
Divine Acceptance Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do His will, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering."
"God loves you, and you do not have to be perfect to receive His love and His blessings."
"More important than degrees is Allah's acceptance. We ask Allah azza wajal for kabul."
"God's word is your reality and he wants to tell you because of his blood, because of his cross that he declares you righteous, accepted, pure, spotless, clean, holy, chosen, loved."
"I want to be the real me, the highest version of me, that God loves me, and I don't have to prove anything to anyone."
"God loves you just the way you are. Live in the freedom that God loves you unconditionally."
"God indeed took Abraham as his best friend, therefore we can conclude that God who created the skies and land and everything in between accepted the actions and inputs from Abraham."
"God just looks to see if you're wearing his clothing line which is righteousness by Jesus. That's it. Righteousness by Jesus."
"Welcome home beloved sons and daughters well done and so it is."
"The truth is, when you see that you're right with God, the same voice from your Father comes to you: 'You are my beloved child in whom I am well pleased.'"
"Accept the mess. Accept it. God accepts you."
"We will not be a church that keeps out who God has let in."
"You need sacrifice nothing to receive the love of God."
"As long as Allah accepts my intention, I'm successful."
"Surely Allah will accept one of those tens of thousands of times."
"You don't know freedom yet until you tell God yes."
"He's not going to reject you he's not going to cast you aside if your faith is in Christ Jesus and you are surrendered to the work of the Holy Spirit"
"God knows the worst about us and yet he still made choice of us."
"Just know that you're forgiven. Hallelujah, you're accepted. Amen."
"It's not about earning God's love. He loves me. He accepts me right now."
"Allah wouldn't invite you if he didn't like you."
"Accept this divine grace that surpasses all understanding."
"Your value is determined by the price that Jesus paid."
"God loves you, gay, straight, black, white, everybody, He loves you."
"Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me."
"The acceptance of man can't satisfy the longings of our souls. Only God's acceptance can."
"Your Father still has a room for you."
"A broken and contrite heart, the Lord can never despise."
"Fundamentally, we need to accept God as our creator."
"Just let your father love you, completely unashamed."
"So long as the scholar is sincere, Allah will give it acceptance, Allah will make that work become alive in the actions of people."
"Once I accept myself the way God accepts me, not the way the world will define acceptance."
"God will never deny you; He just wants your heart."
"Whenever you and I are baptized, the Lord says now we are His beloved son or His daughter in whom He is well pleased."
"Everybody has to know that God never rejects anybody."
"He came to his own, and his own did not receive him, but to as many as received him, he gave the power to become the children of God."
"A flash of divine acceptance will happen; I simply cannot be the doer."
"God is not looking for the ideal you, the pretend you, the future you; He's looking for the real you."
"God's acceptance is the power that liberates you from sin; it is not the reward for you having liberated yourself."
"Truly I perceive that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears Him and does what is right is acceptable to Him."
"You are righteous, you are holy, you are forgiven, and you are pleasing to God."
"God will never reject you. Why? He's a good God."
"Oh Allah, accept it from us, allow us to catch it, and allow us to see it on the Day of Judgment."
"Although my father, my mother forsake me, the Lord receives me."
"God doesn't judge me, and they shouldn't judge me either."
"When the people were blessed, then God came and consumed their offering with fire; that is when He accepted them into His presence."
"I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God's Great acceptance has begun."
"If we do anything which is not according to God's Word, in whatever spirit we may do it, or however well we may perform it, it is not a service that God can accept of us."
"This year is the acceptable year of the Lord; the time of God's great acceptance has begun."
"God shows no favoritism or partiality."
"Give me thine heart, poor filthy, defiled, polluted, depraved heart, give it to Him."
"We thank you that you're not a god who's afraid of our brokenness, but indeed you welcome it."
"God loves you for you, nothing else."
"His delight, his pleasure, is that we yield to him to his acceptance and we fall delightedly into his delightful embrace."
"A broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise."