
Kenya Quotes

There are 228 quotes

"Kenya is a beautiful country. I would want Kenyans to travel as much as possible in your own country."
"Thank you for joining us, or as we say in Kenya, karibu."
"The secretive African black leopard is still alive and well in Kenya, confirmed by fresh photographs."
"It just made me proud to be Kenyan and that this film has come from us and one of us."
"Safaricom is the largest telecommunications provider in Kenya."
"Kenya currently owes China an estimated seven point nine billion u.s. dollars."
"Keep going, going mad love from Kenya."
"Experience Kenyan Culture at a Masai Market."
"Masai Mara: Africa's most famous Wildlife reserve."
"Balloon Safari: the most unique and magical way to experience the Masai Mara."
"Experience the laid back vibe of Lamu."
"Amboseli: known for its large herds of elephants and stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro."
"What kind of leadership in your view do you think Kenya should elect an independent leader who has a vision to follow or a leader who has to follow the whims of blocks?"
"It's clear all of us have failed this country as Kenyans, as voters, and as leadership."
"Many of the world’s most important ancient hominid fossils have been found in Kenya and Tanzania."
"There's a lot of culture in Kenya, there's a lot of culture in the Kenyan Coast."
"The Kenyatta family are the biggest landowners in Kenya holding over 500,000 Acres of prime land."
"In Kenya, 2/3 of the population live in poverty on less than $3.20 per day."
"The food in Kenya is so good because it's fresh. They bring them straight from the mountains, kill them today, and straight to the grill."
"Welcome to Kenya, welcome to Nasha, and welcome to the future."
"Another culture shock that I got in Kenya was the fact that Kenyans are so so patriotic they love their country like something else wow Kenyans love their country is that why they keep on complaining even when they have too much my dear Kenyans"
"In Kenya, we met a woman called Hope Susan."
"I thought I was not going to be friends with Kenya after I saw those receipts."
"M-Pesa was introduced 12 years ago, making it seamless for Kenyans to use their phones for digital payments."
"49% of Kenya's GDP is now processed on M-Pesa."
"The people of Kenya remain resilient and have shown incredible perseverance and determination."
"Street food in Kenya, like smoky sausages, is everywhere and delicious."
"Kenya operates mostly cashless, relying heavily on mobile money services like M-Pesa."
"Foreigners living in Kenya, especially in Nairobi, are abundant."
"The word for white man is Mazo here in Kenya."
"Welcome to the coastal part of Kenya, Mombasa."
"I'm from Kenya, and I travel the world, this is country number 43 out of 197."
"Kenya is a very beautiful country, you can clearly see the rolling hills."
"This reminds me so much of my village in Kenya."
"These kind of views are exactly why we love this region in Kenya so much."
"I couldn't forget Kenya when so many little things made me think of it."
"Good morning, it is a beautiful day today here in Malindi, Kenya, we are going into an adventure."
"We are in fact from a single island in Kenya's part of Lake Victoria, the second largest freshwater lake in the world."
"Kenya, we are blessed actually, it's a blessed country."
"Let's go to Kenya. Let's go together."
"Kenya is not yet free; a country of ten millionaires and ten million poor people."
"Don't forget to explore; most times when you just hear the word Kenya, what comes to mind is Nairobi, Mombasa... but don't just stop there."
"Don't be afraid to speak English because in Kenya, their official language is English."
"I'm so proud of Kenyans for the ban on plastics."
"I'm very very proud of you guys, Kenyans, for the ban on plastics."
"Wow, this was a great first taste of life here in Kenya, here in Nairobi."
"There's places in Kenya that changed my life personally."
"We are going to Nairobi, Kenya, the motherland."
"Kenya's most famous landmark is probably the great Masai Mara or Mount Kenya."
"She basically grew up in Kenya, playing with the elephants and giraffe."
"We don't use nylon papers in Kenya, it's illegal, when they get you with them, you get arrested."
"The iconic Masai Mara in Kenya is a boundless wilderness bursting with life."
"Hello everybody, a very warm welcome. We are in the Maasai Mara of Kenya, we got a pride of lions."
"We have Kenyan blood frozen in our veins, and we love Kenya so much."
"Ugali is obviously one of the most famous staples of the Kenyan diet."
"The kind of free access to Internet in Kenya is mad."
"Welcome to Kenya, you're most welcome."
"Visiting Kenya, it's one of the best things they can do. We build that brotherhood."
"Kenya is so very developed, Kenya is so very beautiful."
"We're here in Nagori, Kenya... partnered with a ministry called Kenya Relief to care for the needy people in this region."
"We're on a rescue mission on an island in Lake Baringo, a massive freshwater lake in Kenya's Rift Valley."
"We serve over 10,000 students a year at our site in Kenya in East Africa."
"We used to live in a house in Nairobi, Kenya, on Kurichwa Road."
"The Muhuru comes from the depths of Kenya's jungles."
"Kenya is one of the largest exporters of coffee."
"I'm a typical village girl from Kenya in Africa, now here in the Philippines."
"This is one of the most beautiful resorts I've been to in my life, in Kenya."
"So if you're outside Kenya, and you're thinking of coming to Kenya, this is the place you should come, you will thank me later."
"I traveled to Kenya a lot. I have Army missions in Kenya that I do. I've been doing it for 20 plus years."
"My name is D Mango from Kenya, Mama Africa, and welcome to Jamaica, the land that we all love."
"If you're new here, welcome, my name is De Mango, a solo female traveler from Kenya in Africa, traveling the world."
"Whenever you go around here in Kenya, someone will always find you and show you around."
"It's a beautiful morning here in Kenya; it's so relaxed, it's so hot, it's just beautiful."
"And if Kenya can continue to cultivate those habits of participation and citizenship and freedom, then the country is going to be better off, and it's going to continue to make progress for all people and not just some."
"Kakamega Forest is the only remaining true tropical forest in Kenya."
"Let's even talk about the welcoming nature of the citizens, the welcoming nature of Kenyans; like, it's unbeatable in Africa."
"It is wonderful to be back in Kenya."
"I'm proud to be the first U.S. President to visit Kenya."
"Coming out to Kenya and having someone else ride my bike and seeing him come across the Finish Line every day with a huge smile saying that he loves the bike really makes me a happy man."
"Kenya is magical... it is just magical in every way."
"We'll meet in Africa. I definitely got to go to Kenya."
"We are about to go on an amazing adventure to Lamu, Kenya."
"The flag of Kenya is a tricolor of black, red, and green with two white edges imposed with a Maasai shield and two crossed spears."
"Kenya's terrain is 10.4% water and 89.6% land, so if Kenya was a pizza, around one slice would be lakes and rivers while the rest would be savannas and mountains."
"Kenya has a coastline of 1,420 km along the Indian Ocean, its major port cities include Mombasa, Malindi, and Lamu, which have been important Swahili trading centers for centuries."
"Kenya has emerged as East Africa's leading economy and hub for manufacturing, technology, and finance."
"I've been saying I wanted to go to Kenya forever."
"I went to Kenya, nobody blew me up."
"I'm so excited to go back home, I really miss Kenya."
"Kenya is so beautiful and so green, you have beautiful nature."
"The more you travel Kenya, the more you discover."
"There are so many genuine people in Africa, and you can find a lot of them here in Kenya."
"The fifth biannual running of the Kenya Airways East African Safari Classic Rally returns once again."
"Kenya is really leading the charge of the East African Community with its own respect into the development, the industry, and the talent that is located in the country."
"Kenya's celebrating gold in their event that they feel they own."
"Kenya is a nation for the hustlers, we are always trying to make ends meet."
"It was kind of cool to see Kenya in an official capacity."
"So yeah, if you come to Kenya and you're going to visit the coast, highly recommend it."
"Welcome to Kenya and welcome to another Marathon video series."
"I'm actually just impressed at how beautiful and magical Kenya is."
"Kenya is the third largest producer of tea after China and India, but Kenya is the biggest exporter."
"Kenya was born in me; you can't take that away from me."
"Kenya is a very multicultural place."
"We need a rule-based multilateral system; we are in a decisive moment, and Kenya will play her part to be a champion for change."
"My grandparents went to Kenya before my mom was born as missionaries."
"Both of you can be great tour guides for folks coming to Kenya for the first time."
"It's morning hours here in Kenya in Africa."
"Good afternoon everybody, and welcome to the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"I'd love to go to Kenya... from what I hear, it's a beautiful country."
"I'm in Kenya y'all, and it has been a magical experience."
"It is beautiful where I am currently in Mombasa, Kenya, overlooking the Indian Ocean."
"We are coming live from Africa, this country is called Kenya."
"Cyber Security Experts are very few, so I just want to show the world that hey, Kenya too can."
"I particularly love the Kenya of this season."
"The best coffee you get from Kenya, the coffee Arabica coffee."
"We are coming to you live from the Masai Mara game reserve here in Kenya."
"We facilitated a lot of business people to Kenya... and we also facilitate a lot of business people from Kenya coming to Ghana to find out about setting up and to set up partnerships here."
"So far so good, I'm proud of you Kenya."
"The Conservancy is home to magical experiences never found anywhere else in Kenya."
"On December 12th, 1963, Kenya proudly celebrated its hard-fought independence from British colonial rule."
"What an amazing rally this was, from Kenya's capital right down to the slopes of the Great Rift Valley."
"M-Pesa... represents just under 50 percent of Kenyan GDP."
"One of the amazing things I got to know about in Kenya is how the online business is really trending."
"I'm doing content on my social experience in Kenya and what it's like to be an American living in Kenya."
"Greetings from Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya."
"You are on a live safari here from the Maasai Mara in Kenya."
"The artifacts were found at a site in Kenya where prehistoric humans used stone tools for butchering animals and mashing plant material."
"We are coming to you live from South Africa and Kenya and the Masai Mara."
"Hello everybody and a very good morning from Masai Mara, Ode Mara triangle in Kenya."
"Welcome everybody, what we are looking at right now is a lilac-breasted roller, the national bird of Kenya."
"Welcome to Buffalo Springs National Reserve in Isiolo County, one of the hidden gems of Northern Kenya."
"John Saul mine in Kenya is still regarded as the finest color ruby in the world."
"The density of predators is unreal in this greater part of Kenya and the Masai Mara."
"Hello everyone, and welcome to this live and direct broadcast from the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"I have a passion to give back to Kenya."
"Kenya is rapidly becoming one of Africa's most progressive cities in the world."
"Welcome to Kenya, and the best amazing part about all this is that it's absolutely free."
"Welcome to Kenya, Kenya is a beautiful place and we have really friendly people around."
"It is looking like it's going to be an absolutely spectacular morning here on the open plains of Kenya."
"If you want to love Kenya with all your heart, go on a safari."
"The lilac-breasted roller... it's the national bird of Kenya."
"Good morning everybody, and welcome to the Mara triangle here in Kenya."
"Welcome to the Masai Mara Game Reserve here in Kenya."
"A zebra, a very cool animal that we get out here in Kenya."
"Isn't this exciting, we're live from the Masai in Kenya."
"The animal density in this part of Kenya is much higher than the greater Kruger."
"So you've been enjoying the amazing wildlife in South Africa, now we'd like to share some of the special animals in Kenya as well."
"We're live from the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"We are coming to you live from Kenya, one degree south of the Equator."
"It's a great pleasure to be sharing this with you live here in Kenya."
"It's a marvelous afternoon up here in Kenya, 30 degrees Celsius, about 80 degrees Fahrenheit."
"A very good morning everyone from the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"We are here in the Mara triangle, looking out over towards the Mara River, we are in Kenya."
"We're sitting out here in Kenya and the Maasai Mara, but we'd like to give you the feel that you're sitting with us."
"Nairobi is Kenya's biggest city and it's the capital city of Kenya."
"I'm the country of Kenya, in the east of Africa; Nairobi is my capital, it was nice to meet you."
"We're 47 counties you should put on your agenda, thanks for coming to Eastern Africa to visit Kenya."
"This is live from the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"It's very, very safe to visit Kenya, it's very, very safe to visit South Africa."
"Jambo and a very good morning to all of you people out there. Welcome to the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"This is live, this is happening right now from the Mara Triangle, Kenya."
"Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to a very, very hot day in the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"We're going to have a sort of random exploration just to reacquaint ourselves with the Maasai Mara."
"We are currently looking at the start of the sunrise here in the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"Remember, this is happening live right now in Kenya, from the Maasai Mara."
"We're here in Kenya in the Masai Mara watching some commune."
"It seems that the sun has set in Kenya."
"Welcome to the Mara triangle in Kenya."
"Remember, this is a hundred percent live from the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"We are live from Masai Mara here in Kenya."
"I've been in Kenya more than 22 years this December, and I don't think that I can consider any other place my home."
"That's very important out here, especially in the rural parts of Kenya."
"Good morning, and a warm welcome in the Masai Mara of Kenya."
"What a start from Kenya, and Kenya is going to defend 130."
"Thank you so much for being here, this iconic ground for the start of international cricket once again here in Kenya."
"This is your Safari coming to you live right now here in the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"This is beautiful, guys. Yeah, one in a lifetime only happens three months in a year here in Kenya."
"This is live, this is happening now in the beautiful Masai Mara in Kenya."
"Remember, this is coming to you 100% live from the Maasai Mara in Kenya."
"Enjoy that view of what I would call the Mara savanna of the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"Welcome to Safari live and welcome up here to the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"We are coming to you live at the moment from the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"Home sweet home here in Kenya, here in Africa."
"Absolutely insane stuff here in the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"In Kenya, an iconic wilderness filled with life, its inspirational beauty has captivated our hearts on Wild Earth for many years."
"Agriculture is the backbone of our country, Kenya; we fully depend on agriculture."
"Welcome everybody to the Maasai Mara Game Reserve here in Kenya."
"How beautiful is this, absolutely unreal sights here in the Maasai Mara."
"It's getting a bit dark in this part of the world in the Mara Triangle in Kenya."
"Hello, hello boys and girls... welcome to our afternoon Safari Drive coming to you all the way from Kenya."
"Our country, Kenya, depends on agriculture, which is the backbone of the country."
"If this is the first time you're meeting me, my name is Sean ARA. I am a YouTuber, I'm coming live from Africa, in Kenya, guys."
"This is a hundred percent live from the Maasai Mara in Kenya."
"This is live right this very second in the Masai Mara in Kenya."
"Kenya is a very good country; a lot of the streets are very clean, people care about the community, people care about the environment."
"Kenya is a beautiful place, Kenya is a beautiful country, beautiful people."