
Educational Goals Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one: to train these people as we find them to a perfect ideal life just where they are."
"The goal was never to be a business; we just wanted to teach what we were about."
"Our mission is to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available."
"The goal of the book... is to make Academia be one of the healthiest places."
"The goal here is to be educational because I found that education actually does help a lot."
"I am technically an official journalist. I am... an evangelist is more almost of what I kind of want. I want to just be teaching what I'm learning."
"Our goal is to get a hundred for you guys in here to teach you, to transform your life and your business, and the people that you take care of."
"I think the hardest part in college is not comparing yourself to other people... you are there for your education."
"We want to help you think like a computer scientist."
"Our greatest responsibility in education is to unleash children's curiosity and never limit their questions."
"The purpose of school is is partly to socialize young people and get them and get them so when they make mistakes they're forgiven and then it's over that's forgotten nothing's forgotten now"
"I want to teach as many people as possible how to do what I did because if I could do it, other people could do it."
"We need to foster a sense of wonder in the next generation. What have we done? It's not just about the God question, it's teaching science and math."
"I knew I want to study in the US. Because I knew if I can study in the US, I can easily pursue computer science."
"People who are deeply connected to something that cannot be bought or sold - their own ancestry, their own cultural heritage, that's what we need to make children into."
"I think it's more important for the students to understand how to like rethink their choices and do better in the future rather than just getting that like consequences."
"I just want to make educational books for kids. I want to make products that families can use that aren't political."
"I want it to be a place where you can come and get entertained educated and enlightened and I want you know black people to make some goddamn money."
"The problem in America right now is the idea of us is in conflict with the reality of us."
"We want all students to understand the difference. Why would people leave these countries and risk their life to be able to come here?" - Ron DeSantis
"We want to produce leaders, we want to produce people who dare to think and learn to lead."
"I want to have fun with watches and educate people."
"It's up to higher ed to give people middle class security."
"America's kids need the best we have to offer."
"Empower communities to prepare students not just for today, but for tomorrow."
"The ultimate goal of learning another language is communication, right?"
"By refocusing our mission... as a college that teaches students how to think rather than what to think, we can restore our reputation as a premier learning institution."
"The envisioned education system nurtures well-rounded individuals prepared for real-world challenges, emphasizing critical thinking, innovation, and social engagement."
"I want to be at the heart of decision making to lead and form global communities dedicated to addressing the urgent international education crisis."
"My goal here is for you to come away from this video feeling like this is utterly reasonable."
"The goal of this video is to ultimately carry you a significant way up the learning curve and across the skill gap."
"It's better to have a following and not need it rather than to not have a following and need it."
"My whole goal was to build off of knowledge and value."
"Education should be as engaging and effective as possible."
"I want to give people the right information."
"We will teach our children to cherish and adore their country so they can build its future." - President Trump
"An educator's primary goal is to teach students to think."
"I want a school where black boys come to learn one thing: power. Yes, how to get it and how to keep it and how to protect it. And we raising alpha males in there."
"We don't want equality, we're not trying to make kids equal, we want black kids to win."
"To help every child be their best, we need to cultivate their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being."
"Let me educate my kids so they could have a chance to live a better life."
"Students should be active participants, self-directed learners, critical thinkers, collaborators, and global citizens."
"Our goal is really to make financial literacy a core value in the black community."
"We should be able to provide people with everything they need to know to have a conversation about anything."
"Do you want to go deep or do you want to be more well-rounded in multiple topics?"
"Education should foster curiosity, empathy, critical thinking, and creativity."
"Educating ourselves is gonna be a big priority of mine on this page."
"It's not all about grades, but preparing them for life."
"I just want to deliver those light bulb moments so that a student could go, 'Oh I get that!'"
"What subject are you going to own in the next 12 months?"
"You named this abolitionist as a push for everyone's humanity."
"Ask yourself, how does this unit plan advance my students' thinking about equity, power, and anti-oppression."
"We're preparing people to live lives of meaning and purpose."
"My dream always was to instill in the girls a love of learning and curiosity."
"When other candidates say do the whole like west wing like you know hey well being a socialist means that I you know want kids to go to school and by golly I'm a socialist."
"Education should focus on giving young kids the facts to have happy, healthy sexual and emotional lives."
"We're not just trying to make a fun game but also something that's really educational too."
"My pledge to you guys is even if I'm not able to help you make your first dollar on the internet, at least I will broaden your knowledge about internet-based businesses."
"One of the broader goals of our channel is to help break down the barriers."
"Please get back to just teaching our children math, science, factual history, equity of opportunity, and teaching them how to think and not what to think in school."
"Whatever your reason might be for learning a new language, as long as it keeps you motivated, it's a good one."
"My fondest hope for the students is that they learn how to process think, they learn how to come together, solve differences."
"I wanted us to stop being ashamed to have the language to have the history."
"Kids, I want all the students to be ready for the world when they leave here."
"Educating our young people for independence rather than dependency on validation."
"Remember, my goal is to help 1 billion students speak English with confidence."
"What are we wrong on? We want kids to be able to go to school, we want them to be able to get a good education."
"Helping people not be stupid, that's what I want to do."
"We can actually foster the kinds of skills that many of the speakers have been speaking about today."
"Education should train you to analyze, reach your own conclusions, but defend other people's rights to reach their conclusions."
"The whole point of this series is to teach you to visualize what your opponent wants."
"He wants to study as hard as he can to give her a brilliant future."
"Students respond to being asked to become the best they can be."
"Educating our kids is not only the right thing to do, it's the most important work in America."
"My main goal for my YouTube channel is gonna be to educate, motivate, and inspire."
"We want economically thriving educated healthy and safe communities."
"Given my background, I would start an AI company that whose goal would be to teach computers how to read so that they can absorb and understand all the written knowledge of the world."
"Our north star goal is that HBCUs become a sustainable system of institutions."
"Learn how to craft measurable learning objectives."
"Creating a universal knowledge base is a worthy endeavor."
"I need you to leave my teaching with an understanding."
"I want to start getting into schools, if I can start getting into schools, I'd love that."
"This definitely checks off most of the boxes that anybody in this class would be looking for."
"The China dream is about economic opportunities, education, and securing a good future."
"Education was never about escaping the hood, it was about elevating all of us."
"I'm rooting for all of you guys. I hope you get in."
"University is actually for nurturing your soul, figuring out how to actually be a good citizen, a good person."
"Early American education was to teach you to read so that you could draw close to God."
"She was determined that she would one day enter Howard... she knew she had come home."
"My whole goal for everything I do and the rest of my life, all I want to do is teach people, is help educate people, is help awaken people by sharing with them knowledge that helps me awaken."
"History is very interesting and very important and I want to make it relatable to people."
"The purpose of education: to help students achieve their highest personal potential."
"Giving people the tools to know how to think for themselves."
"The problem is, these kids grow up thinking about nothing other than getting into college."
"It's indeed a noble goal to get across the message that sharks are not human-eating monsters."
"Percy Hobart is not only a great teacher but he actually wants every man under his command to understand what they are doing and why they are doing it."
"My goal, of course, is not only for you to learn new vocabulary, but to remember it, to be able to use it."
"Our focus was always on producing great human beings."
"What I want to do is maybe take that information and then make it accessible for the people that don't have the time to be paying attention to this all day."
"I'm not interested in just talking anymore by itself. I'm interested in educating but also providing Solutions right after that."
"I hope that someday any person in the world who thinks about learning a language will think about LinguaTrip first."
"Teaching financial education in schools is one of my big plans."
"Our goal is to help you become a self-sufficient trader."
"We're really interested in trying to get science and pop culture to mix."
"Learning a new language is a great self-improvement project."
"I really wanted our company to be an educational company, putting out beneficial information to the community."
"When we talk of quality, it's every parent's desire to send their children to Quality schools."
"Understanding the 'why' makes all the difference in learning."
"My goal is to help you be educated that way you can make smarter decisions for you, your community, and your family."
"Preserving history is instrumental in teaching ways to prevent it from happening again."
"Economic empowerment is one of the key things here that we want them to understand."
"Our goal is not... to graduate people and send them down the road. No, we feel like we want them to be... for as long as they want to be able to come here."
"The goal is ultimately for your student or students to retain the information you’re trying to pass on."
"Every child should be taught to expect success and happiness."
"I'm teaching people how to stop magical thinking."
"India will become the education Hub, not just an idea but the education Hub."
"In this course, I want to help you speak real English, nothing unnatural."
"Set goals in your life, get an education, set goals... and cut please with all my heart man for anybody that this is, this I mean this with everything."
"Education is not just about getting the degree or getting the diploma in your hand, it's about expanding your mind."
"I think you can Will yourself to die… I refuse to let that be the outcome… I made it a point that I was going to go back to school."
"Academic excellence and social responsibility."
"Remember why you went into teaching: to build relationships with kids."
"First thing I would say let's take a step back and remember: Why you want start learning end up learning to program in the first place, right?"
"I decided to create this film, break my rules, and focus on a bunch of non-dinosaurs because I wanted to counter that interpretation."
"This don't stop me personally, and I'm saying I'm gonna get out and go to college and I'm saying try to make some myself get into a nice business."
"My goal is to help people understand this technology and to teach it to as many people as possible around the world in as many languages as possible as many countries as possible."
"When we start to study that... that's when it becomes understood."
"With the new school year coming around you might feel like this is your fresh start. This is your year to achieve all of your academic endeavors and beyond."
"I want to be sure that we do our best to educate them to kind of get them into the fold right."
"Learning a new language is always feasible in a matter of a month, two months."
"Boys and girls, the whole point here has to be to figure out what is true."
"I spent all of those years being told the goal was to get into college."
"My dream is that in 50 years there will never be a black person who doesn't know how to calculate their own net worth."
"I want to go to college. That's the path I've always seen for myself."
"Our goal in society and particularly our government is to make sure that people are educated and trained in a way that they can be the most reliant, the most independent, the most free-thinking."
"Courses are kind of where you want to aim to be. It just takes a solid year or two."
"Language learning has one purpose and that is to improve your quality of life."
"School is the thing that we should be shooting for."
"Teaching people critical thinking skepticism, and lining up the burden of proof and demonstrating evidence, that is the process."
"Our goal is to help you improve your writing score."
"It's my goal to make learning c-sharp easier."
"We have to recognize that we're all scientists and we all have to start thinking about things in a scientific manner."
"Our goal is always to communicate history, but to get history to a place where people are... reaching people, you know?"
"I'm gonna have this room done, we're going to keep moving forward and passing a knowledge creating Brave people Brave free people."
"I want to make sure they're hearing the right things... based on what I'm trying to teach them in life."
"Colleges are looking to populate their programs with diverse individuals."
"My goal is to use all of that to help other people to help you understand how fashion makes meaning not always what it means but at least for us all to understand how is this making meaning."
"Patience is the main thing that we've been wanting him to learn... patience is the main thing."
"We don't want students to be third-rate computers; we want them to be first-rate problem solvers."
"Studying and getting better grades is really only the beginning of Study Quests. What we really want is for everyone to rediscover their love for learning."
"We want to move you beyond what you already understand."
"Your goal is to learn what to do, not to be told what to do."
"Education is not about making people feel comfortable in school, it's about educating them."
"But I do wanna say that right now, my number one priority is completing medical school."
"I tried to make school what I wanted it to be. I wanted to study hard, I wanted to learn amazing things, and I wanted to finish school being smart."
"My goal is simply to make science both understandable and even enjoyable."
"It's going to be all about learning and having fun."
"Can we take these rock layers or rock units and use some basic laws to put them in order? That's the only goal for the rest of today."
"One of my main goals with this channel is to also help other people get into medical school."
"Let's complete the work, let's build a great education system, and let's have opportunity for all our children."
"My goal is to help students pass the CPA exams as quickly as possible."
"My goal is to make my fish room as educational as possible so that you may have success in your fish room."
"The goal of the show wasn't to teach you how to read, but to help you find the love of reading."
"Any education system... has got to have this as the basic root understanding: that is our number one goal, our number one purpose with education."
"It's my goal to clear up the confusion and frustration around learning C#."
"Is your goal to increase the number of smart people as cheaply as possible? Or is your goal to create a more just society?"
"Assessment should both prove and improve students' learning, giving them focus, pace, and challenge."
"The goal of my life is to change education in America."
"My goal is to make sure that at the end of this course, you are able to create your own mobile applications."
"Why do you want to study in Canada? Think about the fact that you are trying to convince them that you intend to study."
"The goal would be if you're not familiar with the project, you'll learn all about it today."
"We're not just here to teach you grammar and stuff. We want you to have a good life."
"My goal with this video is to first teach you the biochemistry but to do so with the perfect balance of detail and big picture in mind."
"If the ultimate goal of our teaching is that the students learn the concept, our job as an instructor is to do anything we can to foster that environment so that learning can take place."
"The mission of Disciple Dojo is to equip, engage, and empower the church."
"Character education... it's about establishing and trying to get you to be good characters, not like characters in a book, but who you are, the kind of person you are."
"In education, we should include how to keep a peace of mind and a happy family."
"My ambition has always been to democratize knowledge."
"Through all of these, we need to make sure we're promoting both accuracy and automaticity."
"The primary purpose of the university is to prepare its students to seek truth."
"Remember, these sessions we do are to make them as powerful and helpful as possible."
"By the conclusion of this webinar, participants should be able to understand how to obtain the optimal mid sagittal view and recognize anatomic landmarks and markers."
"Learning as a way of life is actually one of the goals that I have for my kids."
"The main function of the school then is to shape human behavior and to shape human character."
"The biggest goal is to learn as much as possible, have as much fun as possible."
"Strategy is a set of decisions regarding learning activities to employ to achieve the learning objectives."
"IELTS 6.5 is the name of the antidote that's gonna save their life."
"America's entire education system must once more be the envy of the world -- and that's exactly what we intend to do."
"Jason will improve his reading skills within the following IEP."
"Goals that are specific and time bound give teachers and learners a good time frame to develop the skills students need."
"Our goal is to make you guys creators, not consumers."
"They wanted to become doctors, they wanted to go to college, they wanted to get married, they wanted to have families."
"To create student scholars that are dynamic, cutting edge, and well-versed in modern technology."
"We're supposed to do research, teach, and do extension."
"Stay in school, get good grades, go to college, be a good person, be a part of society, make a difference, be kind."
"My goal is that you learn how to create pure web analytic or data analytic web apps in Python."
"Our aim here is to inform, instruct, inspire. Be blessed."
"My goal for this channel is to create high-quality, accurate information about these peculiar little plants."
"My objective with this two-part graph neural network series is to get you started with your own journey in graph neural networks."
"What is your mission statement for this whole class? How are you tying this in? Who is your audience? What is the purpose?"