
Healthy Relationship Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"The five key ingredients for a healthy relationship are Self, Passion, Intimacy, Communication, and Learning to say Yes."
"Polarity is the secret to a healthy relationship, not compatibility or open communication."
"A healthy relationship is built on two people respecting one another's triggers."
"A twin flame connection is not based on narcissism, it's not based on cruelty or manipulation in any shape or form."
"Relationships are about a shared sense of commonality and love and empathy, not about trying to Gaslight and to trap somebody into being stuck with you."
"I owe it to God and I owe it to my children for them to see me in a healthy relationship because I have failed in front of them."
"Bob's Burgers has one of the healthiest relationships I've seen on TV in a while."
"I thoroughly enjoyed myself that night. That date opened my eyes to new possibilities, to being with other people and having a healthy relationship with someone who didn’t try to tear me down even on my first date."
"I love to talk about food and I love to talk about having just a healthy relationship with food."
"You'll never feel like you have to watch someone if the relationship is healthy."
"A healthy relationship requires a dynamic flow between closeness and distance, ups and downs, disappointment and fulfillment."
"In healthy couples there's often this dance there's never a sense of somebody being put upon."
"If that's what you're looking for, this person is going to be a healthy balance."
"It's the first time where a connection is so healthy, so harmonious, so full of love."
"You look deeply and think long-term, knowing that you deserve a healthy, long-lasting relationship."
"If you're in a healthy relationship, you support each other through the difficult times."
"...the thing that benefits kids the most is having a healthy relationship between Mom and Dad."
"True love has nothing to do with codependency."
"You aren't missing out on anything by striving to have a normal relationship with food."
"I think that having a good relationship with food and not restricting yourself is imperative."
"People can end up in serendipitous situations, create meaningful moments, and still not be a good fit for a healthy relationship."
"How can somebody go about fixing or being a part of a healthy relationship if you're not doing a simple thing of communicating?"
"It's nice to be in a relationship where you don't have to worry about unnecessary jealousy."
"You're trying to cut through the BS and want a healthy relationship for yourself."
"I'm pleased we can do our own thing and have no jealousy or resentment."
"...we've made each other better people so yes there are healthy relationships out there and sometimes it might be right underneath your nose hiding in plain sight."
"I'm married and know how to have a healthy relationship."
"We provide a healthy relationship model that they didn't have growing up."
"Healthy relationships are very natural, and it's blossoming, and it's just like, 'Ah, this is normal; we work well together; we can arrange things.'"
"A healthy relationship is made of two healthy individuals."
"There is so much more to a healthy relationship than how much money someone spends on you."
"A healthy relationship has two people who come together, not one chasing the other."
"A functional healthy long-term relationship with a quality woman whose opinion deserves to be respected and valued and listened to."
"Healthy relationships are founded on mutual trust, respect, care, and compassion."
"You also don't emotionally abuse them, which I've learned, and that's why I'm in a healthy relationship now."
"I'm in a healthier relationship with somebody who never forgets to tell me that I'm beautiful and that I'm a good mom."
"Really understand what a real relationship consists of and willing to work on the relationship properly, no toxicity."
"I feel like I've never been in such a healthy relationship where there's no fighting and bickering, where we talk about our feelings and definitely listen to each other."
"A secure relationship is like two people wanting to support and care for each other and having this healthy amount of vulnerability."
"I love him more than life itself, I've never been in a relationship that felt more natural and healthy."
"I think that type of support is really necessary for a healthy relationship."
"Remember, a healthy relationship is built on trust, honor, truth."
"A healthy relationship is possible, but also a healthy relationship is not a perfect relationship."
"I think once we knew, we were building a healthy relationship, and we knew what that looked like, and that made it even better."
"This is the healthiest relationship you've been in."
"We both we've both thanked each other... it's a very healthy relationship and I'm thankful for it."
"A healthy relationship comes with a healthy dose of honesty."
"A healthy sexual relationship is with a partner who is of age, someone else who wants to participate in that relationship with you, and someone who is obviously consenting."
"This will not be a tumultuous relationship, yes it will be passionate, but passionate for all the right reasons."
"Real love is not hurtful or a constant struggle."
"The right relationship won't tire you out, won't drain you, rather encourages you to change to be your best but in a way that brings love."
"This is how you love someone unconditionally in a healthy way."
"Someone who makes time for you, someone who has your best interest at heart, it's going to be healthy communication as well."