
Inner Harmony Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"He is delighted to recognize that this balance of opposites exists within his own self as well."
"The more that we love and forgive ourselves, the greater our inner harmony."
"My divine action inside love and harmony. I'm aware of my thoughts and driven by positive forces."
"You're going to feel more whole from the inside out, navigating in a way that is smoother."
"Alignment is the word that's popping to mind."
"Truly empowering us to be a unified human being."
"Finding peace with your emotions, connecting with self."
"The foundation of having peace on earth and peace in the heavens is to have the great peace within."
"And still you do nothing because you choose to do nothing. And that sort of discipline allows you to be in more harmony with the calamity that is the human brain."
"You're in total harmony; you carry yourself with grace."
"And the wheel of fortune is such an awesome card too because when you create that harmony within, that peace within, when you can just kind of chill out and feel that release come, feel that lightness come, that ability to flow is gonna happen."
"The heart is our key to higher worlds, where mind and emotions find harmony."
"Balance the masculine and feminine energies within yourself for inner harmony."
"Love in its truest form is not just found but cultivated within The Gardens of our own hearts and Minds."
"You have it within you to balance out your own energy."
"Life becomes very joyful, a great source of happiness and harmony."
"Alignment is a state of inner alignment with life, an inner harmony with life."
"Integrating our dark side isn't about eliminating these darker aspects or striving for an ideal state of perfection; it's about harmonizing our inner world."
"I think you're really dedicated right now to finding your peace."
"Only wants one thing. It wants us to be at peace."
"The more you love yourself, the more peace you're going to have within."
"Cultivating inner harmony is the key to unlocking the full potential of your energetic presence and creating a life filled with peace, joy, and abundance."
"Your true success is based on how much peace you have within you."
"Create inner harmony and discover your superpower."
"Anything that helps us feel landed in ourselves at home in our own skin at home in our world is going to support the inner nine in us."
"You're someone who's very peaceful, who's in peace with themselves and peace with other people."
"Find union within yourself, balancing your feminine and masculine energies."
"Being at peace with the relationship with ourself."
"An enlightened person is beyond any doubt anymore. Inside and outside, here and now, I am alright."
"You cannot have external peace without having inner peace."
"Joanna Macy has courageously, and with caring curiosity, shown ways to reconcile these false oppositions between inner and outer, mind and heart, outrage and centeredness, despair and ecstasy, and humanity and nature."
"May there always be peace and love within your thoughts, within your words, and within your heart."
"May that seed of peace, of harmony, and of love be planted deeply into your heart."
"You must gain balance within yourself before you can bring balance to the world."
"The relationship between a person's inner parent and inner child is supposed to be harmonious."
"So this new inner harmony will leverage all of your immense powers and resources to create a future of exciting positive outcomes."
"One of the keys that Susie has found to healing and to wholeness is when you start to have a much more loving and harmonic relationship with all of the aspects that exist inside us."
"The urge to make friends between these polar opposite parts of you leads to you stretching your soul."
"The more you can act from your inner center, the more you'll be able to bring harmony into all your associations and friendships."
"The least altruistic action that we have done gives lasting peace of mind."
"We need and have both the divine masculine and the divine feminine within ourselves, no matter what our sex is, and we need them to be in harmony."
"We have masculine and feminine within us. We have to know how to tap into both sides."
"Invite peace within yourself and ripple this outwards."
"All the love and peace and joy, knowledge and wisdom that you ever needed has resided inside you all along."
"You are an integrated soul, balanced in your masculine and your feminine energies."
"It's bringing you into a greater sense of inner peace."
"Embrace peace and serenity within your heart."
"Ending the inner conflict as well."
"We need to be at peace with our own selves and our own heart and our own love."
"There is a contentment within your spirit."
"This is going to bring you an inner peace."
"Enlightenment or alignment is when your thoughts, words, and actions are in harmony."