
Economic Opportunity Quotes

There are 221 quotes

"America has always been like a melting pot for people who, in many cases, were descended from those who weren't necessarily thinking, 'Oh, I love the concept of America,' but were coming for Economic Opportunity."
"It became big, but people are really feeding their families off of this."
"Market crashes make more millionaires than any other time."
"We need to unlock the full potential of the American people, including making economic opportunities available across our country and for women and for people of color."
"America is a very dynamic country, you can make a lot of money here, people like entrepreneurialism."
"Our response to the climate emergency... is the biggest global economic opportunity in the history of humankind."
"The notion of a weekend break or a day trip began to develop, providing new financial opportunities for rail companies."
"When we emerge from this, we are going to have an opportunity set for this country that we have not had before."
"The most powerful and exciting thing about applying technology to the world of money is that it has the potential to improve financial well-being and create more economic opportunity for everyone."
"They realize that they can still make money off of everything because because it's so popular, Korean dramas."
"The influx of people of all religions and cultures to the U.S, Australia, and Europe is purely because of economic opportunity."
"Mexico is the perfect storm for an economic boom."
"There are over 8,700 designated Opportunity Zones, and by doing so, you defer your capital gains tax but at the same time, whatever you're investing in, is the new investment. If you keep it there for ten years, you have no capital gains tax."
"Now that we've lowered the transaction cost and have an infrastructure of trust, which is what the blockchain is providing here, there's a huge market that now is available for a contract that otherwise just wasn't there before."
"We're gonna have pathways to prosperity for more Americans."
"He believes that hard work should be rewarded and that this is one of the areas where there could, where there is an opportunity to rebalance how our policies are currently."
"This is the moment of Max opportunity now that you get why I'm being so aggressive with promoting the excitement of altcoins and other opportunities in the space right now."
"It's not civil rights and social integration that decide your opportunities, it's what you own and control that decides your future."
"Small government is the major reason America has given more people more freedom and more opportunity to live a better life than any other country has."
"Now is the opportunity to capitalize on innovation which will end up looking like 'the likes of which the world has never witnessed.'"
"You can absolutely pick up a trade, get a job, and make that hundred thousand dollars a year."
"I think we're gonna see an opportunity to buy gold lower...it is a generational opportunity to buy gold." - Eric Townsend
"Recessions create more opportunities and more millionaires than any other time."
"The greatest opportunity for African-Americans was under a Democratic president."
"Offshore wind is a once in a generation opportunity that allows us to protect our environment while significantly expanding and securing the state's economy."
"All right, on sale! Innovation is on sale, and oh, by the way, the bull market has broadened out. It has now embraced value and more cyclical stocks."
"The world is richer than it's ever been before. You have the opportunity, even if you're poor."
"German institutional funds will be able to invest hundreds of billions of euros in crypto starting next week."
"If people are doing something valuable but there's no way for the community to reward them then there's an opportunity to improve our framework."
"That means a kid born into poverty in this city would graduate with almost fifty thousand dollars in an account."
"Free markets would allow you the opportunity to position yourself."
"Your wallet will fill up quickly with those valuable tokens to trade with and as more and more communities connect with chappie the value of your chappie tokens will go up and up..."
"Every American willing to work hard should be able to get a job no matter where they are and keep their Roots where they grew up that's bidenomics."
"Cannabis or ganja as it's traditionally known here has been decriminalized and that's led to a bonanza potentially worth billions of dollars."
"Find ways to generate electricity and you can sell it to the grid."
"People are going to see an opportunity to get rich. As soon as they see an opportunity to get rich, they're going to do the same."
"That's ridiculous, there are so many Cobras and they're going to make him good money."
"Dips are discounted crypto and that's what's happening, and people are, you know, people are scooping that up."
"Get involved in real estate. There's a three trillion dollar Economic Opportunity for young people, for minorities and women-owned companies."
"China's authoritarian crackdown on crypto is a big opportunity for the U.S."
"The private sector creates twice as many jobs as money put to the federal government."
"We just had the guest here ask about minimum wage, well what if you could start a business in your home?"
"The best part about this method is it's completely untapped... you're gonna have a great chance at hitting that one thousand dollars per day."
"This was an absolutely banner year 2020 for a lot of kinds of resellers, particularly video game resellers."
"If we can create opportunities here, they will want to stay here."
"We gotta stop hating on each other... Let that man get to his bag."
"China happily bought oil and gas at a bargain."
"There has never been a better time to hire, to build, to invest, and to grow in the United States."
"This ain't a joke. This is generational wealth building time."
"I have a vision for America where everyone who wants to work will have a job."
"Every recession there's new products, new services."
"Gold producers are sitting on a literal gold mine right now."
"I mean, if we can get some fuel from the moon... whoever cracks the nut to get to the moon first... they're gonna have a license to print money."
"More millionaires are made during recessions and crashes than any other time."
"With today's low interest rates, it's a great time to refinance your student loans."
"These are like a twenty dollar bill every time you find it because they are popular they sell every time."
"Real estate developers realize, 'Oh, there's a great economic opportunity.'"
"Limited supply, secure and immutable investment projects and 100 safe so it is lit it is popping."
"This is the best time not only to look at the real estate and hotels but also to look at mini factories, to look at fisheries, and invest in a number of areas."
"When you buy low, you have a better opportunity to make more money because you're able to buy an asset when it's on sale."
"Ukraine is open for business... Advantage Ukraine includes $400 billion of contracts."
"First you must have something which the world needs and is willing to pay for."
"There is no other point in human history where it is easier and more accessible for the average Joe to become wealthy than right now."
"Bricks offers opportunities for new economic paths."
"No one expected gamers could make thousands of dollars, but look at it now."
"There's been an opportunity for the U.S to swoop in."
"Independence, in my opinion, and a lot of young people's opinions, offers an escape for that. If we can take that opportunity to economically thrive in an independent country, it to me seems quite silly not to take that opportunity."
"It's almost counter-intuitive; sometimes a bad economy is the best time to start."
"Starting a YouTube channel is free. It's like instead of... you need a larger income... well with YouTube you can create videos for free."
"This market's going to move really quick there's going to be a lot of great things happening very fast."
"Crypto economy is the next multi-trillion dollar opportunity... 110% right about that."
"Increase in money or coming out of the cold financially."
"The reality is, there are economic opportunities in every stage of our economy."
"Money is everywhere and you can make money in anything."
"In an increasingly interconnected world where digital access is synonymous with Economic Opportunity and social inclusion, any disruption to internet services can have profound implications."
"We could have a world that is flourishing economically where everyone has a chance to be able to transact with each other in a matter of seconds."
"There's now a greater likelihood of moving up into a higher income bracket."
"There's a ton of money to be made in this industry."
"Crypto is about democratizing that opportunity."
"Hobbies are so important... everything is if you have a hobby monetize it."
"Black people should be here because it's more peaceful, safer, and offers economic opportunities."
"The new cold era can be a new Gold era for those who adapt and adjust and target their investments."
"The world is thinking, wait a minute, there's money to be made here."
"More wealthy people are made during bad times than during Good Times."
"Immigrants and refugees remind us that at its best America is a place where if you work hard and get a fair stab at an education you can grow a business."
"By the end of this tutorial you will have the knowledge of how to build an API that you can make money off and sell."
"I actually think we put together a really nice video here."
"Increasing access to the internet especially for those who are poor or in poverty is going to help give them access to jobs and basically an extra economy for them."
"The Riders of the day are Alex and Luca, congratulations both!"
"Even the watches like, he was like, 'We're on lockdown, they were letting them go for like five thousand under just to get rid of it.'"
"India is such a huge consumption place if you can find the right thing that India needs you will do better than perhaps many other countries."
"Commercial real estate might be a great place to look into because commercial buildings are empty right now."
"What have you done for black and Latino voters... my life, my career, and my work... has been about Economic Opportunity."
"We're inventing dreams that help people earn money."
"The large generation of potential first-time home buyers."
"If you have any form of IQ in that head of yours... this video without a doubt I can almost guarantee is going to be your best shot at making lots of money in the next 10 years of your life."
"This administration believes that every American should have a chance to earn a great living doing work that they love."
"The little guy gets a better high-paying job at a better wage."
"If you're betting against space flight and getting cheaper and more economical, more reusable and more accessible. You deserve to lose your money."
"Crypto provides the people the opportunity to be involved in the financial system are unlimited."
"If you know what you're doing, use this opportunity as the great reset to upgrade your portfolio."
"Another country has essentially legalized cryptocurrency trading, which is absolutely wonderful because it allows people in that country to legally be able to trade."
"The storage unit life isn't easy, but it's a lot of work. It is incredible when you find stuff that's worth money."
"It's the dawn of capitalism and he's in the perfect position to become the richest man India has ever seen."
"It motivates people to potentially make bigger and better content because they know there's that potential upside if it becomes very popular."
"There's actually plenty of opportunities that can earn you thousands of dollars in a single day by doing very little work when you know where to look."
"You can have opportunity to keep much more value, meaning creating new jobs."
"Volatility is here. Got to take advantage while we can."
"I think it's setting up a generational opportunity."
"Ghana has a lot of potential in terms of tourism."
"The experts tell us that putting a price on carbon is the best way to tackle climate change. Don't believe the naysayers; the transition to a low-carbon economy is an incredible Economic Opportunity and we need to embrace it now."
"We want to open new pathways for all Americans to secure better jobs and bigger paychecks."
"We want every American to have the chance to earn a great living doing a great job that they love."
"There's never been a better time for a young man or woman who has no skills to go and earn a living wage."
"This is an amazing opportunity for us to rebuild the middle class and dominate these industries of the future. And this is a lifeline."
"We need a land of opportunity for everybody. Anybody that comes to this country and wants to participate and wants to build wealth should be able to."
"The best way to help people is by empowering them to get jobs and start businesses."
"Games and cryptocurrencies are now fused together and it's added this whole level function where you can essentially play to earn."
"I believe the more the market dips... the better opportunities I can get."
"One of the greatest chances to make large amounts of money in small periods of time is about to happen right in front of your eyes."
"This could be the thing... we gonna see some new names on the Forbes list soon."
"If you want to have safe cities, provide good economic opportunity."
"Nobody can out-compete an American worker when they've gotten a fair shot."
"We believe in empowering our community and giving them economic opportunities."
"There's no excuse not to make money in 2023."
"One benefit of the stock market fall is that valuations are much more reasonable than they were at the beginning of the year."
"It gives people who want to pirate a more lucrative than a larger target allows you to. Kind of nice and things like that."
"I believe gaming will be without a doubt the most viable opportunity to do this."
"Collapse is going to give us a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build out tremendous wealth for ourselves and our families."
"I am so excited about the future of bitcoin that I am buying and I'm just looking at this as an opportunity to get more bitcoin for my dollar."
"Bitcoin is for people who aren't wealthy who aren't rich to be able to have the chance to get into and have a portion of the new world."
"those were the prime opportunities to buy the dip hard and those are times where life-changing wealth is made right so i've learned from the past i'm gonna continue to dca"
"This is the greatest time in human history to build wealth for your family."
"When the economy pulls back, that's when people become wealthy."
"Now is the time to strike if you like these consoles, go out and pick them up because you can get them really cheap."
"We have the opportunity to create tens of millions of new jobs."
"Transformation of your finances... a new beginning."
"Bitcoin is the first time in history that the little guy got in first."
"There's so much money available and so much opportunity."
"If you don't control the content of your children's minds and if you don't economically give African people opportunities... we will lose."
"If people want to go out there and buy a bunch of junk, they can pay me to go back and fix it."
"This was a lot of fun so if you're looking to get more mileage out of a controller you already own or if you want to start a new hobby or side business fixing and flipping old controllers I'd say it's worth giving it a try."
"His parents couldn't afford to educate him, but his curiosity led him to the markets."
"If they blow up, that little amount turns into a big amount."
"The window is not unlimited, but right now we are still the number one market in the world."
"India today, in itself, is a great business opportunity, a compelling business opportunity that's forcing the world to sit up and take notice."
"Look at that though we found some gas too right beside right Inc they couldn't get much better than that so that's good too."
"It's about digital inclusion, it's about everyone having a chance to be able to enter this market."
"Bottom line here is there's a demand that exists here that will compel people for the love of the work if nothing else to fill it."
"You can make about 60 dollars per test. That's a lot of money."
"That would be the car that I'd bid on to win because it's gonna go super cheap and it's a good fixer-upper."
"You still have to toot your own horn because if you don't do it no one else will."
"There is money to be made from the botting game."
"Fighting climate change is an economic opportunity."
"A lot of men are secretly just jealous of women want to be able to simply get on the internet and do this and make all of the money."
"There is an opportunity for local manufacturers to export more as other countries seek cheaper alternatives amidst global inflation."
"It's low investment to get involved and you can just really start playing to earn, level up your cards, all that good stuff."
"People don't think they have the opportunity to get ahead anymore."
"It takes work it takes getting off your ass and putting in effort but if you're willing to do that this is a really viable way to make that happen."
"New financial opportunities and stabilities are here to be had."
"The opportunities to make money will prosper and grow."
"It's happening in divine order. The money part comes first so either a large raise, promotion, or extra income. That bit comes first before the new person comes into your life."
"What they're being promised is so lucrative that they're being told they'd be foolish to not adopt."
"Semiconductor industry growth will hit one trillion dollars by 2030, providing opportunities for all."
"Metaverse is a one trillion dollar opportunity after users increased 10x."
"Africa is a continent of great opportunity in industrialization process..."
"There's like financial independence coming in for you."
"America's working families deserve opportunity and nothing less."
"There's probably millions of people who've made a lot of money on Amazon. There's small businesses authors like it's obviously corrupt but there is a way as an entrepreneur to capitalize off that for sure no question."
"This is the year of open doors, new timelines, where you are going from financial insecurity to manifesting your financial freedom."
"The removal of sanctions means the opening up of the economy."
"Fortunately, this is where capitalism comes in."
"It's ways to make money out here, you know how much money it is in the world."
"The headline objective from an Australian perspective with China is to maximize our Economic Opportunity and minimize our strategic risk."
"The imbalance between supply and demand created an economic opportunity."
"An open city economically is synchronous, meaning many things are happening at once, allowing for economic opportunity."
"I want equal access for economic opportunity for all Americans."
"The Magnuson Act had created a Mount Everest of opportunity for American fishermen."
"Showing to the North Koreans what is like everyday life in South Korea, that there is opportunity that someone gets a fair day's wage for a fair day's work."
"People can sell their tiny homes, it's a win-win-win situation all the way around."
"Believing the United States to be the country of Economic Opportunity, between 1870 and 1900, almost 12 million immigrants entered the United States."
"Entrepreneurship is in decline... but we have this incredible opportunity to see a rebirth and a re-energizing of entrepreneurship."
"It was a time when if you had any money, it was a great time to buy land because it was really, really cheap."
"The American dream is a dream around the world; we must create an economic opportunity."
"This is creating economic opportunities that didn't exist even three or four years ago."
"We're thrilled to offer you better access to the digital economy."
"If you're somebody who's looking for a low-cost entry into a business model that you can scale and make a lot of money with, low-end economy cars are going to be the best route to pursue every day of the week."
"Our position, our purpose to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce."
"Our vision to create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce gets us out of bed every morning coming into work."
"The resale market on art is incredible."
"LinkedIn creates economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce."
"There's plenty of money out there that we don't need to worry about the other stuff."
"People are moving to cities because of economic opportunity."
"Economic opportunity is to see something that the market is going to demand before it demands it."
"We have to find a way to get young people to be able to afford quality jobs and houses."
"Pi serves as a great opportunity based upon its huge user account and the economics of the Pi crypto itself."
"We are going to deliver an economy in which there's opportunity for the many, not privilege for the few."
"These once-in-a-generation opportunities will create millions of jobs, lower costs for American families, and lead to significant economic growth."