
Entomology Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Did you know yellow jackets are a much more aggressive insect than wasps or hornets?"
"Arkansas got its cicadas in the summer of 2019, a swarm of periodical cicadas emerged after spending their 17 years underground."
"Spiders are just inherently so freaking cool."
"Caddisflies enter their deceptive stage, they are a dishonest insect."
"Stoneflies have yet a different life cycle and behavior like the other two."
"My favorite species of ant, I would say Camponotus novaeboracensis."
"These ghost ants are such a cool and unique species found in tropical areas."
"Ghost ants are called ghost ants because it seems like half of their body is transparent."
"Neil does have a favorite book quickly oh my favorite bug is the uh Western Conifer seed bug oh I gotta look that up it's a cute little guy."
"This easily missable nest of hellbugs is an excellent example of how some of them could be hiding in plain sight."
"This type of food exchange is called trophallaxis feeding. It's a key part of the social contract between the workers and the developing young."
"That's honestly the only insect I'm not gonna lie. I feel like spiders are gonna be an S tier once we get there."
"Hercules beetles can grow to the size of an adult man's hand."
"Entomologists can find justice for the victims of homicide by following the trails of predators and parasites."
"Treehoppers molt five times before finally becoming adults."
"There's a whole forest full of insects signaling using incredible sounds."
"Ants are mesmerizing creatures and if you've ever studied the efficient intricacies of an ant colony, you'll know that these tiny insects are some of the most hardworking creatures on planet Earth."
"The largest insect in the world is a moth from India called Atticus Atlas."
"I think if we could just take a moment to recognize insects have motivations that are not even remotely foreign to our own."
"It helped me learn to be a better ant keeper."
"Dragonflies belong to one of the oldest insect orders, the odonata."
"These maggots were such a monumental moment in the world of entomological science that they were actually pickled and are now stored in the insect archives at the London Natural History Museum."
"The benefits can be many to those detectives willing to overcome their distaste for bugs. Insects can make or break an investigation."
"I'm an expert on B behavior now all about swarm psychology how to recognize and influence it you didn't know they were building weapons not until it was too late."
"The Titanic Empress is the single most important member of The Colony as she is the one tasked to lay all the eggs."
"Wasn't that truly a sight to behold? What a dream to finally watch the ants swarm and form their iconic trails to bring home their food all in a simulated captive setup."
"We visit what has got to be one of the most impressive collection of ants and ant keeping gear, I've ever seen!"
"All ants have two separate stomachs: their personal stomach, which they use for their own sustenance, and their social stomach, used for storing food to later be regurgitated to their fellow colony members."
"What makes spider ants special is that they've taken this adaptation of food transfer a step further."
"These repletes are highly valuable members of their colony."
"They're just so incredibly unique."
"I love bugs. I'm really passionate about invertebrate conservation."
"Despite their name, glowworms are not true worms; they're actually the larvae of a species of fungus."
"I do want to start a new yellow crazy ant and a new fire ant Colony soon."
"Look here, Burton, I've got a new specimen for my butterfly collection."
"Taylor Swift inspired an entomologist to name a new millipede species after the megastar."
"...black soldier fly larva is one of the favorites of these guys."
"And this is a maggot that could represent anything from a Caddis larva to a scud and even a wax worm."
"We have mutant stoneflies hatching right now."
"Ants, wasps, and bees are closely related, all belonging to the same order of insects known as Hymenoptera, characterized by a special waist segment all these insects in the order possess."
"The insects that do act the same way are the homopterous insects."
"Thorn bugs belong to the group of true bugs and they have remarkable thorn-like structures that cover their bodies. These bugs live in tropical and subtropical regions where they feed on plant sap with their specialized mouthparts."
"The lobelia wasp captures our attention with its alien-like appearance. This parasitic wasp native to tropical regions boasts an elongated and slender body accompanied by antennae that resemble the jaws of a lobster."
"The riper is a peculiar longhorn beetle with an elongated neck reminiscent of a giraffe's. This unique characteristic challenges the traditional notions of beetle anatomy, making riper a fascinating subject of study for entomologists and nature enthusiasts alike."
"The Smithsonian insect collection alone is mind-blowing."
"Insects helped identify a missing person."
"The wasp nest had given investigators the information they desperately sought."
"As more scientists enter the field and learn more about insect behavior, the value of forensic entomology will grow."
"Rhinoceros beetles are like tanks on the bug battlefield."
"These battle bugs are the strongest animals on the face of the Earth."
"In the eternal tussle for insect supremacy, some bugs are goliaths and some more like Davids with a bad attitude."
"Meat ants are aggressive ants that are perfectly willing to attack—they're scary."
"When bugs go to war, there are no rules, no sense of fair play, and no concept of picking on someone your own size."
"In a battle of strategy and brute strength, an army of green ants faces off against a swarm of paper wasps."
"Green ants are like an unstoppable organic plasma that can deter any predator, whether it's coming from the ground or the air."
"When a green bellied Huntsman tackles a colony of jumping jack ants, it's a clash of the titans."
"The jumping jack ant has one more astonishing skill: like a super action hero, it leaps tall branches in a single bound."
"These Army ants have powerful mandibles and deliver a potent sting—there'll be no surrender."
"The flag-tailed assassin bug is a methodical murderer—it stalks its prey very softly and smoothly."
"For months, I had been preparing for this overhaul, by drying up their AC Outworlds so the ants would evacuate those areas, and I had a network of new tubing, as well as a second AC Hybrid Nest 2.0 ready for the fire ants to move in."
"There's three types of cells that bees make: a swarm cell, a superseding cell, and then an emergency cell."
"What I believe you're seeing were fish taking midge pupae in the surface film."
"The bug club will look for bugs that have wings or ones that have lots of legs or really teeny tiny bugs."
"It's a type of ant, and they have just a wild and bizarre life cycle."
"I love working with bees; they will do amazing things you have never dreamed of."
"I had a thing with bugs in elementary school where I liked them a lot."
"An entomologist is a scientist that studies bugs."
"As the bug takes its blood meal, it injects an anesthetic; it's very gentle in its approach, and that's why it's called the kissing bug."
"The insects that we're going to see tonight, 80% of them are still undescribed and unnamed for science."
"I love this group of insects we call 'Fulgorid,' and they are really colorful."
"This is one of the largest beetles of our planet."
"If a bug has six legs, it's called an insect."
"They are not an ant at all, they are a species of wasp."
"Vector transmission is when you spread an infection from one person to another using a vector."
"There's ten times the amount of termites in the world than there are human beings."
"Only male mosquitoes bite people." "No, it's false, only the females bite people."
"Beetles really do reproduce very quickly in very hot and humid areas."
"Trillions of cicadas are emerging across the United States, captivating observers with their incredible rituals and sounds, a spectacle of nature."
"Insects can make or break an investigation."
"Get people to think about varroa mites as their own organism."
"Honeybees belong to the order of insects called Hymenoptera, which means membranous wings."
"Raising the temperature of a cell to 95 degrees Fahrenheit will produce bees that are more inclined to prefer foraging jobs."
"Freeze tolerant insects have adapted to be able to turn into little insect icicles temporarily."
"Ladybirds are not actually birds, they're actually beetles."
"Butterflies and moths are very charismatic."
"Bug Guide is an awesome resource across North America that you can take a look at to assist with your insect ID."
"The birth of a virgin queen, that is so cool."
"Why are insects unique? They're different than all other animals for a few reasons, and the biggest one is that they have three body regions."
"If you're able to distinguish beetles from bugs, that's going to go a long way."
"The most common type of mouth part by far is a chewy mouth part, set up very similar to us."
"Spider mites are really hard to see up close... true identification takes a good microscope."
"Wallace's giant bee is the largest living species of bee known to science."
"The M. balfouri's brilliant coloration coupled with its social tendencies makes it hard not to love."
"The H. pulchripes' metallic blue legs against the fiery gold body coloration make it a truly gorgeous tarantula."
"I finally got footage of an egg sac hatching."
"I've worked out that light is a way to control spiderlings."
"The aromatic profile of these teas is not just about bugs."
"Oh yes, I love that. That is my favorite beneficial insect."
"Good luck with feeding your ants and have a happy ant keeping season this year. It's ant love forever."
"Most of us here are backyard beekeepers who are just trying to have fun with our bees and learn about bees because they're such a fascinating little bug."
"So I have a secret confession, in another life I was an entomologist."
"The green hatch is probably the first major hatch here in Pennsylvania, and it's one that everyone really looks forward to."
"This video is going to focus on the entomology of that bug and how that relates to fly-fishing."
"Insects are not our enemy. Insects are our friend."
"Once you move on to bugs, the whole world of biology opens up in some really wonderful ways."
"Come to the bug side, and you'll be not a birder, not a botanist, you'll be an ecologist."
"Insects are incredibly diverse, interesting, fascinating, and once you get into them, it's wonderful."
"Drawing insects is a perfect way and a perfect place to learn how to draw these surface textures."
"Each mosquito is biting on the average of one v / day."
"The Peruvian giant yellow leg centipede... holds the title of being the largest centipede worldwide."
"Honeybees like to live in hollow trees or some other cavity."
"I absolutely love talking about bees, so I'm excited. Let's dive in."
"The more daddies a colony has, studies have shown that they dance better, they're more efficient at the waggle dance and transferring information to floral resources."
"Small hive beetles are native to sub-Saharan Africa where they inhabit colonies of African races of honeybees."
"Ants may communicate by vibrating their abdomen."
"To communicate with each other, insects often use organic chemistry."
"Forensic entomology is the use of insects and related arthropods as evidence in legal investigations."
"The oldest insects are going to be the most accurate for estimating a period of development."
"As an entomologist, that kind of stuff gets me psyched up."
"Spiders are a kind of bug, but they're not an insect because they don't have eight legs."
"I would love to get like one of these glass visors and fill it up with the dung of elephant or rhino and then just put out a bunch of these in there and watch them throughout the next couple of months grow into or pupate into their dung beetle."
"Ants are insects. So, they have six legs."
"I'm a huge fan of insects and bugs, especially when it comes to stamps."
"Bed bugs do not live on people; instead, they live in places next to where people sleep or sit."
"I have a lot of knowledge, a lot of field research, a lot of experience dealing with bed bugs."
"This is like the chicken nugget of the insect kingdom."
"A bug that I can definitely get behind is the Poodle Moth."
"If I had my wish, I would just be out collecting insects, catching them and releasing them all the time because that's what I enjoy."
"That's all the insects I'm going to show you guys in my collection for today."
"There are apparently 4,500 species of cockroach, of which only 30 are considered pests."
"They tap into the phloem on the plant and pull out the plant juices... just like a diabetic has to pass sugar, these insects are passing the sugar off."
"Scale insects are a whole different class in the bug world; to many people, they don't really look like insects on most of their life stages."
"If you see ants going up on a plant and they're hanging around a cluster like this, it's probably a soft scale that you're looking at."
"When scales are producing crawlers, that is when most of the predators and parasites are also active."
"The antennae on insects are actually picking up frequencies from the environment."
"European hornets are a cathemeral species, which means that they fly and are active just as much at night time as they are during the daytime."
"Well, thank you again for inviting me to give a presentation on my pet topic, insect farming."
"It's a topic I could talk about for hours, for days, but we don't have that much time today."
"Hey everyone, thank you so much for tuning in to check out the Hornet King channel."
"The biomass of ants is more than all the rest of life on Earth."
"Basic entomology can help in a lot of different ways... it can make the identification easier and sometimes even a general idea of what kind of insects you have can make further investigation much easier."
"Sometimes just knowing that little bit of information on knowing you have a fly that has two wings and even though it looks like a wasp, it's actually a fly can really save you a lot of time."
"If you really like this kind of thing, we're going to go into some books later that can be helpful."
"For the price, there are few resources that go through garden insects that are better."
"It's a really good book, for the price it's $35, it has over two thousand photographs."
"Identification can be easier with some knowledge of basic entomology."
"Understanding basic entomology is helpful in implementing good IPM practices."
"If you are a student of entomology, I highly recommend you watch this video; it contains pieces that are never seen before on YouTube."
"When it gets dark, this mercury vapor bulb will attract many insects, among which will hopefully be a nice selection of rare and unusual moths."
"This officially makes them butterflies."
"These are classified as fully fledged butterflies."
"Tonight is a fantastic night for moths; the result was really great, this location is very great, and the weather is helping."
"My name is Bart Koppens, a traveling entomologist on social media that studies butterflies and moths and cares about the environment."
"This is the glorious jewel scarab, a really cool type of beetle that lives out here in West Texas."
"Citizen scientists really do help in our understanding of our aculeate fauna and everything really does make a massive difference."
"The Luna Moth is a large, beautiful moth in North America."
"Wallace's giant bee is four times larger than a European honeybee, making it the world's largest bee."
"I absolutely love the insect world; I think it's a very cool thing to spend time watching."
"The bees that fly around gathering honey are female, headed by a queen bee."
"That there, that red and black thing, I'm pretty sure that's a ladybird larva."
"A scientist who studies insects is an entomologist."
"It's a theatrical journey into a bug's world that features images of insects, loud noises, dense fog, and things that creep and crawl in the dark."
"They are fascinating butterflies because they actually mimic the African monarch."
"Good morning everyone. In today's seminar, Grant Freeman, a biologist who specializes in identifying insects, has come to talk to us about his current research work."
"Adult maize weevil can live for about 5 to 8 months."
"This is definitely not your average cockroach; they aren't something to be scared of, they're not gross or creepy."
"I love working with our cockroaches; I think they're so unique, they're so impressive."
"Ants, bees, and termites all have a queen whose job it is to lay eggs."
"Bugs breathe through their skin, through spiracles."
"This is a really complicated butterfly, very exact features, very cool."
"Insects can be cool, they can be funky, they can be named after pop divas."
"There are so many different species of moths and they all look so different; no two moth species are alike."
"Frequently mistaken for the Madagascar Cockroach, Phylomenescus Cerebus, or the African Armadillo Bug, works as a highly organized unit, much like ants or bees."