
Plague Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"In a frightening parallel, 350 years earlier, we endured one of the greatest tragedies in British history: the Great Plague."
"Over 18 months, beginning in 1665, this horrific disease killed an estimated hundred thousand people in London alone, a quarter of the entire population."
"A bell ringer walked ahead to call to families to bring out their dead but also to warn others to steer clear of the infected corpses they carried."
"No government in all of human history has benefited from plague within its borders."
"The locusts fell upon the land in their millions and devoured all that was left behind by the hailstones."
"Plague had been something that all lived with in these houses forever."
"The Beast of Nurgle is a full-on demon of the Plague Lord, a hulking mass of bloated and diseased flesh, nearly impossible to kill."
"It was clear that the survivors of plague-stricken Europe had passed on a stunning legacy to their descendants: protection from the most feared killer of our time, AIDS."
"He who dies from the plague would die as a Shaheed."
"Pericles did not escape the plague. He died."
"In more recent years, the sheer extent of the effect of the Plague of Justinian has been cast into doubt, but many historical accounts of this plague place its death toll between twenty-five and fifty-million."
"The black death was now in Europe and millions would die in what is considered one of the greatest disasters in history."
"If the plague hadn't had this effect on the population, everything in our history changes, everything about the future."
"Plagues are a sign of God's fatherly discipline to his people."
"The plague killed somewhere around 100 to 150 million people worldwide."
"The Black Death, aka The Plague, was responsible for some of the most horrific bodycounts in all of history."
"The plague killed an estimated 75 to 200 million people."
"Pest houses were isolation hospitals where the victims or suspected victims of plague would stay."
"The Great Unclean Ones, bearers of Nurgle's most sacred plagues and poxes, are undoubtedly the foulest of all the demonic servants of the ruinous powers."
"The post office keeps going, they don't say anything about plague."
"This was a plague of unbridled Terror, not of rats and disease, but of men."
"God sends a final plague, one so horrifying that even Pharaoh's invincible pride will be forever shattered."
"Time's running out. This plague doctor, regardless of his methods, he seemed to be the only one trying to fix things."
"The frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt."
"Plague came in dreadfully upon them."
"In 1348, a plague decimated the community, cutting its population by 2/3."
"There was blood throughout all the land of Egypt."
"If you find the temple, destroy it. Don't let the followers of this silent mother release the plague."
"Men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail."
"The plague doctor. A lot of stuff makes sense, you know?"
"It was in the summer of 2013 that the plague came. Wireless dispatches discussed and censored. We talked through the air in those days, thousands and thousands of miles."
"Fear is like a spiritual pharaoh. It's a plague, a tormenting thing, a disaster."
"If only they built a space station that could stop the spread of a plague. If you know, you know."
"How did how is it that you stayed away from that plague?"
"Many of those nursery rhymes were based on actual fact. Ring around a Rosie depicted death from the plague in the 14th century."
"It's a good theory, one that it's very hard to prove but which fits the fact sufficiently to offer us an educated guess about the origins of the plague."
"The final word on the plague is its name. The black death is such a catchy title and is both more recent and more devastating that it tends to hog the headlines when it comes to human pandemics."
"...the plague might have been cured all at once but the continent is beset upon all sides by disasters of nature."
"This monument itself was built in 1591 and some say it was built to commemorate the end of the plague."
"The Great Plague depopulated the lands of Rohan vastly."
"That night, the earth sat in darkness as people ate in their homes quickly, quietly."
"Such plagues aboard ships are not uncommon, and Nuro laughs gleefully at such works."
"...tender as the flesh is the story of our world after a plague..."
"God's tenth plague would be more terrifying than the previous nine combined."
"One murder can be responsible for an entire plague."
"The Black Death happened, which is obviously the enormous Great Plague and in fact, I think about a third of people in England and about half of people in France died of the black death."
"The Great Plague of 1665 claimed approximately 100,000 lives in London."
"Wati is called the half city, a legacy of the terrible plague that ravaged it hundreds of years ago."
"The plague was present somewhere in Europe in every year between 1346 and 1671."
"And Aaron returned unto Moses unto the door of the Tabernacle of the congregation, and the plague was stayed."
"Unleash the power of osteomancy, the bestial brutality of transformations, or wield eldritch powers never experienced before and put an end to the scourge that plagues Luiana."
"It struck men and women in the prime of life... made plague seem like an unnatural, or might we say supernatural, event."
"The plague inspired the first and most extreme form of public health policy to protect populations and contain the spread of this horrendous and terrible disease."
"Almost invariably in Western Europe the plague arrived in port cities and then spread inland, following roads and rivers."
"The agony was so violent from the bubo that victims hurled themselves from roofs, or into the Thames to escape it."
"The toxin that kills... causing blood vessels to hemorrhage, giving rise to purpurous, subcutaneous spots, the so-called tokens of plague."
"The signs, that is the tokens, of God's anger."
"The plague doctors of old believed that the herbs inside of the beak would counter the evil stench of the plague."
"The Justinian plague occurred... it was quite devastating."
"A Great Plague killed many in Timbuktu."
"Every time they refuse to make the decision, a plague will be unleashed."
"If you found yourself struck down by the bubonic plague during the 1600s, you'd have found yourself calling on the services of the plague doctor."
"And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse."
"Plague is one of the three arrows of God, and so for most citizens, rich and poor, it's the ultimate sign of God's displeasure and power at their sins."
"The plague of Athens was an outbreak of mysterious plague in 430 BCE, the second year of the Peloponnesian War, that killed between a fourth and a third of the populations of Athens itself."
"Glasgow's authorities found that it was humans, not rats, spreading the plague."
"Legend has it that a group of four thieves would loot and ransack the homes of people who had recently died from the plague."
"This potion would work really well against the Bubonic plague thanks to the mixture containing the herb mugwort, which is a natural bug repellent."
"Bad smells were believed to carry contaminated air which, once inhaled, would lead to the plague."
"This was no ordinary plague; this was a plague started by magic."
"It was the greatest disaster ever recorded in human history."
"Sweeping everything before it, this plague brought panic and confusion in its train."
"Frogs came out of the River Nile upon God's command, demonstrating His power and authority over nature."
"God sent a plague upon Pharaoh and all of his house."
"Annie was a small girl who died of the plague, she was simply abandoned by her parents."
"The land was perfect for agriculture, but everything changed once the Lut plague was born."
"'By this plague you shall know that I am the Lord.'"
"I have never lived so cheerfully (in addition, I have never earned so much) as during this plague time."
"In a world reeling from an unusual plague, monsters lurk in the streets while terrified survivors arm themselves and roam the countryside in packs."