
Emotional Need Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"I think that every human, at some point, goes through a point where they're not getting that [love and affection], and I think those are their lowest points."
"I feel so upset sometimes because I need you so much. I pray that we will be together soon."
"I just really need to hear her voice right now."
"When you're hurting, you don't need sarcasm, you need support."
"A healthy relationship is I need you because I love you."
"All of the kids that attended Elan were in desperate need of love and attention, and they just needed someone to actually listen to them."
"Everyone wants to be loved, everybody in some former fashion wants to be told I love you by someone who's not a member of their family."
"Sometimes everyone just needs that happy ending."
"What good is a man? Companionship. My dog, I have one. But no, I want someone to cuddle me, love me, that will build with me."
"Everything we do is to feel a little less lonely."
"They needed to give that family some closure, be it a positive closure or a negative closure, but those children needed to know where their mother was."
"Diana is in need of Love... who's been denied it throughout her marriage and in many ways throughout her life."
"She's a little girl who just wants to be loved."
"Maybe one day someone will definitely appreciate me enough to go all out for me at least once, you know. That's all I want, I want to be."
"The crucial element in borderline and codependency is the need to be needed."
"The truth about it is I really just needed a hug man."
"That little wounded child within him is so desperate for recognition and love."
"I just keep reaching for it because I need it in my life."
"They're coming towards you because they need you, they can't live without you."
"Closure, everybody needs... even the viewers need closure."
"Belief is their truest sustenance, they crave it beyond anything else."
"No good comedian is not needy. If we weren't needy, we wouldn't be doing this for a living."
"You need that deeply, desperately need that."
"Love is important, everybody wants to be loved."
"Your presence is what my soul longs for, your presence is the very thing that our lives need."
"Everyone wants hope, everyone is searching for hope."
"They feel lost without you, they're needing you, so there's some codependency that they're feeling right now."
"People are looking for something to look forward to right now."
"We really need some levity, okay? We really really do."
"Everyone generally needs an emotional connection... everyone wants an emotional connection."
"I want my dad to be proud of me, and it drives me to this day. That validation, the need to be celebrated and embraced."
"Justice needs to be served, my kids need that closure."
"I desperately wanted to feel loved and accepted."
"I need that excitement, even if it's false hope, I need that feeling."
"I want someone to know where I am I want them to care enough to know where I am all day I just need someone to care"
"She silently wished that someone would hug and comfort her."
"Their energy raises to you because they're in need of this help."
"They just want your love, that's all they want from you."
"They just really want love at the end of the day, they just want love."
"Makes me feel less of a man. Yeah. 'Cause nobody wants to just be needed. You wanna be wanted in a relationship. Desired." - Mr. Wyatt
"Deep down you want a connection with somebody."
"I think that they want the connection even more than we do."
"You need someone else to believe in you when you don't."
"He's like one of those guys that had like this super hard exterior but like deep down inside like he just wanted a hug."
"The covert borderline's plea for attention is actually a plea for love and intimacy."
"I was desperate for reassurance, I wanted to feel good about myself."
"I love you, and I want to have a relationship with you, and I want to be close to you, and I want you to be a part of my life. I don't want that to ever change. I need you."
"I just wanted somebody to love me."
"Just talk to me. I ask for so little."
"I need you, yeah, I want you, but I need you. This is somebody that's feeling empty without you."
"Everybody has a deep need to be loved."
"I could use a little bit of love in my life, that's what I needed."
"I haven't had unconditional love in about 25 years... I need to feel needed."
"Proclaim that to be the truth because they emotionally need it to be the truth."
"At his core, he just wants to be loved and cherished."
"I want to feel like I'm wanted, Your Honor. I want to feel like I'm needed."
"The individual who tries to fill the emotional need of life by requiring attention will die empty."
"I just want someone to love me. I just want someone to hold me at night. I just want that."
"I need you more than I need the answers."
"Our country is so affluent but we're starving for love."
"You're my best friend, and I need you right now."
"I literally don't want to [ __ ] I just want to like be held."
"You really needed that hug you never got from your mom."
"How about a hug right you know me daddy needs a hug sometimes."
"Tell me you love me because that's all I need to hear."
"This time, because I know what's bothering me, I need somebody to love."
"That felt so good, I honestly needed that."
"they just grabbed my hand and held it and then i just went, i was like that's what i needed, i just needed that."
"I need a hug. That's what I miss more than anything."
"I want to have more love, I need more love."
"She didn't get to say goodbye to Vision. She needed that proper closure."
"Someone who has never had sex may develop what psychologists call skin hunger or touch starvation."
"Because it will make me feel cherished," he whispers.
"I can't stop myself, I need closure."
"Honey, I need your praise. Honestly, I feel so tired, so empty."
"Being around someone that shows compassion, any type of compassion, that's why. Because I'm looking to be loved. I haven't been loved in a long time."
"He just wanted to be loved, he wanted to be accepted."
"You want to know that you're valued."
"Give me love, love, give me love."
"I want to hold people... there's an aspect of us that is craving unconditional love."
"It's a lack of companionship that extends out to a lack of sexual intimacy."
"No matter how strong you think you are, the desire to be loved is inherent within all of us."
"Everyone wants to be loved and respected."
"We all have a deep need for love."
"The emotional need for love... follows us into adulthood and into marriage."
"Our most basic emotional need is not to fall in love but to be genuinely loved by another."
"There is much deeper, much greater hunger, and that is the hunger for love."
"I need hugs every now and then, just so you know."
"The past few weeks have made me realize how much I want you, how much I need you."
"We all need to feel needed and wanted."
"Timothy was starved for attention, connection, wanted hugs, and was eager to please."
"I just wanted to be loved, I wanted to be filled, I didn't want to be empty anymore."
"All Scarl Amane wanted was to be accepted, to be cared about, to be loved."
"I need you. It's past desire, it's to that realm of I need you."
"People who are lonely need a feeling of connection."
"I need something to put me in a nice place, like a loving little place for a little while, let me have some peace."
"I just want to be loved, is that so wrong?"
"You want to feel missed, you want to feel needed."
"All I wanted was for someone to love me."
"I want to be held, loved, and adored, but I get nothing of the sort."
"My parents gave me everything I ever asked for, but they never gave me the one thing that I really wanted: their love."
"I didn't need your stories, Mommy. I needed my mother."
"I need to laugh, I need some joy."
"I just needed a friend to talk to."
"The only thing I've really got for you to unwrap is a box of wanting you, a bag of loving you, and a very bad case of not being able to do without you."
"I just wanted to be hugged by someone."
"All you ever wanted was to be loved."
"I just want to belong somewhere, to someone."
"Do you ever just truly need a snuggle?"
"I will koala you until I am done with the cuddles that I need."
"There's nothing wrong with desiring love or that need to feel loved."
"Every one of us needs to feel special, important, valuable, loved."
"They need you in their life; it would hurt them so much if you were to leave their life."
"Lord knows, but I can't get by 'cause I need you, I need you right now."
"Give love, eventually becomes an even greater need than receiving love."
"I need you. I need every minute of you."
"Somebody don't feel happy, they don't feel whole without you."