
Daily Impact Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The first thing I want you to think about is your mood because there is tremendous research about your mood in the morning and how it can impact your confidence all day long."
"42% of U.S. adults say that money negatively impacts their mental health, with 28% saying they worry about their finances daily."
"We pay the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. We're getting ripped off every day."
"Lasers are playing a very important role in our lives today."
"The ISS affects your everyday life even if you've not thought of it much."
"We have to be very careful when we're looking at this research or even being presented with research, how we let it affect our everyday lives."
"I know that when I go home from that day that I will have done something meaningful."
"Fear was only used for a very short interval of escape and I said what about today I go today fear is 24/7 365."
"I never imagined we'd be here in October 2021 talking about supply chain problems but it's a reality any given day you're going to have something missing in our stores and it's across categories."
"Texans see a breach of public trust every single day."
"You have a chance to save somebody's life every day."
"That's all I can say, what we're gonna do today is probably head to the Defiled Lands."
"Your thoughts shape your future, your words create your day."
"That's a lot of freaking money, so anybody to say, 'Oh it's only ten dollars a day,' that ten dollars a day adds up in a big big big way guys."
"No matter how mysterious or suspicious a death may appear, the truth can be resurrected in the lab every day."
"Faster-charging, longer-lasting, and cheaper energy storage options are something that will benefit our daily lives."
"Little quality of life things... makes a really big difference."
"Estimates place the rate of Ukrainian tank hits at four a day since the beginning of the struggle."
"I'm optimistic because I see change happening every single day."
"All of the seemingly innocuous decisions that we're making throughout our day actually can have a huge cumulative impact."
"If you can give love and happiness to someone in a small way every single day, it's such a beautiful gift."
"I think you would like, like I said before, apportion your belief to how it affects your day-to-day life."
"Geopolitics impact your daily life in more ways than one."
"You guys are our family, and we are so grateful to be a part of your lives every single day."
"So cute, and we make a little difference every day."
"All it takes is one bad day, but don't underestimate one good day."
"The culture war is what people are hit with in the face every day. They're not hit with policy every day."
"If I don't drink my morning coffee, it's over. The whole day is ruined."
"Politics is about to stop being a spectator sport for the booj and start being things that regular people have to contend with every day of their lives."
"Food is the single biggest modifier of your biology every day."
"The flip side is I think that we're each empowered to change our culture every day."
"I think we are seeing just the degradation of the Russian forces to a really significant degree on a daily basis."
"That four minutes changes the course of my day."
"When the 3 hours of sleep starts to hit you during the day."
"If you wake up angry every morning then tomorrow you're going to have a reason to be angry."
"The Russian military is suffering increasing casualties on a daily basis."
"We think that there's a huge difference between something that you get to use two hours a week at the hospital versus something that you're living with every day and your brain is adapting to as much as the device is adapting to your brain"
"When I wear something that I like and feel confident in, I feel so amazing throughout the whole day."
"The difference between a good and bad sleep now it's going to make you feel the next day either waking up feeling great ready to do everything you want feeling energized."
"Something as primal as what you put in your mouth every day affects all of those things."
"And I like the way they kind of gave Broly little human characteristics."
"You become what you think about all day long." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Everything before now doesn't matter what matters is from now to onwards every day matters in it."
"Your actions will have positive consequences on your daily lifestyle."
"Whatever you take in is literally going to dictate your whole damn day."
"Unfortunately, if you let half a meter go on every job every day in the year, it's a lot of money."
"Your morning routine sets the tone for the entire day."
"Each day had a lot of power to it. If you wasted it, you were losing that day."
"Voting is great but it only happens every four years. With your wallet, you can vote every day." - Shannon Coulter
"Life is getting better every day as a result of technology."
"Your love and support overwhelms me on a daily basis."
"You will positively impact every location, every meeting, and every person that you encounter today."
"We all kind of understand that a good night's sleep really does make a difference in our day."
"A good night's sleep really does make a difference in my day."
"Weather affects all of us, our daily lives, and everything, so I take this seriously."
"Being mindful about what I spend my first minute doing upon waking up has made all the difference."
"Our homes are an act of self-expression and its style and function sets the tone for each and every day that you wake up there."
"Decision fatigue is the idea that your ability to make choices becomes worse as the day goes on."
"Every cliche is true. It's the everyday that compounds into every month, that compounds into year by year."
"We need to have the presence of mind to know that what we do matters. Our daily decisions matter."
"Geopolitics impacts your daily life in more ways than one."
"Every thought that the human collective has in relationship to its current physical reality is having a strong effect on the way that that reality is changing each day."
"We are seeing existential threats to the constitution every single day."
"Leave something nice and positive today because sometimes that's all the difference."
"Everything you do when you wake up can totally affect your entire day."
"People shouldn't forget it's what they do every day."
"I love your videos, you literally make my day."
"Helping people on a daily basis is something that's very important."
"Sensitivities to lights, smells, textures... affects your life intensely."
"Literally, we're making people smile every day."
"Times are changing and I mean I'm seeing this in my work every day."
"It changes the context of everything we experience in our lives every single day."
"If I can make a person smile once a day, then where does that leave? They might be having a day and I can make them laugh."
"I couldn't imagine a job I would want more than this one quite honestly as I come to recognize how important uh what our employees do every day is."
"It doesn't have to be overwhelming. The things that we're exposed to on a daily basis do impact how our bodies function, and we should at least be aware of this and make changes as we can."
"If I don't get enough sleep, it really ruins my entire day."
"For me, what actually sounds way better is being a medic, seeing patients every single day, changing their lives, being sociable with people every single day."
"I think the climate is very important; it affects every day of your life, affects your lifestyle, affects what you're going to do."
"Something so simple can make a drastic change in whether your day is good or bad."
"If you could keep doing this one task that really made a difference every day, then you knew you'd get somewhere."
"The main determiner of whether a behavior is just a personal preference or a disorder usually has to do with whether or not and how much that behavior has begun to negatively impact daily functioning."
"Only life is priceless. And...making each day count."
"There hasn't been a single day in the over 20 years since my daughter passed away that I haven't thought of her multiple times."
"You changed our lives that day, and you change our lives every day."
"Sleep quality is so, so important, it affects everything in your day."
"Every day we can say something that has the capacity to heal and help people."
"My patients with CSF leaks are really suffering pretty much every day."
"We're changing the world every single day."
"He's touched our life on a daily basis in many ways from high-speed transistors and fiber switching systems and cellular phones to design methodologies."
"Every day counts, and I think that this experience for me was a little bit of evidence of that."
"Our students matter every single day."
"One of the most common misconceptions about learning disabilities is that it's a school problem when in actuality it affects every waking moment of the child's day."
"It's important or it's helpful to submit lay statements describing your symptoms and how it affects you on a day-to-day basis."
"I'm genuinely helping people every single day, which makes it so much more worth it."
"It seriously makes a world of a difference in my day."
"Nothing puts a dampener on your day like a poor night's sleep, I'm sure."
"Every day I potentially could save someone's or make someone's life better, like it's crazy."
"How you start your day sets the tone, the direction, and the context for the rest of the day."
"I'm so amazed by this girl, you guys. She honestly amazes me every single day."
"It's all I want out of this channel, is to inspire one person every day."