
Personal Resonance Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Combining punk with pop as well as they did just resonated with me deeply."
"Just take what resonates. It won't resonate for everyone."
"Take what resonates and throw the rest in the dumpster."
"The most effective language learning method will be the one that most resonates with you and, as a consequence, will be the one that you stick with for the long haul."
"You are the expert in your life. Take what resonates, don't let the rest take from you."
"I don't have the luxury of being able to forget, and I really resonated with that in the dream."
"Just go within yourself and ask yourself, does this resonate with you? Go within your heart. Does this resonate with you at a deep level?"
"Follow your excitement, it's uh passion, it's an ex it's an awareness of resonance."
"Surround yourself with those in the same frequency."
"That line right there, yeah, I'd say that's about how I feel."
"Idiosyncrasies like this are what make Firewatch feel special to me."
"The biracial aspect I thought was really interesting that's not something I personally have seen explored a lot and it's something that really resonated with me."
"The story of the Seven Deadly Sins really speaks to me, and why I think that it is a lot deeper than it first appears."
"It's a system that's really cool that really speaks to me, I like that a lot."
"Fans are attracted to what they like because it resonates with them on a personal level."
"It's such an awesome moment I mean I cried everyone in the room cried it obviously just meant so so much to her."
"This game's narrative worked so well for me."
"Do what resonates with you. This is how the soul moves towards your purpose."
"I think there's something about the movie that burrows it people can't shake it Burrows its way in and um at least that's how it was for me."
"I can't leave my seat. It took me home in a way that I am always glad to feel."
"Remember, if you do find that it doesn't resonate, then just feel peaceful and find the message that does."
"Take the messages as they resonate, drop the ones that do not."
"Whatever I had done resonated with the entire world and the attention was like sunlight on my soul."
"There's a huge variety of products and niches to choose from, so you can find something that you're passionate about and that also resonates with you and your audience."
"That scripture you just had about life moves fast, whatever happens in your life, you have to move forward... that hit a tone just for me today."
"It's not about that, it's about whether or not it touches you."
"I thought he, the iteration of Reed Richards they gave us was really good. I thought it resonated with me, I liked it a lot."
"I just want to make real [ __ ] that is true to me and resonates with a lot of other people."
"Telling a sincere story about finding your own happily ever after is one that I think will continue to resonate for a long time to come."
"Something about this place just speaks to me, just feeling the history around here."
"People like us, not just comedians, but there are people out there that obviously this resonates with them."
"Don't cling to anything that isn't resonating with you, and seize anything that is."
"You can find the resonance that harmonizes with you."
"It's the first time in a long time when I could just walk away from something Star Wars related and just close my eyes and nod my head and think to myself, 'Yes, that's Star Wars.'"
"Coming home is the song that's what it's all about."
"I felt like the underdog...I resonate so well with that."
"I've never seen a movie that hits me the way Koko hit me."
"I love that character... where everything he does... makes so much sense to me."
"If people are thinking, you know what some of that's resonating with me, is it getting in touch with your GP?"
"I get every side of every argument and I know which one I actually resonate more with."
"You cannot be defined by one definition. It's all the many things that make you who you are that relate to you and resonate with you, and that is who you are."
"I feel like I make music that you could grow up to, you know? People can be 18 and you can knock my music till you're 22, 23, and you're gonna be like, 'Damn, it's gonna hit you even harder.'"
"Only take what resonates and leave the rest. Spirit's got the best and highest messages for you."
"There is so much truth in what you shared, it just makes so much sense to me."
"Hurt comfort is an easy S tier... it just pulls out my guts I don't know what it is but it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry on the floor."
"I highly recommend streaming it, reading it both because I promise it will live in a special place inside of you."
"Always be sure to only take what resonates with you personally."
"I absolutely loved particularly the scene where the main character meets her aunt's like long lost love Vera."
"Update time, I've reached chapter 12, I'm on page 303 and we have 480 pages."
"The metaverse is moving... Think of many of the altcoins as your savings accounts."
"Just take what resonates, leave the rest behind. Don't try to force it."
"This book might resonate with you like on a personal level if you've survived any of those things."
"It's been a long time since I've been so viscerally touched by a movie in a long time."
"Don't forget please only take what resonates and leave the rest."
"This is such a unique and resonating passion project."
"It got me emotional in a way that few other superhero films have."
"This song touches home with me, reason being this was like an eye-opener."
"We're gonna watch a movie about a kid a lot like you who you know what you think you think your life sucks you know what she does too and she gets whisked away to this land there is brightness there's music there's joy."
"I do see the value in Star Wars coming back... the things that did manage to get through and felt personal and felt big and felt epic or even felt small and personal I feel it's worth it."
"Bro, everything the lady just said resonated with me."
"Only take what resonates and leave but does not. If the message doesn't resonate, please don't force it to."
"When you're watching channel videos, get a feel for how you feel internally. What do you feel from the person as they're speaking? How do you hear it? Is it clear to you? Does it resonate?"
"Of every name on this list, it’s hers that makes the most sense to me."
"Charlie Kaufman's films are ones that really speak to me on a deep emotional level."
"Pantera made sense to me as somebody who was also really into hardcore and punk."
"Nearly everything about it just hit right for me personally."
"Let me know if the nostalgia just hit that sweet early 2000s Y2K spot for you guys like it did for me."
"Listen to your soul, take action, and follow the path that resonates with your heart."
"Xenoblade 3 has some very poignant themes that almost all resonated with me on a deeply personal level."
"I watched your anecdote to insult them on recommendation from a friend and it spoke really deeply."
"This understood me in a way where I feel like it was written for me."
"I do not care if it makes you feel good if it pisses you off or it makes you feel bad if it if you like it hell yeah that's a bonus."
"I needed it but I think you're like me, I liked it, right?"
"Rejection is a form of protection, and if something's too good to be true and you can see through that, then find something that resonates with you."
"I just love this community I love chatting about spiritual awakenings and what resonated with you."
"Find what resonates with you and apply it to your life."
"The themes that it touches on speaks a lot to me."
"I really hope that everyone will be resonating with someone something like this one day... things are just aligning so beautifully."
"People feel that vibration, things just feel true, you get it, right?"
"I dropped out of college to pursue this, it's the only thing I've really found that I resonate with."
"The sounds of Sanskrit resonate with me. They make me feel at ease, they give me strength, and I hope to further explore more of the magic power and wonder that is Sanskrit."
"These provocative ideas, these dangerous ideas, these insol ideas maybe insulting ideas, they resonate with you if you can bear these ideas."
"But there should be that thematic element there, because that's what's going to sustain you, that's what's going to matter to you, right?"
"Different people find different things that resonate with them."
"I've never found a quote that described the situation more perfectly than this."
"I resonate with the fact that it's hard to pull apart, you know."
"Find someone who carries... find that voice that makes what's in you leap."
"Depending on your moon and rising and Venus signs to see if those Suns resonate with me more because depending on the energy, those signs may resonate with you more than your Sun sign at this time."
"This game's charm came into a time of my life when I truly needed it."
"I feel like the main reason why I'm loving this book so much so far is because it really speaks to like 17-year-old me who is just obsessed with England."
"This art style is amazing... I am already feeling this aesthetic so bad."
"I think the main word there that really resonates for me is the word intentional."
"Not everything will resonate with you, so take what does and leave the rest."
"If it resonates with you, run with it. If it doesn't, have fun throwing it out the door."
"There's something in this message that resonates for you."
"Choose the path that resonates with your soul."
"That movie meant a lot, checked a lot of boxes for me."
"If you resonate with the audience, you're gonna have a much better time of selling to them."
"Take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else."
"Ultimately, I'm sticking with the material that resonated with me the most."
"Take whatever resonates with you and please don't force anything to fit if it doesn't feel right to you."
"Only take what resonates for you."
"Some of you may want to take it if it resonates."
"Your dream life doesn't have to make sense to other people. It just has to make sense to you. It just has to speak to you. It just has to resonate with you."
"Perhaps it's as simple as something that simply speaks to you as a collector."
"Her style of painting that tells a story really resonates with me."
"Not everything in the reading will resonate with you, so take what does and leave the rest."
"That concept of knowing what may be important in the future, really resonated with me."
"That rang so true for me because it's true."
"One thing Miranda and I have always had in common is lyrics lyrics speak more to me than even the beat the tempo the melody."
"Looks like this album was designed specifically for me."
"I couldn't even listen to rap in my house, you know what I'm saying? So for uh for DMX to be talking about all the gospel stuff that he did on that flesh and my flesh blood in my blood um, it resonated with me."
"The themes really speak to me personally."
"It's the same with me, music does that for me. The place you can go where all that stuff fades into insignificance for a while, you know?"
"It just needs to make me feel good; it needs to resonate with my mood and my personality."
"Choose a meditation method that resonates with you, whether it's mindfulness meditation, loving-kindness meditation, or Transcendental Meditation."
"They like really resonated with me; they're kind of calm, like people, but also independent."
"To me, that's the X Factor, as long as it will evoke my emotions."
"This is also for me their heaviest album, which resonates with me like heavy music."
"Only take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else."
"Something touched me deep inside like a great piece of music does."
"I absolutely care about Kaladin; there are a lot of his thinkings that made me realize that I do resonate with him in a lot of ways."
"Take in what speaks to your soul and what resonates with you and your situation, and release the rest to the universe."
"It just speaks to me on so many different levels."
"Be very careful of people who would impose and dictate what narratives you should resonate with."
"I've read a couple of times over the course of the year and it speaks directly to my soul."
"This deck speaks absolutely and directly to my soul."
"I love that, because I feel like that would be something I would have done."
"Sometimes your rising sign and your Moon Sign may resonate more for you than your sun sign."
"It just hit different than any other show."
"If this resonates with you, it has been resonating with me to listen to these two guys talk about their experiences and learn from them."
"That definitely speaks to my soul."
"We're energy, it's a beautiful thing, and what resonates with me is love."
"Take what resonates with you and leave what doesn't, please and thank you."
"It just speaks to me in a way that most things simply don't."
"Honestly, I feel that in my soul."
"Any accolades or warmth that you receive won't resonate properly in your heart because it's not you who's receiving it."
"It just the vibe of this was just so strong for me for some reason."
"Answer is also one of the most emotional songs on Wolf."
"Reasonable people will disagree, and so part of the process of choosing these frameworks really boils down to what resonates most with you."
"It's hitting me on an emotional note that's perfect for me right now."
"Take what does resonate for you and send the rest to the universe."
"Remember, if it resonates, take it in; if it doesn't, let it go."
"Accountability: I analyze my behavior and what parts of me resonated with these men I deemed problematic."
"Larry Elder speaks to the sentiments of my heart."
"This verse has always spoken to me."
"That's something that really resonated with me."
"The most important thing is that you resonate with the signs that I gave you at the beginning of the video."
"You have to take what resonates and leave what doesn't."
"It really resonated with me as well."
"You got to just go with what vibrates with you the best."
"Islamic belief system is not something you will discover which is alien to your thinking and your feeling."
"Spoke to my soul, so I decided I want to teach it today."
"Just take what resonates, leave the rest behind."
"If I'm doing it, I'm probably having a good time because it resonated for me on some level."
"Hold on to what resonates, leave the rest behind."
"Energy and time are fluid, so take what resonates and leave the rest for someone else."
"Some things I see will resonate with you and some things will not, and just take whatever works for you and leave the rest."
"Take what resonate and leave what don't."
"Take what resonates with you, baby, and leave the rest for somebody else."
"You have to take it as it resonates."
"Take it how it best resonates for you; if something doesn't, it's not yours, just leave it behind and let it go."
"Please be discerning, only take the messages that resonate with you."
"Only take what resonates, guys, leave what doesn't."
"Please make sure you guys are using discernment, take what resonates and leave the rest behind."
"Take it how it resonates and leave the rest."
"I love finding sayings that resonate with me but that I don't see on a lot of things at the store."
"Please do take what resonates, leave the rest."
"What serves you now, what's in resonance with you now after these deep shifts and changes throughout the year?"
"Take what resonates and leave everything else behind for someone else."
"Feel free to take the message however it resonates with you and your situation."
"If you know me, you know this speaks to me so much."
"This is speaking to my actual soul at this moment."