
Pettiness Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"It takes so much more work to continuously be petty, to uphold your ego and pride, than to just simply let go and apologize."
"He's a very Petty individual who will always put his interest ahead of the country's."
"It was small, it was petty, and I still giggle about it years later."
"Pettiness is the greatest motivation in the world."
"It was the perfect amount of pettiness, banter, romance, flirtiness."
"Out of pettiness, out of pettiness, excuse me, or wanting to get revenge has messed up for a lot of people."
"That's some petty [__], you're on top of the world and you're dishing out jealousy."
"Being petty, you know type [__], but I had no intention like I did it in front of her."
"The HOA's pettiness continued to grow and grow."
"If we are to channel cosmic love, we can't waste our time with small petty nonsense."
"This is where the petty revenge comes in."
"I'm being extremely petty, and I love every second of it. Respectfully."
"These are my top three petty moments of 2019. First of all, Popeyes chicken sandwich that was released on a Sunday because Chick-fil-A is closed."
"Let me tell you what hatred is: it's the pettiness, the small tortures, the little tiny bits of pain."
"The fact that she went to such a length to get petty revenge and succeeded is a testament to just how smart(and ruthless) she can be."
"She's being petty and she doesn't want me to have the house. That's it."
"Petty, yes. Satisfying as heck, yes."
"...this level of dickery and pettiness is the straw that finally broke the camel's back..."
"Revenge is petty but oh so sweet."
"Revenge is a dish served cold. I inadvertently played the long game and got triggered after finding old docs from the rental agreement. Call me Petty Mayo."
"Black Frieza embodies a whole different level of hatred and pettiness that many characters could only ever dream of having."
"Queen of petty revenge, dude, queen of petty revenge."
"I feel like she definitely took the petty crown because that was some petty behavior."
"...you know how petty they are, incredibly petty, especially when guys walk out on them and are successful without them. They [expletive] hate that."
"And yes it may be petty but it's the little things that count."
"This is Gonna sound so weird to say but trauma and pettiness. I'm a very Petty person, I'm all about it."
"Oh, hell yeah, that was hilarious. People are petty."
"Without your pettiness none of this could have happened."
"Yeah, I may be petty, but she can f right the hell off."
"It seems like some people ain't getting the note about the new Black Ink. So I think it's time for some PDP, Public Display of Pettiness. And who's the king of that? Me!"
"There's opportunities for them to make the situation better, but there's always somebody that ends up being petty."
"The revenge was so petty, and that moment has lived on between brother two and I ever since."
"Tell me your mom is petty without telling me your mom is petty."
"They're petty with everything here."
"This is like so petty the things that the Grinch does but it's not anything that would like ruin someone's life you know?"
"Petty people create mountains out of low hills."
"Petty doesn't get you far in this world."
"I gotta say, guys, that was just absolutely 10 out of 10 petty revenge."
"Was it petty? Yes. Was it satisfying? Hell yes."
"They do go after revenge. They can be extremely bitter and super petty if you hurt them. So I would always suggest never to hurt a Cancer because seriously, I don't think a Cancer will come back from it."
"Meanwhile in Scotland, I'm loving the pettiness of Rai Rovers who find themselves top of a table and posted that League table of them blurring out their bitter Rivals."
"Over in Malaysia, there's more pettiness going on at Sabah FC."
"You cannot be mighty and petty at the same time."
"That is the most insanely Petty thing I've ever seen a brand do. I respect it. I respect that so much. You don't deserve to go to the Barbie Premiere."
"Now that is a new level of petty that I love."
"But you want to be Petty and talk about ID please."
"My mom's pettiness makes me so happy. My piggies are frolicking amongst that witch's torn petticoats."
"Best and most petty revenge ever."
"So petty and so f***ing glorious!"
"Everyone is entitled to be a little bit petty."
"Some of y'all out there are Petty. If it don't go your way, if you ain't in the safe space, it hurts your ears."
"...what can seem as Petty news of oh who cares if she wasn't invited suddenly turns into a more meaningful message perhaps one of Karma."
"In case all of this made you think that we're not petty, you're wrong. Shawn and I can still be incredibly petty."
"That level of pettiness I aspire to."
"That is god level petty, my friends."
"I just wanted to know if I was the a-hole for being petty."
"This is a level of petty that I love."
"Please don't make your ex take pictures of you with your current girlfriends, that's just petty."
"I say all the time I'm petty but there's a little thin line between petty and pathetic."
"Honestly, you can come up with some great ideas when you're in that petty mode."
"I probably shouldn't have been so petty, but the blatant disrespect made it seem pretty justified."
"I'm Petty though soon to be Ex-Wives to finish this [ __ ] but I'm Petty though."
"I don't want to be the bigger person. I want to sink into the deepest depths of petty that exist within me."
"Junior killing Dickie over him laughing seems very petty, because it is petty, but it's perfectly in line with Junior's character, who had someone murdered by Mikey Palmice because of the way he talked, and has mentioned his attempted murder of Tony."
"Sometimes being Petty's good for the soul."
"Y'all can call me Petty, I don't care, but that's a valid ass reason. Like why would you text me when they're an hour from close talking about 'what you doing'? I got so [ __ ] mad."
"I want to be that petty as well, it's just not in me, because it could be, I could see you as a girl, go tell your partner, 'Oh that's his cousin,' I'm not trying to be like, 'Yeah, you introduced me to her,' and if it's nothing, 'Oh, it's my cousin, yeah.'"
"So whether it’s a few extra seconds in a parking lot or 12 whole minutes in a library aisle, that’s a lot of time spent being petty."
"I used to think, years ago, that like, 'Man, nobody's pettier than me.' And then you were like, 'I am,' and we just talked for 30 minutes."
"Rob is petty, and if you want to mess with him, it's like poking that sleeping dog. He went nuclear, and I lived for every post of it."
"When you're petty, you are a reflection of God."
"Vince McMahon owned the whole goddamn thing at that point, but that's the mentality of some of these people in wrestling—they're so petty and short-sighted."
"Those who regard themselves as separate from others are petty persons."
"Some people can get really petty when it comes to Dungeons and Dragons, which is pretty silly considering that this is a game that we're playing for fun."
"Imagine being so petty that you want to name your ex after a cockroach that gets eaten by an animal. I love it. So petty. So delicious."
"They're kind of acting like a baby or they're kind of being a little petty."
"I love to see all of us win at the end of the day; this little petty stuff back and forth, it doesn't really mean anything."
"Humans are strange creatures; they are capable of immense compassion, unparalleled intelligence, and unwavering kindness towards others, but they spend most of their lives getting mad about extremely stupid, pointless things."
"Gods are so petty, and that is the most entertaining thing ever."
"Life is too short to be petty and defensive."
"...these situations make people realize the sort of pettiness of their feuds; this puts things into context."
"We were always fighting, okay? Like the smallest of things."
"I ain't going to lie, these NBA franchises are just petty."
"I've got to give him credit for that, okay, I was being petty."
"This type of pettiness is beneath the process of electing a president."
"Pettiness is a real motivator for a lot of people that are at the top of a lot of professions."
"I don't hold on to the past, especially when it's stuff that, in my opinion, is just petty."
"God is like, 'I gave this person to you as a blessing; how dare you be petty?'"
"People don't know how to forgive no more, it's just too much grudge holding and prolonging in pettiness, and I can't take it anymore."
"Sure we didn't gain much from this, I'm sure we wasted five minutes of our short lives being petty, but do I regret it? Not in the slightest."
"Damn it, my sort of favorite stories, they're just so petty but they're so good."
"These petty revenge stories are just the perfect amount of petty and the perfect amount of being cunning."
"Wow, the pettiest of pettiness I have heard so far, not gonna lie, that's kind of legendary."
"I can't help but admire this level of petty revenge."
"Nothing annoys me more than when people get mad about small little anything."
"Nothing makes him more mad than when people get mad about dumb petty things."
"Let's not waste time fighting or being upset over little stupid nitpicky things."
"If you want to be successful in this world, you can't dwell on petty stuff."
"It would be a shame to let petty stuff get in the way of them helping the community."