
Smart Contracts Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"Blockchain evaluation and smart contract development are key skills that can set you on the path to becoming a blockchain developer."
"The most important thing... is to keep smart contracts, validators, payments decentralized."
"The smart contracts you can't change the code and so like you want to make sure that they work before you put them on a blockchain."
"I really think the ecosystem is going to explode in demand once smart contracts are launched."
"Smart contracts basically replace what people would do in any agreement... It's all automatic, done exactly as both parties had defined in the agreement."
"The idea of smart contracts... opens up a whole new world of automatic systems."
"We've successfully created a new task on our to-do list, and we've done it inside the smart contract, on the client side, and we've written tests to make sure that this works."
"You've successfully created your own to-do list on Ethereum, powered by smart contracts, and created this client-side application to interact with it."
"Smart contracts replace the third party with cryptographic code that guarantees the terms of the deal are respected."
"Smart contract is a piece of code that autonomously runs and it's essentially an automated if-then statement."
"The important thing about smart contracts is it's a way of having an agreement between parties which can be executed automatically."
"It's in all of our best interests for proper standards to exist about how to write smart contracts, how to certify smart contracts, how to audit smart contracts."
"Ethereum is deemed to be generation two... it allows DeFi through smart contracts, which is kind of cool."
"Smart contracts are designed to be very black and white if you can program an 'if then' statement into a contract."
"Cardano launches smart contracts after successful hard fork. Cardano is complete. It's Alonzo hard fork to introduce Plutus-powered smart contract scripts."
"Anything that we can cut out the middleman and just have a smart contract do it."
"Success for Transient is about smart contract creation within industry."
"Our very first solidity contract is now deployed. Congratulations!"
"Congratulations, it looks like the contract was deployed!"
"Smart contracts are unstoppable once you deploy them."
"This means potentially a lot of projects coming onto the Cardano network flowing onto the network soon after smart contracts launch."
"If you buy the NFT, you are agreeing to the terms of that smart contract."
"Solana has firmly established itself in the conversation for top smart contract platform."
"Smart contracts automate transactions, reducing human error."
"We're entering the world where everything is regulated by smart contracts, where we don't need intermediaries."
"We're likely going to see a massive amount of value settled on one, maybe two dominant smart contract platforms."
"The year before Bitcoin was founded, Sabo frequently wrote about smart contracts and digital money."
"Smart contracts are the killer app of Web 3."
"Cardano's Alonzo upgrade introduces smart contracts to the network and makes it more useful."
"Even if a project seems reputable, you still have the risk of bugs and smart contracts or hacks in the network."
"DApps can make use of smart contracts on the Ethereum network."
"Alonzo purple has arrived, one giant step closer to Cardano's smart contracts."
"ADA has the most room to run, smart contracts coming, a lot of projects are building."
"My focus is beyond bitcoin, my main focus is smart contract platforms. Think picks and shovels for the cryptoverse."
"Unibright has always had a focus on solving major problems within the crypto space, predominantly those around the enterprise adoption of blockchain and smart contracts."
"Once there are applications with smart contracts, that's when crypto takes off."
"Smart contracts are a certain execution of agreements okay and this is all done through code."
"That's fine, I want to see the smart contracts."
"Cardano is on the verge of fully unleashing the gogan era with the alonso hard fork they'll bring smart contracts to the sixth largest blockchain"
"Smart contracts on Ethereum and other compatible blockchains, it's just the beginning and the proof of concept is NFTs."
"It's going to be a game changer when it comes to smart contracts."
"Cardano's testnet is finally becoming smart contract compatible."
"That's why I was bullish on it because they had code audits they had total value locked."
"Smart contracts really changed everything in the crypto space."
"Matrix allows automatic conversion of an abstract description of a smart contract into an executable program."
"From a smart contract perspective, I have most of my experiences in the world of Ethereum because that's what was around earliest on, and I picked that up sort of early on in those days, and it's been really good to me since then."
"Smart contracts enabling peer-to-peer bets on anything - without third-party involvement."
"Ethereum is attempting to solve the use case of DeFi or decentralized applications, smart contracts."
"In this series we are going to build different smart contracts starting from very simple to progressively more and more difficult."
"You can write Ethereum smart contract source code, compile them, and deploy them live to a blockchain all in your browser."
"Etherium introduced this brilliant idea of smart contracts."
"Everything that seeks to provide more smart contracts value forms a very positive, possibly virtuous cycle."
"Smart contracts change the way the world works in a way that changes your life and my life and the lives of billions of other people."
"Smart contracts matter because they change the way the world works."
"The next step in the evolution of this space is connecting contracts to real-world events."
"Data delivery guarantees are enforced through on-chain service agreements."
"Smart contracts are here and it is going to be a big step that will let Cardano compete with other programmable blockchains."
"Chain link is a framework for building decentralized oracle networks to facilitate off-chain data and compute needs of hybrid smart contracts enabling a reference and execution of on-chain data if they are called upon to do so."
"Cardano is set to provide tools for developers, end users, and businesses to execute smart contracts and financial agreements."
"Bridges are important. Bridges are not going to go away. A bridge basically is a code-based mechanism to lock funds on an origin chain and then mint those funds on a destination chain."
"Bitcoin has pivoted from being a store of value only to being a competitor to ethereum to being able to have Smart contracts on ethereum."
"So yeah, nowadays Ethereum is definitely dominating the market in terms of smart contracts."
"Smart contracts: Facilitating half a trillion in annual fees by 2030."
"The reason I like Algorand is not just some digital asset. It has smart contracts."
"The smart contract is the code that basically says like hey this is all the board apps that's ever going to be."
"We think in the near future, we'll be able to introduce the smart contracts."
"Smart contract development is improving over time."
"Developers and Enterprises can build Quantum resistant smart contracts and web three solutions on top of the Quan blockchain platform in any programming language."
"The enormity of what blockchains and smart contracts can really do for society is something that I think it's important for all of us in this industry to understand."
"What I think will go on to define 2.0 versions of DeFi, 2.0 versions of trafi, 2.0 versions of gamey, 2.0 versions of every smart contract thing you can really come up with."
"In essence for defi it's bringing defi smart contracts to bitcoin."
"If you want to write smart contracts on the Solana blockchain, you sort of have to use Rust."
"Decentralized servers are profound technology. Smart contracts that no one has control of is a profound technology."
"Smart contracts don't have the ability to know what time it is, so automation is critical."
"Bit layer is a layer 2 solution which effectively brings smart contracts and defi to the Bitcoin ecosystem."
"Smart contracts will be functionally the on/off switch for everything going forward."
"It's all running on the blockchain, and because they're running on the blockchain, they're built entirely with smart contracts which even serve the user experience."
"Smart contracts are simple computer programs that facilitate the exchange of any valuable asset between two parties."
"Function modifiers are used to easily modify the behavior of your smart contract."
"Smart contracts provide permanent transparency, traceability, and validation of transactions."
"Blockchains introduce a unique capability that allows developers to build programs that make strong commitments about how that code will behave in the future."
"Smart contracts allow us actually to code not only the obligations the parties have agreed to but automatically execute them upon the occurrence of often public and verifiable and available information."
"But also new ones will be created: think about smart contract-coding lawyers or regulatory data scientists."
"Smart contracts are autonomous entities."
"Canister smart contracts... a smart contract that can be easily accessible for both developers and non-developers."
"Contracts in Solidity allow us to create and deploy smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, enabling decentralized applications."
"A contract is a fundamental building block of Ethereum, you can think of it very similar to classes in Java or JavaScript."
"When internet computer smart contracts interact with bitcoin, they're actually interacting with real bitcoin on the bitcoin network."
"Smart contracts are a new form of software that are vastly superior to any other form of software that's gone before."
"Everything is going to get rebuilt with smart contracts."
"Smart contracts eliminate the need of an intermediary, in case of the vending machine, it's replacing a direct seller and allowing you to make a purchase without a middleman."
"Let's automate what we can with immutable smart contracts."
"These like kind of smart contracts were just like a better version of kind of like, you know, like the vehicles and things we had created in finance, it was like just so much more efficient."
"If you don't have enough funds to pay back the loan, the entire transaction gets reverted, and so there's little to no risk of losing money."
"We could actually send the funds out to another contract after receiving the loan, do something with them, receive them back into the contract, pay off the loan, and hopefully walk away with some kind of profit."
"This is a great contract to practice and study because it contains a lot of elements and patterns that are widely used in many different kinds of smart contracts."
"Smart contracts are immutable; we cannot make any changes to the smart contract once it's done."
"So now that we've created the basics of this escrow smart contract, we're going to be positioned to move more quickly throughout this."
"These simple smart contracts can easily and quickly become the backbone of an entire nation's financial system."
"An oracle is a software that acts as an intermediary, helping to do a two-way data transfer between smart contracts and the real world."
"Chain link seamlessly and reliably provides accurate data for smart contract execution."
"Smart contracts will change everything; it'll change banking, it'll change insurance, it'll make everything cheaper and cheaper."
"Join Market uses Bitcoin smart contracts to make sure that all transactions are Atomic and your funds are secure at all times."
"Smart contract developer, this is an area that is so in demand and going to continue."
"Cardano and Chainlink: This partnership will allow Cardano smart contract developers to be able to be more creative and build more quickly by having necessary data feeds ready and available right away."
"Once Cardano has smart contracts, a lot of cryptocurrencies will transition from Ethereum and other blockchains to the Cardano blockchain."
"Smart contracts allow creators to build decentralized applications that can serve various purposes."
"Chain link provides reliable tamper-proof inputs and outputs for complex smart contracts on any blockchain."
"Smart contracts are absolutely amazing and I believe that's going to be the future of where this world is headed."
"Ethereum is a smart contracts platform."
"Our fundamental goal at Chainlink is to enable hybrid smart contracts to reach their full potential by providing what we call cryptographic truth."
"When you rebuild things with smart contracts, you gain new capabilities and that means when you rebuild things you reimagine them."
"Chain Link uses nodes to provide this data to the smart contracts."
"It's honestly a game-changer, it is so easy to deploy your contracts."
"You provide the address of the recipient, that means you can create a position for another address than yourself."
"The focus of this tutorial isn't really on creating NFT art itself; it's more on the technical process of how to create the smart contract, deploy it, and then how to list your NFTs for sale."
"With a piece of code, a smart contract, you can automate how money moves and build some really crazy stuff."
"We're going to code a custom smart contract that's going to allow you to buy a coffee with ether."
"We will create the front end of our decentralized application and then connect our smart contract with our React.js code."
"Smart contracts are just programs that run on the blockchain."
"If you wanted to create an app like Uniswap on your own, you would need to know Solidity to create the backend with the smart contracts."
"Cardano took those principles and foundations and added an entire level of capabilities to them with smart contracts."
"If you're not familiar with Remix, it's an in-browser IDE and it's great for mocking up Solidity contracts and testing them quickly."
"Ethereum with smart contracts, a massive innovation technologically, allowed you to do all kinds of things you couldn't do before."
"That's an overview of how they are alike and how they are different when you're writing information to the smart contracts."
"Smart contract developers have the ability to swap digital assets multiple times in a single transaction."
"Smart contract code is immutable."
"Smart contracts allow conversations and contracts to be facilitated across the globe."
"Smart contracts that can legally enforce the terms of a contract."
"Think about what smart contracts can do; it's just insane."
"The term chain code is changing a little bit, I think, to smart contracts."
"Smart contract and chain code is the same here in the Fabric world."
"Smart contracts are going to cut out a lot of middlemen and a lot of middlemen fees."
"We launched smart contracts, God that was hard."
"It's the right way of doing smart contracts."
"Morales makes it incredibly easy to interact with smart contracts."
"I'm going to be giving you an introduction to Solidity and showing you how to write and deploy your first smart contract."
"It's an organization that runs on top of the blockchain, it's decentralized, it's powered by smart contracts, and it lets people coordinate online in a way that they never could before."
"A DAO is just an organization that's run by smart contracts on a blockchain."
"This has applications in people getting paid, in investment funds, or anytime a community owns money that's governed by a smart contract where no individual owns it or controls it."
"Auditors will literally pour over every single line of a smart contract to make sure it's doing exactly what we want it to be doing."
"One of its key features is a great debugging experience thanks to console log statements that you can use in your smart contract like in JavaScript."
"In my opinion, this is one of the best ways to learn how Solidity works, how smart contracts work."
"One of the factors that make smart contracts so hard to keep secure is because the code is immutable and censorship resistant."
"That bug is essentially going to be there forever and there is no way for you to actually fix that bug."
"Smart contracts are programs that run on the blockchain."
"All ERC20 tokens have a transfer function."
"The smart contract handled this and it was very intriguing to me to kind of investigate."
"This is a great way to start by reading other smart contracts."
"Our main goal is to see how this person got it right to kind of mint and have things randomly assigned instead of in a chronological order."
"Analyze the actual data that needs to be passed in, analyze the variables, the functions, and make sure that you have a good understanding of what you are doing."
"This logic beautifully gives us back the next token."
"We are adapting the smart contract and I'm teaching you guys how to read, adapt, and go through smart contracts."
"This contract implementation works indeed as it says it does and this is very cool."
"Always make sure that you know what you're doing before you deploy things."
"Solidity is a language you can use to create smart contracts."
"A smart contract is just a program that runs on the Ethereum blockchain."
"The Ethereum Virtual Machine is going to be the runtime environment for our smart contracts."
"Hardhat will allow us to write smart contracts in the Solidity programming language."
"ERC 721 standard essentially defines the set of all functions external functions that an NFT contract needs to have."
"The website will read and write data directly to the blockchain where our code will be written in Ethereum smart contracts."
"The process of writing and deploying smart contracts is definitely an intimidating task at first, but I'm going to explain it in a simple way that will give you a good understanding of how it all works."
"If you want to build a smart contract that's smart, it's got to have data about what's going on in the world."
"We're going to be installing OpenZeppelin contracts to provide us with some helper functionality that we're going to be using in our smart contract."
"It's important to go through this simple exercise to solidify some of the core concepts around sending money, receiving money, and how that works with contracts."
"We are locking in that promise by smart contract."
"Smart contracts are going to change technology in ways we can't even possibly imagine."
"Smart contract vulnerabilities typically result in a significant loss of funds."
"The easiest way to deploy a smart contract is by using MetaMask and Remix."
"Once you deploy a smart contract, it runs forever; it's impossible to stop it."
"Crypto is going to enable a whole bunch of other applications. We've just launched the first of these, which is what we call decentralized investing using smart contracts."
"You can create utility on top of Ethereum's blockchain through the use of something called smart contracts."
"Smart contracts follow a 'If This Then That' type of agreement."
"Smart contracts are fully transparent as well, meaning anyone can see and view a smart contract that is deployed to a blockchain."
"A smart contract is kind of like a vending machine; you have predetermined rules that it needs to accept a certain amount of money depending on the item that you select."
"We're actually going to start our blockchain development journey and start understanding a little bit more about smart contracts."
"A smart contract is a box, basically an address with extra features and functions."
"Solidity is a statically typed programming language designed for creating smart contracts on the Ethereum virtual machine."
"We're first going to learn a little bit more about smart contract standards and go over some of the more popular standards like ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155."
"You can create a smart contract by creating a transaction like this and essentially what you do is you send the data, the actual bytecode of the smart contract that's going to get executed on the Ethereum virtual machine."
"Smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain can emit events, essentially a signal that says something happened inside the smart contract."
"Smart contracts are little programs that run on the blockchain; these programs are unstoppable once you deploy them."
"When we're talking about proxies, there are four pieces of terminology that we want to keep in mind: the implementation contract, the proxy contract, the user, and the admin."
"These contracts are not constantly run; they're not just always executing in the background, they need to manually be triggered from a transaction to actually do something."
"Fortunately, there are a few tricks to make your smart contract upgradeable."
"Once there's a sufficient amount of approvals, then the contract can be executed."
"This will be the number of approvals required before a transaction can be executed."
"Each transaction can be executed if the number of approval is greater than or equal to required."
"It's just a good practice to verify your contract so people can see what the smart contract they interact with is all about."
"Smart contracts are contracts which can be interpreted by two computers, and the governance of the contract is managed by these two computers."
"Contracts are deployed using transactions where the to address is not specified, and the data is the init code fragment."
"There's so much more to cover that wasn't covered, like trust contract calls and error handling with asserts, requires, and revert."
"It might be interesting to look at a real contract that people use a lot, like ERC 20."
"It does this concept which is fuzz testing or fuzzing, where you just send unexpected, invalid, and random data to a smart contract to potentially find bugs."
"Smart contracts are essentially code that are sitting on the blockchain that follow the same properties of the blockchain; they're immutable, they're decentralized, they're publicly available."
"Smart contract hacking is one of the most lucrative skills in the blockchain and web 3.0 space."
"The world of smart contracts is knocking at our doorstep."
"Smart contracts are a set of instructions which, when placed on a blockchain, are self-executing pieces of code not run by any centralized intermediary."
"It should be possible and natural to build secure smart contracts."
"This means that you retain 100% ownership of the contracts that you're deploying out there into the blockchain."