
Plasticity Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Plasticity involves adaptation and is an agency of disobedience to every constituted form, a refusal to submit to a model."
"Brain plasticity... the brain changes its function and its structure and it's modified by experience."
"It's about plasticity, so it's all in this space."
"Adolescents from about puberty to the early 20s are in this period of unmatched brain plasticity."
"Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's ability to rewire connections in response to our thoughts, lifestyle, and environment."
"Brain plasticity allows you to rewire your brain to adopt a more positive attitude."
"Plastic wrought in the distorted image of human life. But this, added hopeful note: perhaps they are unloved only for the moment and in the arms of children, there can be nothing but love."
"Our brain remains plastic because every time you learn, you're making a new connection."
"Our brain is plastic; it has a lifelong capacity to change."
"Every time you learn, you're making a new connection, you're demonstrating your plasticity."
"He saw in hypnosis how plastic, how changeable people were."
"The brain preserves enormous plasticity throughout life."
"It's a waste of plasticity if you ask me."
"The most revolutionary finding of the last two decades of neuroimaging is the knowledge and insight that the brain is far more plastic than we thought before."
"Microglia are involved in synaptic development, synaptic maturation, and synaptic plasticity."
"Synaptic plasticity means synapses are altered to allow for learning and memory."
"I think there probably is some amount of plasticity that is intrinsic and built into the system."
"The structure and function of the brain is plastic, it's in dialogue with the environment."
"We know the brain is plastic it changes the structures of the brain it changes the balance between key structures."
"You're always trying to improve, and so you're keeping the brain circuits for plasticity alive."
"We want to not inhibit plasticity everywhere but we're trying to identify brain-specific or neuron-specific mechanisms of plasticity so we can go in and target those for modification or for therapeutic purposes."
"The brain is not hardwired in childhood, and we are not doomed by our DNA. On the contrary, our brain is pliable, plastic, and changeable throughout our lifespan, regardless of our age or genetics."
"This guy feels like just like a hello piece of plastic"
"The brain's plasticity and adaptability make it an ideal candidate for brain-computer interfaces. Neuralink taps into this flexibility, creating potential for rapid learning and adaptation."
"About every decade, the brain changes dramatically, hitting windows of plasticity."
"What a metaplastic change would look like: a change in the subunit composition of the NMDA receptor."
"The difficulty of continual learning comes from this dilemma called the plasticity stability dilemma."
"The gates to plasticity are alertness, focus, and then later rest."
"We have these periods early in life when we're hyperplastic... and then that window of plasticity closes, and we become less plastic and less able to learn."
"Psychedelics reopen these critical periods of plasticity or just generally open windows of plasticity."
"The more of these connections, the more memory functions are happening. This kind of connection is an indication of neural plasticity."
"Improving your overall fitness level will undoubtedly have an impact on brain plasticity."
"The lifespan, the rate of aging, is actually plastic and subject to change."
"I'm a Barbie girl, life in plastic, it's fantastic."
"Our brains are pretty plastic and flexible, which means that for most of us, if we stop using, our brain will heal for the most part."
"These things that we talked about earlier, dopamine, serotonin, and one in particular called acetylcholine, are what open up plasticity."
"When neurons fire, they can rewire."
"The best strategy for keeping the brain plastic and flexible is by focusing on micro habits that will bring global benefits to your brain."
"Children's brains are malleable and plastic, even adult brains."
"Adding plasticity is going to add computational complexity but it's also going to add solution accuracy."
"Plasticity is a shear process; it changes the shape of the body but not its volume."
"Your brain is very plastic, it's very malleable; your psychic capacities, your bone density, your immune system function - a lot of this stuff is not set when you're born."
"It's actually upregulating plasticity and specifically BDNF, brain-derived neurotrophic factor."
"The brain is more plastic when you're younger."
"For decades, it was thought by the world's best minds that the adult brain wasn't capable of change."
"Our steel will probably yield, and our material behavior can't just be defined by this simple linear curve; it has to have that plastic portion after it yields."
"Pharmacologic intervention that increased growth factor synthesis in the brain and therefore increase what's called plasticity in the brain."
"Without any increase of F over A, the wire will continue to get longer and longer, and we call that plastic flow."
"With plasticity, we understand that the mature brain is your own personal masterpiece."
"Plasticity in the adult brain can be as robust as it is in childhood, provided the focus is there."