
Costs Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"When you sign up for a web hosting company, you're only paying the first tier sales price, then your plan renews at a higher cost."
"The Millennials got killed by education costs. You know, I grew up in a world of free education."
"My hospital bill went from $44,000 to $950 all because I asked them for a receipt and a list of everything I was being charged for."
"But those benefits come at a cost, and the price isn’t just the dollars we’ve spent on the infrastructure but also the impacts dams have on the environment."
"Magic has infinite manifestations, sources, and rules, none of which universally apply except for one: everything has a cost."
"It's gonna cost you more than you thought, it's gonna cost you some friends who couldn't make the journey with you."
"Being a gun owner is not just buying your firearm and then buying a box of ammo and then loading it and putting it on the bedside. There are other costs."
"There's a cost for men, and there's a cost for women. But unlike most people, Grace Jones knew the cost, and she paid it gladly."
"In the U.S., it's a bit more expensive, jumping in price almost 400% in the last decade, up now to two thousand three hundred and fifty dollars."
"Developing a new drug costs around 2.6 billion dollars."
"You're gonna listen to the whole thing, and you're gonna watch all the ads because that hotel room was not cheap."
"The pharmaceutical industry spent 83 billion dollars in 2019 on R&D...for every drug that actually hits the market...it's costing like almost a billion."
"The car, the money you lose is just the cost of smiling and laughing with the people around you. That's a great thing and that's the advantage of notoriety."
"The discipline equation: Discipline = (Value of the goal + Reward of the pursuit) - Cost of the pursuit."
"It's free for us to hold... it costs them an arm and a leg."
"A report shows the lack of financial literacy costs 15 percent of adults at least ten thousand dollars in 2022."
"Success has made my life more meaningful, but it's not without its cost."
"Every public health measure we have left comes with a massive cost to people."
"American healthcare is simultaneously the most expensive, the least efficient, and the least effective."
"Buying the land is the cheap part guys, the improvements are what cost money."
"It's not about saying we're going to stop the company and cease to exist. It's, 'Hey, how much does it cost for us to spin up a company?'"
"The sooner the war is over, the less it's going to cost everybody."
"It's $120 per year for both of us to have our own gamer tags."
"These new mythics to the game didn't come for free, they came with a cost."
"Healthcare is repeatedly raised by small business owners as one of the largest costs they have."
"It's the price we pay for living in a free society."
"Movies and TV shows cost an incredible amount of money to produce."
"This whole process is going to cost you that's absolutely worth it down the long run."
"Why would I want to spend $1 every single game to get XP? That's not fair."
"Does it make sense to try to time the market for 5 to 15 if you're going to be paying tax penalties and the selling cost fees? Probably not."
"Somewhere between 250,000 and half a million dollars is my rough guess."
"Every battle is expensive, whether you win or lose, and the tension of it all is something not often seen in RTS games."
"It takes money, it costs... it's a lot, a lot, a lot of money and it's not refundable."
"The cost of fear is too high a price to pay."
"There are costs to having a non-ideological president."
"There's a high cost to alienating China completely by breaking the nuclear taboo."
"Your body is expensive. If you don't take care of it, it's going to be expensive."
"It's expensive as hell to be an independent vendor to come and showcase your game."
"We should talk about the costs involved in not acknowledging that we differ as individuals and as groups."
"You never realize how expensive having a child is until you live in the developed world."
"Robin Hood trades are not free. When you pay for order flow, you're probably charging your customers more and pretending to be free."
"Celebrities don't just transform their careers, they transform themselves too, and it can come with an insane price tag."
"Prices are through the roof, the cost has been ridiculous."
"We're not going back to brunch... plexiglass is too expensive too expensive too expensive."
"All of these actions are likely to lead to higher costs and more inflation."
"The food on board is all included except for if you dine at restaurants with a supplement."
"I understand you got to pay to play but you don't have to like."
"The best things in life come with the biggest price tags."
"Make it your goal to be 100% correct because it's a very expensive and time-consuming misdiagnosis."
"The low end just took this off from 300 to 600... including replacement cost."
"It's still the idea that we now have to pay for these benefits that were once complementary that keeps guests riled up."
"Money in politics speaks, the average Congressional race cost millions of dollars to win."
"I think that college should have never been as expensive as it was."
"Life is very unpredictable... everything has a cost."
"NRE fees are a big cost in product development."
"It's not freed to everybody because it costs a lot of money."
"For the very base model, you're going to start at thirty one thousand nine hundred and ninety-five dollars."
"Childhood is when you idolize Batman. Adulthood is when you realize that getting the Jojo manga in hard copy is really ducking expensive."
"Welcome to experience, it's the best teacher but the tuition fees are [ __ ] steep."
"How about when you go to a hospital and you ask for a Tylenol, you end up paying $350 for that Tylenol? Yeah, a new massive report is out this morning showing you just how much of a markup we pay at hospitals for medical services."
"The costs of targeted decoupling with China pale in comparison to the cost of passivity."
"The battery can be the single most expensive component of the entire system."
"The reason I'm bringing all of this up is that these things are all pushed within these games that cost an upfront fee that for many people is a decent chunk of change to have to set aside for these releases."
"These extra costs... are pretty universal among all cruise lines that are not like luxury lines."
"Yeah, I like the European trucks. Do you have to pay for parking generally or is it just when you reserve a spot?"
"The impact to the business could be huge. I mean, it could cost millions to roll out this brand on a physical level."
"Interest rates are the cost of money."
"The most expensive thing is turnover."
"You don't have any other costs. Open hardware, sure you can do the design that way."
"One of the most important things is that your business eventually makes a profit and you understand all the different costs that go into making it."
"... the total estimated cost is 412 billion with a B dollars including over 300 billion in direct medical costs and over 100 billion in indirect costs attributable to diabetes. That's staggering."
"There is no decision you can possibly make that doesn't cost you anything."
"The costs are more insidious in the sense that they're not immediately apparent and they might follow you through the relationship."
"The social, moral, and physical costs associated with a large-scale, decades long investment in mass incarceration," The Sentencing Project notes, "Cannot be justified by any evidence of its effectiveness."
"You can generate a zero bill but you do still pay some money because there's like a service fee or something but I think it's only like equivalent of 20 dollars."
"Repair costs can range from a few hundred for a plumber to repair a leaky pipe to $10,000 to replace the HVAC system to over $15,000 to get a new roof put on."
"They're all going to cost you a fortune to run in fuel."
"Cons: You're not going to be getting the lowest price. Dropship distributors often charge extra fees and tack these fees onto the quoted wholesale price."
"On average, the administration pays $2,614 for each minute the president is on the road, flying, or anywhere outside the Oval Office."
"Doing business comes with a cost and I don't think it's totally unreasonable."
"The icing on the cake of this all is a judgment for compensation and costs to the value of 5765 pounds."
"If we really want to reduce costs and make better care available to more people at lower costs... we have to work with people on the real basic cause which are these lifestyle choices."
"Make the costs of your bad habits public and painful."
"I am regularly reminded that just as there are known and unknown costs, there are also anticipated and unanticipated blessings that far surpass any cost we are asked to pay."
"The purchase price in your entrance or your cost space is always the most difficult decision you have to make."
"If left, this can cost millions of dollars in resources."
"Total project direct costs. This is all of these numbers, boom, put right here."
"It's important to keep in mind, however, that refinancing a mortgage, unlike refinancing certain other types of debt, is not free."
"There is no single policy that has zero costs and gives so much to the country than immigration."
"These are costs that, if not considered through the bidding process, will result in a company not being around for very long."
"The benefits of free trade vastly outweigh the costs in the bottom half of the world."
"For the US and allies alike, costs will probably rise over time and efficiencies will decrease as we infuse economic considerations with National Security."
"Owning a motorcycle, no matter how inexpensive your initial purchase, which is the motorcycle, a lot of the costs with owning a motorcycle is a little bit higher than owning a car in my opinion."
"The challenge of complexity is that it always costs."
"The upfront costs were much higher than expected, and the plant cost more to maintain than a diesel plant."
"They're going to have to front all the costs of developing AGI on their balance sheet."
"We are now making it even easier for you to manage costs by application."
"Unfortunately some agencies might pressure you to take on these costs, manipulating young artists who might not know any better."
"You're protected from the rising costs of parts and repairs for your vehicle."
"We don't know if like the costs are going to go up again for whatever geopolitical reason CU things aren't super stable right now to the point where it's like the costs are outstripping the pace of growth of the instore base."
"That loan is actually gonna be zero cost to you, truly zero costs."
"Expensive Parts, expensive repairs, having to spend a week in a dealership will put you out of business in a heartbeat."
"The greater the proportion of costs that are fixed costs."
"Tienda Mia included all of the taxes and the shipping costs right up front."
"We're seeing records in the costs from natural disasters and industrial accidents, and the trajectory seems to be going in that same direction in the future."
"It is not uncommon for marketing costs to be the biggest cost of a product."
"It isn't right that grieving parents have to worry about how to meet the funeral costs for a child."
"Your credit score may impact your costs, not a hundred percent true but 99% true because it's an insurance score."
"The cost of business disruption... as that grows longer, that curve is going to steepen and your costs are going to ramp up."
"Understanding what it actually costs to run your organization's programs is a critical first step in making good financial decisions."
"To calculate my profit, I take the number of cookies sold times the unit price, and that's my revenue, and then I subtract all my costs."
"The formula is the daily cost of doing business plus your production costs plus your markup."
"The unforeseen cost of civilization."
"According to a new study, the cost of raising a child to age 18 is nearly a quarter of a million dollars."
"The costs that this may have is enormous."
"The costs of long-term care are incredibly sobering."
"You typically know your costs upfront, so you can price your products accordingly."
"The health care cost ought to be included in the price of the food that's driving the sickness."
"The first mistake many new wedding filmmakers are making is they are not charging enough to cover their fixed costs."
"Did you know on average it costs anywhere between $31,000 to $60,000 per inmate per year to keep somebody locked up?"
"Nothing is always what it seems, right? There's a price tag that comes with everything."
"It's important you understand this: how it all works, how it affects your account, because if you hold trades for long periods of time, it could work out as a significant expense on your trading."
"A lot of people won't share their restoration costs because it's usually bad news or the kind of a taboo topic, but I'm sharing it with you."
"In the US alone, $13 billion is spent annually on identifying and fixing product defects."
"Believe it or not, these are all the fixed costs required to run an online business."
"Science and research is so darn difficult and expensive."
"Health care costs have been running higher than the general inflation rate for quite some time."
"Knowing your costs is my number one biggest advice to give people."
"Once you know your break-even point, then you can figure out how much revenue you're going to have to generate on average per month to cover the costs of your equipment."
"Know your cost, figure out your break-even point, and then do your homework on your market to see if you have business."
"There's this upward ratcheting of cost."
"No insurance company likes litigation, the cost of litigation is far higher than the cost of paying claims."
"We're gonna talk about marriage and the costs that you don't see coming."
"You can amortize business startup costs, organizational costs for a corporation or a partnership."
"Care can be very expensive if you get a long-term illness, and medications can be astronomically expensive."
"We're used to if you're working a W-2 job and you have an employer picking up the healthcare cost."
"We're interested in both direct and opportunity costs and revenues."
"Cracks that occur in engineering applications cost us hundreds of billions of dollars."
"It's funding costs that matter for everything."
"Look at the last 12 months worth of costs and the last three months and just make a sensible provision."
"COGS and SG&A stays constant as a percentage of revenue."
"Actual costs will almost never equal budgeted costs."
"Owning costs are the cost that the piece of equipment is going to cost you regardless of how many hours you use it per year."
"Planned maintenance... includes your normal operator maintenance lube oils, filters, grease, and any labor costs involved with that."
"Healthcare costs relating to heart and circulatory disease: £8.3 billion each year."
"Economic profit is total revenue minus total cost, which includes explicit and implicit costs."
"The staggering cost of health care insurance."
"The costs so often outstrip any sums of money sought or what you'd get say for the dispute that you are trying to have resolved."
"Relevant costs are anticipated future costs that will differ among various alternatives."
"In a make or buy decision, fixed costs that can be avoided in the future are relevant."
"Your holding costs are linear, they continue to go up as you get more and more inventory, and your ordering costs go down as you order more because you're placing less orders."
"Where your holding costs and your ordering costs intersect is your economic order quantity."
"The right business case enables you to correctly define your current and future costs."
"Operating costs are about $1,100 an hour to operate, so that includes your engine programs and fees. That's cheap for a private jet."
"Absorption costing is a system of full costing of a product and full costing includes direct materials, direct labor, and production overheads."
"Carrying costs add up fast, so waiting means losing money."
"The cost of accidents include both direct and indirect costs."
"Maintenance is expensive, e.g., buying bundles."
"If the benefits outweigh the costs, then we perceive it to have value."
"The firm is making losses when the price is lower than the average total cost."
"We will be using OpenAI for this, so there will be costs associated with this."
"Maintenance cost is also high for nuclear power plants."
"The CO module's focus is to manage the costs and looks at increasing the profitability."
"Make sure your shipping is accurate as to what that buyer would pay."
"A break-even point is a point where the returns equals the cost."
"With the help of this section, you will be able to add in what costs are included and excluded from the trip."
"It's amazing, and last year alone in the U.S., bug defects contributed to 60 billion of defect costs."
"The two things that are relevant are incremental costs, any extra costs of doing the work, and opportunity costs, the income the lost income that we would otherwise have received."
"The cost per widget produced by a factory generally drops as more are produced but then starts to rise again due to overtime costs and wear on the equipment."