
Naivety Quotes

There are 445 quotes

"The belief that the world will be fairer if the rules are enshrined in code, enforced by computers, and made extremely difficult to change or circumvent is laughable."
"You are naive if you think America will be the greatest country forever without effort."
"America was very naive when it comes to dealing with other nations and setting up governments."
"He promises to bring back to her only good news and progress from the outing, blissfully unawares of what he's walking into."
"It's isolationism and the idea that we can insulate ourselves from it is just beyond naive; it's dangerous."
"Even as someone who doesn't know the ins and outs of this world, it was so clear to me how authentic it was."
"Hate to break it to you, Gandhi, but when you're knee-deep in a war zone, it's anything but worldwide."
"The New York Times is way more comfortable profiling the charming, affable Nazi."
"The heartbreak of soma is realizing that the schemes that Simon and Kathryn hatch are just as impossibly naive as they sounded in the first place."
"If you don't know why you believe what you believe, then why do you believe it?"
"We're just assuming that because it's sun and wind and those are friendly and filled with flowers, it's all okay."
"They think the world is all candy canes and rainbows... Adults courts will not give you these privileges... They will toss you out to the wolves in two seconds."
"The people in control are fools and children... they want to just [ __ ] their way to a happier world."
"Planning for a life which meaningfully begins at a certain age is just frankly naive."
"It's so stupid; they say things they don't expect you to question ever."
"When we're young, we assume everybody wants the best for us."
"I speak from a place of authority on a lot of topics but I am a child in a lot of ways."
"Anybody who actually didn't think this was happening is so stupid. Of course, it's happening. If you have that much power, of course you're going to use it."
"I remember something, he also told me that Kyle was on the nice list."
"The romanticization seen in the opening of the Olympics was naive and ridiculous."
"Filo's of just a spoiled baby at first justifiably since she just hatched like last Tuesday but her bright naive outlook does create inroads where the cynical now fumi is more liable to burn bridges."
"I didn't realize people literally carry precious metals around to try to like buy stuff with it."
"There is no privacy anymore, and the fact that we think we have privacy just shows how naive the entire world really is. There's no such thing as privacy."
"There's a qualitative difference between being corrupt and being naive and weak."
"To act as if the Supreme Court isn't a political institution, especially while they are making so many obviously political decisions is just pretty gosh darn silly."
"Oh, what, you thought that witnesses just showed up at trial having never practiced their testimony before? Oh, you sweet, sweet summer child."
"You sweet summer child. You babe swaddled in the cashmere blanket of ignorance."
"If you don't think in modern day football the work you put in right now does not affect you the whole year, then you're being incredibly naive."
"Who's more gullible than kids and teenagers?"
"They want to fix things and offer something legit, but they may come off a little childish."
"People had no concept of pandemic, they believed it wouldn't happen because it was unimaginable."
"Despite a flashback where Ansem clearly states he has ulterior motives, the dumbass still lets the man attend the mark of mastery exam because he wrote him a nice letter."
"If two random people you never met show up at your house with like a painting of your house, you're like, 'Oh, that's cool, why don't you come in and I'll tell you everything about myself.'"
"Facing evil, one of the greatest advantages psychopaths have is that average, decent people cannot believe that such monsters truly exist."
"England and the monarchy seemed benign and wholesome, despite the knowledge of slavery and colonialism. Somehow we didn't blame Miss Queen and her family."
"They just think disappearing messages is going to protect them from getting busted."
"Some might call me naive. I don't care. I believe what I believe."
"This naivety is what makes 'Love is Blind' so entertaining."
"This was the classic case of the young killing the old, and all things considered, Charlton was foolish not to see it coming."
"You have to be naive to not stand up to the enemy."
"They're so good and but there's also that that niceness also then leads to certain naive activity."
"Young and dumb has one major flaw if that's the only bag you're gonna get."
"If you underestimate the power of China, you are naive."
"Lots of Americans are naive about China's infiltration of the world, especially..."
"If you donate money to a girl on the internet hoping it will increase your chances of being in a relationship with her, you are an idiot."
"The best way to enjoy Immortals Phoenix Rising is to be a kid who doesn't know what Devil May Cry is."
"It's either they took the fan criticism and they adjusted to it or they are very, very naive."
"I want to encourage everyone to be patient with these folks... remember they're ignorant like little children."
"You just keep persevering and you're just kind of swimming in your own little thing, being your little magical, naive kind of self."
"Guy drove off not long after that and I naively thought that I had the problem dealt with."
"She's an oblivious antidote to the devious pretension of high-class society."
"Families have secrets, if you think your family doesn't have secrets then you're naive. They're keeping it from you because probably you the one with the big mouth or the secrets about you or I could keep going."
"You gotta say these are 14 to 18 year old little kids on the internet who literally like you know I just just they don't know anything bro."
"I have the naive optimism of someone who doesn't fully understand what they're committing to."
"It’s amazing how people... can just get totally duped."
"Being naive has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence."
"If you can watch that without your stomach churning and not feel like you're being scammed, good for you, you're a willful dupe."
"Women benefit off men being the naive Captain Save-A-Street chick, Captain Save-A-Garden Tool, soft bastard mentality."
"It almost reminds you of Neville Chamberlain going to Hitler and saying peace in our time."
"I don't think people grasp the scope... how evil it is just because of how stupid it is."
"But I think he underestimated how hard it actually is to start a business."
"If you're innocent - you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed - people with parasitic interests will see you as their prey."
"A good girl needs to remember that not all people are as good as her."
"Alice was described as being compassionate, kind, and very trusting. She had a bit of a sense of naivety about her due to always seeing the best in people."
"Playing with my heroes when I was 16 years old, I was so green I didn't know anything."
"She's naive... younger people are more naive and don't know much about the world."
"You're always at risk because you know better this high priestess she knew not to do this I don't know what type of spiritual loophole she thought she was going to jump through but she played herself."
"I almost don't want to help him because I feel like he doesn't know when people are playing him."
"People come and go, they come back, you have new naive kids like, 'Oh, I'm a new 15 year old getting wrecked every three years,' just getting tricked over and over again."
"If you believe that narrative, you are just completely naive."
"Starry-eyed: naively enthusiastic or idealistic."
"Evil is not just a mustache-twirling villain, it's the Dopey henchman being like 'I don't know, he told me to do it.' Yes, stupid leadership."
"Churchill had an almost childlike faith in the anglo-american alliance."
"Their heart is in the right place and there's just like this naive or child-like quality there's this purity within this person."
"Gullibility is the biggest superpower in the world."
"I I mean certainly it's shaped Who I am but I did have a certain naivete but I I wouldn't say that that's a bad thing at all."
"That's a test, I did make a really rookie mistake and I let him buy me, though, that was really upsetting."
"If you're green when you come in and by green, I mean no street smarts, no common sense, that type of thing."
"Mice die in mouse traps because they don't understand why the cheese is free."
"If their approach was the opposite and that this will all blow over because the news hits on a Friday and Friday news cycles are where you do the dumps that you hope no one notices, they don't quite understand the hi-fi home theater community."
"Being naive itself is actually kind of a blessing."
"Was Lukashenko so naïve? How could Europe's last dictator be a guy who is so easily played?"
"Um but this person is okay um you might have been a bit naive too some of you might have been a bit naive because we are looking at seven cops which is like selling a fantasy."
"Life is what you make it. That's a childish way of thinking."
"I still get the sense that you have some belief in justice in American justice. That sounds very naive, I know. Well, I have to, yes. I know it sounds stupid, it sounds naive, but I have to. That's the only way one can survive and persevere."
"I won't build my life on empty words, being so damn naive, it only hurts."
"You live in comfort, convinced that there is nothing that can hurt you anymore."
"...his innocent naivety is just really great."
"It's sad, it's just sad about it, and they just look so childish and naive and ridiculous."
"A naive prediction that illustrated the extent to which they romanticized, ignored, or were simply just ignorant of the true harsh reality of war."
"Superman is stupid naive super if anybody had those powers and they were smart than like everybody would have renewable energy."
"I may have been naive, but I am not stupid."
"I just assumed the fact that he had a church meant that he must be restored. Shame on me."
"I was a teenager and yes I was extremely naive but you're the one who sold me a fantasy you couldn't uphold."
"It was very heartbreaking because I think the biggest part was my naivety and me trusting these people gave them credibility. So it taught me to be stingy with my trust."
"You're much too naive to understand the ways of the universe."
"Sometimes naivety wins the day and every journey starts with it."
"Everyone in the world is good. No one steals."
"Someone feels they were easily fooled."
"Not just because I still don't understand what happened but because I was such a fool to naively venture out with my baby girl."
"He thanked Nike for the reminder and called himself stupid and naive."
"I thought I could change him. That was my naivety speaking."
"You have such a big heart, and I think you're maybe a little naive, but it's served you okay."
"What could go wrong, everything's so beautifully wonderful."
"You're meant to embrace your naivety and take a leap of faith into the unknown."
"Trump wasn't a politician. Yeah, so I think he went in naively."
"When you fall for someone and you just believe they are the best person on the planet, you trust them wholeheartedly because you've never been hurt before."
"I'm still naive, I'm a young kid that loves this life, believes in it."
"Number eight: the spirit of innocence."
"Less than six months later, he asked me to marry him. I was so lovestruck that I didn’t bother to think critically about what was happening."
"People are loyal and weird kind of dumb."
"He's truly a trooper. I love that plot point of how innocent and naive she can be, yet very highly trained."
"I remember me being young and just not knowing, you know, just so blind about everything."
"It's either an extreme naivety and an inability to see the invisible power structures or it's a selfish attempt to protect one's own privilege."
"I was really dumb when it came to boys."
"The spirit of gullibility is a lot of parents just trust that the world is intrinsically good."
"It requires a level of naivety, but not so much that it ignores reality."
"A pretty little fool to think exceptions still rule."
"I am no longer naive enough to be a Jedi. A new power is rising. I've foreseen it, new power, and I."
"It seemed like the possibilities were going to be endless and we had so much hope for what humans were going to do with this and I think we were really way too naive about human behavior."
"They thought it was a forever world."
"Firstly if a female character is wholesome or naive that can be fine if it's well written however they cannot be the main character without going through some sort of growth or change."
"She can be so naive being white isn't being I've known this girl since 17 we got hey yo being being whitewash isn't being educated though just so you no I'm saying."
"The problem is when you're starting off, everything's black and white."
"Everybody's taken in once in their lifetime."
"We had a little something like that, but it was really childish."
"I was used by guys all the time...I thought it was so cool."
"He naively allowed himself to be used by so many unscrupulous individuals... I was the subject of abuse and slander scarcely ever equaled in political history."
"But Russo's was an innocent almost childlike belief that people soon realized could be exploited for fun."
"She's just so like naive, I love that."
"How you get faked out by a damn shadow clone? [__], you dumb as hell!"
"He's just naive enough that you pull for him, but you don't go like, 'Oh, the guy's an idiot,' because he's not. He's really smart. He's a good person."
"Because he's naive and gullible, but also he's afraid of his uncle, he goes along with it."
"The line between naivety and hopefulness is invisible, so close."
"It is better to be naive or even stupid but good then smart successful but bad."
"Optimism is good when doing focused detailed work like policy making or engineering but naivity can hinder you from confronting genuine issues in large-scale projects."
"If I'm nice, then they'll just be nice to me. It's so dumb of me, no, I get it, I get it."
"Everybody deserves to be naive at some point in time but everybody also has to make sure that at a certain point in age that you put childish things away and you no longer naive."
"Twenty-something fresh out of college dudes can be very dumb after all."
"A romantic at heart, Rodney was yet another camper who was just too innocent for the harsh nature of Total Drama Island."
"I'm such an idiot because I always try to see the nice in people."
"How could I have been so obliviously naive?"
"I thought he was my boyfriend and being naive I found out otherwise that he was my pimp."
"It's interesting that it's the lack of education and sort of the naiveness that we base a lot of our decisions on."
"It's the story of a lot of people who think everything is going to be all right who have no idea what is coming."
"Very naive, but also just an arrogant and a very politically unsound move for sure, and that's ended his career."
"You've got to be a little bit naive to be in business and think you can accomplish anything. That's the bottom line."
"It's someone being very trusting."
"It was never really about being invited to the wedding. It was more about facing the fact that I had been naive and taken for granted."
"...at his core he's a naive young man who wants to do the right thing and does have a big heart..."
"When we first fall in love, we don't know a boundary from a hole in our head."
"That was always my philosophy with him you know he he I believe and I Maybe I'm Wrong maybe I'm just being really naive but I believe he liked the honesty."
"How could anything bad happen at a place like this?"
"Men like the idea of naivety. Men like the idea of meeting a woman who really doesn't know that much about the world and then being the man who gets to show her the world."
"It's pretty naive, but it does work."
"He's a puppy. He just doesn't know any better."
"It's completely naive to think in terms of absolute security."
"What really helps is a massive amount of naivety because if you don't know how hard it's supposed to be, then you're not intimidated by it, right?"
"He doesn't even know the meaning of the word curve."
"Just don't be naive in thinking that you will find it very easy to find a job."
"To do amazing things you have to be a bit naive sometimes in your vision."
"How naive were you really thinking about writing the Great Canadian?"
"I think that every child has a chance if we give them the proper attention, and that's naive. I don't think so."
"He fell in love with a [__] and I was stupid enough to think that she had fallen in love with me."
"Putin is a terrible geopolitician because he's made it impossible for the naive decadent West to deal with him."
"Stupid women like narcissists, naive women like narcissists because they confuse their narcissism with competence and confidence. That's how narcissists exploit."
"...there was a certain naivety to the way he looked at life."
"It's amazing to me how her non-observant nature through this whole journey has now proved to us that she deserves whatever hell this sweet girl runs into."
"A lot of people be simple-minded and it be gullible, like they believe anything they see, they believe anything people tell them."
"It's hard to believe that the Assassins would tell John all this information as they're shooting him. It never occurred to John that assassins typically don't provide a lot of information to their victims."
"Lindsay partners innocent and we'll tell you she's guilty of stupid really stupid and trusting but that's not finding her guilty of this criminal offense."
"You're a sweetheart but you need to stop being so naive,"
"We were foolish to think nothing would bother us."
"We were very young and naive and just thought that the passion of being in love would last forever."
"Flowers are weak creatures; they are naive. They reassure themselves as best they can. They believe that their thorns are terrible weapons."
"But while these two are extremely powerful when it comes to their physical strength, they aren’t the brightest bananas in the bunch - which is why they need their mother to give them orders and tell them what to do."
"Tragedy awaits the naive, and unless you do something about it, it will."
"Questioning his naivety, the Keeper asked what the former King would do if his attempts to be recrowned diplomatically were to fail."
"I acknowledge my naivety in believing that if I stayed long enough he would eventually be ready for the relationship I desired."
"I am very trustworthy. I trust people too much. You could say I'm willing to help out almost anybody till they stab me in the back."
"One of the things that I thought was so interesting about K-2 was that the humor comes from a place of almost naivety."
"Those assertions are just absurd; they're just naive and foolish."
"You need to be naive; you need to dream."
"We can't be naive as consumers during the pandemic."
"In his personality, he has a kind of naivety or innocence."
"I was America's Sweetheart teenager; I didn't have a clue about what being a teenager was."
"I was bright-eyed and green to 21."
"We were very ambitious, very optimistic, and very naive."
"He was a naive cop whose character made him an honest officer who always obeyed the law."
"For an innocent woman, her behavior was extraordinarily naive; for a guilty one, it was extraordinarily stupid."
"You have a very naive view of what poverty looks like."
"Life was perfect and nothing could go wrong, or so he thought."
"Sometimes when you're young and you have that 'ignorance is bliss' kind of mentality, you come with that extra fire."
"There was something about his childlike naivety which I found quite endearing."
"Their special bedtime story wasn't well enough rehearsed for their tiny minds."
"When you are young and you've never been knocked out, you've never been caught, you think yourself as invincible."
"My favorite things that I've ever made come from such a place of naivety."
"The naivety that comes with your youth that you can only grasp after you have this understanding."
"...as long as someone looks good, regardless of how stupid their advice is, there will always be people to follow it."
"And sitting watching, you wonder how people could be so naïve because the message has entirely departed from anything that is actually taught in the book that is on the laps of those who are listening."