmy, like, you know that I'm not good at that."
"Rose said that at first, she was a little bit confused as to what she should be doing at YG, so the other members gave her tips and helped usher her in."
"When that happens and you're running around stealing other people's work, nobody has your back."
"Family members and peers are often the best position to witness signs of mobilization to violence."
"Thank you, Angie. I really don't know what to do. KY80 and Ryoma started talking crazy."
"Forget about all the girls rejecting you on Snapchat. The boys are Keen Legends. I rate that."
"Interact with like-minded people who have had similar challenges."
"I didn't know that there were other people my age that were struggling with the same things as I was... I'm not alone in this."
"If a man doesn't have men in their life who will consistently challenge them when they start to complain about their wives... It'll be real hard for us to not guard our hearts."
"If you can find a peer that you respect and get their advice, boy, that's gold, that's really fantastic."
"There's somebody out there... that's making it work and you can too."
"Let's say you're learning Japanese... a random native Japanese speaker... gonna take a look... and fix it for you."
"That's actually some intuitive [expletive] right there, good [expletive] dude, good [expletive], that's what's up."
"You did a really good job, David, I am hyped bro."
"Every step up I got in the industry was from fellow artists."
"I want to applaud you because you always been a brave brother. Draymond brought me on; now I'm just playing."
"You look amazing, girl. Don't worry about these dudes."
"It was one of the most validating moments of my life because I not only got recognized but I was validated by my peers."
"It's cool, Nathan's. Don't stress, you're okay, bro. Just count to three. Don't be scared. You own this school."
"I would advise my friend to please don't do anything stupid right now that's going to make you intoxicated or lack of sleep."
"If us dumb kids don't stand up for each other who will?"
"I'm happy that there hasn't been what I would have feared would have been the blowback from this university-wise, friend-wise."
"Try to find a place to work that's got a pleasant environment that's not always affordable but if you can I think that helps."
"It's nice to talk to someone else face to face who is doing what you do and going through the things that you're going through."
"Push each other to do better, not to do drugs."
"We provide 24/7 crisis intervention and peer-to-peer mental health support through our Overwatch program."
"Respect your fellow students by not laughing at their mistakes and helping them when they make them in the future."
"It's a positive form of competition, we're actually supporting each other to get better."
"It's really about networking across; who's next to you, who's struggling, who's in the trench with you, who's just as hungry as you are."
"These kids are literally helping each other grow."
"I'm so happy Kanagi asked me for help. Small things like this can help us get closer."
"We have a lot of those conversations too, and if you are bold about confessing your doubts and your concerns, you will be absolutely shocked by the percentage of your fellow citizens who are also possessing of doubts."
"Everything I ever say as it pertains to my peers being strapped is only in self-defense."
"Tony has never wanted to take you to the Final Four and I just got you a spot. You're our Final Four. It's gonna be me, Ben, and Tony."
"Sharing your work makes things much easier," Thomas acknowledged.
"The guy to say I saw the same thing... it kind of validated what you saw a little bit was very cool."
"You matter, you do, and you're awesome. Don't fight us on this one, ask your friends."
"I think you can save more lives than any trained professional out there because you've been there."
"So, hang around people that make you look better. Shoot, there's no other confidence builder than to hang around people that are not on your level."
"Shall we correct each other's mistakes? Yes, but let's be kind and supportive."
"There's nothing fun or more exciting than when a comic is killing and you look around and there's 20 comics all dying."
"Immersing yourself is not just you studying on your own, but it's also you having other people to encourage you to study or maybe other people who can help you study."
"I like being with people who I see as my peers, and sometimes I listen to them and sometimes they listen to me."
"Never take a learning opportunity away from another student, no matter how smart you need everyone to think you are."
"Dude, you got an A; let me see what I got... Oh wait, what? A C-minus? Bro, I'm happy for you, man."
"The best advice is going to come from the questions that caregivers ask and the answers they give to their fellow caregivers."
"Be a teacher, ask the person next to you if they need something because the best way to learn, bar none, is to explain things to other people."
"It takes one to know one. There is no one more qualified to help somebody than someone that lived it."
"I really feel that people can recover on their own time. Peer support is everything."
"It's really helpful and we know this in peer recovery coach models, to be able to work with people who have been through this before and understand."
"Take lots of notes, have a friend help."
"Find a peer group to talk with, meet with them regularly."
"Everything else in Alcoholics Anonymous is designed to ensure and support one drunk talking to another."
"Everyone killed it so hard and thanks for pushing me."
"I'm so happy for Josh, he deserves it."
"...make friends with the people in your cohort because there are people coming from different walks of life, some people have CS degrees or whatever, and just like really rely on your peers, use your resources."
"It has meant everything to me to be able to help other first-year, first-generation and historically underrepresented students."
"I managed to pass the fifth grade, thanks to all my classmates and the teachers."
"Working hard was pretty encouraged even amongst the other students."
"Stanford's not competitive at all in my experience, and people are super willing to help you."
"Having a friend or a peer saying 'You can do this, you've always been doing it' gave me the courage to be like, 'You know what, I can do this.'"
"During adolescence, we're supposed to learn to rely on our friends during times of stress and anxiety."
"There was this one girl who actually stood up for me and the rest of the girls, and she was actually one of the prettiest girls in the entire school."
"Peers draw upon lived experiences to share empathy, insights, and skills."
"It's not peer pressure when it's a good thing."
"Sometimes a fellow student is better at solving these sorts of disputes than an adult."
"Studying in a group... we kind of fill in the gaps for each other."
"Recognize your own genius, recognize the genius in your peers."
"Hopefully this video is helpful for some of you who know nothing about what you're doing, kind of like me, and we'll be able to help each other along the way."
"It's two days a week. There's also offline curriculum, and then from there also that there is the accountability and a peer group right to hold each other to actually getting work done, moving fast."
"We will transform our school, remove the barriers, develop techniques, and support peer integration, peer support."