
Self-integrity Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"I can't always expect the truth from others, but I can expect it from myself."
"Every time you commit and you don't follow through, you're diminishing yourself and your self-integrity."
"Self-integrity is probably the greatest virtue... it's all about... the integrity to understand reality as it is, not as how you'd like it to be."
"People who want you to write off parts of yourself or to disavow fundamental parts of your humanity are not people who actually like you."
"Every time you summon the courage to stay true to yourself, it gets easier."
"You can be a complete, wonderful, perfect person without the fear of eternal damnation and torment."
"Establishing integrity with yourself becomes probably one of the greatest things you will ever do."
"Boundaries should never compromise your authenticity, your true self."
"Are you sure you can live with the version of yourself that is you handing over the wallet?"
"All because you've come into integrity with self-worth."
"You must be in integrity with yourself, love yourself, and love to yourself some more."
"A lot has been said and done for me where it's like... you gotta stand on that."
"You're staying true to yourself and you're not abandoning yourself."
"You have to have healthy boundaries... don't compromise your foundation for anything."
"Stay open, stay true to yourself. There will be a challenge that you will have this month, an important part of the challenge is that you stay true to yourself."
"Stay true to yourself and do not let the cloud to darken you."
"Stay true to yourself, even when facing overwhelming odds."
"Am I going to stay true to my beliefs, my core, and my essence of who I am as an individual?"
"Don't cheat yourself because that's literally all you're cheating, it's just yourself."
"If you can't be true to yourself, then you can't be true to anyone."
"When your self-integrity is high, your self-confidence is naturally going to raise."
"I think that my one piece of advice is to be true to yourself."
"Keep the promises you make to yourself, because they become you."
"I'm a testimony of this. You don't have to sell your soul to do it. It is truly aligned. You can be your true authentic self."
"Staying true to yourself is crucial even if it means not always seeing eye to eye with a potential romance."
"Go towards the light, go towards the place of standing in your own integrity about what you deserve."
"And so it's really critical to honor and respect the things that you say are of value."
"This card asks you to walk your talk, become your own personal hero or heroine."
"Don't ever let people or situation change who you're supposed to be in the room."
"I did the best I could, I was true to myself."
"I'm proud of myself for never compromising who I am."
"Your past is your past and the truth matters."
"It's not just about wrapping things up and letting things go, it's about looking at: Is this in alignment with my integrity? Is this in alignment with what I believe, what I value, what I know to be true?"
"But the fact that he's going to be disappointed should never be the reason that I don't do something that is aligned with my values."
"Can you stay true to yourself at the at the end of all the days stay true to yourself."
"If you thought from the beginning that something was off, I respect you for calling it out and trying to grow as yourself."
"The meaning of 'don't break, don't bend, don't fold.' It's 'never fold, no matter what.' And to remain true to yourself, no matter what you may go through in life. Big money only."
"Never allow anyone to change your heart."
"No matter what the world does to you, continue doing good. Don't let them change you."
"Be kind but emotionally distant; it's a balance that allows you to interact with grace yet stand firm in your own emotional integrity."
"Keep it real and everything you do, stay solid to yourself and everything gonna be smooth."
"When you start changing how you act to appease critics, you've lost the plot completely."
"Duty is that thing that if you do not do it, you will feel a profound sense of self-betrayal."
"Stay true to thine self, and that's all that we can do in this life to keep our integrity."
"So much of living in integrity with ourselves is to look at our lives holistically."
"Will L stay true to herself or compromise her values to win the marriage contest?"
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind."
"The only thing that is important to man is the integrity of his own consciousness."
"What are you committed to doing? Don't fool yourself because you have to have integrity with yourself."
"Deal faithfully and truly with yourself and let conscience give an impartial voice."
"It's not about creating an image for others, not like turning from a bad person into a good person. But it's more about wholeness, you know, coming into integrity, into alignment with oneself."
"I will do my best to stay coherent and true to myself."
"Confidence is really about keeping your promises to yourself."
"There's nothing worse than breaking promises you make to your own self."
"It's so important that my true self feels heard by me. It's so important that my true self has me as a backup because if I keep betraying my true self for something that is not true to her, I will die. My creativity will die."
"We cherish the light within us and reject the people that lies without."
"Change the world, make the change, stay true to yourself."
"Sun, moon, Lilith conjunct new moon is going to be a really honest moon, integrity within yourself."