
Revelations Quotes

There are 233 quotes

"For where faith is, there will the knowledge of God be also, and with all these things which pertain thereto: revelations, visions, and dreams, as well as every necessary thing in order that the possessors of faith may be perfected and obtain salvation."
"Diving deep into mysteries or hidden materials can lead to deeper revelations and understandings."
"What absolutely BLEW my mind when I found out, is that both smoothly connect as part of one. epic. mega theory."
"Eclipse energy is the darkening of the light and therefore when you have this Eclipse energy, what you're going to find is that something comes out of the dark and is revealed."
"It's those kind of revelations that we can have through again, the written or spoken word."
"There is now so much new information to delve into, and as soon as it seems like we have all of the crazy details, more revelations emerge."
"There are times though, when the answers suddenly appear, years later, out of the clear blue sky."
"Your true friends will be revealed. Secrets will be revealed."
"The whispers are finally laid to rest and in their place emerges a new compelling Narrative of Nikola Tesla."
"Don’t you love it when people tell on themselves?"
"Next Sunday, there's going to be a revelation, some new reveal."
"You never really find out who you're marrying until after you got married."
"What happens in the dark shall eventually come to the light."
"I mean, like, think about this. This is just the shit we know about, you know?"
"Only when the tide goes out do you see who's been swimming naked."
"2020 is revealing all and you will continue to see these celebs basically turn on one another."
"Eclipses can shine a light on secrets being revealed."
"This is a fight of factions... this story was coming out... caused this all to come out..."
"Bleach sped ahead like a roller coaster, zipping from mounting Mysteries to Major Revelations."
"I finally figured it out. So this is why Lana tried to stop the trial."
"Revelations was exactly as the title said, constant reveals."
"They're coming towards you to spill out emotions because of the ace of cups, and they've been sitting on this for a while."
"Most people have no idea how important the revelations could be to their future as a species."
"Everything that you've ever known about hamburgers is wrong."
"Life is Stranger Than Fiction; some things he said are very out there but the fact that he had all this info that is now coming out 5 years prior is crazy."
"There was way more to the story and that there was actually a conspiracy behind Jane's murder."
"We truly are living in the apocalypse. This is a time where we're given lots of revelations."
"I believe we're living in a time of great revelation."
"We have had him on for two previous conversations and he is the man that blew open the lid on the guardians of the looking glass."
"Pluto always reveals the dirtiest secrets... abuses of power... revealing of something dirty."
"The admissions of captive Russian soldiers set the stage for the world to hear the blood-curdling truths."
"Jupiter is the planet of truth and of course when it was in Scorpio, it revealed a lot of secrets about misuse of power."
"Even if we didn't find out that Captain America had, like, banged Peggy Carter... he actually lost his virginity like some random chick on, like, a carrier."
"We're in a period of revelations where things aren't getting darker, but we're understanding what has been hidden far stronger now."
"Glad I know revelations: Now I see how many people weren't courageous or weren't telling the truth."
"Mo'Nique spilled the damn tea, it's dirtier than what's out there about P Diddy."
"All we know is that Josuke is Joseph's kid. It started a bit of drama in the family."
"Repeating cycles and lessons in their hearts, revelations in your heart."
"All of my conspiracy theories became facts last year. That's right. All of them."
"We're getting answers tonight, baby, let's go."
"Major reveals and major pieces that we otherwise would not have gotten."
"So in a way, this one kills two birds with one stone, and it's just so fascinating to know that something that was once nothing more than fan theory has actually been confirmed to be true."
"There are so many lies, truths, and revelations that we're going to get to in the Witch Queen."
"Maybe more will come out in the years to come."
"Everything comes to light, and the truth is coming up. That's gonna be interesting."
"When you listen all the way through to the end, that's when a lot of the good stuff comes out about this unpublished research."
"People were able to see the truth of certain situations."
"This is the biggest story ever, Greg, because it explains so much of what's going on in our financial reality."
"The truth will come out one day about all the Kennedy assassinations."
"The behind the scenes tea is so scorching hot."
"Revelations, you know, like whoa, I'm just seeing, I'm feeling like whoa."
"Things behind the scenes are getting brought up to the surface."
"This person can't act fake with you anymore, they've already revealed the play."
"I knew you weren't a bad guy. Who could have believed that there was more to it all?"
"It's long enough that they've been hiding in the shadows."
"That's what Julian Assange showed, that's what Ed Snowden showed."
"Neptune going retrograde is an awesome thing... a lot of revelations coming to light, a lot of ships coming out to light."
"Disclosure would be the beginning of that avalanche effect that I've been waiting for."
"Omicron has revealed what we have been saying all along."
"This is definitely a very, very exciting thing that is even more exciting considering these are answers we're very likely going to get."
"If any man seeks for greatness, let him forget greatness and ask for truth."
"Here's a cheers to what I reckon has been the biggest eye opening trip I've done since we started off."
"The Twitter files reveal an incredibly elaborate formalized system."
"An avalanche of information is going to come out."
"Little did I know that I would be contacted by a very covert secretive individual who would blow the lid off what many of us believe to be the truth about our world."
"The full moon brings things to light. Things will come out, things will be exposed."
"I don't know if this is really juicy, but I got a crush on my guy friend. That's so cute though."
"Mars will trigger revelations, pushing you to change or leave."
"Some huge Revelations because Leticia's daughter took the stand."
"Everything that's done in the dark gon' come to the light."
"Some of our leaders... we are going to be hearing things that they've done in the past and they are going to be shocking."
"It's a big revealing... Things are a bit too obvious and the other half just doesn't care."
"The real highlight is there are people that surprise you."
"Sarah can hear Revelations and might be the key to finding a way out."
"Maybe it's time to tell you about that last night."
"I liked the way the secret identity here made a lot of sense. I liked the way it was unveiled."
"This is big for you guys, okay? Major revelation, major breakthrough for you stepping through the portal."
"Bombshell recordings released of what appears to be House Republican leader Kevin McCarthy days after the January 6 riot."
"It's going to be really shocking to find out how much the good guys have been doing in the background too."
"Follow the money because it will answer so many questions."
"The truth has come out today, but this isn't the end, this is the beginning."
"New feelings stirred, opportunities shared, and secrets unveiled."
"With every new revelation... confirming all the insidious and unpleasant suspicions we've always had."
"Secrets are coming out, things are going to be revealed, announcements, things are going to be opening up, people are going to be opening up."
"My biggest takeaway... is something extremely important that we haven't even talked about yet."
"Endings bring clarity and unexpected revelations."
"More and more whistleblowers and revelations of the lies we've been told in 2023."
"The moon talks about Secrets being revealed...things that were not fully clear to us in 2023 are going to be made clear."
"There's going to be an awakening, a shocking revelation, a surprising revelation."
"Things being exposed, secrets being revealed. The moon is things that are hidden from you, coming to light."
"He repeatedly said that he wanted to and should have told me from the second they even met for coffee."
"QAnon is slowly revealing things about the deep state and the swamp that people need to know."
"Aquarius, your intuition will be picking up red flags. You'll see people revealing themselves."
"There is plenty of governmental weirdness on this issue that’s come to light already."
"The biggest cover-up of UFOs in modern history is about to be unveiled, folks. This is huge."
"Sometimes secrets are revealed, Mercury, the messenger of things that were hidden from your view that influenced you both in your finances and in your career success."
"The big story of 2017 is the revelation of the WME IMG preference over the sport."
"Rumor has it she's out to spill all his secrets, and honestly, considering she's been in the industry for ages, it's not surprising she might have the inside scoop."
"In the internet age, more and more people are uncovering uncomfortable truths that have the powers that be scrambling to cover up."
"The Chozo memories in Samus Returns... solved one of the greatest mysteries of the Metroid franchise."
"Now that we know that's connected to Wes, we're getting closer to something."
"Expect surprises, truths coming out of the blue."
"Your last two interviews kind of blew some people away. You provided some very powerful revelations."
"A lot is gonna be revealed to each and every person in different ways on different topics."
"There is huge potential for these revelations, changes, and new decisions to continue throughout this new moon cycle."
"Venus retrograde may feel foggy, but it brings crisp and profound revelations."
"What's done in the dark always gets brought to light."
"Also things that have that have been hidden previously are probably going to come to the surface and and shake up the um the status quo especially when it comes to power dynamics in our in our lives."
"Secrets are coming out this week, Sagittarius. You're going to see what I'm talking about."
"You might notice some potential Revelations, new information that's coming up within your inner circle, your really close friends, your family members."
"These Revelations have steadily eroded the Supreme Court standing with the public in ways that are it's kind of stunning to witness."
"Harry's revelations in the book include accounts of his use of class A drugs."
"I probably lost about 10 to 20 million dollars."
"Trust your intuition, revelations will make everything clear."
"Anything done in the dark will come to light."
"Change is coming... many people have seen masks come off that they didn't even know were masks."
"There are so many surprising things in the book, but the thing that surprised me the most was that in 2016, you and Will decided that you were going to live completely separate lives."
"It was always about sex at that point, that was what all of those encounters were about for him."
"Trust your intuition, revealed mysteries are coming through."
"There's a whole lot of things still waiting to be revealed within the Shadowlands."
"There's something shocking is going to be revealed and things that were concealed will be revealed."
"2023 is going to be a huge year for disclosure, discoveries, and Truth."
"It'll be revealed and everyone will come around and they'll go 'oh I get it now.'"
"But the real glory of all this and what I kind of love is that if this is true and all of the Lestranges are, in fact, heirs of Slytherin, then Voldemort is way less special than he thinks as the lone heir of Slytherin."
"We're in for just a nice chill Adventure undoubtedly with huge Revelations."
"When they drink, they tell secrets."
"The video that The Riddler put out there exposed a lot of things."
"What is this, a reveal no one saw coming?"
"It's what they killed Kennedy for, it's what they did countless other horrible things for...the number of problems that have been caused directly by the CIA is horrifying."
"Every new piece of information regarding Roger paints him as much more of a Luffy-like figure than I ever would have expected."
"Jean spilled the tea on Diddy's escapades with men."
"Todoroki family drama exposed quite a bit about My Hero Academia's themes."
"Imagine if the whistleblower had not come forward and we didn't know about MKULTRA and all those documents."
"Jay-Z's got some skeletons in his closet that are about to come out. People are saying his shady past might be the reason behind their drifting apart, and let me tell you, it's got everyone talking."
"I'm sure that more will continue to be unearthed in regards to the Murdoch family involvement on a number of levels of different instances here."
"Regardless of all what I'm seeing, what I know as a Christian is that there's Revelations."
"As Diddy's empire crumbles and more secrets come to light, it's clear that the landscape of Hollywood is shifting in ways we never could have imagined."
"These differences highlight the personal nature of the private revelations received by saints and mystics over the centuries."
"The revelations delivered in this part broke the internet as well as previously conceived ideas."
"It was finally time to show the world the monstrous things that Scientology has done."
"These revelations provoke questions about accountability structures within the entertainment industry."
"These Revelations paint a troubling picture of Kelly as a man who used his power and influence to prey on vulnerable young women in the industry."
"This has been whispered a lot the past year or so. A new documentary was released, 'Quiet on Set,' which explores the horrifying reality of what happened behind the scenes at Nickelodeon in the '90s and 2000s."
"The manga is popping off with some crazy chapters, dropping mind-shattering revelations once every leap year."
"Were you aware of the extent of Kennedy's romantic involvements and did any Revelations about the women mentioned in this video surprise you?"
"Even in the Qur'an, later revelations replace or abrogate earlier revelations."
"I'm just glad we see the true colors out of everyone right now."
"Let's uncover a hundred years of Disney's deepest darkest secrets that they don't want you to know."
"Confessions has discovered the secret tactics cabin crew used to control their human cargo."
"That's why those priests are like, 'Yo, there's actually [ __ ] about Maau in here. So if they translate everything about that, then that's going to be uncovered.'"
"It was revealed that the manager was a demented psychopath."
"The testimonies of many other people who have been kidnapped by North Korea over the years have since been coming out little by little."
"I assume that he does not just because of Disney, it would have come out. Definitely would have come out."
"...often times the revelations that you gain from doing this exercise are really, really powerful."
"Oh gosh, how juicy can we get? Spill all the juicy Secrets!"
"They want to reveal their secret, reunite with you."
"True colors were brought to light."
"No one else will tell you the things I'm going to tell you because I'm outside of the system and I can share all of the dirty little secrets."
"Every encounter is a result of a revelation, and every revelation is a prerequisite of the town you're about to enter."
"Come on man, it's inside scoop destroying right there."
"When you rewatch the show, so many things click."
"True Colors, as the name suggests, aka the season 2 finale, would be where all the big reveals occur."
"Exploring the untold truths behind the headlines."
"Was there any major bombshells that were new?"
"Wow, there's been some juicy drama developments."
"It's shocking how many people, once you tell them a story like this, have a story of some high strangeness of their own."
"Lunar eclipses tend to bring things right there's a full moon so uh fullness completion fruition drama elucidation things being Unearthed things being brought into the light things coming out of the darkness hidden things coming out."
"I'm excited to see how they bring it all together. I think we need some revelations, we need something big, we need something to make it feel like, you know, it's all wrapped in a nice bow."
"I never expected it to lead to a series of shocking revelations."
"Writing a memoir involves finding those deep revelations and deep mysteries."
"Revelations continues to captivate audiences with its emotional resonance and timeless beauty."
"You find out the crazy stuff that your parents do when you become grown, that they've done in life to hold down the fort."
"These are stories with intriguing secrets and surprising revelations."
"Some things are not mistakes; they are revelations."
"The revelations in this book immediately improved the read value of the entire series."
"Some of these mysterious events and revelations even made headlines all around the globe."
"The revelations of Jesus to Louisa are dripping with mercy and unconditional love."
"You really started seeing people's true colors and you were just like, damn, who's really down for what."
"This extraordinary manuscript unveils chilling revelations about the human race."
"One must be prepared for a journey into forbidden knowledge and chilling revelations."
"Never before seen exclusive facts that you won't get anywhere else."
"There are many strange but true stories in our world, and every once in a while, one of these strange mysteries gets solved."
"This game has got so many truth bombs."
"This video will take you on a roller coaster ride through the darker side of wrestling, revealing the shocking truths and hidden secrets lurking beneath the surface."
"If we dig deeper and follow the money, some astonishing numbers come to light."
"Each new chapter of the series comes with big reveals."
"It marked a day of unexpected revelations that significantly altered the course of my life."
"It's all going back not just to figure out how he came back, but also to show us about a lot of connections, both good and bad, between him and a lot of other characters, heroes and villains alike."
"If indeed they have alien bodies or, whoa, live aliens, then that secret is world-shaking."
"This full moon lunar eclipse is a time of revelations."
"I really can't undersell the impact that this music had on me and the insane revelations I had years after the fact."
"There's revelations out there, just have your ears open, your eyes open, and you know, you don't know what's lurking in this reality."
"I think this could be the year of great revelations and healing."
"Technology is getting wild, the more that the US investigates, the more they're going to find some shady stuff going on."
"They've always had an observatory... there's intense interest now in astronomy because of the contents of some of the secret revelations they claim were made in this century."
"The story is so much better when you arrive at its mind-bending revelations naturally."
"Amazing new disclosures, amazing new information reinforcing a lot of the old conclusions but a lot more."
"Future excavations promise more revelations, promising a deeper understanding of the historical significance of each discovery."
"Everything you're about to see in this video changed our understanding of history, some in small ways and some in big ways."
"I can't wait for the exit interviews eventually that answer this question."