
Dietary Fiber Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"The Hadza hunter-gatherers consume on the order 100 to 150 grams of dietary fiber per day."
"Pears have... chlorogenic acid that fights body fat... and about six grams of dietary fiber. The fiber is prebiotic; it feeds your gut microbiome."
"And the intake of fiber, only found in plant foods, was associated with living a longer life."
"Fiber is not food for you; fiber is food for your bacteria."
"The nutritional profile as well as the dietary fiber content found in hemp seeds can be good for those wanting to lose excess body weight."
"Whole carbohydrate-rich foods are protected by fiber."
"As the benefits of fiber are really context dependent, there's a lot of people promoting that because there's a lot of people that like to sell you fiber."
"but there are so many people out there who've been brainwashed into thinking that fiber is this essential thing that they decided it was a necessary product this was necessary poop like a champion"
"Around 25 to 30 grams of fiber is recommended in a person's diet."
"Beans are the richest source of resistant starch, which means that a portion of the carbohydrates are not able to be enzymatically degraded."
"Smooth and glitch-free operation, a seamless experience."
"Artichokes are high in magnesium and vitamin A, vitamin C, and very, very rich in fiber."
"Beans are the highest in fiber almost all foods."
"I get way more fiber and gut microbiome benefit from that than I would by eating a fresh bag of kale that's going to be having a bunch of oxalates in it."
"Fiber is good in terms of maintaining intestinal health."
"Fiber feeds the bacteria you want to keep in your gut."
"Diverse array of fermentable fiber feeds good gut bacteria."
"Fiber does way more than just make you poop in the morning."
"It's not just about fiber satiating you, fiber does really interesting things in your body."
"Beta glucans... a kind of fiber that once it gets into your gut, it really feeds the microbiome."
"The soluble fiber content as the flax, the Chia, and the hazelnuts provide."
"Fiber intake showed a 50% reduction in colorectal cancer risk."
"Patients who increased their fiber intake had lower mortality rates."
"Fiber is our friend in the fight against colorectal cancer."
"Fiber is excellent for health, despite some misconceptions."
"Pectin is an interesting fiber, it's a soluble fiber that when it goes into your gut it really does slow down gut motility."
"In nutrition science saying that something is an anti-nutrient is not a statement about the overall health value and it certainly doesn't deny the health benefits of fiber."
"Whole grains mostly big on fiber and I've talked now before about how fiber binds estrogen in your GI tract."
"Most North Americans eat about 40% of the fiber recommendations."
"Fiber has a number of beneficial effects that include slowing the absorption of glucose."
"Fiber is undersold because we think of fiber as being like your grandfather's oldsmobile, you know? So what, big deal?"
"Poop like a champion ultra fibers, the most amount of fiber."
"Nearly forgot that but fiber is absolutely the number one."
"95% of Americans are not getting the minimal recommended amount of fiber."
"...dietary fiber, the amount of dietary fiber that these people were consuming was linked to their mortality. So low dietary fiber increases the risk of all-cause mortality."
"Quinoa has a little bit of high fiber content which means you don't take that extra calories."
"Some people benefit from less fiber even if most people benefit from a healthy dose of fiber."
"Giving participants one simple rule eat a lot of dietary fiber led to a bunch of other positive dietary choices."
"Beans are not only a great source of minerals and some vitamins, but it's an incredible source of healthy fats and dietary fiber."
"When people consume more dietary fiber, they lose weight, they lower their blood pressure, they lower their cholesterol, and there was a trend towards reversing type 2 diabetes."
"Strawberries offer a significant amount of dietary fiber, enhancing digestion and supporting a healthy gut microbiome."
"Five to six grams of dietary fiber in the size of a pear per day decreased mortality and tumor progression by 30%. Wow, huge, right?"
"Wow, one serving has seven grams of dietary fiber, that's amazing."
"The fiber in these foods also promotes satiety and slows the amount of sugar released into the bloodstream."
"Plant foods have fiber in their natural state; these are all cancer fighters."
"Start by eating more high-fiber vegetables and drinking more water to speed up the transit time of gluten through your body."
"...people who eat more fiber tend to have healthier weights and fiber is only found in plant Foods so if you're not eating plant Foods you are not getting fiber..."
"...so it's something that uh as humans we don't absorb we don't use but we have bacteria living in our gut that do eat the fiber and so if you want to have a healthy microbiome or gut bacteria you need to have fiber in your diet..."
"Chōkatsu means having a healthy diet that contains a lot of dietary fiber in order to keep your intestinal environment healthy."
"Strive for getting minimally 35 grams of fiber a day."
"Virtually every vegetable has fiber."
"The best appetite suppressants are fiber because fiber supports the growth of healthy bacteria."
"The abundance of dietary fiber in apples is a standout feature, aiding in digestion and safeguarding kidney cells from oxidative stress."
"Water plus fiber equals bulk, and bulk creates satiety."
"Drinking juice and using fiber that's in our juice or from our juice in ways that we can actually consume is actually really good for our gut bacteria."
"Fiber is very important for the health of our microbiome."
"Fermented foods might be better than fiber at improving gut diversity."
"Fiber is such a rock star. It's so amazing."
"Whole grains are really good sources of fiber and nutrients, heart-healthy oils."
"Fiber has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol, blood pressure, even blood sugars, promote regularity."
"I've been able to understand, okay, if I exercise in the morning and if I eat a lot of fiber, I'm going to minimize my glucose spikes no matter what I eat."
"The high plant-based diet fosters the abundance of organisms such as Akkermansia which increase the mucus layer that improves the barrier of the gut."
"Bananas have a lot of nutritional benefits: fiber, some potassium, B6, and vitamin C."
"Some of the best things that you can do for it is have a lot of healthy fiber in your diet."
"You need both fibers, insoluble and soluble, and fruit of course has both."
"Whole grains versus white grains or complex versus simple carbs, the complex, the starches like brown rice, quinoa, buckwheat, farro, all of those kinds of whole grains are gonna have that fiber still included."
"The recommended fiber intake for men should be 30 or more grams, while women should get about 21 or more."
"Indigestible fiber or roughage... keeps our digestive tract healthy."
"Dietary fiber... makes a person feel full for longer, preventing overeating."
"Fiber is so good. Our human bodies are made for fiber; it just makes everything work better."
"Flax seeds are so high in many nutrients, and they're also high in fiber."