
Humane Treatment Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted."
"Prisoners are no longer kept in traditional prisons but in cryo prisons, which are considered more humane."
"I think that there are ways that animals can be treated with a level of compassion with which we treat humans."
"Let's treat people in a humane manner. We want to have secure borders, but we want to have intelligent borders."
"This administration's belief is that we can get our message across with a more humane policy by opening up avenues of legal migration which will encourage people to take those."
"Basic workplace rights: humane treatment, bathroom breaks."
"Animals deserve the same love and care that you would provide to a human, absolutely."
"We're trying to lean into smart justice, it's a humane, absolutely apt process."
"In a real war, you don't torture your opponents when you beat them."
"We don't need it. We can still have border security, but treat people with common sense and compassion, instead of this damned cruelty."
"Just treat them like human beings. They already know they did wrong."
"I believe in life in prison without parole, a whole other things you can do. We don't belong killing a person, an eye for an eye is not what we're looking for."
"The thing became much more civilized and humane."
"We need to treat people with compassion, with Humanity, with decency, with equality."
"Animals that are used in film should and typically are trained and are handled humanely at least nowadays."
"Suffering should be relieved in a kind and humane way."
"But his most famous invention was the tranquilizer chair... Doesn't sound like the humane treatment everyone thought."
"The president remains committed to putting in place a Humane and orderly immigration system."
"I'm gonna put a light in every single cell because I'm nice like that."
"Prisoners of war must at all times be humanly treated."
"I think it's far more humane and dignified than lethal injection."
"Norwegian prisons... have prisons that are considerably more humane than our own."
"You don't need to be a brutal animal killer. You can be chill and still do this."
"Spurs should absolutely never be used for punishment. They should only be used for leg aids or helping your leg to extend a little bit more when doing a particular activity to help the horse better understand what you're asking."
"If you want people to surrender, treat them well. Don't start shooting prisoners."
"Developing a humane border policy for asylum seekers."
"The humane approach is what fundamentally distinguishes us from animals."
"There's no right way to do the wrong thing... gas Chambers are seen as this Humane method of killing animals."
"Be free, Cloister, we will not kill you, we're not turning you into stew."
"Many people might look at this facility's closing and say, 'Good, it marks our cultural advancement towards a more humane way of treating people with mental illnesses.'"
"...we should have like way uh way more humane conditions for prisoners."
"The withdrawal off of this stuff can not only be dangerous, or coming off of it, but it's very inhumane the way people come off of this stuff."
"A more humane prison system... more money for treatment programs."
"Fear down approach: calming the source and convincing him he will be properly and humanely treated."
"If we removed antibiotics in livestock, you would see that the whole feedlot system... would have to be made a lot more humane."
"We can do better; we can have a humane and orderly immigration system."
"This is the most humane way, and before we started this process, we took a moment to collectively honor the bird."
"I prefer places where the workers are treated humanely like being allowed to sit and be comfortable for the duration of their shifts."
"He speaks well of the Owens who he says are righteous men who do not beat me nor calls me bad names nor subjects me to hunger, nakedness, or hard work."
"If you aren't able to be humane in your pest control, then you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
"Even though we're trying to address this lionfish invasion, we really don't have anything against the fish; we try to put them down humanely."
"The incarceration is their punishment, not cooking them to death."
"I like their Animal Welfare certified, like it's important to me when looking for meat sourcing meat that it's treated humanely."
"We're going to do a live removal; we don't do any extermination, as you might know."