
Political Freedom Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Democracy and political freedom, especially the freedom to participate in and influence the government, have been on the rise all over the world since the 1980s."
"Please tell Americans don't let America become like China because we have a hope in China if America is free."
"I'm voting for whoever allows me to have more freedom with the choices I make."
"Bad political ideas cannot be stopped by criminalizing bad political speech. Criminal waves cannot be broken with warrantless searches and unreasonable seizures. Neither can the government's response to a few madmen with guns and ammunition be a law that turns millions of responsible, law-abiding people trying to protect themselves into criminals."
"Political freedom is inextricable from the life of citizenship, and citizenship is not a given, it's an achievement."
"Milton Friedman...talked a lot about how he believed that economic freedom allowed, when people became richer, they started to demand political freedom."
"Every single human being who is politically free on the face of the earth is politically free because of something we did."
"Trust Georgians with their freedom to adapt."
"Gold was essential to both economic and general personal political freedom."
"Thailand should have free elections without military influence."
"This is the end of western liberty and it cannot be permitted."
"We need to restore the freedom that we lost so we could rebuild the prosperity that government destroyed."
"Targeting and harassing Americans because of their political beliefs is shameful and dangerous." - Kevin McCarthy
"You cannot have political freedom if you don't have economic freedom."
"Economically liberated citizens tend to be more politically liberated citizens."
"To be free from the constraints of your parties is a very free feeling."
"In high-sec, attacking a stranger is basically 'suicide by cop'."
"Freedom look out for their interest here it's the best way to protect them."
"I'm not saying that I get to do whatever I want individually all the time... but I have the political freedom in this country to persuade my fellow citizens."
"It's not just about Trump, it's about freedom."
"Without virtue, there can be no political liberty."
"Separated power: more risk but a lot more freedom."
"The darkness of autocracy is no match for the flame of liberty."
"What's at stake is the future of our country, our freedoms to live the American dream."
"In the end, Freedom wins, dictatorships lose."
"Freedom will prevail. God bless the people of a free and democratic Ukraine. May God protect our troops."
"Women have agency. They can vote for whatever they want."
"He has stressed the importance of a free and open Hong Kong under one country two systems in light of the extradition bill and he also mentioned the importance of the human rights situation in Xinjiang with the Uyghurs." - Host
"Accept dissent, we have to accept dissent. That's a healthy sign of democracy."
"Being able to tell your government to [ __ ] off is the sign of a free man. If you can do this, you are not a citizen; you're a serf."
"India's democracy still allows for citizens to voice their opinions."
"Crimea can't have the election as the barrel of a gun. It's not free to vote elections."
"Sovereignty is about freedom of national development."
"Once you start banning people for a political viewpoint that is nonviolent and non-slanderous, you end up in a place where the only approved opinions are the approved opinions of Mark Zuckerberg or Jack Dorsey."
"I'm against racism, so you telling black people who they have to vote for, that's racism."
"Political speech is the most protected speech... If we lose the First Amendment rights then, heaven forbid, we lose the right to Freedom." - John lauro
"But I'm not in favor of um legislation which would say you're not allowed to mock your political leaders um i'm i'm not in favor of that."
"None of these people should be held just on the basis of their political ideology."
"Freedom is economic and freedom is governmental. If the government can tell you what to like and what to do, you're not free, and they're not that smart."
"We already have Americans being told that if they think the wrong way politically that hey maybe it's okay if we shut down their bank account because they say bad things."
"It's a big deal that the extradition law was enforced which eroded Hong Kong's freedoms."
"This kind of behavior should not be admissible should not be tolerated throwing your political rival into jail over his interviews over his criticism is not the way to tolerate."
"Freedom over tyranny, human rights over human rights abuses."
"Liberty, democracy, human dignity, these are the forces far more powerful than fear and oppression."
"This party is for anyone and everyone who craves freedom."
"The right has no claim to the idea that they're the party of free speech."
"Freedom... president Trump stands for freedom."
"I honestly believe Gaza and Palestine are on their way to achieving freedom."
"Nobody should be put on the no-fly list for their political views."
"In a free democracy, it is not up to unelected security officials to dictate to political parties who can or cannot run."
"Freedom will always win out over communism, over dictatorship."
"I escaped socialism because I wanted freedom."
"Money is a proxy for speech, if you put restrictions on money, you are in essence putting restrictions on speech."
"Freedom is the most important thing, and you know, it seems like both parties, major parties, as I've said before, I'm not sure who is more restrictive of our freedom, the very far left or the very far right sometimes."
"Freedom is really on the line in this election."
"The striking difference between Taiwan's freedom and democracy and the CCP's authoritarian rule is undeniable."
"No people will tamely surrender their liberties when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved."
"We didn't win World War II, we didn't destroy the Soviet Union, we didn't free the entire world. There's not a single person walking on this planet who has political Freedom who wasn't freed by American treasure and blood."
"The political thought seems to be far more free than in the West."
"The fight that's this is about this whole thing boils down to the freedom of the Chinese people."
"This whole thing boils down to the freedom of the Chinese people... against a totalitarian dictatorship."
"Above everything is sovereignty. Let every country decide for their fate, their political system, their values, and what they want for their country."
"America is not threatened by political speech; it's the heart of the First Amendment."
"Political Freedom never gives us the spiritual Freedom that we need to seek something beyond our current limitations because that requires sacrifice."
"Democratic countries are more free than dictatorships are."
"There was no democracy without dissent."
"Soon as the election's behind him, I will not be bound by our political objectives."
"He concluded that for most people, an emphasis on economic freedom would lead to both individual and political freedom."
"Political freedom is having a government that promotes those forms of freedom, freedom from harm, freedom to achieve your purposes in life."
"The freedom of political association inhered in the human condition; it was essential we could choose which political communities we belong to."
"Political liberties are meaningless unless they can be built up on a better foundation of social and economic progress."
"Members of the Chinese diaspora community, both in New York City and around the rest of the country, must be free to express themselves on politically sensitive issues without fear of reprisal from the PRC government."
"Equality of all citizens under the law, political freedom for all citizens, decisions made by a majority of all citizens, citizens decide by vote which is the essence of peaceful pure democracy."
"Political freedom, therefore, could only be achieved when religious institutions are no longer politically empowered."
"Democracy is the only regime in which freedom is a way to live, a guarantee: freedom to choose, freedom to vote, freedom to speak."
"The freedom to disagree with or criticize the government is called dissent."
"This is still a democracy, you have a choice."
"Freedom was for the people and they listened to the people."
"You should never have to apologize for who you voted for in this country."
"Everybody has the right to belong to a political party of his or her choice."
"I've been interested in the relationship between economic freedom and political freedom."
"Hong Kong was a refreshing example of the way in which economic freedom and political freedom work in harmony."