
Foundational Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Action is the foundational key to all success."
"How do you take care of someone else if you don't have the foundation to take care of yourself?"
"This chakra is literally the foundation of your whole system."
"Christianity would be true if the Bible had never been written because the book did not give us Christianity, the resurrection gave us the book."
"The cornerstone of our system is based on confidence in that system."
"It's like so foundational, so classic. His Dark Materials are just amazing."
"Your health is literally the foundation of everything you do in your life."
"Guys like me, guys like the Young Bucks, guys like Kenny Omega were the building blocks."
"Courage is a virtue it's the prerequisite of all of the other virtues."
"These guys are going to be part of the future foundational pieces." - Richard Sherman
"Did you know that language, that bridge itself, is built from mathematics? And that mathematics has a name, that's category theory."
"The Koran is the crux of Islam for all Muslims."
"These rules probably lie at the heart of most of the music you actually listen to and want to make."
"But the word love comes into play, it's central, it's at the core, it's at the very outset of everything."
"That all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
"Everything that you and I love as believers is all rooted and founded and settled on the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"I would argue it's one of the most foundational positions that people hold."
"Ultimately Roman law honed over the centuries would prove foundational to the success of not only their civilization but the many civilizations which followed in their footsteps."
"Classic Who laid a lot of the foundation the show maintains even to this day."
"She was the rock on which modern Britain was built."
"Numpy is considered to be kind of the fundamental package for all scientific computing in python."
"Stability might not be everything, but everything is nothing without stability."
"This provides a really nice kind of base level, a nice template to start off with."
"Writing was at the core of everything that I did, okay."
"It's crazy that's the foundation of the best hip-hop that's ever created just that one year."
"We regard [these values] as absolute Foundation stones to our safety and prosperity."
"If you haven't seen the first few seasons, I think seasons one through six are like the fundamental."
"Pagans built Western civilization; it was already there."
"Rome wasn't built in a day, and what we are seeing is the foundation being laid out for us."
"Public education is the great social democratic beginning."
"Love is the underlying force that binds and holds Like Glue all of creation."
"Knowing your 'why' is incredibly important because everything else flows from there."
"The electoral college just is, it's foundational to the country's founding principles."
"I find the answers found in just understanding the basic principle of where do we get our rights our god-given rights to our life and liberty."
"Neville Godard's books are foundational for understanding manifestation."
"Supporting the founding values of Jefferson and Madison, the founding values of our republic."
"It's love that we can look to as the foundations of our world."
"Every branch of science must rely on certain axiomatic assumptions."
"The premiere set the ground for how the rest of the series would play out."
"The Fantastic Four are the foundation of Marvel Comics in many ways."
"That activation is kind of the foundational movement for all of the other exercises."
"Early days it's very important to just go back to the basics."
"The soul of the country is an amalgam... The most important sentence ever written in the English language was that we are all created equal."
"I think that's actually where people should be focusing their attention is on these sorts of questions of what could be foundational."
"It’s always nice to go back to basics a little bit and talk about these core principles as you mentioned with Warren Buffett with a like-minded individual such as yourself."
"Consciousness is primary, foundational, fundamental."
"Essential reading to understand where it all began."
"Daredevil may just Jessica Jones doesn't exist without Daredevil, you know what I mean, like that show is a foundational pillar."
"Cloud is irrefutable. It's foundational."
"The obstacle that you're overcoming is much more essential, foundational than you believe."
"Prayer is foundational in the life of the followers of Jesus."
"They will forever have a place on the future bookshelf, forever have a place on the future bookshelf, you know what I mean because they are the foundation of this genre."
"City of Bones is a classic. Wouldn't be here without it. It laid the groundwork for this world that we would absolutely fall in love with."
"You start with Hilbert space with as little structure as you can and get everything else out of it."
"The Bible is a foundational document for who we are and it can be read and understood in so many ways."
"It's a foundational thing that just is going to improve your overall health."
"Customer trust in a company like Amazon, it's sort of foundational."
"These are some of the foundational texts of combinatorial game theory!"
"The linear algebra is the secret to everything."
"I think she's the foundation for the show itself, really the first season at least."
"Relationships in pre-k are the essence of education."
"Everything starts and ends with relationships."
"HTML, CSS, and JavaScript made up the trifecta of the web."
"A lot of what C++ is used for is foundational; it's everywhere, like in JavaScript engines and AI tools like TensorFlow."
"The kingdom of God is built on truth."
"Skip counting is really important for so many different areas in mathematics."
"The very values upon which civilization is founded."
"Everything relies on layer ones to function... always think of a layer one narrative in an altcoin as that safety net."
"The OPT model stacks on itself like a bunch of blocks, and if you don't build the foundation right, how can you safely progress?"
"Brownian motion is really the building blocks of all the stochastic processes you find in financial mathematics."
"The underlying absolute reality is Shiva."
"Beliefs are sticky... they're like the train tracks that underpin our lives."
"If you can't get those right, nothing else matters."
"Riding a motorcycle is all about really simple foundational skills that when presented to you seem like the easiest things in the world."
"Always start your surface models by focusing on the core surfaces that make up the exterior."
"The scene is the basic brick, the basic element of everything."
"Your mother is the first woman that you'll ever fall in love with."
"Your heart at the very beginning was to be biblical, to honor the Lord."
"The law of loving service is foundational to this country, this heavenly country of Liberty for all."
"Don't underestimate the importance of general physical activity in paving the way for this type of elite performance."
"The core nutritional principles and the core foundational nutritional information people have to grasp a hold of and keep are things that are not controversial and where the science and the evidence is overwhelming and can't be disagreed with."
"These simple principles will be foundational to your watercolor success."
"It's a great foundational piece; it's one you'll return to time and time again."
"It's really one of the foundational security practices that every business should be doing today."
"Consciousness does not have any foundation, it is the foundation of everything."
"Endurance work is such a great foundational skill."
"It is a very important foundational class for both mathematics and computer science."
"Let foundational issues be corrected."
"I'm assuming that you are smart and motivated that you have seen some of these calculus Concepts before but maybe you don't remember them and I'm going to build everything up from scratch into this pretty rich and complex world of differential equations."
"Increasing quality in the food supply is so foundational."
"Anatomy is the key to all physiotherapy, and anatomy is what makes or breaks you as a physiotherapist."
"Education is the grassroot that can actually improve health care."
"The Elite are the main characters of this company, no matter how different AEW is now from its original inception; we are the DNA."
"A key is a principle; it's a first law."
"It seems to be so important it might be almost platonic or something very primitive and exactly very deep about it."
"It could be foundational for any or all science involving water and molecules and light."
"Fourier analysis... really is the foundation of a lot of mathematical concepts in terms of number theory and has significant applications."
"You cannot have an infinite justification... some things are foundational."
"Normal distribution can be called as mother of all distributions."
"Fourier's law of heat conduction forms the foundation pillar of the conduction and the convection heat transfer."
"Fundamental means the most basic or most important thing on which other things depend."
"The history in Genesis is foundational to marriage."
"When we say now that God is ultimate, we're talking about God being that which is foundational to all of reality."
"These are the five pillars of the Constitution, the principles that are held to have emerged from the mists of time."
"Without one, there is no two; without two, there is no three."
"It is absolutely foundational to everything that comes later."
"You would understand calculus far better if you know at the very outset that every continuous function need not have a derivative."
"The Old Testament is such a foundational reality of Scripture."
"These are going to be great foundational pieces, timeless and sophisticated."
"Elementary means using as few principles as possible."