
Societal Discussion Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"In order for us to avoid the future that we might be heading towards, we need to start a conversation."
"This is how we get our country back, people talk politics too much."
"Americans need serious adult conversations about the world around us."
"Progressives dominate like 80% of the discourse."
"We can know it's male or female or whatever and I think that actually says a lot more than just that conversation."
"Truth is what you might describe an optional extra..."
"And isn't this something that we really need to talk more about? About the people that have the ability to think critically..."
"What we really need in society is to have a much more intense political conversation among all people."
"I think it's important to have a discussion, get our opinions out there."
"Identity politics is a way to silence and shut up."
"Mental health is very much part of the conversation."
"We're invested in the idea of not being black in America without policy."
"If you don't have free speech, then we can't even begin to approach these problems properly."
"In this age of everyone having their own truth, public moderate debates are important."
"So what do you think? Is this a better way to divide and talk about our world?"
"It's good that we're having that conversation in society a lot more these days."
"This conversation is still gonna be being had 10 years from now."
"What is clear is that I think we form part of a very important conversation."
"This sounds like sci-fi but like we said yesterday sci-fi is here."
"Free speech is incredibly important because it's the only way we can talk about any of this stuff."
"I think there's room for talk about what a free press is versus a defendant's rights and I think those conversations are bigger than just this case."
"But you know, I think that hopefully there will be a rational middle where people can actually have these discussions again."
"If you are black, you're better off right now."
"I long for a day where we can just raise the water level of civil discourse in the media where we can actually talk about the issues that Canadians care about stop with the labeling stop with the Shaving."
"I'm glad that we are finally having people come forward and talking about this."
"Just because you've never experienced systemic or individual racism, and maybe the people you know haven't experienced it, doesn't mean it's not happening on a wider and larger scale."
"Saying that white privilege exists isn't to belittle the success and the accomplishments of white people."
"Are we finally going to have a transparent conversation about power?"
"This is good this is good this is like America is missing is Nuance conversations that take different perspectives and actually come up with a place where we can all learn from each other."
"Godspeed to Dave Chappelle, an important comedian, important person."
"Comedians and Chappelle in particular in this deal creating the room for the rest of us to have real conversation."
"The fact that we're talking about this at all is amazing. The burden of proof has shifted."
"The stories of this series explore issues and topics that are usually left undiscussed."
"To be free to speak, even to tell the truth, means you have to be free to be stupid and ignorant and malevolent."
"We need to be talking about the systemic aspects that are plaguing our country."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"We should be allowed to discuss material reality and tell the truth."
"We really should be having more conversations about free speech."
"It's time to start the national full-blown conversation about reparations."
"I suppose really it's this like a culmination, this Pentagon report of things that we were saying and the society was saying."
"The argument about equality of results was linked to equality of opportunity."
"We're overturning Roe. We're overturning Casey."
"We need to talk more about mental health because it happens."
"The left doesn't care about the science, the facts, the studies."
"The topic of mental health can often be overlooked or at least is not often discussed."
"This is American history and we need to talk about it because if you don't talk about it you don't share it."
"It's okay to say that America is not a racist country."
"Of course she should, as anyone who works through that challenging process of getting a Ph.D. It's a really silly sexist and absurd conversation that's happening a bit in society."
"If anything can be turned into a social construct merely by talking about it, then there is no such thing as anything that isn't a social construct."
"If all you ever see in the media are portrayals of people with mental illness being violent, then we need to have a conversation."
"I think we should be normalizing having critical conversations about billionaires and celebrities."
"Love you guys. Proud Boys are the talk of the town now, those damn multiracial white supremacists."
"It's what you're describing it's it's um it's possible and I'd say it's very common right now for people to live within or to exist within."
"Women make up 50% of our population, and I've always found that when we talk about women's health... it's actually preceded by talking about women's problems or women's issues."
"Every game is political every conversation is political every movie is political every book everything because it's the discussion of ideas between two groups."
"It's time to start talking very freely and very openly about psychic experiences."
"There's a legitimacy to that... there's a conversation to be had about the ways that the dominant culture can be exploitative of other places."
"We need to continue to have conversations about systemic inequalities."
"Pro-choice? Well, that's at least a good start."
"These conversations need to happen everywhere."
"We are in a time where we're having a powerful and important conversation around systemic racism in every institution. Any of us in the media can't be exempt from that conversation."
"You might think, 'Oh, that's a bit of a vague debate,' except it's kind of a debate that has taken many forms over the last few weeks."
"This is a historic moment... a broad public discussion about institutional racism."
"I just wish more people were having conversations like that."
"There's no subjects in a free society that should not be talked about... we have to discuss and disagree."
"We need to have a much better conversation about immigration."
"Maybe if we had something like that Federated network of communities all capable of cooperating with each other after the abolition of the state maybe then that could be a conversation to be had."
"It's good we're having these conversations now on such a broad sense."
"...we need to start having proper discussions with our young people... we need to start talking to young men about what it means to be male, we need to start having a proper discussion about masculinity..."
"Whose values should they have? This isn't just for the nerds to study, this is for everybody to discuss."
"The strain that motherhood has on you is immense, and I feel like more people should talk about taking time out for yourself."
"I think we ought to have these discussions more often as a society, whether we agree, disagree, whatever, because that's part of life."
"When we talk about things like privilege or advantages, we're generally talking about people in a holistic sense."
"We need to have a social conversation about what is appropriate care at every decision point."