
Religious Principles Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Faith then is the first great governing principle which has power, dominion, and authority over all things; by it they exist, by it they are upheld, by it they are changed, or by it they remain agreeable to the will of God."
"There's one rule that lies at the heart of every religion: that we do unto others as we would have them do unto us."
"Our constitution is made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
"Does God have a political party? No. Does God have principles? Yes. Do you have to decide how those principles apply to modern-day politics? Absolutely."
"The essence of religion is love of God and love of neighbor."
"The great Reformation was based upon five major principles: Sola scriptura, Sola gratia, Sola Cristo, Sola fidei, and soli Deo Gloria."
"It's haram to do anything less than your best."
"If the world all moved according to the Bible, it'd be heaven on earth."
"All religions fundamentally are concerned with regenerating man and laying the foundations for the regenerative process to proceed."
"We must understand this at its roots, at its foundation."
"You look at God in terms of, you know, love your God, love your neighbor as yourself."
"The promises are hinged to the protocols of God."
"If it was right when you prayed about it and trusted it and lived for it, it is right now."
"We don't want to lose biblical principles of sanctity and reverence in worship."
"God's plan of one: one God, one man, one woman, one marriage, one sex partner, one flesh, one lifetime, one picture."
"The religious Foundation... guide your intuitions and your morals."
"The gospel has never sounded stylish; it's not supposed to."
"If you don't have mercy on other individuals, how do you expect the Lord to have mercy on you?"
"Compromising the word of Allah leads to calamity."
"Following the rules of Jesus Christ's Constitution leads to a better quality of life."
"2020 will be a year where restoration will be the norm, for those who follow the rules, principles, laws, and ordinances of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"God's principles are the path to God's promises."
"God knows his Ten Commandments... to protect us from the burden of guilt."
"Islam is built upon morality, justice, and unity of humanity."
"What really matters with Allah is the level of your devotion."
"Be confident in your faith. Allah honored us with Islam. And if we try to seek that honor through anything other than Islam, Allah is going to use that thing to disgrace us."
"This is Islam: doing God's will, not your desires."
"God's law is eternal it cannot be changed they are a transcript of God's character." - "So praise the Lord, the laws were supposed to protect the people and bless the people."
"Christian preaching needs to be apostolic and evangelical."
"The law of God: love God, love your neighbors, love yourself."
"The moment you try to be justified by your own Good Deeds you've already messed up."
"The principles of God's law passed down from generation to generation bring peace and prosperity to our lives."
"Monotheism, the need for piety, and fear of the Last Judgment."
"Simping: Someone who violates Islamic principles to appeal to feminist sensibilities."
"I like the idea of where you spoke about you Allah will judge you by your intent."
"Islam means submission. It doesn't mean saying no to God. It means submitting to God."
"Bearing one another's burdens fulfills the law of Christ."
"To disfellowship Christians based on human commandments that have no basis in the Bible is a serious violation of Bible principles."
"The unity of the church is inseparable in charity and in truth."
"All you can see is this biblical principle, not the person."
"Even if the entire world of Muslims behave badly, it does not falsify Islam. It just means that they're bad people. The message is what is important."
"Islam is the concept of submission only to the creator."
"Breaking the principles of justice is actually a violation against Allah."
"Our desire is not to conform the Bible to our culture, but to conform our life to the Scripture."
"Without obedience, faith is in vain." - Christ
"It's not going back to God's law, not going back to God's character, not going back to the example that God's given us."
"Abraham exemplified the relationship between faith and works."
"Being a Muslim is supposed to be based upon following the evidence."
"Muslims, please think before we speak. We have lost our intellect. We are abandoning Quranic principles and established Sunnah to go off all this 'Imam said that' and 'Oh, that sounds alright to me'."
"Anything that rings of unbelief displeases God."
"There's really only two: love God, love neighbor. Everything else will fall under those two headings. That is the big umbrella."
"...what the Jesus principle does is simply look at what Jesus summarized in terms of the law and the prophets."
"We got to love God enough to say, you know what, when he said 'Thou shalt not kill,' that's real and that's how I need to live."
"This deen does not allow for irrationalities and does not allow for harm of any kind to anyone under all circumstances."
"As commissioned officers of the Royal Air Force, may they endeavor themselves faithfully to frame and fashion their lives on the principles of Christ's religion."
"God's law, God's name, and God's character are one and the same."
"God's law, God's name, and God's character are one in the same; they are synonymous."
"We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility."
"The three pillars of Eternity: the creation, the fall, and the atonement."
"Islam came to make things simple, not to make things difficult."
"The three pillars of worshipping Allah are love, hope, and fear."
"The Osmonds remain what they've always been: a family built on strong religious principles and the simple motto of one for all and all for one."
"The six pillars of faith are: belief in Allah, the angels, the prophets, the scriptures, the Day of Judgment, and predestination."
"All of the Torah and the prophets are dependent upon these two commands."
"These are the three grand keys whereby you may know whether any administration is from God."
"This is the Lord's church; we believe in honoring and sustaining the law, and we're going to obey the law."