
Democratic Values Quotes

There are 420 quotes

"Russia attacked Ukraine because Ukraine dared to pursue a democratic path."
"Liberty, democracy, justice. They're in your hands now."
"If you're saying 'stop counting all the votes,' you don't believe in America at all."
"We Syrians have come to Germany as refugees because we want to live freely in this democratic society."
"Democracy makes it possible to be different yet equal."
"The right to free speech... it's the battlefield of ideas that is the essence of free speech and that's a foundational principle of our Republic."
"The push and pull of the republic, or the democracy, whatever you want to call it, is based on open, free, transparent, and authentic dialogue."
"She's a democratic politician. She fights for human rights."
"Biden is trying to show Americans that democracy itself is going to be on the ballot this fall."
"We believe in economic freedom, political freedom, we believe in universal human rights."
"Trying to save your democracy is a noble ambition."
"We need far greater democracy than what we have today, real democracy, democracy for the majority."
"I don't know... I think people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for."
"Universal programs could represent a key avenue for a better politics, fostering class solidarity and democracy."
"A good democracy has protection for minority values... So we should all believe in democracy. If you don't, you don't really have a right to this conversation."
"It's one of the reasons why free speech is so important."
"We represent a new Eritrea, one that is embracing many liberal democratic values I spoke about earlier."
"To undermine the press is to me no different than undermining our houses of worship."
"The American people want nothing more; the Chinese people and the entire Indo-Pacific deserve nothing less."
"So now, to his winning strategy... That's a democratic ticket that will terrify the GOP."
"Thank you all so much... for spreading the importance of Truth, facts, and democracy."
"We know no masters, we acknowledge no dictators. This is a hall for mutual consultation and discussion, not an arena for the exhibition of champions."
"You can be the generation that stood up and reminded us just how precious this experiment in democracy really is."
"We must always be the United States of America. And may God protect our nation, and may God protect all those who stand watch over our democracy. God bless you all, democracy, thank you."
"We the people must decide whether we will have fair and free elections."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights."
"Choose your path: sensible governance led by a democratic majority or larpy Nazis in gay uniforms."
"I think the popularity of a policy that helps tens of millions of people not live in poverty is a very good way of determining how valuable something is in a Democratic Society."
"We believe in the American people, we believe in our democracy."
"The basic idea holds that capitalism at best is an uneasy partner with our democratic values at worst it erodes them completely undermining the social and material basis of Republican citizenship."
"His election showed that Americans wanted a more democratic politics."
"Who we are as a nation, what we stand for, most importantly, who we want to be, that's all on the ballot."
"Democracy is under attack here and abroad, we need Joe Biden."
"The American people deserve an honest, transparent debate."
"Our commitment to justice is fundamental, the rule of law is a critical component of our democracy."
"Governor Tim Waltz showcased how Democrats can lead with compassion, intelligence, and championing freedom."
"It's incredible that we're not doing more with what's been laid out in terms of the actions that Russia has taken to interfere with our democracy."
"Transparency is the glue that holds a democracy together."
"This is bigger than just one fight in Ukraine... autocracy against democracy."
"Now it's just a matter of, 'Will democracies do the right thing, or they allow themselves to be essentially bought into co-opting their freedoms for profit?'"
"There's no more fundamental American value than the freedom to choose our own leaders."
"I want to make democracy work not just for the rich and well connected but for everybody."
"The government's role should be to protect the space for that debate."
"Election, you must hold electoral process sacred. You must believe in one man, one vote as democracy."
"If you believe in the Democratic process, there has to be oversight."
"Showing up and taking care of people, that's why I'm a Democrat. I think that's what the Democratic Party is doing and that's why we need to elect Democrats, especially this cycle."
"The fact that democracy is on trial right now or being tested unlike any other time in our lives and perhaps anytime in the life of this country."
"Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where matters vital to the future of humanity are debated."
"Legitimate criticism of Israel's policies is protected by the values of free speech and democratic debate."
"For too long have we in the democratic world dismissed morality or not taken it as a serious topic of debate. We need to talk about morality because it matters to people and because there is a price for freedom."
"The good news is that so far the free world has upheld its values. The good news comes from the fact that our friends in Ukraine are taking a stand."
"Democracy is at the heart of this whole issue."
"It shouldn't be that way. It should be up to the people."
"I embrace open discussion and open dialogue... that is a fundamental element of our republic that makes our democracy strong."
"The mere existence of a thriving democracy with a robust economy and a freedom-loving people is anathema to everything the Chinese Communist Party believes."
"The integrity of our voting system is more important than which candidate gets to be in the White House."
"Ukraine is pluralistic society that rejects autocracy."
"It's the price we pay for living in a free society."
"Free and fair elections are one thing, but if you torture your way to a majority after that, that doesn't quite live up to the values that you were stating."
"It's more than a show...it's a movement fueled by you people who love our democracy."
"Whether we believe in our capacity for self-government or whether we abandon the American Revolution."
"Free speech is the one thing we actually have to give to our opponents if we want it for ourselves."
"The number one goal right now is to reclaim our democracy."
"The United States must use its values of freedom, democracy, and the rule of law to gather a coalition of other democracies to stop CCP's aggression."
"Democracy will prevail, love will prevail, compassion will prevail, intelligence will prevail."
"It's time that we reclaim democracy for the people."
"American democracy under attack because the defeated former president of the United States refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election."
"In 32 days, you, we, the people have a choice to reaffirm these values, these principles that so many died for."
"It was home to an incredible people, foreign idea that they could rule themselves, that they could chart the destiny, they could light up the entire world."
"These seem like the most undemocratic practices."
"This is a democracy so I will do what the people want."
"Create a networked world of democracy and openness and transparency where like-minded countries and like-minded people work together for the benefit of all."
"Understanding cultural values and belief in democracy is crucial for resilience against disinformation and propaganda."
"People need to be reminded of the importance of standing for democratic values, especially in the face of Russian propaganda campaigns."
"Their battle isn't to go run for federal office saying what they're for, we're sort of living within the rules of democracy trying to win elections, their battle is against democracy itself."
"If you have a vibrant, thriving democracy where the right to vote is respected, you do not end up with a total abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest."
"It's been very difficult, even for Biden, who ran on making sure democracy can be saved, not just in the U.S. but also abroad."
"We're the only guarantor of freedom, democracy, rule of law."
"It's simply about creating the conditions for a more democratic, better society in the future."
"Do we not want to keep our democracy the way that we have grown and seen this country?"
"If we could call anything an attack on democracy, this is it."
"How do you continue on when your name and your family is connected to something like this?" - Emily D Baker
"History will record today as the day we ceased to be a Democratic Republic."
"What do I believe, what does Joe believe, what do the other candidates believe, and you guys are going to make up your decision. It's called democracy."
"The greatest threat to democracy since the civil war."
"The threat to our democracy exists right now in many of the MAGA Republicans who are running for office."
"God bless you all and may God protect our troops and all those who stand to watch over our democracy."
"We're breaking an unwritten rule that has kept us a democracy and kept us a different than a fascist state"
"How do we, as a country, deal with the fact that one of our two major political parties no longer believes in basic democratic norms?"
"Ultimately, the message that I want people to derive is that the influence peddling itself is destroying the republic."
"Backing him is backing democracy. Backing America is backing the principle of individual freedom and democracy."
"The answer here is not less democracy, it's more democracy."
"American democracy belongs to all the American people, not to a single man."
"President Putin's war on Ukraine is a war on freedom, on democracy, and on the rights of Ukrainians and all people to determine their own future."
"Free speech is meaningless unless you're allowed people you don't like to say things you don't like."
"Democracy and freedom is a terrific attribute."
"I care a lot more about whether or not we are going to be able to bequeath the democracy."
"The success of our democracy depends on ordinary people's willingness to believe in our institutions."
"Journalistic integrity is essential to our democracy."
"Democracy means billionaires cannot buy elections."
"There has to be some penalty for people who try to poison the minds of Americans and try to poison democracy and subvert it."
"We've got to act quickly to protect our democratic republic."
"The great thing about our republic is that we settle our differences in this country at the ballot box, not with guns or bayonets or violence."
"At this difficult time for our country, when we have so many needs that we have to meet, so many challenges to democracy in Ukraine and in our own country."
"If Ukraine loses the war, the whole Democratic world is losing."
"A democratic environment values everyone's opinions and fosters respect."
"The court of Mad King Donald is not a presidency. It is an affliction, one that saps the life out of our democratic institutions, and it must be fiercely resisted if the nation as we know it is to survive."
"Decency, science, democracy, they're all on the ballot."
"The only way the American experiment works is if we all have the first amendment to question and be honest."
"Anti-populism for me sounds like anti-democracy. If people's voices can't be heard, if you're only willing to listen to voices that you agree with, that isn't democracy, that's tyranny."
"Every member of the democratic caucus understands this is transformative for the american people."
"I believe we're in a moment history is going to look back on... as a fundamental choice having been made between democracies and autocracies."
"There's something very democratic about anybody walking into any house being sold."
"We've got to broaden the group of countries willing to stand up for our democratic values."
"The whole Foundation of what we do here in America is the ability to debate."
"Our democracy is a prerequisite for all the other issues you care about. Abortion bans violate the separation of church and state."
"We are fighting Fascism and authoritarianism right now. We lose everything if we lose our democracy."
"The dichotomy between prioritizing human beings versus pocketbook interests is stark. We must fight against Fascism and authoritarianism."
"This is democracy's day, a day of history and hope."
"Our great Founders did not want and would not condone false and fraudulent elections."
"This campaign is more than healthcare, it's more than education, it's more than the postal service, it is democracy."
"I think that it's... should be more egalitarian... enact... democratic relationships... struggling for change."
"In a democracy, the people deserve to hear from candidates for office. Democracy only works when we have informed electorates."
"To ban other perspectives from being heard by the American people... that's kind of a bad use of strength."
"Democrats win when we figure out what is right and we get out there and fight for it. I am Not Afraid and for Democrats to win you can't be afraid either." - Elizabeth Warren
"If we are going to protect democracy that should start at home."
"We affirmed the special relationship as it's not said lightly, the special relationship between our people and renewed our commitment to defending the enduring democratic values that both our nations share."
"We will beat down this GOP stupidity... ensure our democracy."
"They understand the protests aren't un-American, our country was founded on protests against injustice."
"If we vote up and down the ticket like never before we will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for and what we believe in and who we are as a people."
"Free speech is protected in the Bill of Rights and in global instruments like Universal Declaration of Human Rights because it has long been recognized as necessary to create open and Democratic societies."
"A free press is a foundation for any democracy."
"Democracy allows people to have different views, and democracy makes it also -- makes us also responsible for negotiating an answer for those views."
"Overwhelmingly the American people look at that and they see it with their own eyes they hear it with their own ears they're not going to stand for this anymore."
"We need to restore privacy to restore democracy."
"Our values won. Openness won. Tolerance won. And freedom won here in Berlin."
"We believe in democracy. We need more education, more tools, but I want to build a world where everyone has access, nobody's left behind."
"I do not personally agree with your views, nonetheless the point of freedom of speech is allowing those views."
"We can show our fellow Americans that we still live in a democracy, that people matter more than money."
"That's the essence of a kind of democracy that I want to live in."
"Freedom of press is the core value when we think about our democracy."
"Our thoughts are with the families who of those whose lives are taking the tragedy. The right to peacefully protest is a bedrock of our democracy."
"That's why it's a country Worth Fighting For, it's a system of government worth fighting for."
"That's why people voted in 2020. That's why we won Georgia, that's why we won these seats in Arizona because Democrats want fighters, Democrats want people who are going to go in there and they're going to get people coveted relief."
"You can be grossly incompetent and be a threat to democracy."
"Using language as force, denying consent, it's anti-democratic."
"Trust me, if you want to be cool, be on the side of democracy."
"America is still a real light of freedom that we can have these robust debates."
"It is we the people who have the sovereignty and that's what's under attack here."
"Democracy lies in the hearts, not just in heads."
"That's why I am proudly a Democrat... because Democrats are truly the party of workers."
"I think it actually celebrates our democracy so well that literally anybody can run if they would like to."
"America could not be an Empire abroad and continue to be a democracy."
"We are united in our commitment to addressing democratic backsliding, corruption, and phony populism."
"Seeking the truth and holding leaders accountable is crucial for a healthy democracy."
"Our democracy is confident, robust, and aware."
"Well, that's the beauty of democracy isn't it?"
"We have to insist that the Democratic Party begin to reclaim its historic mission."
"I love America, I love democracy, I love air."
"Western countries always declare the democratic values, among which one of the most important is the life of human being and the honor of man."
"American democracy represents the world's longest running experiment."
"This is an existential battle for the future of democracy in the United States."
"These are the people that tried to end the American experiment because their guy didn't win."
"My key commitment is to democracy rather than to left or right."
"Democracy is about dissent, not blind patriotism."
"The defining struggle of our time is autocracy versus democracy. We need to be on the side of democracy."
"We cannot allow this idea of who loves this country or what does it mean to be a patriot to be dominated by a group or an individual or a party whose definition of defending democracy is trying to tear it down."
"No free speech, no free mind, no free society."
"I absolutely accept that the police have got certain challenges. But freedom of speech is an important right in our democracy."
"If you care about democracy and you care about the survival of our Republic then you need to understand we all have to understand that we cannot give people power who have told us that they will not honor elections."
"Every vote should be counted. That's the mantra of this party."
"We export democracy by standing up for its values at home."
"We can't take for granted though our democracy."
"Stepping into power as a teacher, sharing wisdom."
"Our democracy is more than a constitution; it's a covenant, a relationship between neighbors, a promise that we make to each other."
"Hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights."
"We cannot let our future be decided by those bent on silencing our voices, overturning our votes, and peddling lies and misinformation by some radical faction that may be newly resurgent, but whose roots run old and deep."
"You have to have honest elections or you don't have a country."
"All nations should look at where it is and make a decision based upon democracy and freedom and peace."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for our democracy and our decency."
"We want to show that a democratic value-driven approach can deliver on the most pressing challenges." - Fond de Leon
"Democracy is on the line and you have a choice."
"The Lincoln Project is working to neuter the current GOP-controlled government to ensure that future elections are fair and democratic."
"Where are Western values not in retreat? Where is democracy not in retreat?"
"Believe in your own power... all people have power in a government of by and for the people."
"It's time now to end all of those practices not just in the United States but in Europe and all democracies."
"People should not have to choose between health and democracy."
"Free speech is the whole reason why we have a civilization."
"Should people be allowed be criminalized for saying things that you find hateful or disagreeable? And if you think that, you really don't believe in the concept of democracy."
"Elections are representations of our values, our ideas, and how we want the country to proceed."
"Every legal American should have the right to vote."
"Mainstream politicians refuse to break with anti-democratic extremists."
"Abraham Lincoln called the Supreme Court the citadel of slavery and was vocal about how the will of the people should have the final say about the big issues of the day, not the Supreme Court."
"We are fighters for democracy, the real rule of law."
"The law should be easy, practical, and just. We will hold people accountable for insurrection and violations of the law, standing strongly on the side of democracy." - Michael Popock
"Hey WaPo, democracy dies in darkness. That's why we're shining a light on you." - Tim Cast
"Every failed technology rejected by science, rejected by democracy, has been picked up by his money."
"Freedom of speech is more necessary in a democracy than in any other system of government."
"We hate what they say, but we believe in their freedom to say it."