
Social Priorities Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"We need to listen more to nurses than to soldiers."
"Our priorities in this country really need to change."
"Economic efficiency should be one social good among others and it really ought to be up to democratic communities to determine the relative priority of environmental protection against economic efficiency."
"They take a lot of that money and instead of spending it on education, instead of spending it on roads, they spend it on police."
"Women's physical safety should matter more than what a man says he wants."
"Why are our pockets only empty when it comes to education and health care for our kids?"
"The fact that people will riot over a football game... but not the train derailment or the cost of eggs and gas shows how domesticated and weak we have become."
"America has always prioritized white Comfort over black survival."
"It's not about us, it's about white folks first."
"Their commitment isn't really to addressing inequality or injustice. Their commitment is to addressing racial disparity within neoliberalism."
"I'd rather have best friends than even a boyfriend."
"Concentrate on the people who give a f*** about you, that's the only people that matter."
"There is often a prioritization of corporate interests."
"It's time to cut weapons of war, prioritize the well-being of our troops, anti-poverty programs, public health initiatives, and diplomacy."
"When you have a white superiority complex, your people come first."
"The less people talked about politics and the more they talked about dogs and kids and baseball and everything else the better off we'd be."
"They got money for war but can't feed the poor."
"Protecting the most vulnerable should always be the priority."
"The dichotomy between prioritizing human beings versus pocketbook interests is stark. We must fight against Fascism and authoritarianism."
"Certainly shows us how close they are, shows you that the priorities are upside down."
"We need to radically change our national priorities and give children the care, hope, and help they need."
"We can show our fellow Americans that we still live in a democracy, that people matter more than money."
"Humanity first, we've forgotten to take care of the poor."
"Any nation that spends more on military than social upliftment is headed towards moral and spiritual bankruptcy."
"What kind of person puts celebrity and people that you don't really know ahead of the people that knew you when you were coming up?"
"When a society just values things to be consumed as commodities, we're gonna open retail shops before we open churches."
"Honestly, followers might be more important than having a big bank account."
"Body autonomy is one of the most important things in personal freedoms."
"Let's prioritize stopping childhood hunger in America before we prioritize something that doesn't even have a heartbeat."
"We should be spending our energy on other things, like making people smile and helping."
"Every time we hear that question 'how are we gonna pay for it?' we should actually hear in our heads what they're really asking, which is 'how are we going to profit from it?'"
"Given the choice of embracing people or ideas about them, we must always choose people."
"Why does the city care more about permits than human beings in danger of freezing to death?"
"Why do you Democrats always care more about criminals than honest Americans?"
"I don't care about that. I care about like the people who really give a [ __ ] about me and I'm fine with the numbers being smaller if it means like I matter to those people."
"Priorities will align with female imperatives."
"It's not a right-wing talking point... before you go help the defense contractors and the bankers and the drug companies and the oil companies make sure maybe you should help actual human beings like our kids first."
"We should be putting the needs of our people first."
"Atheists get priority, but theists get priority."
"Transportation is Never Just About Moving Around."
"Right but you walk past a bum on the street to go in the footlocker to pay $1,000 for six pair of shoes, the [ __ ] is wrong with you."
"The Green New Deal represents putting ourselves and each other first."
"They're less concerned about the policy, they're more concerned about social cohesion."
"We saved the banks, not the people. In the Great Depression, President Roosevelt did exactly what you were talking about."
"People are more concerned about the livelihoods of their children than they are about the filibuster."
"I favor putting people before profit and communities before corporations."
"We put people over profits. It's that simple."
"We always have money for wars, but for some reason, we can't find money for health care, mental health services, jobs, infrastructure, and our communities."
"Men will prioritize helping women over winning. Gone, hear me out."
"How can we find more resources every year for the Department of Defense but we cannot find the money to pay for hungry children to eat?" - Dwight D. Eisenhower
"Jobs and education, not more jails and incarceration."
"Social connectedness... they tend to prioritize family."
"My immediate circle of friends was cut off as they valued more going to a wedding than my well-being."
"Don't focus on only trying to be popular."
"So what this will do is actually put people before politics."
"Do you want to make friends or do you want to make money?"