
Economic Investment Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"The solution is not more police; the solution is better police. The solution is better economic investment. The solution is the deconstruction of the criminal justice system as we understand it."
"This President is focused on that kind of economic investments which are premised on increasing our economic capacity, which is the kind of sustainable economic growth that we're looking to see."
"Democrats do much better getting the deficit down, they've done much better getting the debt down and really we're making Investments so the debt we're taking on are good Investments that will produce yields in the future."
"For approximately 18 million euros, the aircraft conversion specialists have transformed an outdated passenger jet into a modern freighter."
"Making those investments in America and all across the country."
"Invest in infrastructure, invest in our workers, invest in R&D."
"The Chinese spent eight trillion dollars building ports and schools and hospitals and roads and they are now eating our lunch abroad."
"The American Jobs Plan: a once-in-a-generation investment in America itself."
"Joe Biden is exactly right; interest rates are now low, we've got to invest in the American people."
"The Chinese government has invested huge sums of money in the event. We spent 300 billion Yan to invite foreigners to come and play. Will you come?"
"One of the new roads in the megaproject that's already completed is a $2B expressway that slashed the travel time between Delhi to Agra by up to four hours."
"Get off that number, stop with tax and spend, this is about investing in a country that needs investment urgently."
"American manufacturing is back. TSMC is investing 40 billion dollars here in Arizona."
"It doesn't even matter if Tesla could sell cars or not. They own Bitcoin, do you understand that?"
"The largest American jobs investments since World War 2."
"This bill gets us almost all the way there... it would make the largest investment anywhere in a transition to a clean energy economy."
"They're always looking for the tentpole franchise even more so over the last two decades they're looking for the tentpole franchise all the time so they're always gonna put extra money a lot of money into these big-budget films."
"The plant is currently under expansion by the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines and Energy with a total cost of 218 million US dollars."
"When you give people who are struggling this kind of money, study after study shows that it gets spent in the local economy and then the return to taxpayers is actually good, it's an actual investment, it's not, it's not spending that disappears."
"Their $2 trillion climate plan is actually pretty incredible."
"The results of these historic investments will benefit the American people and will mark the beginning of the end of the pandemic."
"Investing in our real economy, investing in our workers, investing in the industries of the future. That's how we built the middle class in the first place."
"President Biden's American Jobs Plan has earmarked $174 billion to win the EV market and another $34 billion for solar, wind, and other alternative energy solutions."
"This administration is getting us ready to capitalize on what will be the biggest investment in human history."
"When we invest in our infrastructure, we invest in our economy."
"A great chance for us all to reinvest in a new economy that is a green one."
"If China and the US were a stock, I'd be investing in China right now."
"We need to turn that money into broad infrastructural investment."
"When you invest in funds like these, now what you're doing is you are essentially betting on the growth of the American economy. You're not trying to get rich overnight, you are just betting on the slow and steady growth of the economy."
"It's the ultimate equalizer, no matter what else happens, because I plan on spending over 15 billion dollars to provide for opportunity for young black entrepreneurs."
"Gary knows what he's talking about... the economic system put its money where he put his money where his mouth is."
"Investing in economy and tech is the way to go."
"German companies hit a historic high in investment in the United States last year."
"We're investing in Canadians because that's how you build a stronger economy."
"We made a choice to invest in Canadians and that started when we took office."
"We're going to have to invest as I suggested throughout the campaign in infrastructure and healthcare and a whole range of things that are going to generate good paying jobs that will allow us to grow the economy."
"My largest concern is not what are the risks if we make these big investments, it is what is the cost if we don't."
"Pakistan is on the right track to be over a billion dollars in venture investments."
"Build infrastructure. Put your money into tangible things that matter."
"This administration has created an urban council that's now going to invest over a hundred billion dollars through Opportunity Zones into urban and rural communities."
"Basic income can be an investment that pays for itself in the long run."
"We're investing in America, we're investing in Americans, and it's working."
"That's Intel CEO Pat Gilson you're leaning in with President Biden at the White House unveiling a plan to invest tens of billions of dollars in the American heartland of Ohio create thousands of jobs and bring chip manufacturing back to U.S. soil."
"We're making historic investments in Detroit, in Michigan, and all across the country that aren't just righting this ship, but they're positioning this country for generational economic opportunities for all Americans, not just some, but all Americans."
"Just invest in the economy, not in the market."
"The bill for sustained underinvestment in everything from infrastructure, health, and education to private business is coming due."
"The government is investing 500 million to retain steel making at Port Talbot, detecting 5,000 jobs and thousands more in the supply chain."
"We as an economy make the investments that enable us to compete with China."
"The perceived benefits of hosting the World Cup are so great, countries are willing to spend billions of dollars."
"We are not wasting money by rebuilding; we are investing in our country to grow an even richer country, a better economy."