
Travel Restrictions Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"I don’t understand why Canadians and Americans can travel to France or Spain, enjoy a holiday together, but we can’t reunite with our families and rejoin our properties."
"In Singapore, if your wife calls and says you can't come anymore, then you're banned."
"It's better to be tough on foreign travel than tough on children attending school."
"Travel and movement had been restricted on a global scale not seen in decades."
"UK to close all travel corridors to stem the spread of new CCP virus variants."
"Travel restrictions regarding when we're at a point where we don't have a problem, you know we're not gonna loosen the travel restrictions. That's what saved us."
"Congress is saying stop travel immediately to China."
"I could never have imagined when I became secretary of state for transport that I would be responsible for locking down all international travel."
"Should a large company be able to get away with breaking the law?"
"Republicans in Idaho are set to ban interstate travel for abortion for some of their citizens."
"That's all cut out, that's all shut down, and so that has kind of affected our destination much more than many out there."
"So definitely don't take it for granted. I mean, nobody can travel right now, but we can reminisce of getting on planes and traveling and having vacations, remember those?"
"I'm actually on an island but no boats are getting in and outta here anytime soon."
"When I took early action in January to ban all travel to and from China."
"Pray for China to change its mind and lift the ban on people's travel."
"Fasten your seat belts, as we take a trip to some of the most dangerous and forbidden places planes don't want to fly over."
"You can't enter the United States right now if you're an unvaccinated non-citizen."
"Apparently once covert travel restrictions have been eased, he will occasionally return to Japan to defend his RIZIN title."
"We have a travel ban on various countries and that travel ban remains until such time as we say it doesn't."
"We are in touch through working groups and through a range of channels at the diplomatic level and through our health team with Europeans and others about travel restrictions."
"I completely understand why countries want to lock out the UK variant."
"It might be a while before we'll be able to travel like this again."
"The president’s China and European travel ban I predict will go down as the single most consequential decision in history."
"It's official, Americans won't be allowed into Europe when it reopens. It's not because of COVID, they're just sick of Americans."
"Personally, I can't travel to film new places right now and even if I could I wouldn't, just stay home, stop the spread, and help those out there that are trying."
"International travel should not be happening unless absolutely necessary."
"Starting Monday, travelers can again fly to the United States as long as they can show two things: proof of vaccination against COVID-19 and a negative virus test."
"Lockdown restrictions have begun to ease, but people are still not allowed to travel around the country."
"We have diversity. It's that you want to stop air travel."
"Millions of troops are on the move. Is your trip really necessary? So they're trying to get you even back to the 1940s to stop traveling."
"But there's some added complications this year because Madagascar is shut and has been firmly shut since the very start of COVID."
"Why do you think Trudeau is keeping travel restrictions in place for the unvaxed? Because it's about power for him."
"President Trump's decision to shut off all travel from China saved untold American lives."
"Had other nations followed our lead in suspending travel from China, thousands and thousands of people would have died."
"President Trump quickly shut down flights from China."
"We also are very excited about this as well but we don't want to say anything until we can finalize travel restrictions there."
"Why should something as arbitrary as the place that you were born restrict the places that you can go?"
"You won't be able to travel unless you've got the COVID vaccine."
"I don't think that you should bring water bottles onto a cruise ship, many cruise lines are now banning bringing water bottles onboard."
"If you go to Hawaii right now, you have to quarantine as soon as you touch down in Hawaii."
"These travel restrictions inhibited our movement but they were absolutely crippling the airlines operating the aircraft owned by my clients."
"Yeah oh we're nervous now eh we're like uh what's gonna happen with it is it nice is it is the air better starts the island on Iceland as of right now it's only open to a few scientists and geologists everybody else Beat It pal get lost."
"You can't drive to North Korea or Hawaii."
"The strength of your passport is something your government doesn't have direct control over."
"Major airlines are at a significant risk of going under with government-mandated travel bans and general uncertainty."
"For many years, foreigners were not allowed to travel to the Mogok region of Burma, famous for its high-quality gemstone mines."
"With a refugee travel document, you cannot go back to your home country."
"Hopefully soon the rules will relax, and we can finally get out and explore the city, play some golf, and take our time getting home."
"So my lot done, we're going to go to Italy this year, and then COVID-19 happened, and so nobody's going anywhere."
"In a country where your choices for air travel are slim to start with, this is tough to take in."