
Equipping Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Whatever God calls you to, He will equip you for."
"We need wisdom and we need to be equipped in many areas."
"Now may the God of peace...equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."
"Help me to realize that I need to be equipped with the weapons that you have given me at all times."
"The equipping of the Saints is the highest expression of the five-fold ministry."
"The Bible talks about there's a five-fold Ministry and it was to equip the Saints for the work of the ministry."
"Be planted where the anointing is. Receive impartation and equipping to walk in Victory."
"Bethl Church: where you want to be equipped to bring the kingdom wherever you go."
"Equip them God, those that want to pray for the sick, raise them up and equip them in Jesus name."
"On equipping and serving: 'You are not here just to soak up the spirit, soak up the atmosphere, soak up God, soak up knowledge. Nope, you are here to be trained and learn and do.'"
"Every Sky Bolt without exception received a Ch'krahnin red saddle beast, hand-picked by the cousins. That included the recruits."
"Whenever God places something on you, he equips you; whenever you pick something up, he graces you."
"May the God of peace... equip you with everything good that you may do his will."
"Now may the God of Peace, who through the blood of the Eternal Covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will."
"We are equipped for more than enough."
"For the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry."
"My role as the senior pastor is not to do the ministry; my role is to equip you to do the ministry."
"Pray that this ministry would be a threat and that we would faithfully equip Christians all over the world to likewise be a threat."
"God equips us for the task we are given."
"This is the hour the release of these heavenly strategies and equipping from God."
"All scripture is inspired by God and is able to make the man of God adequate, equipped for every good work."
"I believe that the Lord brought us all together for that reason; He is equipping us."
"May God equip you to Rejoice always."
"If your church is going to grow, you have to equip your leaders."
"God doesn't call you because you're equipped; He equips you when He calls you."
"May the God of peace equip you that you may have everything good to do His will."
"We're about equipping the Saints to do the work of the ministry."
"An equipping church is like a launching pad for the kingdom of God."
"The role of spiritual leaders is to equip God's people to do what God has called each of them to do."
"Great leaders focus on equipping their teams. It is unfair to expect what you did not equip."
"Scripture is sufficient to equip you for every good work."
"My hope is that it blesses you and it equips you and serves you well."
"He actually has already equipped me for the job He gave me."
"Now may the God of peace... equip you with every good thing to do his will."
"Every scripture in some way is profitable toward the goal of being a fully equipped man of God."
"Unshakeable faith equips us with boldness."
"The pastor's primary job is to train and equip the believers to do the work of ministry."
"Scripture equips the man of God to do every good work."
"He would not call you to do it without first equipping you with the ability to do it."
"The man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work."
"This is a place of equipping here, not just to receive deliverance but to walk in abundant life."
"You have promised that you would not allow us to go through any trial or any circumstance that you would not equip us to have victory."
"When God calls you, He gives you the necessary equipment for what He's called you to do."
"Why did he give them? To equip the holy ones for the work of Ministry, for building up the body of Christ."
"The purpose of the church is not to get those unbelievers in; it's to equip the believers."
"The good news is that Jesus Christ is willing to fully equip us for our fight against the devil and to support us every step of the way."
"All scripture is God breathed, profitable for righteousness, correcting and teaching the man of God and equipping him for every good work."
"The written word of God is going to equip us for every good work."
"You let God's people loose, it's gonna be chaos. Well, that is not true if they are equipped properly."
"We don't have time for entertainment; you don't equip people by entertaining them."
"The essence of church is to equip you, not to entertain you, to equip you to do the work of ministry."
"The Word of God is sufficient in equipping the Saints for everything we need to know and do."
"God doesn't call those who are already equipped, he equips those who say yes."
"Everybody that God calls, He has to equip. God never calls anybody perfect."
"The Bible is God's gift to the church; it's meant to equip the church so that it, in turn, can be a gift to the world."