
Bible Study Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"Just read your Bible like you would read every day and enjoy it, and learn something from it because all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."
"I urge you... not to become an expert on all the cults. Become an expert on your own Bible."
"I'm a pastor who cares very deeply about understanding the Bible properly, about reading it in its context and knowing what it really says because I do believe that God has inspired the Scriptures."
"The Bereans were of noble character for they received the message with eagerness and examined the Scriptures daily."
"I'm glad you're back, and if this your first time joining us for 'Three Cosmic Messages,' a series on Bible prophecy specifically focusing on the book of Revelation, thank you for joining us."
"We're called to keep God's Word... Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it."
"Open our eyes that we might behold wonderful things from your word."
"I'm in awe of God's word and I'm just almost shaking and trembling right now because what I have to present to you is just amazing."
"The more you get into this book, the more you want to get into this book. This Bible is amazing."
"I pray that we would want Your word to feed our souls because it's reliable plus it's so fascinating the more we study it."
"God's people need to not only say they believe the Bible from cover to cover, but they need to know what is between those covers."
"I think that if you read the Bible from beginning to end, you will end up a Catholic."
"So, dear friend, pray before you read God's word and ask the Holy Spirit to open your spiritual ears and eyes so that you can hear from God."
"Let us ask him to give us the urgency to read his word so that we can know his voice and then obey."
"It's drawing people to Christ, it's drawing people to want to read their Bible."
"Understanding the Scriptures: should we take the Bible literally, figuratively, allegorically, or as poetry?"
"We cannot separate praying from reading the Bible."
"Prayer, Bible study, worship will sustain your faith in a time when you have a lot of questions and anxiety."
"Nothing makes the bible come to life like going digital does."
"The aim is to get you interested in the works of the Bible. If your interest has been peaked then please read the original text yourself."
"Revelation is the only book in the Bible where God actually makes a promise that if you study this book you'll actually be blessed by him for doing it."
"Open the Bible read it and study it and keep reading that stay in that word daily because the Bible transforms us and protects us and informs us who Jesus really is."
"I'm really looking forward to talking about Exodus and the mosaic stories."
"Personal Bible study is a catalyst for spiritual growth and maturity, allowing us to internalize the truths of scripture and apply them to our lives."
"Personal Bible study equips us to discern Truth for ourselves, ensuring that we develop a solid foundation rooted in God's word."
"We're making the Bible exciting because the Holy Spirit makes the Bible exciting."
"Read your Bibles and apply it fully in your lives. Draw closer to Yah and He will draw closer to you."
"Read it daily, at least one chapter a day, and be filled with the knowledge that will build your faith and your relationship with Him."
"Read your Bible like your life depends on it, because it actually does."
"Always good to be a part of the family of God, study the word of God together. I'm looking forward to it, amen."
"Immersing ourselves in the Bible provides the spiritual nourishment we need, shaping our thoughts, actions, and attitudes."
"Lifelong Bible study is how to unleash God into my life."
"The biggest problem with Bible study is not the failure to understand a passage, but failure to apply the words of God which we do understand."
"The greatest need of the day is not for you to accumulate a bunch of books but it's to read the book."
"I turn to the Bible when I feel hungry for wisdom."
"The first rule of good Bible study is to ask the question, what did this mean to the people to whom it was originally addressed."
"You can study the Bible for yourself and let the Holy Spirit teach you."
"The Bible is not an ordinary book. When you and I open the word of God, we are opening the word of the living God."
"Read your Bible, read it, stop leaving the responsibility of your Bible being read to you by somebody else."
"Reading through your Bible should be approached like you're getting into a car to take a trip."
"Read the Bible, and these things that in feeble will lose all their attraction for you."
"Expositional teaching reveals the systematic design of the Bible. It's like painting every dab of color on a canvas."
"We do pray father you would increase in each of us a hunger and a passion for your word that each might grow in grace into the knowledge of that Lord and Savior."
"When you no longer feel the Holy Spirit, feed yourself with the Holy Scriptures."
"We want to make our mind active by actively studying and meditating upon the Word of God."
"I took the Bible and the Bible alone... I just went to the Bible itself."
"The first thing you need to ask yourself when you read the Bible is, 'What is this saying about God?'"
"You've got to read the Gospel of Luke... if you've read the Bible or if you've gone to church all your life."
"We must go verse by verse, chapter by chapter, sometimes now word by word in the book of Romans."
"This is the hour that God wants you to pick up your word, pick up the Bible, get on your knees and say, 'Father, what do you want me to do?'"
"What is our main goal in studying the Bible? Isn't it for us to know God?"
"Approach the Word of God with awe and humility."
"Exegesis versus eisegesis: draw out of the text, not read into the passage."
"I'm simply desiring to interpret rightly the Word of God as I assume all of us are as Christians."
"Thank you for these programs. They make me want to start reading the Bible again."
"Get off the internet, get on your knees and in the Bible hours a day."
"Reading the Bible isn't just about reading words on a page, it's also encountering the word in the word of God."
"I see a pre-trib rapture the more I read the Bible, the more I can't deny it."
"Every single notable figure in history, especially within the black community, studied the Bible."
"Without the Bible, there will be no revival."
"Let the Bible read you. It's alive, it's active, it's sharper than any two-edged sword."
"The most evangelistic period of Church history is when the church studies Bible prophecy."
"Read your Bible and be led by His Holy Spirit."
"Reading the Bible involves reading it with humility and the eyes of a child."
"I can't believe I'm reading this Bible verse right now."
"Feeding on the Bible means allowing it to spiritually nourish you."
"Read your Bible, study it alone or with your family, and make sure that you change your life for the better."
"It has given me such a hunger for the word of God that I cannot imagine going home and being the same person that I actually came here as."
"Once we discovered that it is life-giving to read all of God's word, it becomes doable, easy, and delightful."
"I may have to do this session tomorrow. It's right there, Zechariah 5 verse 9. I put it there, did you read it?"
"Welcome to Hope Sabbath School, an in-depth, interactive study of the Word of God."
"I just love anything that is going to encourage Christians to get in the word and to study the Bible."
"I'm so very proud of you, this growing audience of men and women and young people alike who all desire to learn the Bible to be serious students of the Bible."
"...dotted notebooks for those who like the more traditional Bible study and it was designed with the Bible study enthusiast in mind because I'm a Bible study enthusiast myself."
"It feels like I'm at a home Bible study."
"I live for these moments and they caused me to study the Bible more."
"Grab your bible and a notepad, most of all, open your heart. I believe the Spirit of God has something for each of us today."
"Study your Bible and accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior."
"It's a reliable translation that people can use for their daily Bible study."
"If you think the Bible is boring, you haven't really engaged with it."
"Blue Letter Bible is fantastic for diving deeper into Bible passages."
"You can't take the Bible like an aspirin. It's not a tablet. People say, 'Well, I had my devotions and I was just reading along.' Oh, you know, I just decided, 'Well, this means...' No, you have to know what it means."
"Somebody will say, 'Oh, there's the word trespass and there's the word forgive. Isn't it wonderful? He's forgiven our sins.' And that's as far as you'll ever go if you don't learn what the rest of it means."
"We're not taking notes to fill up pages in our Bible, we're taking notes to better understand our Bible."
"People don't come out on a Monday night to hear a Bible study unless they are hungry for the Word of God."
"Moody used to rise at 4 o'clock in the morning to study the Bible."
"I wanted to put together some different approaches for us as a church body to grow in the knowledge of God's word in different settings other than just Sunday morning."
"Bible study fits within the context of inquiring of the Lord, beholding the Lord, and being with him."
"Staying rooted in prayer and Bible study helps us to hear from God and gain wisdom and strength for each day."
"When you study the Bible like this, you never run out of stuff to talk about."
"When you read your Bible, may I urge you not to rush through moments like this? Give it some emotion."
"I think it is so necessary to wrestle with hermeneutics how to study the Bible because there are just so many people out there misusing the Bible unknowingly and they have good intentions but if we truly believe the Bible is true then we'll want to be faithful to it."
"Let me know in the comment section how much do you do of the things that I talked about today in your study of the Bible."
"Understanding the Bible is important and you guys obviously are here because you hold that priority highly."
"As you study your Bible grammatically, the immediate context will be important."
"...keeping your perspective positive, in order to keep joy in the home, in order to keep an attitude of gratitude instead of an attitude of complaining, I feel like you've got to have a Bible study."
"Read the Book of John, start off in chapter one, and go through it verse by verse by verse, and just stop and think about what it's actually saying. Think about why does John want you to know that, why, and why is that important to him, and what conclusions do you come to?"
"The only must-have that you really need is one, your Bible, and a quiet space, a quiet space, a place where you can study your Bible uninterrupted and where you can hear the Holy Spirit speak to you."
"But anyways, yeah. So, I'm headed home now, and then I need to go back out so I can go and do our livestream for church for Bible study."
"But even for me, Bible study is a series of questions that I have to find the answer to."
"Your best tool when it comes to studying the Bible is to pray."
"People who fall in love with the Bible and they want more."
"Hear the Bible, read the Bible, study the Bible, memorize the Bible."
"A study of the Bible can comfort us. You've got to open it and absorb it."
"Faith starts in the classroom reading the Bible, spending time with God, and studying His word."
"All these tools made my Bible study more effective."
"Sometimes breaking that line into its individual components and really thinking about what is God trying to tell me through that line, what is the author trying to achieve, in this case Paul."
"So there you have it fam, that is how I personally use my color code in my Bible study."
"Are you a Lydia are you attentive to the things of God what the Spirit of God speaks to you about are you taking notes when you come to Bible study are you doing that homework are you faithful to hang in those groups to discuss the Word of God."
"This is an unreligious Bible study, nothing for you to join and nothing to sell. And just a place to hear what God's got to say."
"Wow, what a passage to read on our first day of Bible studying together!"
"Theology is what the whole Bible teaches us today about any given topic."
"So the best thing to do is to know your Bible, study your Bible, what you believe."
"Stir up your hunger and passion for the word of God as you join the revolution of reading and studying the Bible every single day."
"Do check out his classes you guys he's come from an expository teaching background so you'll go through deep deep deep verse by verse in the Bible if you're like me that's exactly what you're craving and hungry for."
"How you feel about it or whether you even understand it is a very big question... that's not Bible study."
"It's always been my objective to teach the Bible and preach the Bible in such a way that it creates an appetite in your own heart to study the Scripture yourself."
"Somewhere along the line... I began to be frustrated in reading the Bible."
"I just wanted tools to understand the Bible because I knew it was the Word of God."
"Now, how do we do it? Let's go from the who to the how, OK? What do we do? First, are you ready for this? Read the Bible. Yes. Read the Bible. Read through the Bible."
"If you read it regularly, consistently, and repeatedly, it's amazing how it begins to interpret itself."
"It's so important that we're in our Bibles studying daily."
"Logos just helps me to quickly dive into the original languages, read commentary, search cross references, and a whole lot more."
"Your Christian life will not grow one inch beyond your intake of the Word of God."
"I believe that any of us can truly cultivate a love for God's Word."
"Verse by verse Bible study is the best way to study the Bible because it allows God to speak to us in context, not just giving my opinion."
"In order to rightly divide the word of truth, read the scripture in context."
"You could lift out a verse and make the Bible say almost anything you wanted to say."
"Sometimes when you're studying the Bible there will be a story that kind of reaches out of the page and grabs you by the collar."
"If you're a seasoned Bible reader, if you're an interested Bible reader, if you're wanting to get into the background of the text and the theological themes, this is the best Bible I know of on the market right now."
"The purpose of Bible study is for two things: first of all, Jesus Christ is the Word, so He's revealed in the Word. One of the main reasons why you should keep your nose in that book is you get to know the Lord better."
"Now I recommend that you watch 'How do I study the Bible? Five simple Bible study keys.'"
"...it's like when you're going to do Bible study, you're preparing to meet up with Jesus, like you're literally meeting up with him and you're reading his word."
"Taking the time to read and study God's word is one of the greatest Investments you will ever make."
"Enjoy your time in God's word. It's such a blessing."
"...if you're new to the ministry we start in the bible, we stay in the bible, and we finish in the bible."
"Open your Bible you've always said 'Oh I don't have time I'm so busy' you have time now."
"My favorite thing about Bible project is it is exploratory and takes you on a journey through the many books of the word of God."
"This is gonna be the most unique Bible study that your church has ever done."
"Dive into the word, understanding the Bible, knowing the truth, understanding the timelines and the characters."
"We gradually came to see that our distinctive doctrines were in most cases a misunderstanding of the Bible. Our clear sense of identity was based on mistakes. We had to swallow our pride and discover from the Bible who we really are."
"I hope you brought your Bibles tonight because we will be you know going through uh several uh passages."
"The ultimate goal of Bible study is not to do something to the Bible, but to allow the Bible to do something to you."
"Let's read the Bible and grow closer together spiritually and in a more intimate way."
"Let's do more of it soon. I'm Matt, this is the 10 Minute Bible Hour. We'll catch you in a bit."
"In every Bible study, you pray two times: the first prayer is to open your eyes for revelation."
"Take your Bible and compare passage with passage and verse with verse, and you will find the precious jewels of truth."
"The most important thing you will ever do for spiritual growth is to get into the Word of God."
"Explore the book by J. Sidlow Baxter, it's a devotional commentary on the whole Bible."
"Saturate yourself with the scriptures."
"Read your Bible daily, make sure you're in a good local church with sound teaching."
"This Bible is for me to grow and for me to see how I am growing."
"Stay close to God through Bible study and prayer during this time."
"God is the most important part of Bible study, and we must pay special attention to what the text says about Him."
"Devote yourself to the study of God's Word... you've missed some of the most important periods of your whole life."
"The Bible is so exact and so detailed."
"Lord, would you graciously use this Bible study to revive our hearts again."
"You don't just come to Bible study to show up, you come to Bible study to learn something practical that you can apply to your own spiritual life."
"If I have to do a Bible study, what Bible should I use to get the most accuracy out of in a translation?"
"With the word of God, the desire to study it increases because the more you know of it, the less you think you know."
"Study this book of instruction continually... so that you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do."
"When you read the Bible, read it slow. There's so much to learn within just one scripture."
"We are planning a weekly Bible study, but for the time being, we will meet just once each Sunday at 10 A.M."
"ReDiscover God's word verse by verse, chapter by chapter."
"Let's have a word of prayer; we'll get right into today's Bible lesson."
"How much time are you spending in the Word of God and prayer?"
"I read my Bible attentively, slowly, repeatedly."
"Daniel's prayer was based on God's word that he was reading."
"...I don't fear dying because of the journey that I've taken up to this point in studying the Bible and understanding it for myself..."
"It's the grand piano, the gold standard, the most extraordinary amazing Bible software I have ever used."
"I highly recommend if you don't have one that you get a copy of the ESV Study Bible."
"This is a very good study Bible, probably my top pick for study Bibles for advanced Bible readers."
"I love having it with the ESV Study Bible, and I consider this S tier."
"Setting my Bible isn't something that makes me scared anymore, it actually makes me really excited."
"I look upon it as a lost day when I have not had a good time over the Word of God."
"Listen to more than one translation; listen to more than one group of scholars who've labored at this."
"We've crossed the halfway point in our 12th session exploration of the Book of Genesis."
"The battles will be won by the word of God. Praise God, you get in your Bible and you study it and you read it."
"Father in Heaven, thank you so much for this time of Bible study."
"It has also been a really cool bible study tool."
"Happy is that man who has a Bible; happier still is the man who reads it; happiest of all is he who not only reads it but obeys it and allows it to control his life."
"Read the Bible with Christ continually in view."
"The duty of the student of the Bible is to see how all these commands point to the Lord Jesus Christ."
"If you find a Bible that you're really going to love and enjoy using, it's going to make you want to spend more time with the Bible."
"I was not expecting to be as impressed as I am with the Abide Bible."
"This is the sixth in an eight part series that I call the new Bible study project."
"You've got to read the Bible voraciously."
"My prayer is that these studies will be a great benefit to your personal study of God's Word."
"Success or failure in the Christian life depends on how much of God's Word you get into your life on a regular basis and how obedient you are to it."
"The NLT Study Bible really shines."
"Verse mapping is a method of studying the Bible in a visual and appealing way."
"Verse mapping is life-changing; it literally changed my life and continues to change my life."
"Digging deep into God's word is a process and it's supposed to be fun."
"I'm most concerned about the people who don't believe... I want to somehow get them to think and just study the Bible for themselves."
"The first thing I do in the morning when I open my eyes is read my Bible."
"When I gave my life to the Lord, I had this insatiable desire to read the Bible."
"Get into His Word more than ever, read the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation if you haven't, get to know God's mind."
"The best Bible translation to have is the one you read the most."
"Studying the Bible is not hard; it doesn't have to be scary or overwhelming."
"Pray for understanding before you open up the Bible and start reading."