
Command Quotes

There are 1281 quotes

"I command you, corpse, reveal truth to the absolute."
"You trust your subordinates as a commander. The most important person you have are your NCOs."
"He who commands the sea has command of everything. Awesome."
"I told you not to morally revere anything over me, but you didn't obey my voice."
"You're free from this thing, in Jesus' name."
"Let her go, let her go now, be healed now in Jesus' name."
"Integrated command and control function increases unit situational awareness."
"Firm in his order, his command unalterable, the utterance of his mouth no god shall change."
"Shutting down the Joint Forces command was significant. We had never in our history shut down a combatant command."
"Every time you give him that command, he goes deeper and becomes more responsive."
"If I want to switch to that environment, I say 'conda activate pi 310' and now in parentheses I have pi 310 instead of base."
"Everybody get down! Do you understand me? Everybody down."
"Keep it simple, one of the reasons that commanders are never given more than 4 units to command."
"Do not be afraid. Shut up, I don't like you."
"Return her from where she came from safely and sound. And he did exactly as he was commanded."
"The success of mother operation was also the understanding of headquarters."
"That's how you know that when the time is right and she's going to release him and that was a command."
"Read your manuals. The safest way of doing business is for the commander to draw a sidearm, aim at the loader, and say, 'Loader, give me a weapon.'"
"Now with the shield down, Ackbar ordered the attack on the Death Star."
"He commanded them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"I command all arthritis out of these bodies and broken bones to be mended in the name of Jesus."
"Cancel your [expletive] plans right now... I don't give a [expletive] what you're thinking about doing."
"Prepare the ship, prepare my command stage, because we're about to get into it."
"There was an image of her just being fully in command."
"Everyone stop what you're doing and listen up."
"I want him found. Not tomorrow, not after breakfast. Now. Yes, sir."
"I command this door to open by the grace given to me by the Lord Jesus."
"He just kind of commands the room and commands the floor."
"Promoted to captain, follow my orders and we'll get through this."
"This nation belongs to Jesus. Occupy till you come."
"Shut your [ __ ] ass down, shut your ass now."
"What are you doing? Get him!" Mrs. Harris shouted.
"Can any man forbid water? And he commanded them, 'Baptize in the name of the Lord.'"
"Fire the damn catapult, please! More than anything in this world right now, in this current moment, fire the damn catapult!"
"The industry of Isengard, in service to Sauron. You have commanded the orcs to remove the gardens of Isengard and expand the original deep underground storehouses."
"With your command, we will aid your efforts against the Legion."
"I figured if I was him I'd probably demand us to communicate my will to this imposter."
"I command that these bills be paid. That's true power."
"God's command for Israel to drive out the Canaanites was not race-based but behavior-based."
"I told the men when you get into Germany you can take anything you want anything except a life."
"I command diabetes, come out of this blood. I command you, come out of the blood, diabetes. I curse you to the root, I command you, diabetes, come out of this body in Jesus' mighty name."
"I'm not asking you, I'm commanding you, in the name of Jesus, sickness, infirmity, disease, listen to my voice. Come out of this body in the name of Jesus."
"Shut the fuck up! I command you shut the fuck up!" - Vegeta
"Simply saying 'I need you to' insert request gives you more authority."
"You are a wise leader, command the universe."
"Captain Jean-Luc Picard takes command of the fleet."
"I can snap my fingers and you can come around the gate."
"By the power of the precious blood, by the Holy Name of Jesus, I command the demon of fear to stop afflicting me."
"Groups one and two, open fire on my mark."
"Universe commanded it through music."
"Undo is one of my favorite commands."
"Have you ever commanded the morning since thy days, and caused the dayspring to know his place?"
"We will not rest until that hub is destroyed. All forces strike now!"
"He carried the air of royalty, the surety of command."
"It is God himself who commands you."
"That's right outside the door, Hicks. Vasquez, get back!"
"I want keys to the 512, come here now, let's go."
"All crew meet by bulkhead Sierra 05 as soon as possible; that's all crew, pilot included."
"I'm gonna make that disappear by just telling it to disappear. So disappear, little cloud."
"Autobots, fall back! Get to the tower, destroy the launch pad, let none escape!"
"Brothers, today I grant you your freedom, and from now on you are commanded by me."
"Hey, take that, take that now H that guy and take that!"
"I am he who commands those chains."
"Listen to me very carefully," I said, "we need to cut off her head."
"Your mind is the genie, and your wish is its commander."
"Make sure you subscribe. It's a demand, it's a command."
"In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now He commands all people everywhere to repent."
"Look at me, Hellcat," he commands.
"Henry gave the order: Banners, forward!"
"Everyone should sit down now!" you screams.
"This is who did it to you. Execute Order 66. That's who did it to you right there."
"Vampire. Say it out loud. Say it!"
"Carol said let there be light and there was light."
"Sudo allows you to move into the root user for a single command."
"I said, put the bunny back in the box."
"...he is in command of all the Marines."
"Please kill him. Please kill him."
"I command you in the name of the Mysteries of the Most Holy Trinity."
"This command really helpful when you need to collect product details."
"This command really help you to encrypt your file."
"Form creating and exporting files through cmd."
"...by using this command you can create a new file in most of the time."
"...it is offering in the command line that you can easily export the list of all the scheduled tasks in a separate file."
"So this is how very quickly you can save whatever the command you are going to give and it will be saved in this text notepad with the help of greater than sign so this is the syntax."
"Taman demands everyone get ready to fight."
"... just with commandos being able to do what you want."
"Press the fucking button. OK? Press the fucking button."
"Now we will end up covering what sudo means, but for right now just know, we weren't allowed to use the copy command in this directory."
"...many of the most common terminal commands are used to show the files contained within a directory."
"I want you to phone the commanding officer at sands airbase, tell him to load up with napalm rockets, anything they've got."
"Put your hands against the wall, put your hands against the wall."
"Have I not commanded you be strong and courageous?"
"Perform dissolve command to group geological units."
"Chekhov becomes first officer of the USS Excelsior, then commands the USS Potemkin."
"Uhura commands the USS Hermes or the USS Léo Grand Duc."
"John Harriman still commands the Enterprise B, growing more confident over time."
"What, what'd she say? Jules, put it down!"
"He said get out, he said get out."
"What if we knew love command the spirit..."
"I command now by the power of the Holy Ghost, let there be deliverance."
"Ron commanded his men not to aim for targets but to create a rain of arrows waiting for the right moment."
"He spoke to the wind and the wind stopped instantaneously. He spoke to the water and the water stopped instantaneously."
"He ordered him to fall asleep immediately."
"Admiral Westman: 'Alright people, get comms and defense batteries online across the col. I need live feeds...'"
"I command strange wealth by the Finger of God."
"Rolo, however, proved to be a brilliant Commander."
"You cannot defy the command given by omnipotence it will force you to follow that command whatever that specific command is"
"...the quiet Dignity of eternal security, that this strength is the strength of Soul over body, that Soul was born to command and therefore it must command..."
"Well, Uncle, what is to be done? Command me, I am ready to obey," said Aladdin.
"Onward to Berlin was the watchword of the Soviets. Father Stalin has commanded and the patriotic front storms Westward to destroy the hated German Invaders. To the West must you attack to avenge your Fatherland."
"Your subconscious mind then takes this command as an order and begins to work on it 24 hours a day."
"Earth Central Command turned to the one man they knew had the experience and the grit to take the fight to the True Claws: Captain Shan Carrick."
"So, like, if you're a general or if you're anybody in charge, you should have a general understanding of the AO in which you're commanding, right?"
"Leave," I remember commanding under my breath as I felt a surge of electricity go through me.
"Speak to the problem, command it gone."
"Set these people free," said the agent.
"Just hit the button. Hit the button."
"Jesus is in the house, and I command you to be healed, be delivered, and be set free."
"I was younger than you are now when I was given my first command."
"And in the moments leading up to the operation powder has been instructed with the commands too you're not coming I'm not afraid it's too dangerous I can help you're not ready she's been left behind."
"Close the door behind you," a woman's voice said, cutting through the chatter.
"Go to red alert and tell me what we've got, calmly if possible."
"Corso states that Eisenhower rewards him with his own combat command."
"Why don't we go ahead and start with pink, please stand up."
"The only proper authorities I am aware of are my commanding officer, Colonel Nathan R. Jesup, and the Lord our God."
"...if you don't get the ship in by Nightfall I'm throwing your ass overboard..."
"The fact that he can possibly do it on command is the best part."
"What are you doing talking to the dead? Come forth."
"Concentrate all your fire on the nearest Starship."
"Abort! The mission's compromised!"
"Shut the [ __ ] up or send this woman back to the Performance Center."
"Lin Hang ordered them to stand up straight and form up."
"Prepare for departure," Commander Davis's voice came over the coms, steady and calm as she initiated the launch sequence. "All systems go."
"He orders her to get smaller and hide in the star realm."
"...I often will do is command L jump to beginning of line..."
"With a resolute expression, Roman issues commands to his soldiers, urging them to overcome any obstacle in their path."
"All we have to do is dig another little tunnel from here to there. Don't ask so many questions, start digging."
"I want every man off that crawler now."
"Remove it! Have you lost your mind?"
"...we're going to quit out of Kia by using the Q command, then hit enter."
"'You must go back. It is not your time yet,' he commanded."
"Daniel, come in. You're coming with me."
"Exterminate, exterminate, exterminate."
"You lead in the attack. If you're not in front, you are not going to be taken seriously as a commander."
"If God calls you to do something it's a command."
"Let's make him bleed, okay? Ryan, give me a nice gill cut."
"What's your favorite command? I may just have to say that it is undo."
"Rex looked on as Anakin did his thing then sent a com to all reinforcements commence attack save Coruscant."
"To add or create a new user in Linux-based systems, you have to use the command 'useradd' or 'adduser' with the username. The username is a user login name that is used by the user to log into the system. Only one user can be added, and that username must be unique."
"It's not optional, it's a command."
"The Japanese Army and Navy report directly to the emperor."
"I could be bold and order you to do whatever you ought to do."
"Love your enemies love is not a suggestion love is a command"
"Give me thy torch boy hence and stand aloof."
"Colonel Perkins dispersed his command post and ensured a redundant command and control element was available."
"I have chosen you to take personal command of the first Squad which will spearhead our defense of Beverly Hill."
"She has mastered the ability to call the creature to her side on command."
"You trust the ship, and you trust the crew. That is the essential key to a successful command."
"You could take a very long command and then scrunch it down into a very bite-sized morsel."
"Arise and come forth unto me that ye may thrust your hands into my side."
"It simplifies to a low level of command. It alleviates attrition by preventing basically your forces more quickly diminished so you know much more much earlier when to retreat."
"Shaggy, his brother commanded, wolves can't play. You stay with Bran."
"Now be a peach and give me all the bank's money."
"The Dark Angels under the command of the Lion would seek retribution."
"Never use your magic again," Darkstalker commanded his father. "Never attack me or my friends ever again. Don't try to escape," he asserted.
"The next command that you should definitely know when you're working Google Tag Manager with JavaScript is the 'data layer dot push'."
"Now what I'm going to do right now is run a special command that's going to copy my key over to the server."
"Gandalf manages to hang on to the ledge for one split second as he looks up at his team knowing his fate is sealed he issues one more command to his fellowship fly you fools."
"Love can be commanded because it's an act of your will."
"Freeze put your hands up this is a robbery"
"Do not come down even if you see us winning and chatting and cheering that we've won the battle. Do not come down. Remain where you are until I command you to."
"Always look behind you, babe. Don't move, you bastard, put the gun down."
"I'm tired of you I'm hey yo tell these stops to chill."
"I said, 'Lieutenant, call B Company. Tell them, cease fire.' He did, and all the firing stopped."
"By this grace, in the name of Jesus, take that anointing, I command the city to hear you."
"Step into it right now in the name of Jesus Christ."
"Move over there, Mom, move over there!"
"I thought we told you to come in uniform."
"So you listen to me right now, you put that bomb down."
"No coffee, no pastries." - Colonel Parker
"Listen up, everyone! The W monster, stop right there!"
"Xkill is a Linux command that primarily gets used to force quit your unresponsive apps."
"Everybody be cool. This is a robbery. And I'll execute every [__] last one of you."
"General Bernard Freyberg was placed in command of the 2nd New Zealand Division."
"Everyone stop right there. We want to leave."
"We're going to punch a hole through their lines," Zorx commanded. "And take out as many of those cloaked ships as we can."
"Dany somehow orders him to stop and let go of his mother."
"You must cease this attack at once."
"Stand down. Our performance today was as it should have been yesterday," Wyatt commanded as he watched them go.
"No sleeping Cowman," John told the boys.
"Speak to the dry bones and command them to live."
"That is an order," Strand insisted.
"'Shields up, weapons online. Let's get closer to the surface and find out what the hell is firing on us. It's time we show these bastards what the Intrepid and its crew can do,' Mac declared."
"He always attempted to work within the shortcomings of his commanders rather than use his command authority to Simply override them and compel them to follow out his orders exactly as he wanted."
"That's enough, get into the airlock."
"We're passing in rm so that we remove the container when it's finished running using the gcloud service and then sh hyphen c which is to run a single shell command when we run the container."
"Get out of the car! Get out of the car!"
"You have to forgive them. That's the command of God."
"Now that you took that head off, you must obey every command I give you without question."
"Captain commands you to stop, yeah."