
Multilateralism Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"We need a very different kind of approach, a multilateral rule-based world where we can gain the benefits of cooperation."
"It's indeed my sincere belief that the General Assembly is vital in galvanizing multilateral efforts and actions for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and promoting inclusivity in all its forms to advance our global agenda for people-centric development for common progress and prosperity."
"In this globalized world, no nation, no matter how wealthy, strong, or prepared, can individually stand alone against the tide of global challenges, which require a common action and coordinated multilateral responses."
"Inclusivity in all its manifestations must come to the fore if we are to succeed in galvanizing multilateral efforts for global security, poverty eradication, quality education, and climate action."
"It is with no doubt that the General Assembly has a very fitting theme for the 74th session: galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action, and inclusion."
"The existence of international institutions... and a culture of genuine multilateralism are critical."
"A multipolar world requires actually more, not less, multilateralism." - Subramanyam Jaishankar
"Multilateralism is back, that diplomacy is back."
"A legal norm can only be effective if we collectively uphold it together as part of a multilateral effort."
"They're still affirming themselves as a credible multilateral organization geared and focused on the global South."
"A significant move to deepen ties beyond economic and political realms."
"Our paramount foreign policy challenge is strengthening multilateralism."
"Effective multilateralism depends on an effective United Nations, one able to adapt to global challenges while living up to the purposes and principles of its character."
"I'm for a Cooperative multi-polar multilateral approach."
"The solution is multilateralism and multipolarity."
"We believe in multilateralism that's inclusive, fair, and produces results."
"We're moving towards a more multilateral global system and that might have a positive effect on Palestine."
"Multilateral institutions are run by the most powerful states."
"Multilateral institutions do not survive on their own. You really have to continue to support them all the time if you want these multilateral institutions to survive and do well."
"While Europe initially was trying to create an alternative system and initially, I think Europe was much more multilateralist in its approach, I think by now, the focus has shifted and there is much more emphasis on preferential Trade Agreement."
"We believe in a multilateral regional TPP with key American participation."
"Build a new multilateralism that is reoriented to focus on the common challenges all nations face."
"Organize multilateralism around missions and bring all stakeholders together to address them can be achieved."
"If this system we have created is found no longer to be capable of meeting the challenges of our time, then there will be a crisis of faith in multilateralism and global cooperation."
"The world more now than ever before needs stronger United Nations and consistent and effective multilateralism that collectively ponders and cooperatively resolves mankind's common challenges."
"On all of these issues, multilateral cooperation remains the best way to ensure a safe and prosperous economy for all."
"Despite its flaws, [the multilateral system] is vastly and completely superior to any other method of resolving issues and disputes between states."
"We must answer the call to defend the multilateral system."
"Our commitment to multilateralism and readiness to partner with states large and small in the quest for peace and prosperity for all."
"A multi-polar world needs strong and effective multilateral institutions."
"Too much is at stake; therefore, Kazakhstan stands ready to cooperate with all relevant actors in a spirit of inclusiveness, multilateralism, and goodwill."
"The problems that the world faces today can only be defeated through multilateralism. No one nation can defeat climate change, no one nation can defeat international terrorism and financial crime."
"Our commitment to multilateralism as embodied in the U.N. Charter remains unflinching."
"We need to double down to reaffirm the importance of free trade and of multilateralism."
"We need a multi-polar, multilateral order, starting with the UN Charter."
"We need to act together to strengthen multilateralism as well as to honor and implement commitments made by the General Assembly and global partnerships for sustainable development."
"The United Nations is the core of the multilateral global order as long as the UN exists none can trump at the end of multilateralism."
"We do see now in the Horn of Africa the organic emergence of a new multilateralism."
"There is a tradition of conflict resolution through multilateral framework."
"We need a rule-based multilateral system; we are in a decisive moment, and Kenya will play her part to be a champion for change."
"Strengthening multilateralism catalyzes the well-being of all persons and a sustainable planet."
"She was a fervent advocate of the United States, which she called aggressive multilateralism."
"Multilateralism is part of our DNA; without multilateralism, we don't make sense."
"Exploring opportunities for inclusive multilateral formats to prevent, mitigate, and resolve conflict in the Red Sea region is one of the Institute's comparative advantages."
"That's why I call for this new multilateralism which embraces goods, services, people, capital, but in a way that is far more inclusive."
"Multilateralism at all levels of response, especially through the United Nations and its institutions, becomes essential to ensure peaceful, equitable, and sustainable societies."
"Tanzania is unreservedly committed to multilateralism in pursuit of its national interest."
"We need to reform the U.N. but in the right direction, in favor of further multilateralism, more democracy, better international world, and a more equal and just international economic order."
"Multilateralism is an essential ingredient for a peaceful world."
"Most contemporary challenges... cannot be effectively addressed without multilateral cooperation."
"Multilateralism has driven major advances for people across the world over the years."
"Multilateralism, in its best practice, is a system that acknowledges its foundation on a principle of compromise."
"We cannot afford the enormous cost associated with weak multilateral institutions or inadequate multilateral action."
"The contemporary international order is based on purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter and enhanced by the vision and practice of multilateralism."
"Practicing multilateralism is first and foremost about upholding the U.N. Charter."
"Multilateralism is not about making empty rhetoric; it must be pursued to solve problems."
"We deeply appreciate his efforts in galvanizing a multilateral approach to containing the COVID-19 pandemic."
"We firmly call upon the parties to return to negotiations and diplomatic dialogue, and that peace be promoted and that there be respect for multilateralism."
"We cannot allow geopolitics to paralyze global governance; now more than ever, we need to continue to build bridges and to forge consensus towards decisive multilateral solutions."
"It's very important to make sure that we have the kinds of multilateral institutions and architecture that can maximize the potential and minimize the challenges of a rapidly changing region."