
Legal Evidence Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"The more detail that an individual is able to provide, it provides more reasons to be able to identify that child was not suggested or was not her experience or his experience was not suggestible."
"The accuracy of a particular investigative technique or forensic method is only one part of the calculation we have to do when determining odds of someone being innocent."
"DNA as you well know should not be the only evidence in a case."
"The overwhelming evidence... shows that those allegations are false."
"These people really wrote these affidavits. These affidavits are really part of the public record."
"All of this evidence... will cause the court to say whoa wait a minute."
"Because these are fruits of a crime. If there's a crime, this is important to prove that a crime was committed."
"The evidence was conclusive to me that we had the right guy." - Kitsap County Sheriff's Office Detective Mike Grant
"I think they probably have some very good evidence there." - Hugo Lowell
"It's a scary world if that non-evidence can put somebody away for life."
"How could they convict of gun possession when they didn't have a gun?"
"She was 28 evidence put forward by the prosecution, yet the most damning were the 116 text messages between her and her boyfriend."
"Thank god there was video in this case but it still doesn't give William Bryant a pass because he was able to produce the video."
"Proving the skid mark belonged to the Secret Service car was one of two critical issues."
"It's pretty damning evidence. They don't show signs of abuse, and Josh ended up admitting what his parents had told him to say."
"Once you get Trump's voice on a recording, I mean that right there is a big deal and a Smoking Gun."
"We have affidavits that suggest that there was mail-in voter fraud."
"Her technique of taking these pictures... now they do help solve a lot of cases against child abuse."
"That's a confession okay that's what's called a confession that will be used against him at trial he confessed to doing this he has no defense."
"The amount of evidence they have against him is overwhelming."
"When forensic science takes the place of an absent witness."
"The evidence points to him... little things like that they brought forward, those are pretty weird and just sketchy."
"Forensic science was phenomenal in this case."
"She had recorded multiple instances of her abuse, so I called my client back up for rebuttal and played an audio recording of her screaming at my client."
"When Donald Trump gets up and says that he's being railroaded... there is real hard evidence that he lied repeatedly." - Nick Ackerman
"So when people try to portray this image as if I'm such this bad person this horrible person I'm a liar let's get down to the facts I took a lie detector test I sure did."
"You don't just get to say I was in bed sleeping, you have to provide Witnesses."
"The aha moment for the jury was the audio tape of the interview."
"The strongest evidence would be the combination of circumstances."
"We of course have the recordings in which Amber admitted to hitting him."
"Thank God for cloud chasing and social media. Thank you Lord because that tape is really what broke this whole case open."
"Is this bombshell evidence going to have an effect in court?"
"Technically in the CCTV, you don't see Elaine getting into the car by herself."
"These documents and more provide substantial support for the government's determination that there was no crime."
"His attack on Lisa Benson was part of his chilling pattern."
"It's very clear, like I said, there's the memo, the Eastman memo, there's the receipts."
"JJ called Davis to complain and to see what they'd get on tape."
"Now Bell had the evidence he needed to turn up the heat on Gilch."
"It takes a good deal of time to assemble that little piece of evidence into a fabric that can be arguably proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The video is the most important witness in this entire case."
"There's just going to be so much overwhelming evidence."
"The case against Donald Trump has a hundred times more evidence."
"The victim is telling you that this is him, what better proof do you need?"
"DNA doesn't lie, whether you believe in DNA or not, the courts definitely do."
"She wanted to make it crystal clear that there is more than enough evidence to prosecute Trump and his kids Beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The totality of the evidence made the case against Steven compelling."
"There is ample evidence that Angie is a fully capable parent."
"When you have documents that you [ __ ] can't argue with... that's powerful evidence."
"A lot of evidence was shared in front of you today, and a lot of contentions are raised. They were rebutted sometimes successfully, sometimes unsuccessfully."
"And just think about what that means. They are currently in possession of evidence of impeachable offenses by Donald Trump."
"The strength of the case really depends on how many inferences can be drawn from the evidence."
"There are sufficient similarities in the witness testimonies which make them difficult to dismiss or debunk."
"Visible increase in resolution between it and the earlier marks."
"This is bombshell evidence. It proves a malicious prosecution."
"Considering Leah Remy's evidence, Leah Remy has established a course of conduct that constitutes harassment."
"A potential motive may be revealed in court documents."
"One of the most stunning parts of the indictment is the timeline."
"If this is a person that Luis Rivera ran his mouth to and they go to the police, it's going to be worth zero."
"We had physical undeniable evidence that we could put in front of a jury that he could not refute in any way, shape or form."
"There's mountains of evidence that shows the coordinated systematic tax fraud."
"Circumstantial evidence can be very, very powerful... indicative of something that's happened."
"The evidence quite clearly establishes that he is guilty of various forms of criminal conspiracy, attempted overthrow of the government, and violent insurrection."
"Body language can be submitted as admissible evidence in court."
"If we didn't have that camera, I can only imagine we would've ended up in jail."
"She saw what she saw, that's powerful stuff for the prosecution."
"Suspicions can only take an investigator so far and they ultimately mean nothing in a court of law. The truth is told through the evidence."
"If we can get to the document, it matches exactly what happened in the Jack Smith case."
"The LA Innocence Project may be sitting on a key piece of evidence they've yet to release - DNA tests from a bloody mattress might crack the case wide open."
"The evidence of malice in this case is overwhelming."
"The cover-up is so easy to prove. There's Michael Cohen, there's recordings, there's Hope Hicks, there's David, there's documents, endless documents."
"It should be able to understand that information, yeah, that'd be really useful because then you could like give that to the cops if someone tried to pretend they like you hit them when they actually hit you."
"The cameras were crucial to the conviction of the killer."
"We got all the goods, we got all the evidence." - Michael Knowles
"The cell phone evidence in this case I think is very significant. I don't think you can hang your hat on it entirely, it's just another kind of piece of the Mosaic that is going to paint this picture."
"This case finally gets the smoking gun that it needed."
"The fact that classified documents were found where Trump worked, and mixed in with other documents, records as evidence that the DOJ could use to prove that Trump was personally responsible for retaining the records."
"When you have DNA evidence, it's really the golden ticket in most cases."
"The evidence, the witnesses, the authenticity of it, you just can't make this stuff up."
"It says the text exchange occurred on December 20th of 2019. This brother was hunted down by animals."
"That's some solid evidence that a jury appreciates."
"This is the first direct evidence that we have heard from the prosecution."
"Eyewitness testimony is never really that reliable."
"We need her to keep talking, we need her to keep doing everything that she's doing because this evidence that she left behind is insurmountable and is not going to be any way around it."
"Tool mark evidence had made a critical difference in putting Ronaldo Travieso and Patricia Johnson behind bars."
"The killer evidence... made the case compelling for the jury."
"The abduction phenomenon all the evidence you could ever want if you wanted to go into court and try and prove in our legal system that abductions are happening you could do it you have all the evidence"
"Taken together you have the evidence of this wider criminal conspiracy with criminal intent running across weeks if not more."
"Evidence supports a finding that GHS staff's actions were harmful."
"The evidence putting Charlie Adelson at the center of Dan's murder is in our opinion devastating and inescapable."
"The circumstantial evidence in this case would include bizarre behavior after the fact, an eyewitness who thinks they saw Scott at the marina on the 24th, or an eyewitness who thinks they saw Lacey walking her dog on the morning of the 24th."
"You have a mountain of evidence. That's the whole story: mountain of evidence."
"The defendant's own words were the best evidence against him."
"There's a tremendous amount of evidence, much of which did not come into this trial."
"Cell phone evidence is strong circumstantial evidence not of the crime itself but of presence."
"I think we have enough evidence to put him out of this."
"What caused the verdict to be guilty on all charges were the facts of the case and the law at hand."
"Conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
"I have conclusive evidence and a conclusive witness. Need any more hints?"
"The prosecution even introduced the threatening text messages that she had sent Heather."
"We do have evidence that he is threatening them with a gun or they're noticing a gun while he's accosting them."
"Circumstantial evidence doesn't mean it is not evidence, that is why the word evidence is in the phrase. It just means that there isn't something direct telling you I, Donald Trump, did do these shady deals."
"The jurors said in interviews that the Snapchat video sealed the deal for them."
"The scientific evidence proves that Megan Vass was on the yacht the night of Bob Chapel's murder in 2009."
"On August 3rd, 2020, during one of Chad's preliminary hearings, prosecutors introduced a recorded phone call into evidence and this call was between Lori's best friend Melanie Gibb and the couple Chad dabel and Lori valo."
"These recordings so valuable to the prosecution in really a game changer in the case against Charlie Adelson."
"It was a mountain of evidence against Amber Heard's credibility."
"The evidence in this case simply put is overwhelming and compelling."
"He said that Keith downshifted, he did put in the report to the officer that he was an experienced biker."
"You can't get a better witness of crimes taking place than the actual first employee."
"If you take faith to a court of law, the faith is the actual evidence of a believer."
"The evidence was overwhelming, the video proves what it proves, it speaks for itself."
"I guarantee you, they have more than enough probable cause to search this house based on these facts."
"The psychology of getting a conviction with a jury...it hurts their feelings to accept that somebody they know could be such a bad guy."
"This document is going to come into court in America, and you know, it's completely admissible."
"It's the strongest evidence that we have that she was lying when she was consummated."
"The strength of the evidence against Stewart Rhodes is overwhelming."
"You must not consider any evidence to which an objection has been sustained."
"Eyewitness testimony is among the most unreliable."
"The best evidence rule does not mean the most superior evidence. It's actually the best when you compare the original and secondary evidence."
"When the evidence is formally offered, you look at the purpose for which it is offered. If the purpose is something other than the contents of the document, the best evidence rule does not apply."
"Texts are critical in court and when you are in a dispute what you text can make or break your case."
"Law makes no distinction between the weight or value to be given either direct evidence or circumstantial evidence."
"Evidence is what the witnesses say on the stand."
"Candace is great, but you don't get a subpoena to raid two homes and two jurisdictions that way without having significant evidence that a crime is currently being taken place on those premises."
"The chain of custody proves the integrity of a piece of evidence."
"Eyewitness testimony, which makes perfect sense, by the way, why wouldn't you want that?"
"DNA evidence was produced and during hearings in the Supreme Court, it was found out that they actually found DNA from one other person that didn't match any of the three guys involved or convicted."
"A fact is established by circumstantial evidence when it may be fairly and reasonably inferred from other facts proved."
"Saving emails is critical to proving your case."
"Eyewitness statement is highly unreliable."
"She beat her mother with a cast iron pan, stabbed her with a knife from the kitchen."
"There are two types of evidence we've dropped before you: direct evidence and circumstantial evidence."
"You cannot prove a case like this by just theorizing about motive, you have to have evidence to prove who stole the money."
"This case is about more than just catchy buzz words; it's about evidence."
"In response, the prosecution may adduce evidence that the victim was characteristically a peaceful person."
"A declaration in the presence of a party to a cause becomes evidence as something that the party on hearing such a statement did not deny its truth."
"Consciousness of guilt is a very recognized class of evidence as admissible evidence of motive and identity."
"The evidence against him was damning, body camera footage, witness testimonies, and forensic analysis all pointed to his guilt."
"In a world where colonial officials were cooking the books and fudging records, kipukamayaks could take these officials to court and present their own kipu records as evidence."
"I would just like the court to be aware that Miss Jordan has paid both December and January rent into the clinic trust account, so that is accounted for at the moment."
"I want the evidence to convict him, not hearsay."
"What likely was compelling to the jury was to actually see the videotapes."
"The crime had to be proven by two witnesses to the same act."
"We had uncovered so much exculpatory evidence that had not been disclosed previously."
"This document, People's Exhibit 35, is the Smoking Gun document in this first ever criminal trial of an American president."