
Life Expectations Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Sometimes life moves on after 'Happy Ever After,' and 'Happily Ever After' is not the fairy tale or the life that you dreamed it would be."
"Once I had come out to myself and others, I don't think my expectation of what my life would look like changed all that much." - Briskin, 33.
"The idea that one day you're going to find the perfect partner, and you'll never be lonely again, or you'll find that perfect job and never be bored at work again, or find the perfect workout routine and be forever fit, it's not going to happen."
"I think there's loneliness there and I think there's also life not turning out the way you thought it would."
"Has your life panned out exactly as you always dreamed that it would? And if not, where are the gaps?"
"I think if I'm just searching for anything that's going to give me everything, whether that's a person or a job, it's unrealistic."
"In real life, things rarely work out as nicely as they do in the movies."
"Look at the facts, look at the data, look at the fact that we have one of the lowest case fatalities in the world."
"I thought at some point I would turn from a chrysalis into a butterfly, that my real life would begin." - Roger Waters
"She was so desperate to live that perfect life she was promised when she was recruited that she was willing to recruit me and pay for it herself just to appear successful and to fake a downline."
"Everybody always assumes they're gonna reach that point."
"We want success, love, and happiness. What happens when things don't go as planned?"
"Nobody's happy all the time. A happy life does not mean being happy 24/7."
"Most of the time, the dying we do is mundane. It doesn't feel wonderful, it just feels like ugh, this is not what I thought it was going to be when I was thinking of trials."
"This is not the life that I wanted, right? I took all the right steps and I ended up in the wrong place."
"You're not gonna flip the switch at thirty years old and have the big house, nice cars and a fat bank account just because you wished it."
"The thing that I thought would make my life perfect didn't."
"What is destined for you is so much better than what you imagined for yourself."
"Bon voyage in your own personal happily ever after, and remember it never happens otherwise."
"Nothing is going to be a fairy tale, nothing is going to be perfect."
"Stop searching for a happy ending, there isn't one."
"Rarely do your dreams for your career or life work out the way that you want them to."
"It's okay to be disappointed, it's okay to be sad and disappointed that life's not exactly how it's how you thought it would be turning out."
"What the hell happens when you're 39, you're single, you're childless and you realize you've been sold a bill of goods about having it all?"
"Life doesn't go the way you thought it was when you're in your 20s."
"I suggest for people to look at the root cause of their own suffering... and finding that place of letting go to the attachment of what you thought your life needed to be like."
"It's availability and expectation. I expect greatness, I am only available for that."
"This is not how I imagined my life turning out."
"I've always had this feeling since I was very young that cool things were going to happen to my life. It's a really odd thing to say out loud but it's almost like a little secret that I've had with myself."
"If you believe your life is going to be perfect, you'll be disappointed."
"I think it really helped me manage my expectations for what my life should look like."
"Getting older is not what it's cracked up to be."
"I was raised in the suburbs... where you're expected to go to college, get a degree, get a job, get a pension and retire. But that's not what happened to me."
"Despite what you think your life's gonna be like, you're still going to be you with all of your flaws and weaknesses."
"Expecting a painless life leads to more pain."
"In the quiet moments of self-reflection, we often find ourselves confronted with the unsettling realization that our lives are not unfolding as we had envisioned."
"You don't need to stress thinking you've got to have your [expletive] together by the time you're like 30."
"Once you get locked up, your expectations of what life has to offer lowers. So after 3 to 6 months, to work a job is almost like a little taste of Freedom."
"Don't expect everything to go your way because everything that you want to be may not be for you at the moment in your life."
"Life isn't how I expected it to feel right now, and there's something in me telling me that I need to grab this and actually do something about it."
"We can have this expectation of intimacy, hope, and inheritance all the rest of our days."
"This wasn't how life was supposed to be."
"You're thinking that this is how your life should be, and it's not."
"When you were young, what did you imagine your life would be like at 40?"
"You don't have to live up to the life expectations because they do not exist; they are not real."
"Why can't my life be like TV, anything on TV so elegant and classy."
"Living by the expectations of how things should be at a certain age in a certain situation is just something that would be of great benefit to get over."
"What messes us up most in life is the picture in our heads of how it's supposed to be."
"You must always expect the great and the good, then only your thinking will become positive."
"Your two cars in the garage didn't quite bring you the satisfaction you thought it would."
"I hope that life will get back to just a normal rhythm."