
Global Trends Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Democracy and political freedom, especially the freedom to participate in and influence the government, have been on the rise all over the world since the 1980s."
"I said to my team, you know, what I see is a rise in aspirations all over the world."
"We should aim to make actions of good and integrity so culturally prominent that they influence global trends and political landscapes."
"There is no mass movement to Sudan; there is no mass movement to Saudi Arabia. China does not have a massive immigration problem. The footfall speaks for itself."
"We know the birth rate is slowing virtually everywhere on Earth, but that population curve is going to peak at different points in different places."
"Instead, robust, orthodox faith in God has gotten stronger in the world."
"Values of toleration, like acceptance of homosexuality and women's equality, have been gradually increasing around the world."
"The projection line for global arms demand gets revised upwards so far it may as well be pointed at lunar orbit."
"Our world has grown less free every year for more than a decade and a half."
"The world is trying to distance itself from its oil dependence."
"The most dramatic events of our lives almost always occur due to macroeconomic trends around the world."
"The West is becoming very much like that East, and East and West, they say, are as far apart from each other as could possibly be; they never will meet, but I would suggest to you culturally speaking they're meeting today."
"I think that the rise of strongmen authoritarians around the world is very worrying."
"What we're seeing is a global situation here... It may well lead to a few decades of relative family stability and happy marriages."
"The facts don't bear out your description of the world. Violence is decreasing, and people are living longer. Far from being bleak, the future looks bright."
"Globally, it's expected that 4 billion people will buy their first air conditioner by 2050."
"France's idea to use a car park to grow mushrooms is breaking ground globally."
"Elon Musk wants us to pay attention to something quieter but really important: the fact that the world's population is not growing as fast as it used to."
"It feels like crypto is really taking over the world."
"We are on a trendline as a planet towards more and more encounters with difference... Differences have to become a source of strength, not a source of weakness."
"It's very exciting to see that wearing a mask thing catch on and go all across the world."
"Our accuracy stems from diligently cutting through biases and soberly analyzing Global Trends."
"Islamic revivalism is going on around the Islamic world, even in Turkey. That's how Islamic reform looks like."
"It's an increasingly concerning if not perilous development in global geopolitics in the last five years."
"If you're going to play names, you look at names like CAT, which is a play on the economic reflation around the world."
"Oil demand globally probably peaked in 2019."
"What's happening in China is likely to occur elsewhere a few years from now."
"Smart cities are becoming a reality, cities being built from scratch... all over the world."
"Most countries have slowly reached the point where they've decided that opening up is worth the tourism benefits."
"2023 is going to be a really bad year for authoritarian regimes."
"Trump is not the disease Trump is a symptom absolutely exit is not the disease it's a symptom and it's happening all around the world."
"America does something and that leads the world in the opposite direction."
"The bulk of the growth is coming from non-western countries."
"Death by overwork is a new, exhausting global phenomenon."
"Countries around the world are beginning to look into updating their laws or adding new ones."
"The four horsemen of the apocalypse: secularism, liberalism, communism, globalism."
"All the happy talk about biodynamics is masking the fact that the economy is slowing globally."
"The world is moving in a different direction."
"The world is on its way to multi-polarity, Western dominance about to end." - Tony Blair
"We are witnessing the brink of a new world order, a great reset."
"We're seeing worldwide adoption now and we're seeing it in big, big ways across the world. And I gotta say, it's pretty exciting."
"If Russia succeed[s], it will encourage other authoritarian leaders in the world to do the same."
"Moving forward, these things are going to happen. These negative aspects of what's going on are going to happen throughout the global economy."
"Silver's physical buying is off the scale globally, and that also puts COMEX silver into the crosshairs for delivery this month in very large size."
"Cryptographic guarantees are where the world's going."
"Global adoption is happening and it's really speeding up."
"Globalism is collapsing and we're here for it."
"Losing weight is the number one fitness related goal in the world."
"Globalization is over. We've moved from globalization to deglobalization."
"The number of democracies in the world has begun to drop dramatically."
"It is validating and verifying the fact that we are headed in a global adoption situation."
"Sudden death among healthy working age people worldwide is skyrocketing."
"More than 260 gigawatts of renewable energy capacity was added globally in 2020, beating the previous record by almost 50 percent."
"Islam is growing everywhere, everywhere in the world."
"In most of the consuming world, deflation is the strongest variable."
"The hash rate spreading around the globe is a good thing."
"We're going to see a reset in the global monetary system sometime soon."
"In recent years, the world's richest and most powerful people have started purchasing millions of acres of farmland far from coasts around the world."
"Real estate is like a microcosm of what's happening in the rest of the world."
"Demographic patterns... will fundamentally shape... economic and political conditions... aging... youthful societies... migration... growing urbanization."
"The world is an interesting place right now... like we're falling headlong into the future."
"The speed at which countries make Bitcoin legal tender is picking up."
"They know it's eventually going to collapse with deglobalization."
"The novas orto church is dying, while tradition is rising up all over the world."
"The world's changing folks, the world is changing."
"What are you excited about globally for the world in the coming years? I'm excited about the rise of the divine feminine."
"Brexit and also a village... I think it's a global thing it's catching on globally people are waking up to what's going on."
"The days of the dominance of the US dollar on the horizons are coming to an end."
"So, electric cars have arrived and their share of the market is increasing almost worldwide."
"Through everything we've covered, countries and institutions all around the world are becoming more and more bullish to the acceptance of Bitcoin and crypto as a whole."
"Monitoring this issue is a tremendous barometer to tell us exactly how close we are to Global tyranny."
"If your economic bet depends upon an acceleration or continuation of globalization you might want to rethink that."
"Electric vehicle popularity is soaring all around the world."
"We're probably going to see cannabis and the mainstream use and acceptance of this entering into a number of countries."
"This is a global mega trend that trumps politicians."
"The recent decades have been the most peaceful era in human history."
"Depression is more common in developed countries."
"Belief in God is growing in many other parts of the world."
"The world is clearly pivoted back to nuclear energy in most countries... energy policy has shifted back to nuclear."
"97 percent of Americans still eat meat, and around the world, it's very similar. Any country that can afford to do so does."
"Urbanization was happening at a breakneck pace worldwide."
"Most people in the world ride in everyday clothes, with Denmark, the Netherlands, and Japan leading the trend."
"The rise in nationalism, the rise in a drive for self-determination, that's happening in other parts of Europe in parts of Africa in parts of Asia, this is a kind of a worldwide phenomenon."
"Everyone in the world is doing the same workout which is cool."
"The world has never been better than it is today in several dimensions."
"Globally, there's a huge push for EVs."
"You know, the whole country, the whole world is becoming too serious, really."
"We are entering another global liquidity cycle which is going up."
"The last 30 years have included a turn away from democracy all around the world."
"Most things in the world are either shrinking or the speed at which they're growing is shrinking."
"The world's dependence on oil continues to diminish."
"The long peace is starting to spread to the rest of the world."
"The world is becoming more religiously diverse."
"...we have now a movement away from globalization, call it deglobalization, call it the risking or decoupling, secure trade rather than free trade and so on."
"We've had a prolonged period of peace and prosperity, people are living longer, and poverty is on the decline."
"If by 2050, the four largest economies in the world will be China, India, United States of America, and Japan, isn't it natural that the next tsunami will be Asian entrepreneurship?"
"The world is becoming rapidly and increasingly more urban."
"Global mega trends such as climate change, resource scarcity, demographics, and automation and digitalization are affecting economies, government, and society at large."
"Globally, inequity is down. That is, the poor countries are getting richer faster than the richer countries are getting richer."
"The population growth rate of the world has halved in my lifetime from 2 percent to 1 percent."
"Incoterms 2020 took effect on January 1st, reflecting changes based on global economic trends and feedback from business leaders."
"Deglobalization is going to happen."
"There's a gradual shift from countries and people toward more neutral assets."
"The true craftsmanship that you see is gone in a lot of the world."
"It's a little more in the other parts of the world, but it is coming, and I think it's a foregone conclusion."
"They are currently the fastest growing enterprise on earth."
"While the US seems to be going backwards, Africa is on the incline, it is moving forward."
"We interrupt your regularly scheduled report to bring you this special news program: a fad is taking the world by storm; it's making changes globally."
"The world is reorienting itself towards transit, and I only think it gets better from here."
"We no longer are a world that is just surging with population; we're actually a world that birth rates are coming down."
"The entire world is inevitably going to become modern."
"You have to be prepared for as an investor in a de-globalizing, de-financializing, higher government world."
"The global murder and suicide rates are down, the cost of food is down, child labor is down, literacy levels of education and human rights are increasing."
"...we are witnessing the world moving towards digitalization, disruption, diverse and design well of work..."
"Religion's not going away, and yet parts of the world are going to become less religious than they've ever been."
"The tide of democracy was rising all over the world."
"The world is becoming much more uneven, and the advanced countries are coming to look more like the emerging economies instead of vice versa."