
Currency Devaluation Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"In the Western World, we've got devaluing currency, so you just got to find scarce assets that are going to hold their value over long periods of time."
"The dollar's going down. You need more dollars to purchase a fixed quantity of gold, which means the dollar's worth less."
"Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their currency."
"Gold hasn't changed. Gold is the same; the dollar has lost 99% of its value."
"The value of the dollar is decreasing every day."
"Cash is trash... thanks to inflation, your dollar doesn't have the same spending power."
"Collapse is not too dramatic a description... It is not gold going up, it is the purchasing power of currencies paper currencies going down."
"Your dollar is becoming worth less and less."
"The fall in the value of the ruble definitely hasn't improved the sale of Russian oil."
"The value of your currency can just fall off the table, you know, it can just crash and there's nothing you can do about it."
"If the dollar crashes, we can't import anything because we can't afford it."
"All currencies will be debased against gold."
"The money that is in your pocket becomes worth less."
"So instead of addressing any of these problems our leaders responding in the one way they know how they're throwing more money at the problem and in the process devaluing the US dollar that we're going to desperately need to stay solvent."
"China knows that the dollar is slowly dying."
"Actions by the Federal Reserve are causing the dollar to continue to devalue."
"The buying power of the dollar will be devalued."
"The dollar's lost 96% of its purchasing power since the creation of the Federal Reserve."
"In a decade's time, the existing dollar will be completely worthless."
"Eventually, the price of gold is just going to go ballistic, but it's not the price of gold going up. Gold's not doing anything. It's just the value of that currency collapsing because the government is printing it into oblivion."
"The Turkish lira has almost halved in value over the last year, disastrous from turkey's perspective."
"Reckless spending which devalues our dollar, um is one of them."
"Their money is about to fail. The U.S. dollar, the world reserve currency, the fiat money system is about to fail."
"The only thing standing between us and hyperinflation is everybody coming to the conclusion that these currencies are doomed."
"You're paying more at the pump, the grocery store, for cars, for housing. Face it, paper money is worth less."
"As long as that dollar keeps evaluating, there's going to be incentive for me to have my money elsewhere."
"The purchasing power of the dollar has been declining since the installation of the Federal Reserve."
"The dollar is going to get worse. We will have less clout."
"Once the derivatives unwind, that's going to create dollar selling and the dollar will go to its intrinsic value, which is zero."
"Eventually, all fiat currencies return to their true intrinsic value, which is zero."
"The more the pound plummets against a basket of other International currencies, the less International confidence there is overall in our economic strategies. What's called the kindness of strangers in economics."
"In terms of long-term overall savings because it offsets the debasement of currency which is driven by the debt and the demographics and everything else it works very well indeed."
"The digital devaluation of the dollar is coming, and it's going to be intense."
"The Russian economy has declined so far their currency, the ruble, is worth less than the robux."
"Cash is punitive right so you're guaranteed to lose value in an inflationary environment."
"The US dollar has lost 97% of its value against bitcoin in just the last five years."
"We are going to see a further devaluing debasing of the U.S currency."
"When you inflate the amount of dollars out there, what that does is it devalues your currency."
"When the dollar becomes effectively worthless, it's a different ballpark."
"It's not prices going up, it's your dollar going down."
"Money is just like fun coupons. It really loses its value at that point."
"When the dollar loses its status as the world reserve currency, it's going to happen this year."
"Economic disaster: Nigeria's naira lost over 500% in value."
"The currency just went to worthlessness, there was a hundred trillion dollar note that was worth nothing."
"The price of gold and silver going up is a reflection of the value of paper money going down."
"Lebanon's currency hit a new low... throwing more people into poverty."
"The system is melting down, the dollar is on borrowed time."
"In a world where central bankers are tripping over themselves to devalue their currency, Bitcoin wins. In the world of fiat currencies, Bitcoin is the victor."
"Nixon taking the dollar off the gold standard... led to a devaluation in other currencies around the world."
"Bitcoin's become a macro asset to hedge against the debasement of fiat currency."
"Gold is exposing the devaluation of all fiat currencies."
"The dollar has been scheduled for demolition."
"People are buying silver because they've seen the value of their dollar get destroyed."
"Money printer will continue. Fiat will continue to debase."
"Money matters, and they're running the printing press in overdrive. The money supply's exploding and once the money supply explodes, the price level explodes, and the exchange rate collapses and money fails."
"The dollar's purchasing power is decreasing at a dangerous rate."
"Gold of course historically is the go-to... when the government's cruise up currency."
"The US dollar is being devalued at an unprecedented rate. It truly is."
"When you talk about inflation eroding the value of the dollar... what's worse, a rapid rise in inflation or a slow bleed? Either way, they both are insidious."
"This is a full-blown currency crisis."
"Gold will serve them in good stead; gold will be something that will retain its value while currencies are increasingly losing their value."
"We're gonna act as appropriate to sustain the expansion, we're gonna lower our interest rates, we're gonna print money, and we're gonna devalue the currency."
"If the currency is losing 10% of its value a year, you have to increase your cash flows 10% a year to offset a 10% currency collapse."
"Central Bankers around the world are panicking as major currencies are in free fall and they're powerless to stop it."
"The bank of England has already told us they would prefer to devalue Sterling than basically head for deflationary depression."
"Global central banks are deflating the value of fiat currencies."
"The value of our dollar has decreased over time."