
Cheerfulness Quotes

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"Don't give out of compulsion... And God loves a cheerful giver."
"You will be truly cheerful in life the day that you realize that no matter what is happening around you, being anything other than cheerful will not make it any better."
"A positive mental attitude means that you are a generally positive person, cheerful."
"They don't like it when you're down and out; they will try to make you laugh, make you smile."
"It's the holidays, we're supposed to be cheery and happy."
"Electro swing is wonderful for that because it is super, um, super cheerful, it's super upbeat, it's, you know, if you're in a bad mood it's really hard to be in a bad mood when you're listening to something like that."
"I hope this brings a little smile to your face today."
"She jumps around cheerfully in her heels and hurries off to her date."
"Good morning, hope you got your coffee, eating your turkey bacon, turkey sausage, eggs, and cheese."
"Merry Christmas! That's basically what these guys are screaming."
"Hop yourself around, hop yourself about. That's way better."
"How are you guys doing today? Welcome back, this is my attempt at being as positive and upbeat as possible at 7:00 in the morning."
"Good morning, good afternoon, good night from the 85 South Show."
"The 'Thomas Sanders' fandom: fandom of butterflies, rainbows, and positivity."
"I mean, it's properly sunny, so welcome back."
"It's a very, very hot day in Santa Monica today, we shout to the man right here, with the lemonade, yo!"
"Have a fantastic day and I'll see you laters alligators."
"Top of the morning to you, top of the muffin!"
"I certainly do hope that you guys are having a fantastic day!"
"Cheerfulness in the face of adversity is one of them."
"God gives you cheerfulness even when things are not cheerful."
"Jovial individuals are cheerful and usually positive."
"They eat breakfast, and before Mitsuko leaves, they do their mother-daughter cheer while bumping their fists together."
"You don't know in hindsight, everything is gonna be all right. It's a vibe thing, and we're powered by cheer."
"They're happy-go-lucky, straightforward, and protective, like a Labrador and a bear combined."
"Cheerfulness, optimism is a result of wisdom."
"Peace love and shimmies and you are amazing yes."
"Good day to one and all! It is I, Justin Hawkins."
"Pepo cheer, let's go streamer, it's just a cheerleading emote."
"Try to make people smile and keep your wits about you."
"BRR BRR BRR cheerfully skipped along, singing."
"Jesus Christ, after this year, I am [__] ready to be jolly and spread cheer and get everybody presents."
"Hope you're all doing fabulous and fantastic right now."
"You are a generally positive person, you're very happy-go-lucky, there's a lovely, glowy, sunshiny energy about you."
"She always cheers him up, so this time he wanted to cheer her up."
"From that day on, she becomes a more cheerful person as she finally managed to make some friends."
"It wouldn't kill you to smile, you know."
"The good morning train is coming, how are you? Choo choo!"
"She was graceful and well-versed in etiquette while maintaining an easy natural cheeriness to her personality."
"Our marching songs never sounded as cheerful and confident as they did this sunny autumn morning."
"You guys have a fantastic wintery day."
"Good morning to you, good morning."
"Give and give cheerfully but without strings attached."
"I feel like it's so bright and cheery."
"Every morning Pa went cheerfully whistling to the field."
"Definitely, your person finds you very cheerful."
"You can always count on a good old-fashioned kaiju flick to cheer you up."
"To fight bravely and as cheerfully as you could muster even if on the outside only."
"I love everything cheerful, so I stuck smiley faces to make people feel warmer inside."
"The sun has got his hat on, hip hip hooray!"
"So, smiley. It's nice to see someone a little bit more cheery. Makes all the difference."
"Making your environment be more cheerful can also help Stave off any of that seasonal depression and anxiety."
"Patients do like a doctor to be cheerful."
"I'll give you something that'll cheer you up though."
"It captured that feel-good energy, kind of a cheerfulness and innocence."
"Primrose always seemed quite cheery, funnily enough."
"A smile reveals a cheerful spirit and thus draws others to you."
"In the world you will have tribulation. Cheer up! I have overcome the world." - Joyce Meyer
"Cheerfulness is a most profitable investment, and there are no riches greater than constant joy."
"She always seemed to be cheerful."
"I always turn to your videos to cheer me up."
"Cheerfulness is the eighth of the great virtues."
"Can you tell me a joke to cheer me up? Why couldn't the bicycle stand up by itself? Because it was two-tired."
"You are truly the holiday cheermeister."
"Well ladies and gentlemen, you know what cheers me up? Giving things away to you."
"Maybe we won't use magic to cheer the king up."
"I was told I always had a bright attitude that cheered everyone up when I was around."
"She performed her humble duties with such a radiant face that everyone who saw her was cheered by the sight."
"Bad luck like this doesn't help a bit to cheer things up, does it?"
"It's just cheerful, it's one of those things where when you look at it, it just makes you kind of smile."
"Hey everybody, Spidey here and as always I hope you're having a marvelous day."
"You're after your own fulfillment... you're cheerful and happy and sociable but you're also very deep and very intriguing."
"He has the charm, the cheerfulness, and the courage which is common to all independent thinkers."
"I love cheese, yes I do. I do, I love cheese, yes I do. Yay!"
"Oh yeah, go ahead, smile, you know you want to."
"He had brought laughter to more people than he had planned that afternoon. It did everyone a bit of good he knew to have something cheerful to speak of rather than the usual gossip or news of the Continental War."
"If I was having a bad day today, you told me to get cheered up, I don't need to call you, but if I'm in the neighborhood and I stop by, it's like I'm leaving there with my face hurting from laughing so hard."
"Cheerfulness is a direct and immediate gain, the very coin, as it were, of happiness."
"I hope this makes you smile." - Wholesome vibes
"'All For One? Haha! Have no fear because I am here!' he said cheerfully as he flexed his muscles on one of his arms."
"have a great happy holidays from too hype"
"Isn't this wonderful? I just love parades. Everything is so cheery."
"Cheer up, dude, it's Christmas. Legends."
"It's his little campfire, cheer-us-on album."
"The one thing that will take away from cheerfulness is selfishness."
"Rejoice, oh young man, in your youth and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth."
"It's amazing how a little something can cheer you right back up."
"Mike Tyson, cheerful, said 'I'm delighted to be here.'"
"Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. You know what would cheer this moment up? Something, I don't know."
"It's a cheery time, let's shout hurray."
"We must be cheerful at all costs," Luke said, setting the tone.
"It has resonated with me for so long because he was a generally happy and a cheerful man."
"Be cheerful no matter what. This is the way God wants you. Rejoicing shows that you're still believing."
"Cheerful and humorous, despite the harshness of life."
"He always looks so angry. Cheer up, man."
"The bright colors are really cheerful."
"I love the kind of like little cutesy fun cheerful stuff that's my go-to."
"Millie was a bright light in the lives of those around. She loved to cheer others up when they were having a bad day, and did that effortlessly."
"Well, listen, you know, we're chatting about presents and all that, and before my little thought of the day about it was a little thought, just, you know, cheer someone up if you can. Brilliant."
"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, for God loves a cheerful giver."
"If you're trying to cheer me up, you're doing a hell of a job. I mean, Scarface. He noticed his scars too."
"We've got a straggler happy Stagecoach!"
"Merry Christmas, you guys! I hope you have a very merry Christmas. I'm filming a Christmas spirit, I did, I thought that Christmas spirit drove in here, I'm sorry, I did, I did. Okay, gotta go, bye."
"He who shows mercy with cheerfulness."
"Remember the cheerfulness of your giving."
"Hey, come merry doll and hop along, my little friends."
"Anyway, I love this time of year. It feels so cozy, so cheerful, so lovely to gather with friends and family."
"God loves a cheerful giver because he is a cheerful giver."
"Hey there choco, I'm here to make you smile."
"They're so cheerful and happy and just... I love them. Look!"
"I am absolutely fantastic, Connie. I'll be honest, I did not have the best day, but before we clicked record, I'm just tickled. I'm in a great mood now, cheered you up."
"These little rainbow pieces are just so cute and so I wanted to do something that was kind of really bright and cheery."
"It's always fun for me, and I don't know, give them a smile."
"Thanks for having us, love and cheer pumpkins, loving and cheerful."
"Seeing the children cheered Thomas up."
"Since I've known you, you've been incorrigibly cheerful."
"Marie possessed a natural cheerfulness which endeared her to others."
"For God loves he takes pleasure in and prizes above all other things is unwilling to abandon a quick to do it cheerful Giver."
"We gotta cheer them up, we're gonna start on a high note."
"Something that always cheers me up is talking to you guys."
"That's what cheers me up if I ever have bad days."
"Stay cheerful, stay joyful, stay unified in the cause. I'm appointing you to steward. Be joyful in the battle that is ahead of you, be cheerful warriors, understand you are going to win."
"Oh, we're feeling chipper this morning."
"We going to have some fun y'all it's end of the year things is happening we want everybody to be in a cheerful mood like Angel said you know during the ad read you know it's can be hard time of year for some people so yeah we want to bring a little bit of light if we can."
"Cheers to you all, hi, how are you?"
"And be sure that you are cheerful!"
"See, if you're going to do penance, do it cheerfully, cheerfully."
"What's up?" he asked in good cheer.
"I'm here to make your day happy and gay."
"She appeared as amiable and cheerful as ever, yet he sensed a more assessing gleam in her eye than he had seen before."
"I brought a ray of sunshine with me today."
"She wore an impish smile revealing a nice set of even white teeth."
"It's impossible to not be a little bit more cheerful wearing this hat."
"When my friends are down, I tend to trigger a sing-along to lift their spirits."
"He's always smiling, always cheerful, always help anybody."
"You sound really down, hope this will cheer you up."
"They're books that I turn to when I'm in need of a laugh and a bit of cheering up."
"The pictures of these items make everything look so bright and merry."
"Come here, Sprucers! Hi, good morning, good morning."
"She truly is she's always smiling I mean always"
"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, beautiful day in the neighborhood."
"We're all gay! It's 1890, it means happy!"
"We cheer for people every step of the way."
"Morning, good morning, the sun is shining."
"Your personality throughout those seven days a week, you're always cheerful. No one could tell if you're having a crappy day."
"If I'm feeling blue, I'll put this on and it will cheer me up."
"Fun-loving people are always in a good mood, always happy, always laughing."
"With great cheerfulness of spirit he pushed on towards the wild wood."
"Hope you're well, hope you're happy, be merry, be silly."
"I'll see you next time, my dear. Take care. Lots of love and toodle pip, toodle pip, my dear."
"You're the one who puts the bubbles in our life."
"You're the cheese to my burger, you're awesome, cheer me up when I feel awful."
"When hearts are high, the time will fly, so whistle while you work."
"Smile, smile, smile. Come on and smile."
"He was always in a cheerful mood, even a few words spoken by Bhagavan on a stay of ten minutes with him used to take away whatever sort of full, a dejected mood we were in."
"She is a nice person, very positive and smiley, always in a good mood."
"We begin by looking up to the sky and seeing the sun's out, so we wave and say hello sun."
"God gave you dimples, why don't you use them?"
"Why are you so glum? Cheer up, you just won the race."
"It's a beautiful day, Papa Smurf."
"Good morning, good morning, it's great to stay up late; good morning, good morning to you."
"It's always sunny here, hey sunshiners!"
"She sounds like a ray of sunshine."
"Bring me sunshine in your smile, bring me sunshine all the while."
"I must say Sarah is a wonderful cook," said Julian cheerfully.
"Oh Zazu, sing something with a little more bounce in it."
"Yara was a very cheerful and kind girl who trusted people."
"Here everyone just seems cheerful all the time, that's what I like."
"Isn't my smile like the Sun coming out on a rainy day?"
"I'm a pretty happy-go-lucky gal. I see no reason to be sad most of the time."
"It's a nice bright and but a bit breezy today, at least it's not raining."
"Good morning everyone, hello happy day to you."
"She had a wonderful personality, she was just very cheerful, she'd light up a room."
"I'm sure you will," she said cheerfully.
"A Polly and coffee a day keeps the boring thoughts at bay."
"We talked the whole night through, good morning, good morning to you."
"Good morning, Catalina! Look at that, it's bright and early."
"Sarah grew up as an active, cheerful, and very sociable child."
"We like to spread a bit of good cheer here on the running channel."
"Up with the Secret Seven, hurrah for us! Hip hip, hooray!"
"You couldn't be in the same room with her and not smile."
"A grateful person is a cheerful person; a grateful person will always be young."
"She has beautiful manners and she's very gay and funny."
"You have to be positive, you have to be cheerful, you have to be upbeat."
"Shiny and bright, shiny and bright, that's what I'll be to start my day right," he cheered up cheerfully.
"The sitting rooms were large and cheerful, and the bedrooms more than ordinarily lofty."
"Good morning, good morning, good good morning."
"Good morning, you lovely gentleman."
"It's a happy day, hip hip hooray, it's a happy day."
"There's a boy in every man that you can cheer on."
"It's really that cheerful, playful, energetic aura that this figure has that really just enamors you."
"So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile."
"The stoic must necessarily be attended to by constant cheerfulness and a joy that is deep and issues from deep within."
"Welcome back, folks. Happy Friday or whenever you're watching this."
"Cheerfulness in all circumstances and a just admixture of gentleness and dignity."
"I hope you had a good weekend, cheers."
"Your optimism and cheerfulness are a welcome respite from the current reality."
"Smile away, boys, smile and wave."
"Good morning everybody, Charlie's got her ears on."
"It's extremely versatile, perfect for any occasion, very girly, kind of bubbly, bright, and uplifting."