
Space Station Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Thank you to NASA, R Cosmos, CSA, ESA, JAXA, who work together to make the International Space Station work for us all."
"The space station eventually will no longer be operated by the government. There's plans for after the government is done with the space station, perhaps we turn that over to operating from a commercial entity."
"It's really a very nice feeling that you know yes we are in space we had a successful launch now we are on the way to the space station."
"Dragon autonomously undocked from the space station."
"Both of these systems need to work together to control the station."
"Dragon will spend about four weeks attached to the space station before returning to Earth with cargo and research."
"When you want a coalition of alien species to get along, force them to live in the same space station."
"It's just about 30 minutes from now we should see our new crew arrive at the space station."
"Babylon 5 is a massive station in neutral space 5 miles long with a population of 250,000 humans and aliens."
"So in order to understand where exactly this new oven will be installed on the International Space Station."
"Deep Space Nine took place on a space station instead of a Starship, with continuing story arcs and darker themes."
"The space station, with its scientific contributions and collaborative spirit, remains a testament to human ingenuity."
"Space shampoo: American astronaut Karen Nyberg demonstrates hair washing in zero gravity on the International Space Station."
"They have achieved some great outcomes here that will benefit the station and its occupants well into the foreseeable future."
"After operating for more than 20 years as a symbol of international peace and collaboration, the ISS is reaching the end of its operational life."
"This former Cardassian station went from being never heard of to being one of the most historically politically and strategically important space stations."
"The rarified atmosphere wasn't a huge issue on short-term missions, but the USA was planning to build a space station."
"The recycling system on the space station manages to recover an incredible 94% of the waste water produced by the astronauts."
"To make a bigger space station, it would require the marriage of two sworn enemies."
"So why does China feel so strongly about creating their very own space station? Well, for one, because it's really cool."
"We have doubled the number of nationalities on board the space station."
"If only they built a space station that could stop the spread of a plague. If you know, you know."
"I think he's got a sound argument because, again, if you were actually at the International Space Station and Jordan's cheese and lettuce was floating away, even still, I think that if you were to stuff that into a bed of sour cream, even an astronaut could enjoy it."
"Perhaps you’re the bartender at the pub on the station where miners bring back their ore so it can be refined."
"Neutral doesn't mean peaceful. The Hub is a rough place full of Smugglers, Merks, and spies."
"Finally Quark a bar owner on the station who is obsessed with making profits with various schemes most of which are illegal."
"SpaceX record for an entire crew of astronauts with all that time spent on board space station."
"We could do this on a moon base, we could do this in a space station or something like that."
"The International Space Station belongs to the world."
"The most important application of a space station will be that it could serve as the jump-off base for trips into the deeper space."
"The spacecraft is designed to fly to the space station, stay in space for six months attached to the station, and then return to Earth."
"The space station NASA was designing was going to be the most high-tech thing ever created by humanity."
"So far, the crew members have dedicated hundreds of hours to scientific research in the orbiting laboratory."
"Up in the International Space Station, they had an EVA to replace an antenna that's used by the TDRS system."
"Nanoracks working with Voyager Space and Lockheed Martin, they have Star Lab."
"This mission will also increase power supply on the station, delivering the third set of roll-out solar arrays"
"Observing UFOs near the International Space Station via live cameras has become a captivating phenomenon, sparking curiosity, speculation, and a fervent interest in the possibility of extraterrestrial visitation."
"It's pretty amazing to see this kind of archaeological research being done at a space station of all places."
"Those living on board the space station are part of the greatest experiment in human history."
"The transit hub on the far rim of the Tharus cluster hummed with the constant drone of a thousand alien conversations."
"The Nordung Wheel... it was a space station designed in the shape of a wheel."
"The first ever third person view of the fully constructed Tiangong space station."
"I think the space station will be a great testing ground for getting a number of countries really to working together."
"Asteroid M is the name of several orbital space stations created by the former mutant terrorist Magneto."
"The entire space station and the future of humanity in space will stand on the shoulders of the astronauts, NASA officials, and engineers that made Project Gemini possible."
"The space station orbits Earth every 90 minutes, so astronauts get to see a new sunrise every hour and a half."
"At a minimum, we have to know English and Russian on the space station."
"If you just sit quietly by the wall of the space station and wait a while, you can hear things hit your ship."
"Create a little tableau of Mars here, look like we can go into this Mars space station and take a peek out onto planet Mars."
"Let's go step up the science on the International Space Station."
"We're lucky we have a really cool big Space Station that you can fly around."
"Tonight I am directing NASA to develop a permanently manned space station and to do it within a decade."
"DS9 is now a major port instead of the backwater that its name implies."
"The station itself is just incredible, just like the shuttle, it's truly an amazing vehicle."
"It's a beautiful sight when the Sun comes up on the space station, and you see it in all its glory."
"The first space station was launched into space more than 45 years ago."
"Journalists often call our station a home in space, and it is true."
"Here at the station, we are neither on Houston time nor Moscow time; we use Greenwich Mean Time."
"The supply of the station is just one example of international collaboration on the ISS."
"It was born at the end of the Cold War; it's enabled many nations to speak one in space."
"We now have an opportunity to photograph another manned space station."
"The Web Worker is like an international space station."
"Yorktown represents Roddenberry's vision more than a planet would because you see it as a whole."
"Europa station was a hard place in those days, back before the War."
"If you can take this modular approach with something as complex as an international space station, it might just have a chance to work on your web application."