
Relationship Foundation Quotes

There are 137 quotes

"I find obligations are not a stable basis for a relationship."
"He is my best friend, so I have someone there that is in my corner to support me, uh, in whatever I do, somebody to tell me when I'm wrong."
"A good relationship is always based off a really good friendship."
"A good marriage is not based on a majestic love story that shatters the ages; it's built on friendship and a strong foundation of a loving relationship."
"Appreciation... is really an extension of these character traits but also a core foundation to a healthy relationship."
"Relationships are built on Sparks not skills."
"I really don't think that you can truly give all of yourself to someone if you don't learn how to master loving yourself first."
"We went through some very intense formative years together and so for me, that's really foundational into our relationship now, yeah."
"When you get into a relationship with someone, you're in that relationship because of who they are."
"You can't have a successful marriage without trust."
"Trust is the foundation, all characteristics depend on it."
"If trust is missing, it's impossible to have a firm foundation for anything."
"You can't have a relationship without commitment."
"Friendship is the foundation of a strong relationship."
"I don't want to build a foundation facade of dishonesty in a relationship."
"The foundation of every relationship is friendship."
"Boundaries are an incredibly important foundation."
"Trust is the basis of every relationship, business, personal or otherwise."
"Friendship is very important, if I can be your best friend."
"Communication is the very foundation of marriage."
"Communication is foundational to everything."
"The core of a permanent romantic relationship is companionate love."
"In order to be in a strong connection, you have to be teammates first."
"The core of this relationship is our unwavering love, spirituality, emotions, intuition, and compassion."
"Feel good first, being independently happy is the perfect platform for creating great relationships."
"When you have a foundational friendship, when the marriage gets rocky, when you don't like each other, when you're annoyed, you can go back to that friendship."
"In everything you do, in every relationship, honesty should be your main characteristic."
"Communication is the start, it's the nucleus to holding it's the glue to any relationship period point blank."
"Someone wants to lay the foundations for marriage, for a happy home, for the love they've always wanted."
"I married you because of who you are remember that."
"Best relationships are built on friendships."
"Praying together brings us back to our ultimate foundation and connects us."
"Trust... that's literally all you need to survive. If you've got that trust, everything else just falls into place."
"Love in its truest form is the Cornerstone upon which the pillars of a strong and enduring relationship are built."
"How can you truly love and accept me if you cannot love and accept yourself?"
"The greatest relationship has got to start with you first."
"Radical honesty: the only chance two people have to be radically honest with one another."
"Relationships are built on good communication."
"Communication is key. If you ain't got no understanding, you ain't got nothing."
"I love that he's a man of God, and we first fell in love and grew a spiritual bond before we ever started like really talking or courting."
"Union happens internally first; both parties have to love themselves before they can love the other."
"You cannot base a relationship on the good times."
"You don't have trust, you don't have anything."
"He was my friend first, and he just happens to be the man that I'm going to marry."
"Communication is everything. Truly, the base of a very solid relationship."
"If you don't have trust, you ain't got nothing."
"Trust is the most important thing in any relationship, so once trust has been eroded, you have no chance at making it work."
"Trust is key in a relationship, and marriage is supposed to be based upon trust."
"Respect is the adhesive that keeps the relationship together."
"It's hard to base a lifelong partnership with just love. Growth keeps people together."
"Every marriage is built on love. In the absence of love, it is not easy to make anything work."
"So many times when I met my partner there was no spark there was no excitement it was no chemistry what there was was a mutual appreciation for our values and morals and comfort."
"Trust is ultimately the most important currency in the world."
"The foundation of this relationship is woven with friendship."
"Love yourself because if you can't love yourself how in the hell you gonna love somebody else."
"Common interests are always a great starting point of each other period I guess or add the kiss I remember cuz we were just friends with each other I think that's a good thing is you were super friendly I liked hanging out and talking with you."
"God is love, God got to be at the center, and both people got to be sold out and completely devoted to God."
"Communication is the basis of every successful relationship."
"Your connection is built on a solid foundation."
"Mutual respect, can't love somebody you don't respect."
"If you don't trust your partner, you won't have any foundation for a good relationship."
"You're marrying each other, you both have all the tools you need to have a beautiful relationship, to build a legacy."
"This person came in and nurtured him like he's never been nurtured."
"Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all parenting, all relationships."
"Communication is essential in any partnership."
"Trust is everything. If you don't have trust, you got nothing."
"If something does end, it's because it was founded on manipulation instead of genuine love."
"Consider your foundation. What is it truly built on?"
"In any relationship, there's gotta be trust, communication. That's like a strong, I guess foundation to any relationship."
"I think having the rock and the commitment of marriage is kind of like it's the one thing you know that can be relied upon through you know the different the different stormy seasons of life."
"Trust is the foundation of every single good relationship."
"You feel like they're truth, they feel like they can trust you."
"The highest point of every relationship in marriage is friendship."
"A good relationship must have trust."
"Sex is not that important to me. It's not depressing, it is important, but I'm saying the foundation of the relationship shouldn't be sex. The foundation is trust."
"The foundation of a healthy relationship is being able to communicate."
"Self-love comes first before love with somebody else."
"Remember your interests are probably one of the reasons that attracted him to you in the first place."
"Every relationship in this earthly life will fall short if it doesn't and is not grounded and founded on that relationship with one another."
"If you can't communicate, you don't have a relationship."
"If there's no trust in a relationship, a relationship just can't even form because that is the foundation of what a healthy relationship is based on."
"That's legitimately a really solid foundation to build a relationship on."
"It becomes the foundation of the relationship; we don't even have to think about it anymore."
"It all comes down to a matter of trust."
"I think the biggest one is communication. Without communication, you don't have a relationship, period."
"Thank God for my wife, she's the rock in our relationship."
"In order to make any relationship work, there's got to be some level of trust."
"We're together primarily because we actually love each other."
"Friendship is very important for them; friendship is how even their romantic endeavors begin."
"If you can't even be friends with someone, how are you going to be in a relationship with them?"
"The survival of Taiwan's democracy is important not only for the people of Taiwan but for everyone who would also enjoy opportunities in a free society."
"You got to love yourself before you can love anyone else."
"All relationship is based upon communication."
"We were friends first... that foundation is so important in a relationship."
"If you want someone that's trustworthy, that means you have to be trusting."
"I believe you have to be friends before you get into a relationship."
"We've always just had that foundational understanding."
"I want someone who can be my friend first."
"Intimacy is the basis of any relationship, whether it's emotional, physical, mental, experiential, or spiritual."
"Without trust in a relationship, you have nothing."
"Trust is the most important ingredient in the marriage."
"Friendship should be based on... friendship."
"Honesty and trust are like the foundation for any kind of romantic relationship."
"Small talk is nothing frivolous; an informal style of communication can become the basis for a long-term relationship."
"Our relationship came out of a pure friendship from a pure place."
"Retain your individuality, still take it slow, build that solid foundation."
"Commitment is the number one thing, your solid foundation values that keep you there."
"Every relationship needs to work under communications, because it is the beginning and the found block of all relationships."
"Trust is like a gigantic thing within a relationship; without trust, there is nothing to build upon."
"Giving and receiving love is the centerpiece of all romantic relationships."
"If you ain't got trust then you don't got nothing."
"He said he had a marriage built on trust, and that's why he told you the truth."
"A relationship is built on honesty."
"I guess I'll disagree with that. I think the best kind of romantic relationships are where you have a good solid friendship underneath holding everything together."
"I just feel like our foundation is solid."
"The pull towards you is so strong, they do feel like this is a destined place where they could build a beautiful foundation."
"They do have a good friendship, they do have a good foundation in their relationship for sure."
"Our friendship being the foundation of our relationship has always helped us."
"A good marriage is based on trust."
"Building a friendship, that's what the best relationships are built on, knowing you can count on someone no matter what."
"It's important to be friends first."
"Honesty and truth is the basis to all sound relationships, without it nothing."
"Trust is like the foundation of a relationship."