
Political Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"The invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were completely wrong, based on false premises."
"But one thing we know for sure is fuck Ronald Reagan."
"The Watergate scandal: one of the largest scandals and leaks in history."
"What in God's name... the president United States is inviting Vladimir Putin to invade Eastern Western countries? It's bizarre." - Joe Biden
"This is the Democracy issue of Our Generation."
"Biden is a Washington vulture who decimated your steel mills, annihilated your coal jobs, supported every disastrous trade deal."
"This testimony is stunning, and we're likely to hear from the former president and his reaction to all of this."
"Let us not be deceived. We are today in the midst of a Cold War."
"The struggle between a rock and a hard place that Jim Comey found himself in constantly."
"Government doesn't create jobs, they stifle, they over-regulate." - Coy Griffin
"I gotta give credit where credit is due to President Trump and his team."
"I completely condemn the violence in the Capitol."
"Because of this courageous woman and others like her, you attempt to hide the truth from the American people will fail."
"Prosecutor Leticia James from New York is now demanding that Trump and his sons... be fined ten thousand dollars each."
"The goal of this caucus is not to talk about the environment, not talk about conservation, but to actually do something about it."
"The Supreme Court has said that is it, your tax returns are going to the house committee that is investigating you."
"The FBI recovered nearly a dozen sets of top-secret documents from Mar-a-Lago."
"With no Jackson in office, such an event like the Trail of Tears doesn't occur."
"Internment and resettlement operations: FEMA camps, detention of various groups, UN involvement."
"The only way to lose in the United States will be if we tear it down from the inside."
"There's a lot more states that could do more later this year there's a lot more states that could do more next year here as well."
"Class struggle is an extremely important banner under which to mobilize."
"Attempts to prohibit or criminalize claims based on political disputes inevitably target speech on the basis of viewpoints."
"This show seems to be 100% a political message."
"This is the biggest threat to freedom we face."
"I'm gonna smash the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds." - John F. Kennedy
"I will always fight for you, always." - Senator Catherine Cortez Masto
"I really see a big rapid push towards massive authoritarianism."
"We're watching the downfall of the deep State, it's in motion right now, I guarantee it."
"If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph." - President Trump
"This has never been done to a president before. Everything happens for the first time sometime."
"The 11th Circuit has ruled against Donald Trump in the Mar-a-Lago classified documents case, and it is a beat down."
"The 11th Circuit's ruling reads like a complete repudiation, both the legal reasoning behind Judge Cannon's order and some of Trump's more specious factual claims."
"Nothing wrong with saying we must and we can do better as a nation."
"Any small benefits you get from censorship are usually waned out quite quickly by authoritarianism."
"We can't watch Americans die every single day from fentanyl overdose and illegal alien crime." - Marjorie Taylor Greene
"We'll cut your taxes and taxes for middle-class families at a level never seen before."
"Donald Trump is one of the greatest presidents in American history. Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land because of Donald Trump."
"We can't take for granted though our democracy."
"So essentially according to McAfee the tax evasion and crypto charges were simply the American government's attempt to Al Caponeum."
"Wokeness and progressivism is just racism in disguise."
"Black lives matter is not a peaceful protest. Antifa never wanted it peaceful. I would take them all out." - Ali Jr.
"The fact is the Ukrainians were not even aware of this hold on aid, is that correct? That's correct."
"Tonight with a heart full of gratitude and boundless optimism, I profoundly accept this nomination for President of the United States."
"We as the American people have a right to know what these people say behind the scenes."
"We need to sort out the borders thing because it's what we inherited."
"Regular Americans might vote for Trump; this stuff might scare them."
"Donald Trump abused his power over the government."
"This was part of the deal between Group 935 and the Nazi Party where the Nazi to provide Group Man 3/5 of the funding they needed."
"There is incontrovertible evidence of Joe Biden's corruption that is about to be made public."
"My resignation is effective at the end of the sitting day tomorrow, Wednesday, September 27th, to allow preparations for the election of a new speaker."
"Putin faces precarious situation in Crimea as Ukrainian advances continue."
"Tide turning in favor of Ukraine, creating political instability for Putin."
"Caroline's political influence was very great."
"I know for a fact he needs to be impeached in the worst way."
"The First Amendment simply cannot tolerate any interference with a candidate's freedom to speak."
"House Republicans are proudly the party of Law and Order and we proudly back the blue."
"Our majority once again rallied together Against All Odds to deliver for the American people."
"Bernie will be unstoppable and it is their [ __ ] nightmare."
"Large media networks aren't doing it so one of the things I want to debunk is this right-wing talking point."
"The American people are the jury and the world is the audience."
"This investigation is a joke, a farce, a disgrace, and a stain on our country."
"The war will end with the fall of the Putin regime."
"Donald Trump is either an existential threat that is unique or he's not."
"It really could be anyone who's considered a political enemy."
"Bernie Sanders is the political revolution we are the media Revolution."
"Most of those inflicted right around the White House."
"President Trump represents hope. He was a normal guy and he became president."
"It's sad to lose her because she became such a symbol of the type of political leader that we have."
"Some Russians who blame the country's problems on Putin's militaristic stance have begun organizing anti-Putin and anti-war protests."
"I think she'd make a wonderful congress person."
"Hunter Biden is crooked, he's kicking back sweet deals to his pops, half his salary, whatever, and pops is using his son as an intermediary to make money off of his office."
"To me, it's really about us getting that much more organized and active around taking over state."
"This is anti-American... it should be about the individual, about states' rights, about liberty."
"What we learned was that many insiders in the Trump administration felt very strongly that they had to basically band together to keep Donald Trump from seeking active duty troops on Americans in all sorts of cities."
"The evidence is clear: Mayorkas is unfit to serve as the Secretary of Homeland Security."
"We've got to help them pull out of this insanity that they've been sucked into through different forces today in American politics and history."
"Protecting the integrity of elections actually protects the right to vote." - Ted Cruz
"Donald Trump is the only one that had a fully sane foreign policy."
"We need to make sure we deliver on those Manifesto commitments."
"If you were looking for the safe choice you shouldn't be supporting a 46-year-old black guy named Barack Obama to be the next leader of the free world."
"If NATO dissolved, you would see Russia becoming the predatory hegemonic power that the US is now."
"Macron's victory today was a landslide as the French declared themselves firmly aligned with Europe and the United States and rejected xenophobia on the far right and Marine Le Pen's coziness toward Putin."
"Compromise is not something to be discredited, it's the essence of the beast."
"Trump's a bad guy who pardons bad people except when he pardons decent people who have been doing amazing things whom you know personally and like these women truly do have trumped arraignment syndrome."
"The biggest threat to the legitimacy of the United States Supreme Court is not its potential expansion nor the likely reversal of Roe v. Wade."
"The stakes are so high on these midterm elections."
"We will be vindicated, ladies and gentlemen. This man right here, President Trump, started... a storm against the deep state to dismantle the deep state."
"Brennan and Clapper to be interviewed as part of the investigation into Russia probe origins."
"The system is now becoming increasingly bipolar, in other words, it's two camps."
"It's clear corruption to me, it's theater, it's Kabuki."
"They are there to serve their own interests, to grow their own careers, and to advance their power."
"I think we thought that China would Veer more towards freedom."
"Cory Booker: 'We brought this hell upon ourselves.'"
"If the deaths of Xi Jinping's former associates are related, it could only point to one conclusion: some form of subversive act against Xi Jinping."
"They control the border, and so it's almost Orwellian. You know, it's what you see, what you know, what people say is an alternate reality."
"Trump turns people off but he also inspires people right you either love them or you hate them."
"It's so atypical because for the most part, we live deep in these silos of people who are like us and who think like us politically."
"I have always hoped as Speaker that we lifted more of that talent up."
"The most progressive candidates of President arguably in the history United States was a guy named FDR. FDR won four elections Americans would have elected him president for life had he not died after his fourth election win."
"For me, it is a reaction to the Israeli occupation and to the suffering we are undergoing every day."
"The reality is for so many of our problems in North America, these solutions are not technological; they're political and regulatory."
"Fascism thrives on authoritarianism, whether left or right."
"They're going to be losing elections for a generation."
"There has been a push to reclassify the Gadsden flag as a contemporary political symbol rather than a military or historic one after its widespread use by the Tea Party in 2009."
"Abe Lincoln for student body president."
"The most dramatic effect of the Magnitsky Act is not on the people who are sanctioned but on the people who are not yet sanctioned."
"Yeah, it's funny to be able to do something political but not pick a side and just make fun of everybody like that."
"So we're seeing this dynamic evolve as you're saying all over the world. I mean Brexit, the election of Trump, I think it's a symptom, or these are symptoms that the system is not working."
"In examining the parliamentary history of impeachments, it'll be found that many offenses not easily definable by law and many of a purely political character have been deemed High crimes and misdemeanors worthy of this extraordinary remedy."
"The manifesto assured the people of England that the York faction were interested only in banishing corruption and restoring order and good government to the realm."
"All power must belong to the people. Remember that's what the revolution was."
"There was this mystery of the Trump voter joined the campaign and even to this day I've not yet met in person someone who admits that they in fact voted for Donald Trump."
"the Kaiser and most of the crowned heads saw the issue as one of regicide whether it was acceptable to kill a royal person for political reasons."
"The problem with the riot too is that it's like this slow drag towards the left."
"This time, a prime minister has been killed in London."
"That strike’s purpose? The assassination of Ukraine’s president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy."
"You know I'm so far left I'm at the start that's not far bro we're like four seconds ahead."
"This is a goddamn coup you see this, you see this happening, it's a goddamn coup."
"If you're further to the right than God, you're sitting in the wrong place."
"Every step you take, every call you make, every sign you plant, every postcard you send takes us closer to taking our country to a better place."
"The personal is political. This story, the story of Jefferson, is about you, is about all of us and will stay with us for the rest of our days."
"That's a fantastic metaphor for New Labour, isn't it? Hanging on for dear life and going around in circles."
"The struggle to be free... whatever your project... freedom is the trump card in social and political life."
"Zaire felt like the homecoming. Ali was in the midst of the Civil Rights struggle, he was in the midst of the struggle for Vietnam, against Vietnam, and it became very important politically."
"The regime has become significantly darker over the last few years."
"Let us devote ourselves to finishing their work, let us work together to fulfill their hopes, and let's stand together to elect Barack Obama president of the United States of America."
"The current of all this political vitriol is so strong that I can hardly swim against it."
"If you sit your ass at home and the other side wins they now control State Rep seats State Senate seats state supreme court seats they control congressional seats."
"I really think that what we're looking at now is the tail end of one of these 40-year conservative cycles and we're about to shift into another 40-year progressive cycle."
"We are in a massive political crisis, the likes of which we've not seen perhaps since the Civil War."
"What Samantha Bee said, okay, so listen to this: full-frontal, you know, Ivanka Trump. That's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just say one mother to another, do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless [ __ ]."
"I was actively involved in political activism."
"We're very clear that the only solution that is going to work for the Yemen is actually to make sure that we have that political solution."
"Octavian was gaining continuous support around Rome."
"Personal was political, don't forget that part."
"The May the Fourth Movement marked the beginning of new political ideas."
"I strongly support his effort in those states and I urge all my friends to give him their help and their votes."
"The people's front of Judea was the same thing."
"it's such a good show you really need to watch this show if you're like a lefty politics person especially if you hate superheroes"
"This marks the moment when the Nazi Party becomes a national force and clearly a force to be reckoned with."
"This one is a nice fantasy political thriller and for a first-time author quite the home run in a lot of ways."
"The European Union was founded for a political purpose."
"Social and political philosophy deals with theoretical and abstract questions."
"I began campaigning for the Roosevelt tradition and the Roosevelt legacy when I was 10 years old."
"We will make America great again, again."
"Comedy turned edgier and more political."
"The word 'Orwellian' comes to be one that everybody understands what it means."
"I voted for the candidate that's going to help the economy and the candidate that's going to keep us out of war."
"The history and the politics sprinkled in with the romance was unexpectedly something that I thought was very, very cool."
"Late one evening in Tehran, Churchill told Stalin, 'I believe that God is on our side,' to which Stalin grinned and replied, 'And the devil is on my side because, of course, everyone knows the devil is a communist and God no doubt is a good conservative.'"
"What is liberalism? What does it have to do with the problems we see all around us?"
"Liberalism... it's not necessarily the conservative versus a liberal thing; we're really talking about the bigger picture."
"Labor is the party of business; we have a plan to make it fairer, easier, and safer to trade in our country."
"That's the height of political speech."
"Unvarnished and deeply emotive political imagery that both brutally and poetically depicts the torments that come with poverty, hunger, and war on the working class."
"After Andrew Yang caught the attention of Reddit and 4chan, his campaign leaned into it."
"...he was a Great Canadian, a man of substance, a man of courage certainly, and confidence politically..."
"This election is about you, no one else. We are a great country, but we can be even better if we have a better government."
"Unless we have real democracy, we have nothing at all."
"It's a romance between the son of the president of the United States and a British prince."
"Juan of the Dead does Romero proud not because its name is a shady imitation, but because the movie imbues political subtext into the narrative."
"New Democrats have delivered more help for people in Quebec through increases to CERB, to support for students, to bring in paid sick leave supports than any other opposition leader party."
"The personal is political, the political is personal."
"I'm such a fan, I mean the political punk bands, they had some really great ways of opening my mind when I was young."
"One of the biggest threats facing our country and facing our democracy is the political dysfunction we have today."
"An originally political split acquired a doctrinal coloring over time."
"I'm trying to demonstrate a form of political leadership here that is about deeds not words."
"Political equality matters because powerlessness kills people."
"Prince Maron had won a few concessions in the accord, and the Lords of Dorne held significant rights and privileges."
"That portrayal is expansive, and that itself is political."
"It's time for a change. It's time for Labour."
"The politics in this are really great and the way that the author has thought through how one kingdom relates to another."
"We want to deliver on the emotion and on the politics of it."
"The political map of England more or less changed during the period of about 20 years or so."
"I'm not anti-government, I'm anti dependence on the government."
"I like to think of Hannah Arendt as a writer, democratic, form-making her thinker."
"This is one of the historic campaigns for president; this is going to be going down in the history books."
"Once you get involved with local politics, you start to understand how to be involved locally, statewide, nationally."
"They wanted to establish what they later described as the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Zone."
"It's a very good example of conservatism versus the progressive mindset, which both have merits."
"Christians as individuals who live in this world can have the responsibility and the duty to get involved socially, publicly, politically."
"The Order of the Dragon was aimed at directly limiting the influence of the Ottoman Empire."
"If you like anything political themed or if you like a good drama, something that you can really sink into, then you'll probably enjoy this."
"Wilson went to war to make the world safe for democracy."
"The event of restoration had political, ecclesiastical, and also social and cultural implications."
"Well may we say God save the Queen, because nothing will save the Governor-General."
"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the constitutional monarchy which includes the island of Great Britain, some small nearby islands, and the northeastern part of the island of Ireland."