
Personal Attitude Quotes

There are 163 quotes

"The last of the human freedoms is the ability to choose one's own attitude."
"I mean, you know I'm just trying to keep things positive here myself."
"Robotaxis will push Tesla towards a trillion dollar valuation sooner than most think."
"It's amazing that he can still look on the bright side."
"I'm really fun I don't really [ __ ] I don't and also I don't want to be mature and like why why would I need to do that why would I ever need to do that don't need to do that so [ __ ] you [ __ ] next one."
"I'm not going to be upset by it. I'm so grateful."
"Your attitude is yours, and nobody can make you have a bad one if you don't want to."
"I'm generally an optimistic person." - Nigel Ferrari
"I'm not a hater, man. You know me, I don't look at no dude and hate, man."
"It's impressive. Your attitude is, you know, to be able to look and go you know look at the positives of what you achieved."
"I'm not giving up. I'm coming in with a positive attitude."
"The way that you almost win a breakup is to just go business as usual."
"Amaze, nothing but positive vibes, always looking at the glass half full."
"She never felt sorry for herself, and I think that was a good thing."
"I came here to have fun and have a good time, baby."
"All I know is it up until now the narrative has been we work it out and so I'm an optimist."
"We've got Trump who's just like, 'F you, I don't care, I'm an authoritarian.'"
"I don't know about you, but I'm just here to have fun."
"Trend makes me incredibly confident. I stopped being squeezed and without overthinking, I just did what I wanted with incredible attitude, pressure, and energy."
"Hey, let's get it straight. I want to cruise trend balloon forever. Why? Due to its mental effects, trend makes me incredibly confident."
"Despite all his troubles, Charles still sometimes makes fun of himself."
"I've been a whatever it takes kind of guy, you know. I've never been like, 'Oh I wanna follow the [] rules and do everything right.' Like I've never given a [] about that."
"Trouble means nothing to me, there's nothing to him."
"Sloth is defined as apathy, laziness, and a habitual disinclination to exertion."
"I was very smart because you just kind of like shrugged it off."
"If every gun shop you go to you get treated like a dick you're probably the problem."
"I'm not gonna be a bummer like I usually am, not gonna ruin your day."
"I'd rather hope for the best and be disappointed than walk around mopey all the time expecting everything to suck."
"Life's meant to be enjoyed, isn't it? It's meant to be enjoyed."
"If you're cranky and pissed off all day and people don't want to talk to you... you're not going to go far."
"It's not my job to decide if people are ready to handle that I say bring it on what else you got."
"Attitude makes a lot of things there's no doubt about that."
"Your attitude determines your altitude. If your attitude is bad, nobody ain't gonna want to take you to a different altitude."
"Don't give yourself a complex for quitting early. Just look forward to next week."
"Highlight what you like as opposed to what you don't like."
"I'm blessed, I'm grateful, and I'm like trying to really stay positive."
"Being perfect is boring, and also like it's kind of annoying."
"Liking things is a lot more fun than hating things. You should try it sometime."
"Are you approaching with humility or with arrogance?"
"No more doom and gloom as far as I'm concerned."
"Your attitude can never, ever waiver. You have to have gratitude."
"I try to be the most positive person that I possibly can be."
"I'm probably overpaid, but honestly, I don't care."
"I have kind of got this inbuilt sense of optimism where I somehow feel like everything's going to be kind of all right."
"You cannot be hateful and ungrateful, you have to be grateful or hateful, which one are you going to choose?"
"I've never been popular. I don't mean to start now."
"Most of it is right here. It's all about your attitude."
"You know, if it ain't a merry Christmas for you, who cares? It's just another day."
"I was wrong, and I don't care, not a big deal."
"I think I'm optimistic because I have no other choice to be optimistic."
"Anything can be fun or good if you make it so"
"I want to be positive, you know? I mean, I don't want to be negative. You're going to be positive."
"Even if you did go to 100 against me about the gambling, that's okay."
"Ultimately, as long as you're having fun, I couldn't care less."
"I challenged authority no matter what and I prayed upon their assumptions."
"The only way to get out of it is to be optimistic a little bit with yourself."
"You can make no mistakes and still lose. That's not a problem, that isn't your fault, that's life."
"Nobody needs... I like how... I am a fun haver."
"There's always going to be bad... we can't change that. What we can change is how we react to it."
"It makes sense why a lot of people that are haters are miserable."
"It's kind of fun being the underdog, so it is what it is."
"My attitude towards my own country has always been one of gratitude."
"I don't care about winning or losing, I go in to sell, I'll fight."
"I don't try to be inspirational most of the time."
"You don't worry, as long as you do all the yelling and fast talking."
"Some people hate getting older. You know, for me, I just avoid 'em."
"Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you respond."
"I don't mind being that open, you live life once."
"Start to feel like rock star-ness, like okay, I got this."
"I ain't with the arguing, go to hell with the fussing."
"I see a real strong feeling of acceptance, like it is what it is."
"Sticks and stones may break my bones but the jokes will always make me laugh."
"People can laugh with me not at me and I think with that attitude there's not many people laugh at him."
"I couldn't care less what they're going to accuse me of."
"My biggest regret? I don't regret really freaking anything."
"Act as if you get the girl at the end of the night."
"She is the definition of 'I don't care what other people think.'"
"I don't care what they all say honestly, I just don't."
"Instead of comparing myself I just celebrate."
"If you're having fun with it... don't get so attached."
"As soon as you do not give a damn about what anybody thinks, you are absolutely free."
"Life is short anyway regardless of what happens to me."
"Disappointments are inevitable in this society, but discouragement is a choice."
"Your attitude is more important than your past, education, or financial situation."
"Take what you do seriously. Don't take yourself seriously."
"Life's too short to be fussing about whether you're in or out."
"He never gave in, man. He was always moving, always trying to get out of stuff."
"I love gifting, so I don't give a [__]. It worked for me."
"Life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it."
"Those who don't like me, that's their issue. It is not my concern."
"If you're positive, you're going to attract positivity. If you're negative, you're going to attract negativity."
"Life would be a lot more enjoyable if I was as carefree as she is."
"Decide to focus on the negative or the positive."
"If this is what being canceled is, I love it."
"I'm a happy person. I don't want to say negative things."
"I ain't worried if you wanna pitch me rollin', they cool."
"He celebrates negativity, he celebrates when things go wrong..."
"His overall attitude during this entire interview was just so pathetic, garbage... he was just like, 'man, I guess.'"
"His mentality and his attitude... a winning attitude."
"I think it is very romantic, and I like the Slowdown attitude."
"The way I am about myself now, that's how I am about myself."
"You can't control what people think or say about you, you just have to take it with a grain of salt."
"You know how to laugh at your mistakes or have a sense of humor about life."
"Not afraid of success and not afraid of failure."
"But you know, I'm very keen but not desperate." - Nico Hulkenberg
"The game is real simple dude. It's about your vibe."
"She doesn't care at all what people say about her."
"I really think my mindset is a big part of reason why I have success."
"Haters gonna hate, it's a given. Let them hate."
"I just be like []. I'm gonna just do it, and I'll do it, and then I do it, and I'll be like, 'Oh [], yeah.' You know?"
"Giving is not about having money, it's an attitude, a disposition."
"You might as well just say young and fun just just yeah."
"Your mood is 'I don't give a' because at the end of the day, I'm gonna do me and be happy."
"You cannot continue to be a perpetual complainer."
"Knowledge makes you a jerk if you'll let it."
"I got thick-skinned, and I don't really care."
"Fearlessness is the central attitude that changes society."
"I don't even give a [ __ ], no, it's all good."
"What really matters, is your attitude and how you think about yourself."
"A naysayer attitude can make us reject something valuable."
"But I don't want to sound like a... I don't like bullies. These people are bullies."
"Confidence on top of failure is funny because that's funny to do that."
"Your attitude is gonna decide if you have a good time or not."
"With that statement of 'define,' that shows that he's enjoying the moment."
"Either way is fine with him, he doesn't care if you love him or you hate him."
"Being fearful to me is one of the worst things one can be."
"I'm dressing for the weather I want, not the weather I have."
"I'm a heart-to-heart person. I ain't no give-up person."
"Excuse me, my attitude with all this is you gotta stand up, you gotta call them out."
"We always have a choice, you know. I say to my talks all the time when I'm giving a talk, you know, you can choose to be negative or positive. That's up to you."
"I want to know more about myself as a personality and as a soul."
"It's okay not to give a [ __ ], okay? That's what type of time you are, alright, cool."
"My normal disposition is gratitude, joy even in the midst of difficulties."
"Figure it out, solve through your problems in life instead of being a little [__] about it and complaining."
"I really do not care, I just want to have fun."
"Remember to be more loving because like attracts like."
"People have to choose to be happy and people have to choose to not be afraid."
"That's so cool, man. I don't care about anything."
"Your attitude is determined by your belief system."
"Travis doesn't have the patience for that kind of bullshit."
"Everything in life is a business move, 10% of what happens to you, 90% of how you react to it."
"I just don't care what people have to say if it's negative, you know."
"Games are supposed to be fun, and I've made games not fun for myself before. Don't do that."
"If it happens I won't be mad, if it doesn't happen I won't be mad."
"But we just gotta go over the fact that you just don't give a [ __ ] bro."
"The greatest weapon that we bring along is our attitude, our mindset."
"Zion has to be our attitude if we ever hope for it to become our address."
"Life is going to happen and you can't take life seriously."
"It's okay, I don't let these things get me down; be nice to everyone."
"I really don't mind this, I think it's hilarious."
"But girl, I ain't even getting mad 'cause I've been getting laid back, baby. You should know that I don't need your criticism."
"I'm not gonna fret about those little imperfections."
"Win or lose, I don't think that's the important part. I think the important part is having fun, always first and foremost for me."
"She carries herself with so much confidence, and it's very obvious she doesn't really care about who's judging her."