
Human Survival Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce war?"
"The distribution of working-age populations will be crucial to whether humanity prospers or withers."
"We might have to become an interplanetary and an interstellar species, and this could be essential for the survival of the entire civilization."
"We need to become a multi-planetary species over a period if we are to survive many centuries."
"There are fates far worse than death...humanity is depending on everybody who has a position from which to see what is taking place, to grapple with what it might mean, to describe it so that the public understands where their interests are."
"Soil carbon percentage may be very indicative of the persistence of the human species on the planet."
"Elon Musk is out to prove that not only is this a possibility, but that it can be done and it may just be the reason for the survival of humankind."
"The crucial thing is the wet bulb temperature... as soon as you can no longer cool your body temperature... you die."
"You're gonna have to have some method of dealing with that that doesn't involve blowing up the planet or all the people on it."
"There's no real option for me for wiping us out completely, not because it couldn't happen, but because every time I think of something that is a huge threat to us, I can think of a way we, as relatively sane people, could work to prevent that."
"We are in danger of the extinction not only of the animals around us but also we face the risk of the extinction of human beings."
"Billions and billions of years from now, assuming we survive as a species, we could theoretically have a much more advanced state of technology."
"Human survival has always been something that we wrestled from nature."
"There are definitely benefits for humanity to get away from being only on earth with literally all our eggs in this one basket."
"Fundamental things like social good contribute to our long-term survival as a species."
"The presence of water raises the exciting question of whether Humanity could potentially survive and thrive on the moon."
"The probable lifespan of civilization is much greater if we are a multi-planet species."
"We have to figure out a way to care about the survival of another human being."
"Unless the human race gets off the planet, I don't think we have a future."
"This bizarre accident tested the limits of human survival and the investigation that followed not only exposed the mistakes behind it but led to new ways of preventing them."
"A global killer in the form of an asteroid over half a kilometer wide would wipe out the human race."
"Humanity and the livestock and food crops it depends on could still survive in sufficient numbers to eventually bounce back."
"Things that don't grow die. No babies, no Humanity."
"A super AI may see humans as a threat to its own existence and take action to eliminate humanity."
"A man to be truly a man must be unhesitatingly willing at all times to lay down his life for his fellow man. This theme is based on the twin concepts of love and duty and how they are related to the survival of the human race."
"By our best estimates, a staggering 96.7% of the human population died out, leaving 3.3% remaining with the weight of humanity's future on their shoulders."
"Humanity at one point appears to have decreased to around 2000 in our past."
"The U.N. wasn't created to take mankind to Paradise but rather to save Humanity from Hell."
"If the human race doesn't do that this shadow will end your future in the next 20 years or sooner."
"Nothing will benefit human health and our chances for survival more than the evolution to a vegetarian diet."
"Hands down the dread, the realism, the sheer magnitude, and how dire the future of humanity is fantastic minus another sin."
"What we have to be concerned about is whether or not the world we live in will be capable of sustaining us in it."
"The human race is so precious, it must survive."
"The most serious thing facing mankind is nuclear proliferation."
"The annihilation of the human race seemed almost certain... until luogie... committed the actions which would lead to the deterrence era."
"Adapting to sudden and unexpected changes is a core tenet of human survival."
"The essential goal is survival of the human species, and they will go to war to stop the threat of humanity being wiped out."
"I think we should become a multi-planet civilization while that window is open."
"We must make life sustainably multiplanetary."
"At the end of it, I think it would be really cool if we still have a bunch of humans around."
"And it really, at the very deepest level, is about survival of our species."
"If there's a tiny risk of nuclear war, we're literally talking about the extermination of human civilization."
"Extinction is unavoidable. The same fate will befall humanity."
"We have to, as humanity, come together and work alongside one another to defeat this crisis."
"Civilization is about the application of reason to the problem of human survival." - Yaron Brook
"Human beings must live together in peace or perish."
"Human survival is no longer guaranteed as more and more species are going extinct."
"As long as we humans have the shared goal of working together in order for our species to survive, it doesn't necessarily matter that what we accept as reality is a bit different from person to person."
"This knowledge offers a real solution for Humanity's survival amidst the global climate threat."
"Water is Mankind's most precious good... Life as we know it would be inconceivable."
"What if collectively we are living longer in order to solve the biggest problem of our survival that we face today?"
"Humans today now live in a post-apocalyptic world."
"Lest humanity fall to the malevolent influence and exploitation of an extraterrestrial civilization."
"If you want to know how the United States treats black people at home, look at how they treat them abroad."
"Has there ever been an organization in history which has dedicated itself to the destruction of the possibility of organized human life? That's actually what we're facing."
"Don't let the little things distract from the fact that we have to come together and we have to work together to fix these issues for the survival of the human race."
"Those rocks are absolutely massive. They could easily wipe out the entire human race if enough of them fell on them."
"The human race will never go extinct, but you'll have lower economic growth."
"Spirit waits no longer, it's really crucial for our survival as a species right now."
"All of the dots are lining up that the very survival of humanity and Homo sapien sapien may depend upon finally all of humanity being told all of the truth."
"The very survival of humanity and Homo sapien sapien may depend upon finally all of humanity being told all of the truth."
"This is a war against humanity, this is a non-human entity against Homo sapiens sapien."
"I'm kind of hoping that every single human is going to get infected...cuz that would make me very sad."
"This is the most dangerous moment in human history."
"We have to make it clear that our concern is really for our species."
"Mankind will come to the brink of self-inflicted annihilation."
"We have the technological means to prevent our own destruction for the first time in our entire story."
"One can recall Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Stephen Hawking who expressed the idea that without expansion into space humanity is doomed."
"I actually believe we need an absolute overhaul in the prophetic charismatic movement."
"The world has zillions of intractable problems some of which are genuine existential threats to the human race."
"Our survival priorities have remained constant, but exactly how we have met them has changed throughout history."
"Without expanding to a new planet, it is not a question of what we do, it's a question of what we are."
"Interstellar uses its themes to argue against the idea that artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
"Growing food is as foundational and fundamental as it gets."
"Until the world realizes that becoming a multi-planetary civilization is the only way that we can ensure the long-term survival of the species, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"You and your crew are very likely the last humans in the Universe."
"One path is we stay on Earth forever and then there will be some eventual Extinction event. The alternative is to become a space-bearing civilization and a multi-planet species."
"If we destroy our environment, we destroy humanity."
"Water, the most essential thing on the planet for our survival, along with oxygen."
"The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket or on one planet."
"Humans are weaker and slower than other mammals. If it were not for intelligence, we would have long since died out." - Elon Musk
"In the space of a few hours my world has been turned on tech we realized the terrible truth the uncertainty of humankind's survival."
"One day we may need to leave Earth and go in search of a new home because somewhere on the edge of our solar system is a vast comet that could smash into our planet and wipe mankind off the face of the earth."
"The real fight is between humanists and extinctionists."
"The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle, this is only the beginning of our crusade to save humanity."
"For the human race to go on, we're gonna have to be a multi-planet civilization."
"Human survival is not guaranteed as Earth rapidly changes climate."
"The survivability limit is extremely worrying. Millions could die within hours at certain wet bulb temperatures."
"If we have any hope as a species, we've got to go in that direction."
"Will your descendants be pulsating swollen tumors?"
"All I want is for our species to continue, all I want is prosperity for our progeny."
"The direction we're going in, humanity is one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation."
"If the human race remains on the current course, none of us will be here for much longer."
"Critical thinking is what allows Humanity to survive, thrive, and grow."
"The fact of the matter is, we're facing mass starvation in the next ten years, social collapse and the possible extinction of the human race. It couldn't be worse."
"Why would there be something in the universe that would want to annihilate humans on Earth?"
"There are friendlies who have some vested interest in keeping us alive, keeping us going."
"Humans have survived a lot of things, and I think that we'll survive some more."
"Humans can live 40 days without food, three days without water, eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope."
"The three convergent reasons by something that doesn't intrinsically care about humans one way or the other would end with all the humans dead are side effect, resource utilization, and avoidance of competition."
"Life was looking up for the survival of the human race."
"To save the human race," Damian said, "I'll go to hell and back."
"We might still have time to save the human race."
"The point is not to move from Earth to another planet and let Earth die. We want to be a multi-planet civilization so that no single event can be the end of our civilization."
"Nothing less than the fate of humankind depends on our doing so."
"The human race has survived much worse than this."
"The truth is nobody really wants to lead to the extinction of mankind."
"We are at the most precarious time in the history of mankind."
"I don't deny there's some strange evolutionary process going on, but mankind won't be destroyed."
"Humans will survive for millions more years."
"Once this mysterious equation is solved, humans will be able to use gravitational anomalies to manipulate gravity and to safely get everyone off the planet."
"When Cooper goes inside the black hole Gargantua at the end of Interstellar and transmits that data to Murph, she is finally able to solve the equation and save humanity."
"In order to have people, you have to have food; in order to have food, you need water."
"Caring for one another is how we've survived as a species."
"If the ocean dies, then we humans would probably die with it."
"How can we as humans avoid extinction and control this godlike creation?"
"We are a research institute at the University of Cambridge focused on understanding and preventing the very worst risks, including those that could even cause human extinction."
"Interstellar is a space epic following a group of humans who are trying to save the human race."
"Every single one of those variants in our genome is a story of our human survival."
"I choose to make sure that the human race stays alive. I choose to make sure that we deserve to stay alive."
"These pollinate crops that feed 90% of the human population, without you guys, we'd be dead, humans would just die."
"Human ancestors were on the brink of complete and total devastation."
"Space is an inherently hostile environment for humans."
"Amidst the chaos and devastation on Earth, it was a relief to save a few human lives from the ashes."
"The risk of catastrophic and irreversible disaster is rising, implying potentially infinite costs of unmitigated climate change, including human extinction."
"The only hope for human survival."
"Humans need community in order to survive."
"God: a crisis threatening human extinction."
"The survival of the humans is what I actually care about."
"I always say it's important for civilization to be a multi-planet species."
"Keeping a culture alive is an ideal; keeping people alive is a moral responsibility."
"The coldest temperature in English history was -15 degrees Fahrenheit, again completely unfit for humans."
"Even if the nuclear bomb works, millions of people have already died, the world is in a nuclear winter after the last explosion. Detonating another bomb in the city would be a devastating blow to humanity."
"I think humans are going to survive. However, I think we have some big challenges to decide what kind of future we want. And that is really something you guys are going to be talking about well into the future."
"Our responsibility is to make sure that mankind can survive beyond that date or some sort of self-annihilation which means going into outer space."
"Movement as being as essential to human survival as eating and sleeping."