
Healthcare Advocacy Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"We need to listen more to nurses than to soldiers."
"Health care should be a basic human right. It doesn't make any sense to me that we get public education but we don't get public health care. Like, I think that's nonsense."
"I'm into universal healthcare... I want drugs to be legalized."
"We will not rest until seniors get the kind of care and support that they have earned and that they deserve."
"Are you okay? Are you hearing voices? You know, some people can get symptoms that they respond to, that they're afraid of, that they don't understand and requires medical attention. So get her care if she needs care."
"The vaccines Moderna and Pfizer that are now being administered are clearly safe and are saving lives and every American should get vaccinated when it's their turn."
"This is a great moment for the left. People are figuring out, 'Oh, we're gonna have to fight, huh? Yeah, you're gonna have to fight if you want healthcare.'" - Jimmy Dore
"Right now is when we should get Medicare for all, a UBI, right now. That's not even political, we need healthcare for people, we need a UBI until this is over."
"People still need health care so I won't stop."
"Therapy should be free for all. I feel like it really should."
"Patient empowerment is taking advocacy and care into their own hands."
"If every other major country guarantees health care, by god we can do it in the United States of America."
"You'd be excellent in healthcare, defending people who can't defend themselves."
"You are allowed to be a leftist and successful this idea that you want to promote universal health care that or that you want to promote social programs means that you can't be wealthy is just a stupid trope it's it's dumb"
"Why did the Black Panthers understand that in that you have to feed people you have to take care of their medical care?"
"Healthcare is a human right that all Americans deserve."
"Every minute that Stonewall has to spend justifying their position on trans lives is a minute that they're not pushing the roll out of PrEP."
"Diana lifted taboos just as she had done earlier with AIDS sufferers."
"Early and aggressive treatment is something that is my voice as well and I have been calling out for early and aggressive treatment for a long time."
"Support universal healthcare for my brothers and sisters in America."
"Any politician who is not right now fighting for Medicare for all is complicit in murder of the American people."
"Good, it's awesome that there's bros who want people to have health care."
"I'm anti-war, I'm for healthcare for everybody."
"We need to be pushing our local hospitals. They get your tax dollars. Those county hospitals get your money. They're beholden to you."
"Companies that were producing masks for the US and other countries were ordered not to export masks because they were needed in China."
"We ain't giving up on that struggle. We're going to introduce Medicare for all, believe me."
"If standing up for Universal Health Care... is wrong, I don't want to be right."
"If we can't make the case for Medicare for all now, then there's never a time when we can make a case for Medicare for all."
"People will die if we don't improve the American healthcare system."
"When you're trying to sell hope, quarterbacks are what do that."
"It's really silencing people...about one of the most important issues for the public to know about right now."
"You rarely see pundits on TV talking about the value of Medicare for all... all we're arguing for is can we have a fair shake."
"Let’s listen to doctors, let’s listen to nurses, let’s listen to health care workers and let’s follow that guide."
"I think we can all work together to get health care for everybody."
"Congratulations to Trial Site News for your amazing work in health as a human right."
"People dying because they don't have health care - exactly. Good point Shelby."
"Care is a right for all, not a privilege for a few."
"The healthcare community has begged them, but there are still many that will not budge."
"It's important to advocate for patient safety in hospitals, especially children, especially when they're not even six months old."
"Health care is a human right." - "Health care is a human right, and we deserve Medicare for all."
"How do we get that kind of fire in the belly into the people who are fighting for healthcare?"
"Guaranteeing Health Care to all is a human right."
"Infertility is a health struggle just like anything else. It requires help. If you have diabetes, we don't say, 'Well, I'm really sorry that you developed diabetes but we're not gonna help you.'"
"It's all about him at the end of the night, when my head gets on that pillar I know he's pleased with me because he's got the glory. I'm just his servant."
"People want to be taken care of; they want Medicare for all."
"I'm into Universal Health Care and like, you know, all that type of [__]..." - Swag
"That's why I ran for president, I promised to protect and build upon the Affordable Care Act."
"We're not asking for Medicare for some. We're here to say that human life is a right. Everybody has got the right to live."
"We don't need guns and flags, we need masks and healthcare and living wages."
"I became not only open to Medicare for all but like a full-on zealot for it because I just don't want to see this happen to anyone else."
"I'm going to remain consistent in my support of Medicare for all in all public conversations about health care in this country."
"We have to expand Medicaid in the state of Georgia immediately."
"Life is hard enough with all of the illness and accident and heartbreak for government to be compounding the misfortunes of life with the injustice of denying people access to health care when they get sick."
"If you know something's wrong and your doctor's not listening, find a different doctor."
"I hope you have a good day and if I do make a YouTube channel I hope that y'all watch it to be more aware of dialysis and things that's going on in the world."
"Standing up for Universal Health Care: If that's wrong, I don't want to be right."
"Real change has always taken place when people have got to begin standing up and fighting back."
"Great pick for a crossover, great execution, and a great choice as the number one guest character in modern fighting games."
"Do you really think I don't want everybody to have health care? Of course I do."
"Brain scans should be part of preventative care."
"Jon Stewart tells it like it is to Fox News after Senate Republicans openly celebrated blocking a bill to give veterans critical health care coverage."
"Just because you hear from your doctor nothing can be done doesn't mean nothing can be done right so yeah."
"I hope by sharing my story you will come to understand the need for multiple ETT RCM treatment options including Patisserie to be available for people like me who have this life-altering condition."
"I think we should fight for more health care that is free for women or people who can give birth."
"I want to be a part of the solution when it comes to maternity mortality."
"Every guy that plays deserves health care. We shouldn't have this poverty-stricken pension."
"Most of us need health care, and in a country where Universal Health Care should be a given, it should."
"Healthcare for all; we deserve universal healthcare."
"Remember with healthcare, you are your biggest advocate and you know your body the best."