
Idea Sharing Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Copyright assures authors the right to their original expression but encourages others to build freely upon the ideas and information conveyed by a work."
"Collaboration. People from all over who do different things need to be able to communicate with each other and collaborate and share ideas."
"The fact that we can talk right now and this can get distributed to millions of people and hear these ideas, and then they go home and talk to their mom and dad and cousins and friends about it, that's what's awesome about it."
"We need to empower individuals...and get better at communicating these ideas."
"I have a lot of great ideas and I can't wait to share them with you."
"Promoting yourself is saying look at me, look at how great I am. Idea promotion is saying I made something I'm proud of, I hope it's valuable to you."
"An opportunity for the community to share ideas."
"I wanna get the ideas from everywhere and collaborate and work together."
"We did not reach any conclusions. We put many ideas on the table." - Senator Durbin
"It's not just about putting out entertainment...it's about putting out ideas."
"It's okay to put ideas out there and share them. The more ideas you make and the more you get good at that, the better your ideas are gonna get."
"I just hope that some of the ideas that I've talked about can be implanted in some people's heads."
"Confidence is one of the best things in terms of getting your ideas out there."
"I think that a lot of other people would want to check that out as well and then hopefully you can help inspire someone else with the idea that you came up with or maybe the improvement that you made to one of my ideas."
"Word of mouth has always been the best way to spread new ideas."
"Dean Thomas made a tremendous point, and stealing it and using it as my own."
"Why tear down what others are doing when we can marry some ideas?"
"Hopefully, we can just keep bouncing ideas off each other and build up this community."
"An open development of ideas... your opinions."
"Put your ideas out into the world, it's time to glow up."
"I think sharing ideas is the best way to strengthen the community."
"Storytelling is and will always be the most powerful way to communicate an idea."
"You need to share your ideas with the world, all of your ideas are divinely guided."
"Strength lies in sharing ideas and routines."
"I want to hear your automation ideas, no matter how crazy or far-fetched they seem."
"I was talking, my problem, he's got an idea in mind."
"One benefit to Co-jamming: the ability to bounce ideas off of each other."
"Communication goes so far, if you can just speak clearly and communicate your ideas."
"Time is a constant. People think we conquer it, but can change things."
"I love that idea, here's what I want you to do."
"That's one of those ideas that when you tell people about it they're like wait that's actually a great idea and you can tell they mean it."
"So, yeah, if anyone else wants to take this idea and run with it, be my guest."
"Be present and build on others' ideas."
"I think it's okay to throw the ideas out there and people can assess like what do you think makes sense what do you think of that like tell me what's your argument I actually think that's my job that's what I do."
"foundations and think tanks like this bring us together to share these ideas"
"You've got to be a little bit vulnerable in sharing your ideas before they're really strong."
"...the first thing that happened was that David Ireland... and he started talking about his idea for a book... it was close enough to ideas that I had had in the past..."
"You never know, your idea could end up in the very next video."
"I'm so excited to share this idea."
"I've been thinking of inventing a swimming device," he shared.
"It really isn't that bad at all man I got a great idea for the interior of this though what's the idea John cuz you've been dying to tell us go ahead what's interior."
"When they seal it that's so dope it's like if I had a cool thought to make but then like Andy interrupted me I would write it down an envelope give it to Greg we'd come back the next day and then grab I love that idea."
"What if I have a movie producer in my chat right now, and then I tell you guys my [expletive] fire-ass movie ideas, and then you [expletive] steal them?"
"More than anything, I want to know what you guys think because I think these are some great ideas."
"One of the great things about this platform is that we can discuss ideas and share workflows and hopefully get to a better result in everything we do."
"Ideas are better when they're shared with other people."
"Ideas are strengthened by being given away, and the more I give, the more I receive."
"Connect with experts and peers, share blogs and ideas."
"It's all about the idea. Your sole job really as the speaker is not to entertain, tell a story, promote your organization, your cause, whatever; it's to give your audience a gift, a gift in the shape of an idea that you transfer from your mind to theirs."
"I love to hear other ideas that may work for us."
"We actually easily communicate to a sense that if he has got an idea or I have got an idea, we both learn how to run with it."
"Without the sharing of ideas each and every day, we can't handle and tackle the tough tasks that we have."
"Getting his ideas into other people's heads and making the world a better place."
"That's a great idea, but I have an even better one."
"This is all about collaboration and community and working together to share ideas."
"I respect the most in life have done that, but I thought there's a thing that I could do to take these ideas now and to start make them more public."
"This is how our idea started spreading because people liked our idea and then they started sharing it on their social media."
"It is a three-step process to share your idea with the world and really begin to have it gain momentum and be fully recognized."
"Ideas are shared; one person alone cannot bring the idea to the world and make it useful to everyone."
"At 29, it's time for you to expand, it's time for you to have your ideas shared amongst other people."
"Put an idea out there, and then hopefully, people will arrive at things and start conversations on a local level."
"We steal from each other blatantly and liberally. If someone has a good idea, we'll take it."
"Join the community, start the conversation, meet others, and start to talk about your ideas."
"Never overshadow each other, every idea makes sense if you speak it and you can say it to one another."
"It's not important for your identity to get the credit; it's just about the concepts being spread to other people."