
Curation Quotes

There are 414 quotes

"It's not about just having information; it's about the curation of information."
"Education, exposure, and experience... if you can curate your education, then you can make sure that you're not just getting new knowledge, you're getting valuable knowledge."
"We have to curate our own information. We all have to become, in Seth Abramson's phrase, meta-journalists."
"The soundtrack was incredible. Amazingly curated by T-Bone Burnett."
"I've actually been curating my playlist all year long so my top music won't be too embarrassing."
"Everything in there is really it's quite curated already."
"It's cool how John has curated that and I think that dovetails nicely into the last thing that I want to talk about which is this idea of the art of living."
"He proved once again to be a master curator... he sort of like navigates through towards his own personal dystopia as he's seeking Utopia."
"What keeps it useful even to those who don't think they're benefiting from it is it allows them to decide... which is not a scientific approach but it does help with curation."
"I like the idea of the curation of gaming excellence."
"I sift through the pile of fights worthwhile in the world of indie games every single day so you don't have to."
"Music providers curate perfect tunes, discover new artists and genres, and gain valuable experience in the music industry."
"Every film is hand-selected so it's like your own personal Film Festival streaming anytime, anywhere."
"You're curating what you would like. This, I know this feels good, and there's more people that love cigars, and love soccer, love the whole vibe."
"There's a subtle but important difference between a stuffed animal museum and a taxidermy museum."
"This is my honest list for Donda, so I'm keeping 12 songs again, this is what makes my rotation."
"So we curated some Of them. We'll share them with you well laugh at them together and you know, maybe try and smile a bit through these times."
"I sift through a pile of indie games every single day to find what's worthwhile so that you don't have to."
"For this list, we are delivering the ultimate watch list looking over the most impactful, popular, and high-quality shows ever to hit the small screen."
"You really do need to have a collection that is curated to your wants, your passion, in your likes, and not a collection that is curated to stand up to others online."
"This is a collection, again, curated over a lifetime."
"It's important to keep in mind that Valve did hand select each of the games for our preview embargo today."
"So what I want to do today is tell you about 10 new ones and so what I did is I went to my collection, I sorted it by weight based on the Board Game Geek rankings."
"Best Spoke Post, one of the coolest things about Best Spoke every unique item is hand-curated from a small business that you probably would never have heard of otherwise."
"Shout out to Ryan Walterson for curating the list, I appreciate you good sir."
"The human curation is still the powerful beautiful thing."
"Randy does a phenomenal job of curating what he puts up there."
"It's all about curation; you take a little bite of everything that creates this biological environment within your mouth that's deep, just delicious."
"Every level of the movie is so carefully curated and it's made with so much passion."
"Take responsibility and curate your own feed in a way that you're following photographers who inspire you."
"You have to be selective, you have to curate, and you have to pick those special books that are potentially going to resonate with you and change your life more than potentially other books."
"We are going to curate our very own capsule collections every single quarter."
"I love the owner; she's so sweet and she curates and finds the coolest stuff."
"The key I've discovered is not in having too little or too much, but in curating our lives to hold just enough."
"I'm constantly curating what's in there; I'm only keeping what I love, what fits me, and what looks really good."
"The strength of Harold Bloom lies not just in his critical appreciation, but he's a very good, one might say great, curator; he's a great anthologizer."
"she really kind of nailed down her ability to curate a concept album"
"It's a very important function that it serves. And, indeed, the interest of our collections is very much related to how we can continue to interpret them, and make them interesting and meaningful to the culture that we ourselves live in."
"It curates the show for us and it's a wonderful experience"
"Some of the imagery that they curated is absolutely stunning."
"My value comes as a curator. I spend a long time learning what people enjoy."
"Hall curated a lineup of beloved musicians and actors gracing both his interview couch and performance stage."
"That's the beauty of Obsessed Garage. The way you've curated things is you remove all the headaches, things you and I go through over the years and decades fighting for finding that best product, that best tool, that best pressure washer."
"We all win. Mubi’s curation is top notch, and it’s one of the few streaming film sites where the descriptions and reviews are actually helpful!"
"I've actually spent a lot of time curating a collection of my favorites, like on purpose."
"Galleries serve as the middlemen, the gatekeepers of the art world. They scout for talent, curate shows, and build relationships with collectors. They're the tastemakers, setting trends and often the price tags."
"I thoroughly enjoyed this box, curated to a much higher standard."
"I wish this is my pitch to The streaming services they should have like channels where there's someone curating movies and you can just turn on the comedy Amazon Prime Channel and you're just in the middle of a movie"
"A beautifully put together tribute and such a wonderfully curated evening of Cabaret style performances. The material shines and speaks for itself and the songs chosen showcase the performers so well."
"You essentially get to curate an entire emotional experience for someone for that hour and a half or however long you choose to put the show itself on for."
"We have carefully curated these, carefully. We did not do these in under five minutes each."
"All right, everything is a choice. Love it, love it, love it. I curated literally all these quotes. It's just like a fun little surprise."
"It just gets easier, which is amazing, but it feels more curated."
"Social media is a highlight reel. It's curated."
"I absolutely have to curate my space."
"Bespoke post is a great company that offers themed boxes for people who give a damn"
"Loving this little curated collection of singles now."
"Curators are important. Otherwise, anyone could put art in a museum."
"Let's trust the curators who are professional curators to curate the museums or the libraries, but then we need to trust ourselves to curate our own spaces in our own homes and our own things."
"I do think in my opinion when you mix your metals and you mix different textures and things like that in your home it just makes your home feel more curated and put together."
"Now that I have the time, curate my YouTube channel to really make it reflect me and my greatest passions."
"The idea of a human curating something I think people really want."
"Let's take a look at the collection."
"The best homes are always curated over time and aren't just thrown together."
"Audit your socials and Spotify, remove the crap, and improve."
"Every item in the box has been carefully selected among the best products available on the market today."
"I have hand selected this list. I went around searching for the best and most interesting words to give you."
"Being a DJ, you just get to curate a dope playlist."
"The museum is beautifully curated and filled with approximately 10,000 fascinating objects."
"I think hyper-curation and that personalization will become more important."
"Creating mixtapes allowed people to curate their personalized playlist."
"It's always thought-provoking to see what works are chosen for display and why."
"Minimalism is about curating my life, creating enough time, enough space, enough resources."
"With Shopify Collective you can curate products to sell from Brands you love giving your customers more variety and your business more sales."
"I'm really trying to curate a collection that evolves with my style."
"Finally, another Picasso is in great condition. We're trying to make you guys a Picasso section in the stadium in the new Museum, so stay tuned for the experience."
"Unsubscribing... I'm going to curate what I'm looking at and that way it'll be more intentional."
"These lists are very fun because it gives you a chance to kind of go through the collection."
"Have a little bit of curated content with a little bit of personable in there."
"So there's a story within a story or there's another thing that I would call and I didn't have a proper name for this but it's really like a curation."
"Curating these spaces should be number one priority."
"It just makes me feel really good to share and curate different things for you guys."
"Our thing is not that the collection gets ordered and important, not important, firmly placed. But there are main pieces which might stay and a lot of other things that might come and go."
"I muted a whole bunch of accounts and now I see like scientific tweets. You know, they just found this new levitating material or something that levitates. Or something cool."
"The collection is really wonderfully curated."
"Curating your wardrobe and making sure what you're picking up are things that you absolutely love."
"She has curated or co-curated numerous exhibitions including Egypt's Golden Age: A Divine Tour of Ancient Egypt, Ramses the Great: Pharaohs of the Sun, The Secrets of Tomb10a, and Ancient Nubian Now."
"Curate your feed. This is extremely important, no matter what kind of page you have."
"I feel like you're really good at curating those moments."
"Why make content when you can curate it?"
"A curated amazing selection of books every month."
"I think I did a really great job of kind of filtering things down to just the essentials and the items that I either really love or that are so unique that I know I'm not going to find them again."
"I love the artwork that's been picked for this, I think that must be such a fascinating job."
"We love putting things in our shop we've curated this collection of items in our shop."
"Does it make sense to have a really long newsletter or does it make sense to have like collated information that's valuable, that's maybe curated from lots of different sources? What's your thoughts on that?"
"The bigger the community gets the more well curated it is the more viable it becomes independent of the person who's organizing it."
"And the label is just all about curating talent, curating new talent, letting them do their thing, you know what I mean? It's fun for me to make music and albums, but I want to cultivate, you know, new talent, and that's what the label is all about."
"Curation newsletters are going to go away but just curation where you can tap into someone's information sources is going to be even better 100 percent, especially if you can then have them put their own like spin on it a little bit as well."
"That's how we started off, then you have content creation. People don't understand that content creation is also curating content just as well as creating content."
"I always suggest mixing different styles or materials so your space feels more thoughtful and curated."
"Their team vets hundreds of books each month and gives the readers their choice from a curated selection of new and early release titles."
"Think about how curated everyone's social media is nowadays. People have their feeds with their color aesthetics and their sorted stories and their highlights."
"There can be something productive about purging your audience."
"I want to have a curated solution of tools that I like."
"So we have been adding to it, many many people donate their items of historical importance and each one of those objects we try to research and tell the story."
"If I didn't like all these pieces, they wouldn't be here."
"Most of my items have been curated over the years. We've just taken our time, we did own an antique store in North Alabama, so we were able to dig and go to estate sales and auctions and had a really good time purchasing things that really spoke to us."
"...even the best artists, they don't produce everything they make a ton of stuff and they choose the best."
"Remember that when we see persons online we are seeing the most curated version of their life."
"It's important that our identities are things that we carefully curate."
"...you have formed an opinion that Caitlyn always shoots beautiful weddings, they always have great details, they always have the same type of light. Is that true? Well, no. But I have curated so intentionally that I've made my audience believe that it's true."
"The point of curation subscription boxes is to really surprise your customers by giving them products that you know they're going to love."
"The curation business model is all about surprise and delight."
"You don't have to post every photo you've ever taken."
"When it comes to big ideas and important information, you want your brain to be part of the curation, filtering, and prioritizing system."
"So my Instagram's curated, bro. So like when you go those top two rows are ever and this is like before pins and things like that but like I see what I want you to see."
"I usually just make playlists and play the stuff I like best I don't listen to their albums all the way through much just because I don't think it's good enough and my time is valuable and yours is too."
"Tribal elders selected the items to be included in The Virtual Museum."
"Collecting isn't mindlessly purchasing things. It's in fact sort of the opposite. It is carefully choosing each item as a piece of the historical record."
"The presets are really, really well curated."
"Taste and curation aren't inherently bad. It's when they start to overlap with exploitation, profiteering, or exceptionalism that that silly aristocratic underbelly re-emerges as it perhaps has here."
"We're moving from curation to recommendation. What does that mean in the generative era? No one really knows yet."
"If people really like what's happening within some of the video content that we post here, I might take bits and pieces of it and put them on, like, for example, the whole falling scene."
"It really did create a collection."
"It's an example of extremely thoughtful, extremely tasteful curation."
"You could make some money, probably not much, but like you'll have a great time curating. Being the host of a party is a very powerful networking tool."
"Out with the old, in with the curated."
"I love that each day on MUBI there's a new film to discover that was hand-selected by an actual human being who knows what they're talking about when it comes to film."
"I'm interested in curating products and using the stuff that I like the most."
"What is important in putting together the great encyclopedia of art that is the Met is that we not fall into the trap of merely filling gaps with representative examples."
"All of this stuff is on the internet for the world to see and all I'm doing is I'm putting it together for you guys like a freaking puzzle."
"If there's something missing in the museum's collection, figure out how to resolve the deficiency."
"Creating curated displays with vintage charm."
"What I love about movie is how they curate their releases into retrospective specials and specific sub-genres like apocalyptic movies."
"I love this corner. When I tell you I curated this corner of my room, I curated this corner of my room."
"Apple Music is three things. It's a revolutionary music service curated by the leading music experts who we helped hand-pick."
"A lot of these consumers who don't necessarily feel like they have voices are looking for curators."
"If you can't really limit your time because you actually enjoy social media, I think that you really have to make it a point to tailor the people that you follow."
"Figuring out what aesthetic best suits you and intentionally curating a collection of these items can help to ensure that you're consistently painting what you actually want to paint."
"We've specifically curated only the amp models that actually translate to a modern worship sound."
"It's everyone has inadvertently curated this really wonderful community."
"It's a beautifully curated bronze palette."
"Steam's curated. It is. Steam is actually curated."
"Everything that I own, I love. There's a purpose for it. It's either functional or it serves some kind of a luxury purpose, but it's curated, it's decided. There's no waste."
"...a real joy, I think, even if unlike me you don't want to curate a whole little bookcase of this type of book."
"I feel like the Wizarding Trunk did such a good job putting together the best Ravenclaw inspired box."
"You're essentially building yourself your own library of sound."
"You curated your content very, very well."
"Curate your feeds, curate the information, curate your community."
"Every piece is selected, curated, and chosen really with specific guidelines."
"I'm really collecting things to go on that big bookshelf upstairs."
"Whatever you curate, whatever you put out there is the type of people you will attract."
"I have curated some of the neatest and wonderfullest gifts to give to you."
"It's just creating material for you and you can then sort of be more of a curator."
"The best lives are often well-edited, carefully curated lives."
"It's been an absolute pleasure to curate this show, and I think you'll all enjoy it."
"Each month your box becomes more and more curated to your exact tastes."
"This has brought me so much joy because as somebody that loves beauty, I love to be able to curate my edit of products I absolutely love to take with me whilst I'm gone on holiday."
"Your legacy of the past work gets to live on while you still get to perfectly curate your portfolio with the best work that you can do."
"Accessing information doesn't give you much of an advantage; what matters more is being able to curate the information."
"It changes the way you listen to music, it changes the way you curate and find songs."
"The art of culling and curating your images."
"The very curation is rooted in the spiritual."
"Everything is properly curated; everything is intact."
"We ended up creating an amazing Pinterest board with outfits that I genuinely love."
"Like a mixtape, it's made for you."
"This is how you get smarter, both the process of curating these different vaults and in the process of organizing and designing and synthesizing it in the knowledge lab itself."
"We need to elevate listings that represent the best of Etsy."
"It's something like a Christmas gift curated just for you."
"It also increases trust of data because the data sets that are added to this catalog are curated, similar to the artworks displayed in a museum."
"Our official playlists are compiled by our team, trusted friends, and rock stars from all over the world."
"Actual metal heads are going to be tailoring these playlists."
"Every unique item is hand-curated, selected for you based on your interest from a small business that you probably would have never heard of otherwise."
"If you read the news, subscribe to a digest... you can reduce the sense that there is always more that you could know or there is always something else that you could be reading."
"I love a curated palette, I can pull it out and it's going to inspire me."
"The truth is that the stories we learn in school are often carefully curated."
"Spotify has this fantastic ability to provide recommendations for new music that are absolutely on point."
"The assortment range is not huge, just over 400 individual wines per store, but it's thoughtfully curated with a good number of seasonal wines."
"I like having a curated experience where I know the artist sat down and this is how they wanted me to go through the story."
"The curation of cinema, the curation of everything around us of content in our lives is so vital."
"The curation was absolutely gorgeous."
"It's about getting down to your best shots."
"They have helped curate and cultivate a culture that we know and love."
"Absolutely love all the pieces, I feel like it's curated really well too."
"This is very thoughtfully curated."
"People like to follow these types of Instagram pages since they get great content about a topic they're interested in, gathered and curated for them on a single page."
"The idea is not necessarily to put everything you've done, but rather the best things that you've done."
"The art comes in the curating of what you want the audience to see."
"I know social media isn't real, like I know whatever I post it's all curated."
"Only around 25 stood out to me the most and got me excited enough to where I thought they were worthy enough to be on this year's list."
"I just love the curation of this store; it's amazing."
"It makes it feel dynamic; it makes it feel curated."
"The powerful thing about social media is that you can simply unfollow who you want to unfollow and curate the feed that you want to see."
"Fill your jewelry box with things that are really special."
"I've truly and intentionally curated it as a thing that can be symbolized and tossed around because it's not personal."
"We're just trying to look for stuff that's perfect for the collection."
"All the products inside this box, especially picked by me, guys, so you know what that means? That means that it's not going to disappoint."
"Over the past five years on YouTube, I've established myself as somewhat of a music curator."
"I feel like I would be pretty confident making a list of top movies you might not have heard of."
"Becoming an expert curator is a great way to build your personal brand."